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Email: suningem@gmail.com
Tim’s YouTube links: Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)
START NOTHING (ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC DAYLIGHT): 2:53 am Sun. To 0:30 am Mon., 12:28 pm to 1:17 pm Wed., and 11:53 pm Fri. to 0:29 am Sat.
ALL SIGNS — The Mercury Rx period started March 15 and will last to April 7 (7:08 am PDT) — 24 days. During this time, supplies will go missing, schedules fall apart, “no shows” increase, and mistakes, delays and indecision are rife. So DON’T start new projects nor relationships, nor major purchases, before April 7. They would tend to fail.
Roughly during the same period, but lasting slightly longer, to April 12, Venus is also retrograde. This hints that social, love and friendly goals face delays and headwinds. (Children born during this Venus Rx period — March 1 to April 12 —will tend to have many lovers.)
A former love might reappear between now and mid-April, esp. for the air and fire signs (Gemini, Lira, Aquarius and Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)..
A lot of people are going to be confused over the next few months, as 4 of the big planets change signs. Some will charge ahead anyway — of these, some will fail, some will succeed, maybe hugely. But some will be wise, and wait until the road forward is clearer. But in life, wisdom rarely gets more than half the potential reward. Life respects caution, but doesn’t approve of it. Life wants action, commitment. That’s why Jesus berated the wedding guest.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
It’s your last few days of rest, contemplation, and dealings with government or head office or advisors, Aries. You are already being admired by the opposite sex; this will continue to mid April and might bring back a former spouse or lover. Thursday starts a month of extra energy, charisma, and clout. Unfortunately, the first three weeks of this extra energy phase occur with Mercury retrograde, which advises to not start any new projects relationships or major purchases before April 7. So use this extra energy and clout to push present projects forward, and to protect ongoing situations from delays, indecision and mistakes.) home is still friction prone. Relationships fill Sunday, but without much action either way. The depths of life emerge Monday to mid- afternoon Wednesday (PDT). Your intuition, investigative abilities, and a lust for power or sex lead you down an intriguing path — a fortunate one Tuesday/Wednesday. Wed. afternoon through Friday brings enlightenment profound thoughts, far travel, law, higher learning and media. Major opportunities here, especially Wednesday/Thursday. Be ambitious Saturday; there’s not much else worth tackling anyway.
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
Happy, social times and sweet future visions last through Wed., then Thurs. starts 4 weeks of quietude, retreat, contemplation and planning (DON’T plan before April 7 — circumstances will change.) Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above. Start nothing big/important before April 13, as your ruler, Venus, is retrograde. Money’s still good to excellent, into June. Go slow, carefully, in legal, media, travel and learning zones. Tackle chores Sunday. Eat, dress sensibly. Relationships fill your horizon Monday to midday Wed. (PDT). Monday’s a bit of a waste, but Tues./Wed. promote love, acceptance, harmony — and opportunities. You plunge into life’s depths — finances, lust, power plays, medical concerns and lifestyle questions — Wed. afternoon through Fri. Charge ahead Wed./Thurs., but go cautiously Fri. Saturday is mellow, but filled with obstacles — until later, when love, affection blossom.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
Four more days of hard work, Gemini. Thursday starts a month of joy, social delights, popularity, hope and fun. You remain the luckiest character in the zodiac through June. These few months ahead are very lucky for relationships, contracts/agreements, opportunities, relocation and public appearances. BUT read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above: don’t start any new projects, relationships nor major purchases before April 7. And don’t start a new love affair before April 13. So spread your happiness amongst your ongoing friends. A former happy romantic playmate might reappear before mid April. Sunday’s romantic, but not much comes of it. Tackle chores Monday to midday Wednesday (PDT) — you will succeed Tuesday and Wednesday — Monday’s “okay.” Relationships, opportunities, public appearances and relocation themes arise Wednesday afternoon through Friday. This can bring very nice things to you Wednesday/Thursday, but Friday might disappoint. Saturday is for sex, research, investigation, high finance — with many obstacles. Saturday night is sweet (PDT).
