Author Archives: Tim Stephens



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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING (ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC STANDARD):  1:40 am to 5:43 am Sun., 7:48 am to 11:31 am Tues., 3:29 am  to 2:52 pm Thurs., and 2:06 pm to 5:10 pm Sat.




William Faulkner said, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

You might also say (tho less significantly) the future is not unreachable. It’s already here.”


On Feb. 13, Thursday at 7:30 pm, I’ll give another “talk” for the Fraser Valley Astrology Guild, by Zoom. It costs $ 15 if you aren’t a member. For more information, please check the Guild’s website:, or email Rebecca Garcia, at

What I’ll be talking about:

Many major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are changing signs this year. Pluto finally entered Aquarius for a 2-decade residence two months ago (Nov. 24) although it first “approached” this sign in March/23. These changes place these planets in new signs with new meanings, where they will stay from 1 to 20 years. For example, Uranus will be in Gemini for the next 7 years. This will delight Aquarians romantically and Librans mentally and in love, but can make Gemini more nervous, and renders Scorpio’s finances unpredictable. It nudges Taureans to go high tech if they want to improve their incomes. So I’ll talk about all this stuff, looking at the effects of each new planet positions in each of the 12 signs. So this is not your year ahead — if anything, it’s your decade ahead.

IF there’s enough time, I’ll also read some personal charts — if you want to do this, contact Rebecca at




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Socializing, wishing, popularity, light romance and flirting, optimism and entertainment — these fill this week and the next two, Aries. Now to July 2026, delegate tasks rather than trying to do them yourself. Now to mid April, be gentle with children. your home life will occupy a lot of your thinking. The government still favours you, so get those applications or excuses in — quickly. someone special opens the lines of communication. Be ambitious Sunday to midday Tuesday (PST). It might be a barrier or it might be an opportunity Monday night. Otherwise this interval flows along smoothly and productively. For Tuesday night to Thursday afternoon, read the first sentence of your message again – happiness lives! Retreat to find quiet attitude and rest Thursday afternoon through Saturday early suppertime — plan, connect with government or management, seek advice and be charitable. Your energy rises Saturday night.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Be ambitious, Taurus, this week and the next two. A hugely lucky money or income influence is about to become active for you next week into June. Get ready, sift through plans. A flurry of pap[ers, errands and communications will fill many days now to mid-April. You’re still flirting, or content wit your social life. A mellow, wise mood steals over you Sunday morning to midday Tuesday (PST). Travel, love, social rituals all please. Get serious about your ambitions, career Tuesday afternoon to Thursday afternoon. This is also a smooth and fortunate interval, and could be your time to make a move, ambition-wise. Optimism, popularity, social delights and flirtations arrive Thursday afternoon to Saturday evening. You will have something to celebrate! But to bed early Saturday night.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Far travel, international factors, law, social rituals (weddings, etc.) profound thoughts, higher learning, life philosophy — these fill your mind and heart now. An Aquarian — and lots of talk — might be involved. Soon, Gemini (next week) to mid-June) huge good luck will fill your life. Use this week to determine where and how to use this good luck — relationships of all kinds, travel, relocation, and general opportunities will be at the centre of this good luck. (It might involve picking up where you left off a project or person last October.) Money, earned income, might rush to you through April, but might not “appear” until late February or March. Bosses still favour you, until early February. Sunday pre-dawn to midday Tuesday brings lust, major finances, secrets and research, medical decisions and life-changing actions – all in a good, productive way except perhaps Monday night, when a heated exchange (or sudden lust) might occur. Mid week brings everything mentioned in the first sentence above — far travel, etc. be ambitious Thursday afternoon to Saturday evening. This interval is a bit jumbled but basically positive — you might strike gold Thursday afternoon. Saturday night is for socializing and friendly dates.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The general accent for the next three weeks, Cancer, lies in secrets and research, major financial action, sexual lust and lust for power, and medical and lifestyle decisions. There will be more revelations than understandings, but lots of talk, and docs. Someone is still sweet on you. You are fired up, yet held back, until late February. Fired up = determined, ambitious, brave, sexually magnetic, impulsive. (These qualities will spring up, even roar, March and April.) Sunday morning to midday Tuesday brings significant relationships, opportunities and potentially public appearances — all fortunately except perhaps Monday night when an argument or accident might occur. Re-read the first sentence above of your message (“secrets and research…”) — it describes your midweek. Your luck’s good, so step in! A mellow, wise and tolerant mood flows over you Thursday afternoon to Saturday eve. Gentle love, far travel, social rituals such as weddings, religion, higher learning, law — these go well. Saturday night, speak to a VIP, if one’s near.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The weeks ahead feature relationships, opportunities, public appearances and relocation themes, Leo. As I said last week, a whole new dawn, a new life, is brewing in these zones. (It could take years, even more than a decade, to come, so don’t be impatient nor freaked. July born Leos will feel this “revolution in relationships” first, now to 2030.) Look at these themes, this “new life” seriously midday Tuesday to Thursday afternoon (PST). Continue to avoid dark places and belligerent individuals until late April. (Trump, Leo rising, was shot during such a Mars transit as this one.) Others, silent to date, will start talking to you. In sex, intimacy, and major finances, a mild good luck accompanies you. Tackle chores Sunday morning to midday Tuesday (PST). Midweek, I’ve described above in the first 5 sentences — but I didn’t add that some sweet good luck is attached. You enter life’s secret side Thursday afternoon to Saturday eve. Investments, finances, secrets, research, strong sexual urges, medical and lifestyle decisions fill this interval. Your luck is good, so do advance.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Three more weeks of chores and duties Virgo. this will be a good time to enhance your health and your family’s, through nutrition upgrades. Relationships remain affectionate and gracious, but only for nine more days. (In other words, don’t be slow to approach.) I’m gonna get tired of saying this, but your social life seems to be packed with males, or one particular male, until late April. This could bring a great sexual affair, but look beyond, what else is there in this union? Sunday to midday Tuesday (PST) brings romance, creativity, pleasure, beauty and charming kids. All is fortunate, except Monday night when friction might arise. Tackle chores and address daily health needs midweek. Thursday afternoon to Saturday emphasize relationships, opportunities and fresh horizons — again, fortunately! Saturday night might get sexy.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Ah, sweet romance! The weeks ahead bring an attraction that might be the beginning of a new life, Libra. Or, a creative surge, speculative urge, pleasure, beauty, arts.  (A new life, because money might be an essential element of the bond.) Next week, a 4 1/2 month stretch of great good fortune begins in legal, publishing/media, higher education, far travel, religious and love zones (includes weddings). A Gemini, an Aquarian or a “teacher,” might be involved. Think about it, be ready to chase, or to meet an opportunity or lover. Work mates are pleasant. Turn to home, family, security Sunday morn to midday Tuesday. All’s well, though you might meet friction Monday night. Midweek is for money and learning, maybe casual embrace/sex. Again, a fortunate, smooth interval. Tackle chores and pamper your daily health Thursday afternoon to Saturday eve. Saturday night, someone interesting! Note: now to April, others, especially a partner might subtly attempt to dominate you. So if you’re chasing romance before mid April, realize that this affair might not make a great marriage. Someone met late April to early June might make a fantastic marriage partner.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Head for home, Scorpio. It’s the time of year to hug the family, dig a back yard pool, start student funds for the kids, rent or lease, buy furniture, prepare the garden, and enhance security. There will be plenty of family discussion. This influence comes briefly every year, but is slowly growing more significant every year of the next 18 (has since Jan. 2024). Not a good time (before April) to argue your case or state an opinion — you might get an unexpected (violent?) reaction. Romance, though a secondary thing, remains sweet and fortunate. Sunday to midday Tuesday brings errands, trips, communications and paperwork — all fortunate, but avoid driving, or sending a missive, Monday night. Midweek highlights everything I stated above in the first 2 sentences about “home.” Again, fortunate aspects, so charge ahead. (You might spy a disrupter, or “traitor to your cause” Thurs. pre-dawn (PST). Romance, beauty, pleasure and a happy risk-taking mood greet you Thursday afternoon to Saturday eve. Again, fortune rides with you — don’t be shy! Saturday night, protect your health.

