Author Archives: Tim Stephens



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 8:05 pm to 8:14 pm Sun., 3:30 pm to 11:08 pm Wed., and 1:45 am to 1:52 am Fri.



I often use “key words” in these forecasts. When the Moon (or some other “luminary”) is in your second sign, I often talk about “possessions” and buying or selling. When the Moon or other body is in your eighth sign, I mention “investments.” (For example, if you’re an Aries, Taurus is your 2nd sign, and Scorpio is your 8th sign.)

A reader just wrote me, asking if a car is a possession or an investment.

In general, a car is a possession — as opposed to an investment. Investments are intended to grow in value, while cars tend to decline in value over time. But a car can be an investment if it is bought specifically to earn money and/or increase “status” to impress clients to earn more money. (E.g., a Real estate sales person buys a Mercedes to replace her Ford Focus, in order to impress clients.)

The difference lies in the motive: if you want to possess something, to use it for convenience or enjoyment, it is a possession, and relates to the sign right after yours (your “2nd sign”). If you want to start a business or increase your earning capacity, or simply be rewarded financially for possessing an item over a period of time, you are investing, and operating “in” your 8th sign (the zodiac sign 8 from your own, counting counter-clockwise, and counting your own sign as # 1)





aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Your general, broad focus this week and the next three lies on family, home, security, mother nature, rest and contemplation, Aries. This is a good time for gardening, repairing or decorating your abode, working on your children’s future, buying furniture, etc. Money is still flowing to you, but you also are feeling a subconscious urge to spend — use extra dollars to pay off debt or save in the bank. Family discussions yield good information and good decisions. You realize your family loves you. That paperwork, communications and travel remain an active part of your life, and will until next June. Realize good fortune can come from small things like a call or a paper application. Be ambitious Sunday; strut your stuff. Heightened popularity, social delights, optimism, and flirtations raise your spirits Monday/Tuesday. However, in the afternoon of both days, avoid arguments or sudden moves. Wednesday/Thursday shunt you into a quiet place. Your energy and charisma turn downward, so rest, contemplate and plan, meditate and pray, and liaise with government or head office or institutions. Despite your weariness, these are two good days that offer you steady success. Your energy and pizzazz bounced back Friday/Saturday. Get out and about, hail friends, and get things done.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Your good money luck remains, Taurus, for a whole year ahead. But the temporary monthly influence has turned to errands, short trips, communications, and paperwork — until July 22. Your messages and queries will garner quick and favourable replies. (Good time for a love note.) Now to July 20, you might befriend an Aries type (assertive, quick). Your sexual magnetism, courage and impatience remain high to the same date. Sunday’s for legal, educational, philosophical and similar concerns — and love — with good results. Be ambitious Monday/Tuesday. — The only person who can trip up your climb is you: be gentle, tolerant Monday, and smooth, reassuring Tuesday. Happiness arrives Wed./Thurs., with social delights, popularity, flirtations and optimism — a gentle good luck leads you to happy harbour. But Friday/Saturday pull you into weariness, quietude, rest and contemplation. Avoid direct competition. It’s an easy interval, so clear up neglected chores, dream and plan.