Author Archives: Tim Stephens



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 12:05 pm to 12:29 pm Sun., 12:16 pm to 10:39 pm Tues., and 10:54 am to 11:12 pm Fri.



Last week I gave you a long, long list of “first letters of first names” of people who work against you, cause delays, or offers bad advice.

I made a typo in the Aug. 26/64 to Feb. 19/66 date ~ U E, X (and sibilant C) — the letter U does not belong here, so the correct initials are: E, X (and sibilant C).


ALL SIGNS: This week has many “bad aspects” — I call them snags, glitches or obstacles. Yet we are in the middle of a hugely fortunate month (late May to late June) — a month in which we can all launch projects likely to succeed over the 12 months ahead. If you have already started a project, or started down a new path or formed a new relationship in the past 18 days, stick with it. But if you have not, and want to, try these (all “times” are Pacific Daylight): June 9, 5 pm through June 10 — June 14 noon to 4 pm June 16. (June 14, 15 better.)

(More in the AFTERAMBLE.)





aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The accent continues on communications, paperwork, reports, casual friends, trips and errands, Aries. these expand now for the next 12 months. You might think., wow what a waste of time. But these errands and communications are blessed this year, and might be your link to major lucky developments. For example, you could spend the next 12 months looking at real estate ads or driving around to look at places for sale, and then from July 2025 to July 2026, you will face, the luckiest year in over a decade to both sell and buy a home or real estate in general. Or, an email might connect you to someone who holds a fortunate opportunity for you. (Especially this week, when contacts are affectionate and informative.) More money than usual will flow to you for the next six weeks. But you will also have a subconscious desire to spend. Try to bank as much as you can if unemployed these six weeks are a great time to look for work. Sunday noon to late night Tuesday (PDT) brains, romance, creative, surges, pleasure, beauty, and good luck! Well “good luck” might be stretching it a little, as Sunday might hold arguments, and Tuesday seems to deepen them, or cause a moment of anger that deletes one of your wishes. Tackle chores Wednesday to late morning Friday. Proceed cautiously, and protect your health w/nutrition. exciting relationships arise Friday noon into the entire weekend. Friday is best, so plunge and chase someone!


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Chase and collect money, Taurus. this is a pretty good time to buy luxury items (a jewel for the beau?) or communication or travel (car?) items or stationery. if you buy the practical, it will be beautiful. If you buy the beautiful, it will turn out to be practical also. Beyond this week, your money and income luck will be high and favourable all the way to next June. For the next six weeks, you will be imbued with courage, assertiveness, and sex appeal. but don’t let any of these draw you into a restrictive situation (or a conflict with management or government). Early Sunday is restless, but midday Sunday to midday Wednesday settles you down — home, children, rest, contemplation and security welcome you, but various snags can stymie your efforts (especially in career and other ambitions, which you should not be focussing on now anyway). Don’t fight with the boss — you could be fired. Monday is best. Romance, creativity, risk-taking, pleasure and beauty enter Wednesday to midday Friday. Again, obstacles can litter your path, so proceed cautiously. Tackle chores, Friday afternoon into the weekend — you’ll succeed, esp. Friday.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