sagittarius icon  SAGiTTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The weeks ahead are filled with errands, travel, communications and paperwork, Sage. These are more significant than usual, and to some degree will maintain that significance for the next two decades. In fact, next week through June, someone who deals with communications and travel and paperwork all the time… perhaps a Gemini… could be a pipeline of good luck for you. If someone offers you a partnership or similar opportunity in the next 4 1/2 months, my advice is: grab it! For some of you, a promising relationship that slow down over the last few months could revive in a fortunate way — especially from mid April to mid June, when romantic sparks could fly. Sex, perhaps with an old flame, is very prominent yet might disappoint in February. Collect money, buy/sell, embrace casual sex, Sunday to Tuesday noon. Midweek, re-read the first sentence above, errands, etc. — a lucky interval, so dive in. Home’s good, affectionate this week, esp. Thursday afternoon to Saturday eve. Saturday night, chase romance..


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

This is one of your best months (late Jan. to late Feb.) to make money, Cap. Buy/sell, learn by rote, and/or hug a “casual lover.” Catalogue your possessions for insurance contracts. That sort of thing. Your sexual side is being awakened Jan. to April, but results (“potency”) could be less than hoped for in February. Casual acquaintances treat you well. Next week, over four months of work expansion will occur. Get ready by resting, planning your project, or even by going out and purchasing work clothes. your energy and charisma are beautifully high Sunday morning to midday Tuesday. Get out and about, start significant things — you’re attractive, in charge! Midweek, re-read the first two sentences above — and charge ahead., for luck rides with you. Thursday afternoon through Saturday eve brings errands, travel paperwork and communications, again a productive and smooth interval. Saturday night, to bed early.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

