Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING (ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC STANDARD):5:52 am Sun. to 2:37 am Mon., 2:53 am to 4:29 am Wed., and 6:57 am to 8:29 am Fri.



ALL SIGNS: Use the first two weeks of March to complete projects rather than start any, because March 15 brings three weeks of Mercury retro’s delays, indecision and mistakes.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Lie low, Aries. Rest, contemplate and plan future actions. Avoid competitive situations. Seek advice, liaise with gov’t or management types. In this area (gov’t, management) you are held back by practical considerations until late May. Continue to be gentle and easy-going on the home front (you’ll want to be the opposite). You expressed yourself well now, but I’m not sure to what purpose. Your physical charms are very evident all March, although this week and the next two hold you back somewhat from relationships due to your lack of energy and your planet Mars being retrograde, and an atmosphere of indecision and delay in both you and the other person. So focus on spiritual, charitable and karmic pursuits. You are the star of the show Sunday, even if it gets done. Avoid an intellectual or legal argument. Collect money, buy/sell, learn from a book, or embrace casual sex Monday/Tuesday — everything flows with mild, smooth speed. Perform errands, communications and paperwork Wednesday to a little past Don Friday (PST). Wednesday is great, Thursday has some obstacles. Head for home Friday daytime and Saturday — your domestic and governmental luck is good, favourable.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Wishes can come true! You are well into a month of flirting, social fun, optimism and popularity, Taurus. However, you are also entering a very subtle indecision that could be broadly stated as: what am I doing with my life?  This indecision can last until late March, at which point you might wonder: what am I wishing for? What do I truly want? Well, things will work themselves out. A former advisor or mentor might show up — so might a gov’t document asking you to recount or justify something from the past. Your money fortunes are still very positive — until June. Liw low, rest, contemplate and plan Sunday. Your energy and charisma return Monday to pre-dawn Wed. (PST). (You could receive a hint, Monday morning, of a future career change.) Start short term projects, or give ongoing ones a hefty push. (Don’t start big projects — read Preamble above.) Collect money, buy/sell, learn from a book, embrace casual sex, pre-dawn Wed. to just past dawn Fri. Wednesday’s rewarding, but Thursday and Friday contain refusals, obstacles. Friday morning and Saturday bring errands, travel, communications and paperwork — a glitch or two Friday, but smooth and icky sailing Sat. — you might make a new, good friend.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Be ambitious, Gemini. Be conservative in your goals, but pursue them assiduously this week and next, then pull back, rest and survey. (Don’t start big new projects — read Preamble above.) Something secret, financial, sexual or needing research, could be involved. Your income picture looks fine — more comes in, but try to stem outgoing money. New friends or a benign social outlook have pleased you lately, but now your social urges slow, you become thoughtful about your overall and friendship future. Remember this: until June, as long as you smile and twinkle your eyes at people, others wi treat you generously and affectionately. An old flame might return. Sunday’s happy, socia, optimistic. Lie low, rest, contemplate and plan Monday pre-dawn (PST) to pre-dawn Wed. Though your energy is low, this is a fine, smooth interval. Just don’t say something “unacceptable” Monday morn. Your energy, pizzazz and clout return strongly Wednesday morning to early Friday morning. Wednesday is great but Thursday and Friday have a few problems and at least one denial. Collect $, buy/sell, learn or hug a sexy friend Friday/Sat. Some communication glitch Friday eve, but Saturday’s fine, successful.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