You are operating at peak efficiency and peak cheerfulness, Gemini. your energy and charisma are buoyant. Usually, I would say start important projects now — however, this week is so riddled with obstacles that I would wait until Friday pm (or, less so, June 18 and 19) to launch anything, especially in creative, love and pleasure/games areas. (If you launched something May 27 or 31st through June 5, it will succeed.) You are talkative, restless, and curious right now. For six weeks ahead, avoid belligerent people and sketchy places. Someone who supports you might befriend you (e.g., nurses will be friendly in the hospital). Your hopes might rise about a management or bureaucratic position. Remember, for 12 months good opportunities face you. Sunday morning is for home and family. This afternoon through Tuesday brings errands, short trips, casual friends, and paperwork and communications. Think before you express yourself, and drive carefully. Sunday night and Monday are best for success. Home envelops you Wednesday to midday Friday, but proceed cautiously as snags are everywhere. Friday p.m. starts a weekend of potentially powerful romance, especially Friday night. but be careful not to mix fantasy and affections.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Everything is in the background, Cancer. Well, almost everything: you are steeped in solitude, rest and contemplation. Stay away from competitive situations, except in bureaucratic areas — for example, applying for a step up in government or head office is favoured. this area of contemplation and management will expand over the next 12 months. the year ahead will be a great time to attend a spa or take a long recuperation vacation. Tackle neglected chores — for a year! One exception: although you are in a quiet, retiring position for another two weeks, higher-ups or peers in your career befriend you — and by late June, you will pop into an ambition-related popularity until late July. You are filled with energy Sunday. This afternoon through Tuesday nudges you to chase $, casual intimacy, buying, or rote learning. Be stingy — many lemons exist. Best Sunday night, Monday. Errands, paperwork, short trips and communications fill Wednesday to midday Friday. Obstacles are scattered in your path, so proceed cautiously and discreetly/politely. Friday pm begins a weekend of home and family, rest and security. A good time to hug the kids, veg out and contemplate the future. Realize any secret desires will conflict with your morals or ethics.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Someone might be flirting with you, Leo, or you with them — or both! Your heart is buoyed by popularity, optimism, light romance, social delights, and entertainment — very much this week and next, but to a uplifting degree for the next 12 months. If you are unattached, you might meet someone who could turn into one of your life’s more memorable friendly romances. This applied last week also, and will until Sunday the 16th — but with a bit of “turbulence” or headwinds this Sunday to midday Friday. Sleep late Sunday — by noon PDT (8 pm in Britain, 3 am the next day in China, etc.) through Tuesday, your energy and charisma soar. However, avoid relationship showdowns, esp. Sunday afternoon and Tuesday dawn. Late Sunday, and all Monday best. Chase money, buy/sell, learn something by rote, and/or embrace casual intimacy Wednesday to midday Friday. But proceed cautiously, as many snags exist. Friday night starts a weekend of casual friends, short trips, information gathering, communications, and paperwork. for most success, act Friday pm. Now to late July, higher-ups might be impatient and critical, so keep your sense of humour and diplomacy.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The accent remains on your ambitions, your career and worldly profile, prestige relations — and tests of your abilities. — Which you will pass with flying colours not only this week but until June 2025 — in fact, you are likely to be promoted some way or another. (I say “some way” because your promotion might be in a different direction than you plan on — some Virgos Will need to end or lose a job before acquiring a better one.) Now to late July, strictly avoid lawsuits. The six weeks ahead will be a good time to think, but not to express. Someone sexy might pursue you with a “standard relationship” in mind until late July. You start Sunday hopefully, but by midday — through Tuesday — you slide into a restful and contemplative solitude. Use this time to recharge physical and emotional energies. Avoid conflicts and possible unethical situations at work. Your energy and charisma return Wednesday to midday Friday. This is often a good time to start projects, and to get out and greet people. However, multiple snags can pull at your heels, so advance cautiously, and use your energy to solve more than to start. Pursue money, buy/sell, or embrace someone physically Friday p.m. through the weekend. (You might get rebuffed June 16 nighttime, but Friday night — June 14 — special good luck rides on the wind, linking career to money.)