This is your time of year, Aquarius. Your charisma, energy, clout and effectiveness are running at peak efficiency. This is the time to start things, to make relationships and to chase opportunities. The planet Pluto entered your sign about a year ago and will stay for the next two decades. this will make you very ambitious and, perhaps unfortunately, more stubborn than you’ve ever been! But also more determined, ultra focussed, and ready to act. Next week, to June, one of this decade’s finest romantic opportunities will face you. Lie low, rest, contemplate and plan, and liaise with the government or management levels or an advisor. All will go very well, unless you lose your temper Monday night. Midweek is all yours — reread the first three sentences of your message. Thursday afternoon to Saturday eve, collect money, buy/sell, and DON’T engage in transient, superficial (i.e., casual) sex. Work/employment is hard this winter. You’re blessed with luck and the only thing that seems to be in crisis right now is your home/family. This will solve itself from July onward, but you might want to tackle it earlier.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Lie low, rest, contemplate and be diplomatic for the next few weeks, Pisces. You’ll progress well in liaising with gov’t, management, institutions; and in seeking advice, and making future plans, especially during this smooth, fortunate week. you will hear plans and secrets of others. Despite your low energy, you are probably feeling quite randy in a sexual or romantic way. Something, but not much, might come of this in February. Things are likely to get more heated in March/April. Next week to mid-June hands you great — even spectacular — good luck in real estate, buying/leasing a home, etc. A child born during this period will be a joy to his/her parents, forever. Sunday morning to midday Tuesday (PST) brings optimism, flirtations, a few quiet social joys. Midweek, your energy will hit a low, but your success in dealing with government, head office etc., will be good. Your energy rises Thursday afternoon to Saturday eve. Get out and get things done. You might spy a real estate bargain Thursday (before 3:15 pm PST).





Go out at 7 PM tonight or the next few, and stand facing east-south-east (roughly). (From Vancouver, Canada. Readers south of the equator will have to take a different approach.) The sky should be dark. If you look straight up, about 80% of the way up to the top of the sky, you should see a bright star. It’s brighter than anything nearby. It’s not a star, it’s Jupiter. The nearest star is dim and brown, and a little over a finger thickness southwest of the bright star — or at 4 o’clock, military location. (A finger thickness is when you extend your arm straight out, the thickness of your forefinger equals a finger thickness in the sky.)

That bright “star,” the planet Jupiter, in Gemini, is about to go direct (technically at 1:40 am PST Feb. 4) which will fulfill many “luck-scapes” from early February to mid-June. (Your best luck will come from the area in your chart that Gemini [and secondarily, Sagittarius] rule. E.g., for Capricorn, work, employment, daily health. For Taurus, $ and possessions. For Leo, romantic wishes or creative joys. And so on.)


Well, Trump did what he said he was going to do. You’ve gotta give him that. He shut down DEI and issued hundreds of executive orders on his first two days.

I suspect Trump‘s fast and furious bull-like charge into Biden’s china shop, making appointments and undoing everything Biden did, shows the pent up energy and anger caused by Biden‘s lawfare against him.

In a sense, Biden created Trump‘s presidential rocket ship. As I hinted in an earlier item, Biden also blessed Trump with an unintended gift: he preemptively pardoned everyone who had lied, cheated, and dumped on Trump. (Except Pelosi.) So Trump’s rocket ship will fly even further, not weighed down by the ballast of revenge.

For the entire time (2009-2024) Pluto was in Capricorn (the sign of presidents) corruption and rot, which are Pluto’s main tools of regeneration, tunnelled into the Democratic Party like a worm. (These years covered Prez’ Obama and Biden’s corruption — and one Trump term covered by, almost extinguished by, Democratic corruption.)

I suspect the Democrats are so riddled with corruption now that they look like Swiss cheese.

It’s pretty sad when a party is defeated in the election booth, and has a few weeks to seek a new home, yet has to spend those weeks fully pardoning the entire government and the leaders’ entire family. Joe’s pardons paint a picture of how criminal he and everyone below him was. I don’t think Biden pardoned US Attorney General Merrick Garland either. reports say he was mad at Garland because he didn’t throw enough Lawfare early enough against Trump. But Trump can be mad at Garland because he DID throw Lawfare against Trump — in what was probably an illegal operation. I hope Trump puts Pelosi and Garland in jail, or at least pursues them so hotly and thoroughly that they will taste the bitterness of spending their life savings on defence lawyers — the very position in which they put 1,000’s of innocent people.

Now Pluto has moved into Aquarius for the next two decades. I’ll talk about that during my talk on February 13 on Zoom. But briefly, hopefully, we will see Pluto’s growth side more than her destructive side. We should see almost astounding growth in technology, science and space. Pluto rules super computers, and Aquarius rules invention. Pluto also rules nuclear energy, and Aquarius knows how to turn that into a bountiful flow. Look at number 17, the star in the (Rider) Tarot: that’s a picture of Aquarius in angel form. At last, perhaps, we will also have reinvigorated, healthy, and only mildly corrupt political systems.

China, during the next two decades, will see a blossoming of the arts, inventiveness and all round good Fortune, but in an indirect way. For China, the tables have turned on the real estate collapse – that was the last blow of Pluto in Capricorn.
