Author Archives: Tim Stephens



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: Before 5 am Sun., 8:43 am to 8:50 am Tues., 1:44 pm to 1:51 pm Thursday., and 8:47 pm to 8:56 pm Sat.



Note how “small” the “Start Nothing” times are this week — other than Sunday, only 23 minutes out of 6 days (or 23/8,640 total minutes.) This is usually an indication that much will get done this week, and that many projects which are started will find traction.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19


The focus remains on home and family, security and mother nature, Aries. get lots of rest and contemplate your future actions/projects. This is a good time to prune your personal garden — cut out, deadwood, stale relationships, projects that go, nowhere, etc., and plant the seeds for new relationships, projects, etc. Family members remain affectionate and reasonable, but by Monday onward, communications outside the home grow and grow — which is a hint for the 12 months ahead, when travel, errands, communications and paperwork will expand — and aid you in pursuing bigger things. (This is an excellent year ahead to enter higher learning, college, etc.) (Lots of etc.’s!) Money continues to rush toward you. Government and management types continue to work s-l-o-w-l-y… but the real question is: against you or for you? Sunday to Tuesday morning is for money, buying/selling, casual, sex or learning — a great, productive interval, if you wait until almost noon (PDT) Sunday to start. Those errands and communications flow to you midmorning Tuesday too early afternoon Thursday. all goes well Tuesday, but problems crop up Wednesday/Thursday. Thursday night through Saturday highlights your domestic situation again, and in a good, useful way.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Short trips and errands, communications and paperwork fill this week and the next couple, Taurus. These build to a fortunate crescendo Thursday afternoon through Saturday, so get out, talk, phone, visit, submit reports and tell stories. Earlier, your energy and charisma surge upwards Sunday to a little past breakfast Tuesday (PDT). Early Sunday morning could stymie you but the rest of this interval was made for success — charge ahead! Buy/sell, learn something, or embrace someone you wouldn’t usually romance, Tuesday morning to early afternoon Thursday — time your main action for Tuesday, as Wed./Thurs. are rather grim. (See above for Thurs. onward.) You are still filled with sexual courage and magnetism until July 20. A light, friendly romance could start, but an ongoing one could also begin fading. Your greatest good luck remains, until June next year, in the zone of possessions, casual sex, and money. Employed Taureans are due for a pay raise.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Avoid dangerous places and belligerent people until July 20, Gemini. For about the same stretch, your focus lies on earnings, possessions, casual, sex, and rote learning (learning what is already known). Good luck, satisfying results imbue this area until July 11, making this a good time to buy a luxury (or love) item, to ask for a pay raise (or raise prices in your business) or to lock legs with someone willing. (But be honest, not tricky about your emotions.) Your communication skills are returning quickly, and you’re starting to feel restless, to think of travel. For the next year, you are lucky and blessed in the most general way. Your happy mood will attest to this. But for almost the same year, higher-ups will be examining your progress and production, and “grading” you. This can affect your long-term prospects and assets — beneficially, if you have “skin in the game.” Lie low, rest and contemplate Sunday morning to just past breakfast Tuesday (PDT). A great period to liaise with gov’t, head office, institutions, and to meditate, seek spirit, understand karma. Your energy and charisma leap up Tuesday daytime to early afternoon Thursday — go all out to succeed Tuesday, but feel your way cautiously Wednesday/Thursday. Chase money, embrace “fun” sex, go shopping Thursday afternoon through Saturday — good results!