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The emphasis remains on profound ideas, higher education, media and publishing, statistics and science, law, international concerns, far travel — and gentle but possibly vast love, Libra. These are very favoured late May and June, and will be very favoured for 12 months, but might meet some struggles this week. Since May 1st, if single, you have met at least one valid partnership prospect; if married, you might have met a very lively, assertive potential business or practical partner. Now to late July, a business bonding or opportunity proceeds into the nitty-gritty: funding, share, allocations, launching the project, etc.. Same time, a love bonding or opportunity veers into sexual intimacy, and financial sharing such as buying a house or sharing rent or parenthood. If you are married, avoid outside temptations for 6 weeks. Mid day Sunday through Tuesday brings happiness in the form of social delights, popularity, flirting, optimism, and entertainment. But focus on your mood rather than on action, especially where romance and intimacy are involved. Find a quiet place Wednesday to midday Friday: rest, contemplate and plan. Meditate, do a good deed. But don’t push too hard for results as obstacles are many. Your energy and charisma shoot skyward Friday pm through the weekend. Start things, chase, love, get out and meet people. Friday night and Saturday daytime are most successful.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The accent remains on lust, power plays, major financial actions, medical and lifestyle decisions, research and intuition, Scorpio. You can trust that last one, intuition, more deeply than logic through the 12 months ahead, as your subconscious will be very active. During these same 12 months, these areas (lust, finances, et al) will be fortunate — perhaps hugely so. More than one Scorpio will get rich on his/her investments. The six weeks ahead to late July will  imbue the people you meet as well as your spouse or business partners, with a new assertiveness — even with aggression if you oppose them. Be diplomatic, but refuse to be bullied. After a mellow morning, Sunday brings ambition and prestige factors through Tuesday. Push your ambitions Sunday night through Monday, but be cautious before and after this time. You might face difficulty or an argument with your partner over a child or a home/domestic concern. Wishes do come true, and a minor one might be fulfilled Wednesday through midday Friday — a phase of popularity, social delights, flirtations, entertainment and optimism. but don’t push too hard, as minor snags are everywhere. retreat to a quiet place Friday night through the weekend — a great time to make plans for future actions.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The accent remains on exciting meetings, great relationship prospects, new horizons and relocation themes, opportunities, and public appearances, Sage. (New horizons intellectually, too.) These are not only lucky now (late May to late June) but for the 12 months ahead. If you start a new relationship, it might quickly move to partnership, but one obstacle might be money and domicile. For instance, the two of you might have very different financial resources, and therefore find it hard to agree on a place to live together. You want a cheap place, and he/she wants a prestige place. Sunday morning (PDT) is private and (maybe) sexy, but the afternoon through Tuesday brings an influence you usually love: internationalism, far travel, profound ideas, publishing, import/export, law and learning. You will be fortunate here, Sunday eve and Monday. Otherwise, obstacles — most likely involving work, communications or health, and “mobility” — interfere. Be ambitious Wednesday to midday Friday. Again, you will face various obstacles, but some of them can actually be turned to your advantage — a stairway is often built upon obstacles. Friday pm through the weekend will bring popularity, social delights, flirtation, and optimism — have fun! (But don’t risk the home, or married happiness, June 16.)


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

You are still in a work phase, Capricorn. but don’t despair, work now will bring very good rewards — and that applies all the way to June 2025. Same period, if you become ill or injured, get to a doctor, because not only work can expand in the year ahead; so can health situations. This week starts a month and a half of romantic courage, risk taking (esp. on the home front and in nature) and your assertive search for pleasure or beauty — or love of course! Some of you singles might end one affair and start another. Lunchtime Sunday to almost midnight Tuesday (PDT) features powerful subterranean currents: lust, desire for power, intuition and subconscious promptings, major financial activities, medical diagnosis, or lifestyle changes. These can be successful Sunday eve through Monday, but don’t bite off more than you can chew, especially early Sunday and all Tuesday, when your income or financial situation might conflict with your romantic or creative urges. A mellow mood, wisdom and profound ideas, international concerns, far travel, law, higher learning and gentle love enter Wednesday to midday Friday. But go slow, as many glitches litter your path. Career, prestige, worldly standing and ambitions — and tests — enter Friday pm through the weekend. You’ll do fine! (Lucky all Friday pm.)