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The accent has switched, Gemini, from personal presence to the pursuit of income, possessions, learning, and physical embrace (perhaps of someone you don’t love — be honest with him/her). You remain as cheerful as last month, and will remain pretty cheerful and personally lucky all the way to next June. This is your year ahead to “break out,” to conquer new lands and new hearts, to step up on the world stage and say hey look at me! Publishing, foreign countries, scholars, lawyers, and profound ideas could be involved in your successes. Until July 20, continue to avoid dark places and belligerent people. An Aries person will either work against you or support you — nothing in between. The weeks ahead favour earnings, buying/selling — a bit of communication and a dollop of affection will open others’ wallets. Look deeply, research, trust your intuition and pursue investments, sexual intimacy, or a medical or lifestyle solution Sunday — all’s good! Gentle love, intellectual awakening, law, far travel and social rituals visit you Monday/Tuesday. Be cautious — and gentle — both afternoons. but be ambitious Wednesday/Thursday — approach the boss, ask for a pay raise, promote your own business or otherwise charge ahead — luck rides with you! Popularity, social joys, flirtations, optimism and entertainment regale you Friday/Saturday. Both days need mild caution, but also please you.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is your month to shine Cancer, until July 22. Your energy, charisma, effectiveness, and clout could hardly be stronger. (Though they will be stronger — at a decade peak — next year, July 2025.) Your appearance and your “voice” (written or vocal) are sweet and appealing now (to early July). Also, males befriend you (until July 20) whether you’re male or female. An Aries might affect your life in a good way. Sunday brings exciting meetings, opportunities and possible public appearances — good aspects, so dive in. Deep stuff Monday/Tuesday: secrets, research, subconscious promptings, lust for sex and/or power, medical and lifestyle issues, finances, investments/debt. Proceed with some caution, both afternoons (PDT). Profound ideas, far travel, law, higher learning, social rituals and gentle love fill Wed./Thurs. — chase what/whom you want, as good fortune rides with you. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — a generally productive interval, but be aware of home, family’s needs, too.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Lie low, Leo, until July 23. Rest, recharge emotional, mental and physical batteries. contemplate and plan. Seek the spiritual, and do good deeds to build up your karmic bank account. Liaise with government and head office, but don’t expect a lot from this. There’s no harm here, but not big rewards either. The really rewarding thing for you now until next June will be social: your popularity, social joys, optimism, and willingness to flirt will be your main sources of pleasure until mid 2025. However, this luck is at a minimum now to late July, so take life slowly. A check up or OTC medicines — or simply a good breakfast — benefit your health Sunday. you can get a lot done, and it’s a good day to buy tools or machinery, even a car. Relationships confront you Monday/Tuesday. Go slow here, especially each afternoon — be diplomatic, don’t make enemies. Life’s mysteries arise Wed./Thurs. — secrets, research, major financial actions, lust, intimacy, lifestyle changes and medical concerns. Good luck rides with you here, so do invest or seek intimacy, etc. A wise, gentle tolerance flows into you, Friday/Saturday. You can see far into the future, you can entertain profound ideas, you will feel natural amongst scholars, publishers, lawyers, international travellers, foreign people, etc. A good week!