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Thursday afternoon through Saturday encapsulate what this week and the next couple are all about, Cancer: you. Your energy, charisma, effectiveness, and clout are in high gear. This is the time to start something or to give an ongoing project a big push. In the workplace, your main area of success now to June  2025 is management. if you are a civil servant, expect a lot of work and a lot of reward. Earlier, Sunday to Tuesday breakfast (PDT) brings wishes true, expand your contacts, and brings social delights, flirtations, and optimism. A great interval! (But take care with relationships Sunday morning.) Retreat Tuesday daytime to early afternoon Thursday, when weariness and the need for solitude come over you. Liaise with gov’t or head office Tuesday, then be cautious Wed./Thurs. — protect your privacy, rest, contemplate. By Thursday eve through Saturday, you burst into good action. Until July 20, you might make a new male friend, or socialize with someone who can help your career. Until July 11, you shine with physical allure.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Lie low, Leo — rest, contemplate, plan, seek spirit, liaise with gov’t and management types everywhere. July is always your “lowest” month of the year, but this time around you are filled with delicious plans (esp. for love or a creative or speculative project) — and allies “pop up” who want to be on your wagon. So this is the lightest, most sociable “July low” in years! That’s because lucky Jupiter is boosting your social and romantic and emotional buoyancy for a whole year — to next June. Until July 20, you might face “legal” or ethical criticism from higher-ups. (Trump is Leo rising, due to be sentenced by a crooked judge in July.) Sunday to about 9 am Tuesday (PDT) highlights your ambitions, career, and worldly standing. And other than before 8 am Sunday, everything looks green, forward and fortunate. Wishes can come true Tuesday, but not Wed. Nor the first half of Thurs. Ditto romance, popularity, social delights — good Tues., not Wed./Thurs. Retreat Thursday afternoon through Saturday eve. Your energy and charisma fade, so avoid competitive situations. You can successfully deal with management, gov’t, institutions and advisors, though, as here everything flows your way.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The general atmosphere is celebratory, fun and flirtatious, Virgo, as optimism, popularity, social delights and friendly “attractions” fill July — and especially fill this Thursday eve through Saturday. It’s a good time to dream and wish — some of these will come true. Until July 20, strictly avoid lawsuits — and lawyers, unless he/she is helping you in an investment, research, relocation (immigration) or intimate (i.e., making love) project. These matters — love, sex, research, law, far travel, higher learning — are favoured Sunday to breakfast time Tuesday (PDT), so start your engines. A friendly love affair could start before July 11. Tuesday daytime to early afternoon Thursday highlight your ambitions and dealings with higher-ups. Tuesday’s great — charge ahead — but accent defence, not offence, Wed./Thurs. Despite the obstacles you encounter Wed./Thurs., the 11 months ahead will present you with two, and perhaps four, opportunities to boost your prestige, ambitions, and/or career. (A clue to this — and to one of the “obstacles to solve” — appears around 7 pm Wed., PDT.)


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your sexual desires remain unusually high this week and the next two, Libra. You can see others now as the doorway to a major lifestyle change, perhaps including a relocation, or simply to wealth or to security. The general accent, however, until late July lies on your ambitions, career, prestige relations, and worldly standing. These are luckily favoured until July 11, so act without undue delay. A talkative person might enter (or re-enter) your life; this person has romance and/or a creative project on their mind. (Perhaps on their mind their whole life.) I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: until next January, it is far better for you to pursue a relationship/partnership than to opt for singularity. If you are unattached, the 11 1/2 months ahead will bring a sweet, gentle and intelligent person who might well be a good marriage partner for you. Sunday to just past breakfast Tuesday (PDT) brings sexual desires, secrets, subconscious promptings (intuition) medical concerns, lifestyle, choices, and weighty financial actions/opportunities. Your luck is good, so dive into these things. Gentle love, far travel, legal, higher educational, media and religious themes flow into you Tuesday daytime to early afternoon Thursday. These are fortunate Tuesday, NOT Wed. nor Thurs. (But will be very fortunate over the next 11 months.) Be ambitious Thursday afternoon through Saturday: you can climb!