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Romance can answer your dreams, Aquarius, and can build into a big affair during the 12 months ahead. (Impaired, if it is, only by money differences or an urge to “possess” someone — most likely in August, December and May/25.) But if you are married, be good!  (If married, the children bring joy and — believe it or not — wishes come true.) This is also a good month — and year ahead – for creative projects, pleasure and beauty, competitions and risk, teaching/raising children, and general good luck. A Gemini, Leo or Libra might be involved. For the next six weeks, you might experience friction on the home front. be gentle, not dictatorial. You can bleed off some or all of that friction potential by diving into a related project — doing renovations, or making a chair or digging a swimming pool, etc. Midday Sunday through Tuesday brings relationships and opportunities. these are exciting and workable Sunday evening through Monday, but do not yield to heavy handedness or domestic argument. Deeper zones, sex/lust, power plays, investment or other financial actions, medical and lifestyle decisions, research and subconscious promptings (intuition) slide into Wednesday through midday Friday. Difficult aspects outnumber beneficial ones 7 to 2, so proceed with alertness and caution. E.g, probably not the best time to invest. Friday afternoon through the weekend brings a sweet, mellow and tolerant mood, as well as profound ideas, higher learning, far travel, law, and other mind expanding things — including love.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The accent continues on your domestic and security zones, Pisces.  These are quite fortunate now (read “All Signs” in the Preamble above for timing details) and they will stay fortunate until June, 2025. (Making this a great year ahead to, for instance, find a new home.) However, this week holds many obstacles, so proceed cautiously until Friday afternoon onward. The six weeks ahead raise a flurry of communications, paperwork, trips and errands. The best of these link to a money project or motive. Sunday morning shows you beauty, but by 1 pm (PDT) through Tuesday, you face a lot of chores. You can tackle them most successfully from suppertime Sunday through Monday. Be careful all three days not to say the wrong thing (esp. about $) — and to drive carefully. Wednesday to midday Friday brings relationships, opportunities, public appearances and relocation themes. Be diplomatic and cooperative, but don’t be bullied. Obstacles litter the path of lovers and partners. If someone new comes into your life during this interval, do not keep them. Midday Friday through the weekend gives your subconscious some Red Bull to drink — it surges up, trying to inform you, to help you, mostly in the form of intuition. This is a very fortunate interval, especially Friday p.m., for financial actions, research, sexual intimacy (esp. If you are seeking pregnancy) and medical and lifestyle decisions.






I don’t know if you remember my split face theory, but I tried it out on Hunter Biden the first morning of his trial. The right side of his face (emotions and the lower consciousness) looks smoothly, cooly angry and determined. The left side of his face (which represents the conscious mind) looks stunned and surprised.


Launch your major battles/campaigns on June 6, any year. If someone attacks you/your nation on this day, sue for peace.


Israel will grow more aggressive in the Gaza war now to late July. (They might even start a new one, outside Gaza.) They will be soundly criticized, but to no avail. There seems to be a hidden side, or something involving management in their war for the next six weeks. I think Israel will try to destroy Hamas’s tunnels once and for all. I have already proposed a method to clear all the tunnels… Of course no one listens to me! (He wailed in his old refrain…)


Stocks: I’d sell major Canadian food retailers; they might suffer a money squeeze — but do the stock holders know yet? Maybe. If so, these stocks should already be down, so hold and see. I have no financial expertise. This idea came from an excellent program on CBC, “The National” on June 4, showing that the average Canadian has reduced food spending by 27 per cent, from 2020 to 2023, despite inflation! (Shows how wasteful we were with our food before.) So, Loblaws and Weston and the like are paying more for their products per unit due to inflation, yet are selling 27 % less in $ terms. I wouldn’t want to own a food store, unless there is something here that I can’t see.


OK, this comes from my fevered brain and is completely speculative: Joe Biden’s (first) wife and daughter died in a car accident. This is sometimes cited as the cause of Hunter Biden’s wild drug addictions and sex orgies. A crazy thought: what if that accident was somehow designed, somehow created on purpose to rid Joe Biden of some burden or other? We already know he incestuously interfered with the surviving daughter, Ashley Biden. What if his wife and other daughter were outraged by his pedophilia incest, and threatened, for example, to go to the police? What if Biden then had them knocked off? (“Make sure it looks like an accident…”)

Sounds crazy. but not so crazy when you remember what many people don’t know: that Joe Biden was first elected with the help of a mafia crime boss. (This was Joe’s first adventure into controlling the press — evidently, 50 years later, pol Joe has learned his lesson well.) On the morning of his first election the local paper ran a front page story detailing Joe’s — perhaps criminal — misdeeds. That mafia boss sent his thugs to the printing press to make sure that not one paper left the press, not one reached the street or a citizen reader. And Joe won his first election. (The mafia connection is a reported story, so I can’t vouch for it, but it sounds very JB-ish.)