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Expect to be happy for the few weeks ahead, Virgo. Your popularity, optimism and flirtatiousness will rise until late July. If you’re single, a friendly affair might start at anytime. These are a few good weeks to join a new social group or club. Until July 20, avoid lawsuits — and lawyers, unless you have an investment contract to create, or are suing for assets (say, in divorce proceedings). Your career and worldly status are in for a big boost in the 12 months ahead. For some reason, your increased status might come from a new home, real estate in general, or from your family. Sunday’s romantic and creative and pleasurable — seek these, success is likely. Tackle chores Mon./Tues., but be cautious both afternoons (PDT) when anger, accident or disruption can occur. Exciting meetings, opportunities, the public spotlight, or relocation themes crowd your Wed./Thurs. — and luckily so! Life gets more secretive Fri./Sat., when lust, pregnancy, medical concerns, lifestyle choices, investment and other financial mechanisms face you. Proceed with “mild caution” — good results are possible.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The main emphasis for the few weeks ahead, Libra, will be on your ambitions, prestige relations, your career and worldly standing. These are under good auspices now to at least July 11, as higher-ups favour you. Recently, something to do with far travel, higher learning, publishing/media, the law, profound ideas and/or gentle love, has started to blossom. (Or to bud — the full flower will bloom over the next 12 months.) This area of travel and ideas might be a link to success in the career zone June/July. Now to July 20, things could get hot and heavy with someone you’re attracted to. A commitment, even a marriage, might come of this. (Same on a business level — a looming partnership possible.) Sunday is for home and family — and happiness and friendly cooperation. Your romantic antennae vibrate temptingly Monday/Tuesday, but disruptions might interfere, both afternoons (PDT). Tackle chores Wed./Thurs. — you’ll get a solid stack done. Good two days to buy/repair tools, machines. Relationships, opportunities, relocation themes and being “out in public” emphasized Fri./Sat. It’s an “okay” time for all these, but not so easy the first 15 hours of Friday. A good week, Libra.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The several weeks ahead enlighten you, Scorpio. Bigger ideas, tolerance, International affairs, higher learning, far travel and legal matters rise in importance. This should be a good, rewarding few weeks, especially in love zones and in “true friendship.” With Mars in your partnership sign until July 20, however, you will have to tread lightly and diplomatically with people who might have an angry streak. Some of you will entwine with a coworker. Your investment, business, research and sexual prospects began to improve last month and will offer you a cornucopia of enriching possibilities for the next 12 months. Dive into errands, paperwork and communications Sunday — easy success.  Be home or in the hood Monday/Tuesday. Enhance your security, and hug your kids. Be careful both afternoons (PDT) when angry retorts or disruptions occur. Romance beckons, and almost certainly rewards, Wednesday/Thursday. The same applies to creativity, speculation, risk taking, teaching children, and the pursuit of beauty and pleasure. Tackle work Friday/Saturday — you’ll succeed with chores, but give romance a pass — except Friday night.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The four weeks ahead feature an area you don’t often deal with, Sage: mysteries, subconscious promptings, secrets, medical and lifestyle decisions, lust, power motives, and large financial interests. These will be favoured with someone of partnership quality through July 1, and in general past that, to July 11. A profit, a pregnancy, a revelation — all quite possible. You might be working hard until July 20 (esp. if it’s a creative or teaching project) or you might be romancing a coworker (less likely). You might have had an eye-opening or gratifying connection with someone in past weeks. This continues now, but on a slow burner — this, or other relationship, relocation, public or relocation themes will expand fortunately until June 2025, and could lead to a major partnership event, and love or business. Sunday is for money and shopping. You could find what you’ve been looking for. Perform errands, paperwork and communications Monday/Tuesday. Be cautious both afternoons (PDT) as friction, accidents or disruptions can enter. Home is where you belong Wednesday/Thursday — and good luck rewards you here. Romance, creative surges, risk taking, adventure, pleasure, and beauty call you Friday/Saturday. Dive in, enjoy — but don’t expect much to come of it, especially Friday daytime.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