CANCER: June 21-July 20
Your mellow, thoughtful, loving, tolerant and wise mood lasts 4 more days, Cancer. Then Thursday kicks off a month of ambition, hard work, and worldly status themes. Bosses will be observing. Don’t get too gung-ho early, though, as Mercury Rx will poke holes in plans, and bring delays, and decision and mistakes until April 7. Better to be careful than aggressive. The government and management types very much favour you, to June. Take advantage, seek their cooperation. (E.g., get a building permit faster than usual.) In career zones, a former project might return — good (for you). DON’T start new ones. Sunday highlights your home, family — nothing special, just relax or follow a mystery. Monday to midday Wednesday brings romance, beauty, pleasure and charming kids. Tuesday/Wednesday are fortunate, could bring true love. (But remember, no one new.) Tackle chores Wed. pm through Fri. — Wed./Thurs. best. Saturday brings relationships, opportunities, agreements and arguments — mostly the latter, as this morning (PDT) is filled with problems — later, maybe a compliment on your progress.
LEO: July 21-Aug. 22
A month of mysteries, financial action and deep currents in relationships lasts through Wednesday, Leo. on Thursday, you’ll begin a month of profound thoughts, far travel, law, higher learning, publishing and philosophy. However don’t start any new projects in these areas before April 7. (Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above.) The warning about avoiding belligerent people and dangerous places remains (until April 18). Until June, one or two significant wishes could come true. (And your social life might expand to include a friendly, flirtatious person.) Sunday is for errands, communications and paperwork. Not much of any significance gets done. Be home, with family, Monday to midday Wednesday. This is a lovely interval, Tuesday/Wednesday. Love and affection are everywhere. Tackle chores Saturday — but be alert and careful, as many obstacles exist before noon (PDT). After this, romance or a creative urge might blossom.
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Four days left of relationship-oriented living, Virgo. Thursday starts a month of depths, sexual allure, major financial action, surgery or medical concerns, and lifestyle choices. Research will produce rewards. Now into June, you still have great career/prestige luck. If you haven’t asked for a promotion, better do it soon (AFTER April 7, even better if after April 12. Socially, you’re impulsive, assertive, and sexually magnetic (until mid April). Chase $, buy/sell (not anything major) or read a book, Sunday. (Boring day…) Errands, paperwork and communications fill Monday to midday Wed. Monday’s a bit dicey, but Tues./Wed. are fortunate, put you in touch with good people. Hone, family call Wednesday eve through Fri. — only one glitch, about midday Friday (PDT) — Wed./Thurs. offer progress, home comforts, love of mate and kids. Saturday starts a weekend of romance. Start late, though — many obstacles early, love later.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
It’s been a lot of work these past weeks, Libra. And the chores continue, but only through Wed. Thursday begins 4 weeks of excitement — relationships, partnership prospects, opportunities, public appearances, relocation themes… Three things: 1) be diplomatic, don’t turn an opportunity into a face-off; 2) DON’T start any new relationships, projects nor major purchases before April 7 — and no major “life-affecting” action before April 13; and 3) you might (it’s almost certain) meet a former lover or ex anytime before April 13. (More likely in March.) Into June, love is blessed, but before mid-April, you might be indecisive about a “recent” conquest. Your energy and charisma are high Sunday, but there’s little to conquer. Chase $, buy/sell, read or hug a “sometime lover” Monday to midday Wed. (PDT). Be patient Monday — Tues. and Wed. are great! Wednesday eve through Friday brings errands, trips, paperwork and communications, and casual acquaintances. Only glitch occurs about midday Friday — health or work or domestic problem? Settle down at home Sat. Someone is feeling “sentimental” late day (9 pm PDT — 5 am Sat. In Britain).