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

If you are an investor, researcher, therapist or medical worker, Scorpio, you’ll love the year ahead, which is filled with lucky nuggets. This month, July, favours you in far travel, profound ideas, seeing the big picture, gentle love, social rituals (weddings, bar mitzvahs, etc.) higher education and law. A Taurus or a prospective?) partner might be involved, in a good way. A love affair that starts now is sure to be very passionate; it might or might not lead to marriage, but it will always be ultra-sexy. Be diplomatic until July 20, as others seem to have an axe to grind. Higher-ups will communicate now to late July — there’s a chance in this, for you to wrangle a promotion. Sunday to Tuesday morning (PDT) boosts your relationship landscape, and could bring someone who lights both your romantic and your physical fires. Grab opportunities of any kind. Mid-week, Tuesday daytime to early afternoon Thursday, highlights sex, lust, finances, medical and lifestyle decisions — but do everything Tuesday, as Wed. and Thurs. are duds. Thursday eve through Saturday highlights the essential themes of this month — big picture, gentle love, law and learning, far travel, etc. — all favourably, so plunge in.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You’re dealing with the depths of life, Sage — sex, pregnancy, investments and finance, medical issues, lifestyle choices — it’s a time of commitment, and consequences. These themes are highlighted late week, Thursday afternoon (PDT) to Saturday night, in a quite fortunate way, so be prepared to charge ahead — do your research first. Earlier, Sunday to a little past dawn Tuesday brings chores, machinery, and mild health needs such as a headache. Good luck accompanies your efforts, so dive into work situations. Midweek, Tuesday daytime to early afternoon Thursday brings relationships, opportunities, distant horizons and public appearances — these go well Tuesday, NOT Wednesday, nor Thursday morning. (In the long run, tho’ — until next summer — these things, relationships, opportunities, go exceptionally well, and will be your major source of luck.) Your work will intrigue you until July 20. Investments and lust will please you until July 11. Your home situation remains “restrictive” until February, 2026.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Relationships, opportunities, meeting the public, and relocation themes fill this week in the next two, Cap. These are fortunately highlighted Thursday to Saturday this week. Unattached Caps (in business or marriage) might meet a viable partner. The beginning of this week is fortunate also, as Sunday to just past breakfast Tuesday brings a very sweet ride in romance, teaching, children, arts, creativity and speculative pursuits. Tackle chores midweek, Tuesday daytime to early afternoon Thursday — but carefully. Start chores Tuesday (fortunate) but ease up Wed./Thurs., when obstacles are many. Long term, others treat you with affection and grace until July 11. Your romantic (or creative) side is intense, impulsive and courageous until July 20. Your huge work pile will grow until June 2025 — with pay rewards, if you demand what you’re worth.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

You face a pile of work, Aquarius. Might as well bend your shoulders and get it done. Relief will come around July 22. Meanwhile, this Thursday to Saturday highlights work, tools, and machinery — a good time to buy or repair machinery or to start a work project. Earlier, Sunday to Tuesday morning nudges you to stay at home, hug the kids, start repairs or renos, enhance security, or dive into mother nature — a good, productive interval. Midweek (Tuesday daytime to early afternoon Thursday, PDT) will bring romantic and/or creative notions, but they might not coalesce into anything satisfying after Tuesday, so act early. Longer-range, your work and machinery actions will turn out fortunately until July 11. Your home will remain friction-prone until July 20. And your romantic interests will blossom into a “dreams come true” situation sometime before June ’25.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The weeks ahead are sure to bring romance to single Pisces, and creative or child-oriented projects to married Pisces. All of you will enjoy pleasure, beauty, and adventure. This leans more toward sexual intimacy until July 11, and more towards partnering to July 25. All this is emphasized very fortunately Thursday afternoon through Saturday. You will be helped in your pursuit of love or money by an unusual (for you) streak of assertiveness in speech until July 20. So speak up! — especially Sunday to Tuesday breakfast (PDT) when communications, travel and paperwork flow fortunately. The whole 11 months ahead bless you in domestic areas, especially in buying/selling a home, real estate generally, and in domestic and child-rearing areas. Remember this when Wednesday through Thursday morning throw “unfair” obstacles in your path. (So act Tuesday, when all is green-lighted for progress.) An easy week, a fortunate month!






I keep promoting this year (June ’24 to June ’25) as a great one for Gemini in particular, and the air and fire signs generally. But if we take a long-term view, it is actually the water and earth signs — with some exceptions — that are riding the best long-term trend. A lot of this good fortune is in a mature stage, so earth signs — Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, and water signs — Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces  — should act on your wishes without procrastination. Look ahead — how can you get to your  goals more directly? The word “wishes” seems to belong in the children’s room, but the serious, sober goals we set up as adults, whether formal or wisps in our mental breezes, are really wishes, aren’t they?


I have talked a little about Pluto travelling through Aquarius for the next 20 years. But there are some things I missed or didn’t think of until now. First, Aquarius rules the flow of water. second, Pluto tends to work out of sight or underground. I mentioned that a lot of bridges would be in trouble over this two decades. But another infrastructure will be attacked by Pluto — in actuality, this will not be an attack, but merely the failure, or ultimate “success” of corruption, slow destruction — of pipes and water control structures of any kind. Recently, Calgary’s water supply has been cut in half (for weeks now) due to failures in a major supply pipeline. In Vancouver last week, a sewer burst and flooded False Creek with sewage. Worldwide, overflowing creeks and collapsing roads should also occur.