You’re in the second week of four filled with international or profound views, tolerance, wisdom, and gentle love, Cancer. Mars remains in your sign for seven more weeks, firing you up with ambition, testosterone, temper, determination, impulsivity and sexual magnetism. This might lead to a magical, spiritual love. In your job/career, you will soon deal with past projects, contacts or situations. (So don’t bother starting big new projects — read the Preamble above.) Bosses will favour you all March, but that doesn’t prevent mistakes. Go over things carefully to preview potential problems, such as supply shortages. A former boss might contact you. Sunday emphasizes your standing or prestige. Your popularity, optimism, social joys and entertainment fill Monday morning to Wednesday morning. You might stumble at the start (Monday early) but you will regain your feet and charge ahead during this happy interval. Retreat, rest and contemplate Wednesday morning to Friday morning. see advice, plan and liaise with government or management levels. Wednesday is great, but Thursday into Friday morning disappoints. Your energy and charisma surge upward Friday/Saturday. Despite a communications mixup or two, this is a good interval both for career and love – and personal development.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The weeks ahead emphasize secrets, research, large finances, lifestyle and medical choices, sex and pregnancy. These things, this sector, are both alluring and slow; giving, but demanding a lot of effort or sacrifice. (This slowness, needing effort, will dissipate by late May — for 30 years.) Mars keeps warning against seedy venues and belligerent people (until late April). (The assassination “threat” against Trump will last to late April also.) Both solid and illusory goals/rewards hover around you — distinguish, be realistic — you could grab a plum! Intellectual matters, lawsuits, far travel plans, all start to go in indecisive, unproductive circles now through March. An old flame might appear — this person might be a valid wedding partner. Last Saturday (March 1) and this Sunday hold hints of this — old flames, intellectual pathways, etc. Be ambitious Monday/Tuesday — but don’t start big new projects before mid-April. A good interval — you’ll get lots done, you’ll please the boss. Happiness comes Wed./Thurs., as your popularity soars, social joys arrive, optimism, flirting and entertainment fill in the gaps. Retreat from the crowd Fri./Sat., when your energy and charisma sink. Be charitable, seek advice, liaise with gov’t or management, and plan future actions. Friday’s a bit gnarly, but Saturday’s fine, esp. for man/woman interactions.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The main monthly accent lies on relationships, Virgo — essentially, on everything that faces you: people, opportunities, relocation potentials, public appearances.

But your real good luck lies in career, worldly standing, and ambition until early June. The happiest, most cheerful among you will rise the most. Your biggest wishes now are for 1) sex and 2) financial results (from investments, etc.). Both could come true before May. And both seem to need a partner or associate. However, this whole sector, financial, sexual, lusting, pregnancy, lifestyle, etc., now enters a zone of confusion, delays, strongly until late March, then more weakly to mid-April. An intimate partner from the past might reappear. This sector (sex, finances, etc.) is highlighted Sunday, for better or worse (it’s unpredictable). Mon./Tues. bring wisdom, mellow mood, travel and gentle love, legal and media issues — smoothly and successfully, after a brief stumble early Monday (PST).  Wed./Thurs. thrust you into the career/prestige spotlight — good (even great) success Wed., difficulties Thurs. Chase $ Fri. (some minor mix-ups) and Sat. (real success).


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Three more weeks of work and daily health concerns face you, Libra. Ah, well. Just lower your shoulders and plod on through. Your career scene might be intimidating, as higher-ups are temperamental until late April. But that same career scene might be a reservoir of opportunity, the main one being to partner up with your boss. Start only small projects that you can complete quickly, as mid March will bring in delays, indecision, mistakes and shortages. (Read Preamble above.) You are already beginning to doubt your own motives, and will for the rest of March. a former lover or spouse could appear anytime this month. Sunday highlights this possibility. Sex, lust, major finances, lifestyle and medical decisions, and investigation/research fill Mon./Tues. — fortunately so, after an early Monday “mistake” over invested money or romance. Gentle love, international affairs, profound thoughts, law, media, higher learning — these fill Wed. (fortunately) but Thurs. (after a grandly lucky 2 am PST) meets delay, refusal, rejection. Be ambitious Fri./Sat., as higher-ups are watching, casually grading. Friday’s a wee bit “off centre” but late this night and Saturday ooze with good ambition-oriented luck!