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Only half a week left of your general romantic, creative month, Scorpio. Thursday starts 4 weeks of work and health concerns. Both (work, health) are “protected” now by lucky Venus (and by your optimism, courtesy of Mercury in your work house also). BUT Venus is retrograde until April 12, causing delays and misunderstandings in relations, at work and in the boudoir. And Mercury is Rx until April 7, causing mistakes, delays and indecision in ever1y area, but esp. work. So don’t start any new projects, relations nor major purchases before April 7. A former job or health concern might re-appear. Rest, contemplate and recuperate Sunday. (Don’t make long-range plans — circumstances will change.) Your energy and charisma soar Monday to midday Wed. You’ll get a lot done, and make friends, impress people, especially Tues./Wed. Collect money, buy/sell, read or seek “friendly sex” Wednesday eve through Friday — nothing hinders you until Friday (be practical this day). Saturday is for errands, communications and paperwork — all better after noon PDT.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Your domestic “sojourn” ends Thursday, Sage. You’ve been vegetating, pondering options, thinking about security — and will, until Thursday, when a month of romance, passion, creativity, speculation and risk-taking, and playful children, begins. This month ahead could be very important, as now to June offers one of the best, benevolent periods to find love, marriage, or a smart business partner. (Also, to relocate, grab opportunities and/or seek fame.) HOWEVER, both Venus (love) and Mercury (your partnership planet) are retrograde in your romance sign (Aries) — one to April 7, the other to April 12. So an old flame or former partner might re-appear — good — but a brand new meeting before April 13 will yield a stop-start bond that eventually satisfies no one. Sex is hot, investments might burn, until April 18. Romance will easily lead to the boudoir. Sunday’s for optimism, socializing and contentment. Retreat to a quiet place Monday to midday Wed. Rest, meditate, seek advice — but don’t plan. (It’s too early; the world will change.) Your energy and charisma soar Wednesday eve through Friday. (And Thursday starts that romantic trend.) A good interval, but be cautious Friday morning (PDT). Saturday starts a weekend of money, spending, collecting. Hug a friend or a loved one this eve.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 20
Soon, the “tyranny” of paperwork, errands and communications will end, Cap. Thursday begins a month of domesticity, family affairs, real estate, leases/rent, security, and working with Mom Nature (e.g., gardening). It’s time to come down to earth, to root yourself. Usually, this would be a great time to plant, but this year it is only semi-good for pruning, cutting, fertilizing, etc. — because two planets are retrograde in your home sector, one (Mercury) until April 7, one (Venus) to April 12. These counsel: don’t start any major purchase, project or relationship before April 13. Lots of work until June! Sunday’s for career, prestige ambitions, but offers little. Hopes, wishes, optimism, friendly flirting, popularity and social delights lift your heart Monday to midday Wed. It’s a great interval, so dive in! (Tues./Wed. much better than Mon.) Retreat, rest, contemplate, seek advice, mull over the past, how you got here, and liaise with gov’t or head office, Wednesday eve through Friday. Don’t plan, and only liaise about a past situation, not a future one. Your energy and charisma surge upward Saturday (and all weekend). You’ll overcome early obstacles, and could head straight for love, affection this eve (maybe at home).
AQUARIUS: Jan. 21-Feb. 18
Your “money chase” ends Thursday, Aquarius, when a month of errands, travel, communications and paperwork begins. You remain lucky, very lucky in romance (if single — if married, love survives!). Your ability to communicate and travel facilitates romance now. But these — communications and romance — are briefly stalled until the second week of April. So, either stick with an ongoing flame, or reprise one from the past — DON’T start brand new relationships, major purchases or projects before April 7. (See “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above.) Work remains hard and intense. Take some breaks for your own sake. Sunday, you’re wise, gently loving. Be ambitious Monday (so-so) and Tuesday to midday Wednesday (great, fortunate). Friends, happiness, flirting, optimism and entertainment greet you Wednesday eve through Friday. Wed./Thurs. could bring a wish true. Friday’s a bit tricky, elusive and “wrongly possessive” in social, intimate situations. Retreat Saturday (and the whole weekend) — find quiet, rest and contemplate. (Don’t plan, as circumstances will change — deeply.) An affectionate message or “touch” brings quiet happiness Sat. suppertime (PDT — 2 am Sunday in Britain, 11 am Sunday in China).
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
You’re still on top, Pisces, still imbued with extra energy, charm and clout — until Thursday, when you subtly shift from a month of personal concerns to a month of monetary potentials. Don’t jump on this money stuff too soon. Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above — don’t start any new projects, relationships nor major purchases before April 13. Instead, shore up ongoing situations, protect projects from delays, “no shows,” missing supplies, indecision, etc. — OR apply your efforts to a past situation that might return — a former money source or job, etc. A former “friendly lover” might return for physical comfort. You remain intense and impulsive in romance, gambling, and creative areas. Sunday holds secrets — do you want them? Not much progress this day. Monday to midday Wednesday brings wisdom, profound thoughts, far travel, higher learning, law, media, gentle love. Monday’s not so hot, but Tuesday./Wed. are! Be ambitious Wed. eve through Friday — you can impress higher-ups Wed. and Thurs., but Friday’s a bit difficult, ideas are impractical. Saturday starts a social weekend — you’ll be popular, happy, optimistic and flirty, AFTER a poor, glitch-filled start.