I talked last week about judge Merchan hiding his birthdate, and pointed out that his initials suggest he’s a Scorpio, or that his birth chart has a Scorpio pattern — e.g., Sun in the 8th house, or Scorpio rising. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto. Last year, Pluto moved into Aquarius. Aquarius is Donald Trump’s legal sign, and (because he’s Leo rising) also his enemy sign. Pluto rules Scorpio. Look at the Scorpios who have hounded Trump: Biden, Fani Willis, Hillary Clinton (no legal action, but plenty of resentment), and Merchan. All have tried to destroy him legally (ex-Hillary), and all have acted in hidden, secretive, and sleazy ways. Collusion, stacking juries, hand-picking Trump-hating judges. This law-fare against Trump was very scorpionic, and flourished — but was also exposed — while Jupiter was in Taurus (May 2023 to May /24). But now Jupiter is in Gemini until June 2025. The scorpions will get even more vicious and poisonous and launch even deeper attacks, often undetectable until you see the wound.


With Pluto in Aquarius for the next 19 years, we might see a dictatorship in electricity and atomic power. Governments will tend to force citizens to buy electric vehicles, and legislators will agree with them.

Generally, this whole 19 year transit will bring a force of secrecy and hidden knifings to gatherings, whether these are political, social or work oriented.

To give you an idea of how Pluto prefers to work, just look at Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, corrupt Fani Willis or crooked judge Juan Merchan, all Pluto-ruled Scorpios.

(But as I wrote last week, there are many more good Scorpios than bad. Every sign has good and bad characters. For example, bad Geminis are persuasive liars, unfaithful lovers, unstoppable talkers, always late and unreliable, but with 50 excuses tucked in their pocket. Bad Cancers are overly possessive parents, sarcastic toward their friends, and selfish of their time, their possessions and their emotions. Bad Virgos are always critical, and they hound you with their latest idiotic health regime. But good Virgos are logical, analytical, helpful, practical, encouraging and loyal. And good Cancers are the best parents — and the best sons — of all, patriotic and good with money. Good Geminis are witty, friendly, tolerant and accepting in love and racial areas, and great in a crisis. Every sign has good and bad, so please don’t blame me when I sometimes only point out the bad.)


The political fracturing and twinning that you’re seeing now will continue for about another 11 months. Examples are: some Democrats peeling off from their party to support a republican motion or bill. Schism in the Republican party basically between the Trumpers and never-Trumpers, although the split is not huge because the anti-camp is so small. But the schism will increase over the year ahead. (Already, RNC Chair L.T. is “campaigning” against a republican senator who is almost certain to retain his seat, because she doesn’t like his views. Ever hear of a party, guys?)

Gemini Donald Trump will be very popular, but the authorities will continue to attempt to jail him. Trump is a known and consistent Force, whose popularity will be at a decade hig. This will not surprise anyone, though it might astound the bigots in the democratic “Squad.”

The real unknown in this presidential race is Joe Biden. His cognitive decline is reportedly growing ; It’s like there’s a wall there, and the wall is Joe Biden; but the wall is crumbling.To what degree will it crumble by the DNC convention, and past that, to what degree by September-November, when votes are cast? I think the crumbling has begun in earnest, but Joe is a pretty crafty dog. He used his dementia “disguise” to slip through Robert Hur’s noose. Still, this might be a case of the disguise overtaking the actor wearing it.


In the Catholic or popular western conception, the afterlife consists of a heaven, a hell, and a purgatory. Only the most dire evil doers end up in hell. The rest of us end up in purgatory, where we are allowed to work on our sins and spiritually cleanse ourselves — and ultimately are admitted to heaven. I suspect this earthly life we are living now IS purgatory. What a kind God this must be to give us a purgatory that In most cases is filled with love and joy, that is a pleasure to live in. If this is not purgatory, then why is there karma? Karma is the greatest teacher; she operates without display, except the display of consequences.