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Romance, creative surges, a gambling mood, beauty and pleasure, sports, games, hobbies and talented children fill the three weeks ahead, Scorpio. Mars in your “intellectual/mental love” sector can spur romance, or can lead to legal matters around work or health. In the work area, be vigilant, as mistakes can occur all month. A former job might return. Don’t start major projects, as mid-March will “cancel” them in some way. Your spouse, or a marriage prospect can be filled with indecision now. Sunday highlights work-related issues, for better or worse (likely better!). Relationships, opportunities, public appearances and relocation themes arise Mon./Tues. — be assertive, chase whom/what you want. Be diplomatic, too. Secrets, lustful temptations, research, major finances, medical and lifestyle choices face you Wed. (great, success) and Thurs. (terrible, even for romance). A mellow mood steals over you Fri./Sat., as wisdom, tolerance, far-seeing, and gentle love enter. Friday’s okay, maybe steer clear of investment and sexual situations. Saturday’s fortunate, loving, satisfying.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Your domestic situation is front and centre for the next three weeks, Sage. You will be helped here by sex, finances, or a lifestyle change. If attached, help your partner with these things — you will be rewarded, perhaps in a surprisingly big way. You are very lucky in relationships (and opportunities) until early June. Don’t start big projects now, as mid-March will hit them with delays, confusion and indecision. Actually, delay/indecision has already begun in romance and creative projects. A former lover might return. (Sunday contains clues about this.) Tackle chores Mon./Tues. You’ll get ‘em done easily. Dress, eat sensibly. Wed./Thurs. bring great luck in relationships, opportunities and public appearances. Well Wednesday does, and pre-dawn Thursday (PST) but most of Thursday is difficult, rejecting, unlucky. Fri./Sat. bring sex, lust, temptations, major finances, medical and lifestyle themes. Friday’s okay, with a bit of misunderstanding; Saturday’s prime, for sex or finance.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

March isn’t an important month, Cap. it mainly focusses on errands, short trips, casual acquaintances, communications and paperwork. Dive into these now, because next week begins to slow, and mid March starts a period of lost mail, confusion and indecision, and mistakes. (Read the Preamble above.) Actually, your domestic interests and goals slowly recede even now, to out-of-reach. Others treat you with assertiveness, humour, and could fight you or love you. Ideas of “quitting” continuously spark. Work might seem like a heavy burden, but it has some hidden reward that might not show up for a few months. Sunday highlights those domestic themes. Romance, creative surges and risky urges fill Mon./Tues. — green lights are everywhere, so charge forth. Tackle chores and minor health concerns Wed./Thurs. Wednesday’s great, productive; Thursday is obstructive, rejecting and deceptive. Time actions accordingly. Relationships face you Fri./Sat. So do opportunities, relocation themes and possible public appearances. Be diplomatic! Friday’s a bit confused around suppertime (PST) butte this night through Saturday offers fortunate agreements, even partnerships.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

The accent lies on possessions, $, earned income, purchases, casual sex, and rote learning, Aquarius. Work is intense, hard — not everything fits together. Communications and short trips will be affected by delays, indecision now through late March. A former delightful friend might return. So might an old flame (more likely mid-March onward). Remember, you are in the best (or one of the best, depending on your birth chart) romantic opportunity periods of the last 12 years, and the 12 to come, now to early June. Money has been tight and slow for a couple of years — those restrictions end in late May. Sunday’s for casual friends, errands and paperwork. Head for home, family, nature and property Mon./Tues. All’s smooth and easy here. Romance blossoms Wed. to 2 am Thursday Pacific Time. The rest of Thursday seems designed to disappoint. Tackle chores Friday (be alert for mistakes) and Saturday (all runs well, even very well.) Eat sensibly.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness are at a yearly peak, Pisces. Get out, see and be seen, start projects (but only small, short ones, as mid-March will tangle everything up) or use your heft to push ongoing projects forward.  Your romance and creative sector is still lit with intensity, courage and magnetism (until late April). Remember, your real estate luck is at a decade + high, until early June. Money, income, seems to slow now — or a cheque could go missing, etc. — until late March. A former money source might return. Now to July, 2026, listen to your own heart and intuition, rather than outside advice. Sunday raises money questions. Errands, swift, easy chores, communications, paperwork and short travel fill Mon./Tues. — in good ways! Remember that real estate luck Wed./Thurs. — includes buying furniture, hugging the kids, starting a scholastic fund, etc. Wednesday’s great, Thursday’s difficult and disappointing. Romance, creativity, speculation, vacation, pleasure, beauty — these fill Fri./Sat., in good ways. (Friday’s “date” will never be your mate.)




A Trump assassination “threat” or possibility exists until late April.


One of the democrat’s favourite talking points against Trump and Merry Musk stripping the civil service, is to assert that half or more of the employees working in such and such agency or department are military veterans, and we should not treat veterans so poorly as to fire them.