They say Trump reconstructed the republican party. That’s true, but what nobody’s saying is that he has reconstructed the Democratic Party too. Their reaction to him has driven them bonkers, and further and further away from the voters. As I said here months ago, they will probably fail in 2028.
I’m putting this out there just as a possibility: I suspect the FIB (FBI to you) was behind the assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, PA. Geo-tracking reports say the would-be assassin visited a building (in DC?) several times. The building next door was leased or owned by the FBI. We’ll know when history finishes its knitting.
I keep forgetting to mention this: the downturn in (American) stocks might continue well into early 2026, even into June 26. In actuality, the downturn economically should last approximately that long. However, the stock market tends to anticipate, so it might even start rising late this year or early 2026, before the downturn ends. (There might be an initial updraft late May, early June this year — 25.) It’s an odd, fickle downturn, leaving everyone wondering. But the mid-June 25 to June 26 downturn will be more obvious, more clear-cut and probably deeper. My advice from a few months ago still applies: when you have a stroke or streak of luck in the stock market, sell before the slow gradual down draft occurs.
It’s rumoured that Barack and Michelle Obama are going to get divorced. Michelle is a Capricorn. Barack Is a Leo. Leo is Capricorn’s finance and sex sign. To Leo, Capricorn is “work.” (Barack also has a Gemini Moon — which is financially and sexually attracted to Capricorn.) These sex-finance relationships seldom last because they’re based on practical motives rather than love.
It is similar to a marriage between adjacent signs, for example, Gemini and Cancer or Leo and Virgo. These bonds initially do well, but fall to boredom and ennui as time passes.
Your quincunx signs – the ones that cause deeply sexual and financial hook ups – are located this way: find the sign opposite your own. For example Aries’s opposite sign is libra. Scorpios’s opposite sign is Taurus. So, find this opposite sign. Then the two signs bracketing it are your quincunx signs. For example, if you are a Virgo, then your opposite sign is Pisces. The two signs bracketing Pisces are Aquarius and Aries. Aquarius is right before Pisces and Aries is right after it. From your point of view, the sign on the high side (in this case Aries) is your sexual/financial sign. The sign on the lower side (in this case, Aquarius) will find you to be sexually and financially attractive. But as I said, beware, for these hook ups seldom last a decade.
I will say it once again: Canada is really mistaken to put reciprocal tariffs on US goods. Canada should put no tariffs on anything. Then if Trump wants to charge a 25% charge on everything from Canada, let him. All it will do is make America’s pay 25% more. If Trump is applying 25 % tariffs against virtually every nation in the world (as he’s claiming) then the tariffs won’t hurt Canada at all. Americans can either pay two dollars a foot for lumber plus a 50 cent tariff equalling $2.50 per foot. Or they can get their lumber from Sweden or Africa or wherever and pay two dollars a foot Plus freight +25% Canada I will still come in cheapest.
If we really wanted to fight, we should just tell Trump to stick it up his you know what, and immediately cut off all energy, electricity, oil, and gas to the US. Trump will have some states howling blue murder because they have no energy anymore!
But politicians have never really been smart or even competent in business.
Consciously or unconsciously, Canada’s rulers are opting for tariffs because tariffs give them money — them, the politicians and bureaucrats.. It is like a very strong GST tax, comparable to a VAT (value added tax). But most VATs exist in a 5% to 10% range. So these government types, with 25 % tariffs, get far more than that, while at the same time disguising their greed in patriotic fervour. If life was fair, the entire sum collected from tariffs would be immediately returned to the citizens (WHO PAID 25 % MORE FOR EVERYTHING). You watch: do you think you’ll see them returning that money in any direct way? It’s more likely they will announce the pouring of tariff income into various programs which they, of course have created.
It’s not Trump now who needs to learn politics; it’s now incumbent on politicians to learn business. So far, Trump has been crazy like a fox, but he is also taking great risks. The entire world could turn on him. This doesn’t really worry me because he’s very quick to respond, but that itself is what most worries me: I hope Trump doesn’t respond so fast he becomes erratic.