In addition, Aquarius is an air sign, so it has a lot to do with commercial jets — and with flying machines of any kind. Pluto always either covers up or uncovers difficulties and failures and cracks, such as keep appearing on Boeing planes. Boeing is a Taurus word, and Pluto in Aquarius is square Taurus — from an angle that can cause extreme examination by higher-ups, which is happening now. (There is talk of criminal charges.) Pluto also rules death and secrets, and two (I think two) Boeing whistleblowers (among 6?) died shortly after blowing their whistles. Pluto is in Taurus’ 10th sign. The 10th sign not only represents your career and ambitions, it also represents higher-ups, examining your work and giving it a pass or fail. I’d say Boeing is failing.


Obviously, the god of the Bible is either a human construct, or relates the human experience of God at the time. Human experiences of God can be, I suspect, of myriad varieties. I think God Is, just Is. So when we experience the Isness, we are experiencing God. In a more logical view, nature and karma intertwine like new lovers, and this might be as close as we will get in the near future to experiencing/envisioning God. This intertwining of nature and karma is close to God, but God is something else: God is the consciousness, not of (nor limited by) nature, nor karma nor their combination, but of the consciousness of existence; or put another way, existence that is conscious of itself. Because existence likes pleasure more than hurt, it must be benevolent — to itself, and toward all.


Long ago, I used to criticize scientists, mainly because they were vocal in criticizing astrology. (Quantum’s “next world,” not quite explored yet, will confirm the basis of astrology.) But “science” has grown to be the main force for change and evolvement in the human race. It’s done this by combining creativity and experiment with structure. Like law or math it’s a way of solving puzzles, and hopefully draws the most curious people. I applaud science – look what it has brought us since 1960: a man, standing on the moon, up there; cell phones, personal computers and all their progeny; the ISpace station, Bitcoin, Tang (food preservation)  and a thousand smaller improvements, esp. in medical fields.

Some mathematicians and scientists are beginning to discover the complexity of God and the truth in what Plato and East Indian mystics said, that life is a shadow game, an illusion. Well, it’s a pretty good solid illusion, but quantum physicists make our solid world seem unsolid, “magical,” and now they have discovered yet “another world” or level beyond quantum mechanics, a set of new rules and results in super-quantum land. In a related development, scientists have begun to perceive what lies on the other side of absolute zero. And mathematicians have “found” a 4th (and a 5th, 6th, etc…) dimension where objects, though not round, roll like circles.


If America re-elects a president whose own daughter has accused him of incest, who has been a traitor to his country, who has treated the USA as his personal cash cow, who has created a censorship machine that could equal the Soviet’s, who has tried to rob parents and Catholics — and now Christians in general — of their traditional rights, who has tried to institute a government that performs Dr. Mengele-type experiments on children, attempting to change their sex through surgery and drugs, who celebrates and fills the White House with aberrant sexual “performers” and who now has Alzheimer’s — if America re-elects this person as their president and leading figure, then you have some idea of what is happening to America, and what it will become.

(Want more? Okay, who almost every day displays his cold, empty heart: leaving American citizens to die in Afghanistan, to be tortured by the Taliban, refusing to recognize or accept his five-year-old granddaughter, who watched while his dog attacked a Secret Service agent, sending him to hospital, and kept the dog through multiple attacks on Secret Service agents, etc.)


Imperfections in the norm are often improvements in the particular. For example: A tree grows, spreading its branches outward and upward. If all things were equal, the tree’s leaves, from heaven’s view, would form a perfect circle. Yet a person could spend an entire lifetime searching for the one tree that actually formed a perfect circle.

There are two ways of looking at this: one is that our concept of perfect is based on mathematics and geometry, which do not deal in inexactitudes, yet find themselves incapable of measuring the smallest units of the most natural things with exactitude. This view basically states that perfection, or symbols of it, such as circles and squares, are a human construct that can be close to somethings in nature, but remain creations of humanity which might reflect or represent but never totally, perfectly “mirror” anything natural.

If we look at any particular situation we will find a plant or an animal that no matter how gorgeous, is not perfect. Some people spend their lives in pursuit of perfection, for instance in championship dog shows. But the interesting thing here Is that the particular is imperfect ON PURPOSE. Imperfection improves health and ability to thrive. Look at the tree again. Under ideal circumstances, It’s canopy would form a circle, but the very thing that gives it life distorts that circle; if the tree is situated north or south of the equator it will bend towards the sun, or its growth will be more full on the sunny side. If one side of its roots finds rocky ground, and the other sinks into delicious loam, the rocky side will be stunted.  Or simply growing up next to a wall: the tree can grow left or right, up or down, but it can’t complete the circle. So in  nature, what we might call imperfection is Instead an adjustment to the environment. So imperfection is improvement.