I was in the Marines as a young man. I would estimate that for  approximately 75% of our waking hours, we did nothing but stand around, jibber jabber, clean our rifles and maybe polish a belt buckle or two. I suspect that military veterans are a natural for an organization that lets you sit around and do nothing for hours on end.

Remember, the armed forces are also huge bureaucracies, so sliding out of the forces and into a civi servant chair is a natural progression in sliding itself…..


I’m not saying this is irrefutably true, but I saw a researcher on television state that 10 % of the population of Washington DC was transgender. This compares to about 1 % of the general population of America being transgender. Now CIA members and others (over 100 agents) in the National Security Agency have been caught regularly creating and engaging in perversion parties while at work. Perhaps this tells you all you need to know about DC and the deep state. Deep indeed.


In Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maine and a couple of other states, lawmakers vow to fight Trump’s executive order banning men from women’s sports — despite their own citizens agreeing with Trump’s order. These Democratic lawmakers — in fact, lawbreakers at this point — believe that men should be allowed to smash women in the head, break their bones, destroy their ability to obtain scholarships, even perhaps kill them in sport.

But as I think about it, I wonder: what are the women doing? Where is the female courage? Why do they just put up with this treatment? All  any women’s team has to do, is simply walk off. If a team of 30 women hockey  or soccer players refuses to play when a man steps onto their playing field, what is he going to do? Play with himself? Or if his “women’s team” supports him (because by beating women physically, he almost guarantees his own team a “win”) then let that team play itself.

All the threats of disbanding, of losing a trophy, of ruining a woman’s athletic and entire future, are empty wind if all women athletes stick together. What is a stupid university going to do, enlist an entire new team of women players, who themselves will refuse to play if a man shows up? What is the deceptive NCAA going to do, ban all women from all sports? (They have paid lip service to banning males from women’s sports, but in reality have kept the doorway open.)

If women only recognize the truth and have the guts to stick with it, they will soon find that these colleges and universities are helpless windbags who really do not have any resources to fight them. Unless of course they arm university staff with rifles and baseball bats, and enslave women in cages until they agree to play with men. Alternatively, why don’t we just throw female babies in a gorilla cage, to see who wins?


Isn’t it weird – Pluto, the planet of death, made its final entry into Aquarius last November. (Gene Hackman, actor and Aquarian, just died under odd circumstances.) I didn’t notice anything at first, but now everyone is wondering, why are there so many aviation accidents? Astrologically, Aquarius, an air sign, rules air flights (with Jupiter — Jupiter rules the voyage and its distance;  Aquarius rules the mechanics). It is not the sole roller, as Gemini and Libra and Sagittarius have forks in this pie. But if this Pluto in Aquarius is a destroyer of planes, it might not be ready to stop very soon, as it still has 18 years to travel through Aquarius.

There is one thing that might limit how long this series of air disasters lasts. I didn’t notice many crashes in November or December, so maybe the 0 and 1° Aquarius are non-lethal, at least for air travel. The disasters have only occurred while Pluto was in 2° Aquarius. This hints that this spate  of  crashes will pass within  a reasonable time  once Pluto passes into the next degree — which it will do this week. (Though it will return to 2° in July and August. it is also possible that 3° Aquarius will give us the same disaster quotient — if so, these crashes will last from now to the end of August and will recur in December 2025 to early February 2026.)

I believe that crisis and catastrophe often breed improvement, new creativity, and beneficial corrective action. (For example, WII led to systems of social welfare.) This spate of air disasters might spur advances far beyond the obvious need for increased safety structures and mechanisms. It might trigger new radar or imaging developments, new holographic capabilities (which may solve the mystery of UFOs ) even lung-related and other medical advances. And advances in timing – maybe even something that can distort, if not time, then the sensation of time. This could enable an air traffic controller to experience an incoming flight as a slow, calm thing, because his sense of time would be stretched out. Whereas the pilot might be freaking out, having, say, three thoughts a second, the ATC would be able to examine five or six alternatives in the same real time. During this Pluto transit, to about 2043, the brain and its link to consciousness will unfold like a flower’s petals in spring.