For the month ahead, Cap, the emphasis lies on relationships, public appearances, relocation possibilities and general opportunities — some at a distance. Others will answer you readily until July 2, and will treat you graciously and affectionately until July 11. So act early — even before mid-July, some of your “relationships” will move into commitment and consequences (in this instance benevolent ones). Sexually and romantically, you will be unusually assertive until July 20. Your energy and charisma are high and solid Sunday — start or accomplish something! Get out, see and be seen. Chase $, buy/sell, embrace casual intimacy, and/or memorize something Mon./Tues. Be cautious both afternoons (PDT) when friction, accidents or disruptions can enter. Perform errands, communications and paperwork Wed./Thurs. — you’ll get a lot done, and could make a new friend or two. Head for home, family Fri./Sat. — security, mother nature, rest and contemplation are slated. Mostly productive, good — hug the kids!


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Ug, drudgery for the next several weeks, Aquarius. You have lots of work to do, so better get at it — remember, this is good work with satisfying rewards. Might focus on your home or leased premises (e.g., for business). Be gentle and tolerant on the home front, as you might be too aggressive now to July 20. Your romantic prospects are strong and fortunate for the next 12 months. You might notice this in a rather spectacular way late July into August, when an attraction fulfills a wish, a dream. Lie low and rest Sunday: meditate, plan, observe your world and its unfolding over time. Good insights. Your energy and pizzazz bounce back Monday/Tuesday — good, but sidestep friction, disruptions both afternoons (PDT). Chase money, buy/sell, welcome intimacy, perhaps with someone you don’t know that well, and/or learn something wednesday/ Thursday. Everything works, so charge ahead. errands, communications, paperwork, and restless travels fill Friday/Saturday. Maybe a minor frustration Friday daytime, but otherwise things flow smoothly. Overall, a pretty good week.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The general emphasis lies on romance, creativity, risk taking, teaching, children, pleasure, and beauty for the next few weeks, Pisces. Affection and communication come easily — you could even fall in love. Communications about money can be swift and assertive until late July. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: the 12 months ahead bring tremendous good luck in family, child-oriented, real estate, residential, furniture, decorating and repairs. (Even if you’re poor and on welfare, you can use this time to find a better rental.) Sunday’s for socializing, happiness, wishes and optimism — all’s good! But retreat Monday/Tuesday. You’ll be tired, so get your rest, contemplate and plan, meditate and seek spirit, and liaise with head office or government. Be cautious each afternoon when arguments or accidents could occur. Your charisma energy, clout, and effectiveness spring up Wednesday/Thursday. Good luck rides with you, so start new projects or give ongoing ones a mighty push. Others will help. chase money Friday/Saturday. Buy/sell, memorize something or embrace an intimacy that “just arises.”




All these UN claims that the Palestinians in Gaza are starving: for months, I’ve watched clips of the war-torn strip, and have been puzzled by the energy and health of the citizens. It didn’t look like starvation to me. Now it’s revealed that there are no food shortages at all. The UN “calculated” the shortage of food by counting the trucks going through the Egypt-Gaza border. But they only counted specific trucks, ignoring all charitable orgs’s food freight trucks, all privately-owned trucks, etc.


Astronomers now believe there are about 1 trillion planets with earth-like conditions to support life. My Father’s house has many mansions, Jesus said — or something like that.


The Connecticut bar association is threatening lawyers in that state, telling them not to criticize the “hush money” show trial (complete with circus performers Stormy and Michael) that convicted Trump of doing something suspicious. The trial was controlled by the judge and the prosecutor, both of whom denied Trump’s defence lawyers access to a lot of the documents/evidence. Additionally, the judge —  who should be in jail — severely restricted Trump’s defence witnesses. He allowed only one witness for the Trump team, then proceeded to block almost everything that witness said, and finally threatened to remove him for “rolling your eyes! Are you rolling your eyes at me?” (He spewed this witness-intimidating vitriol while the jury was out of the room. Almost every time this judge wanted to do something corrupt, he removed the jury first so they wouldn’t see what he was doing.)

So it’s come to this, unsurprisingly: lawyers now can be disbarred for criticizing a corrupt judicial system controlled by Joe Biden, “Dictator in Dementia.” At least half the lawyers in the United States recognize how corrupt that trial was — but, says the state bar of Connecticut, they are not allowed to speak about it. Vodka, anyone?


All this fawning coverage of Kate Middleton, the presumptive queen of presumptive future king William: I know you’re not supposed to kick people when they’re down, and it’s very public knowledge that Kate has cancer. Well, I’m sorry for her. But I refuse to praise her. I think she’s nasty. The unprovoked way she treated Megan was despicable. She was rude, contemptuous and ugly — to a woman who, in all human respects except in the musty, feckless, and impotent royal hierarchy, is obviously her superior. Kate is a small-worth person filled with ambition. Which makes me wonder what kind of human her husband William is. To marry such a woman says something about the man.


We know we can bend light, and some, such as laparoscopic technicians, do this every day. But what if we built a hugely reflective and as nearly perfectly circular as possible, “light circle” — and of the best size — so that the light beam that enters preserves its energy so that, say, 50 % of its (reflected) power still exists as it completes the circle. If there was also a continuous incoming light stream, wouldn’t the light intensify or “gain weight,” or climb to some threshold? Beyond which —? Or if no “accumulating energy gain” occurs, then why not? Why can’t light be stored?


If Trump does become president again, the first thing he should do is fire Christopher Wray, head of the FBI. Wray is a snake in the grass who considers Trump to be a fool and an enemy. He’s very smooth and subtle, and no one’s really ever pinned him down, especially in Congress, but he’s a rat in pussycat clothing.
