Category Archives: 2023 FORECASTS



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Tim’s YouTube linkUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: 6 pm to 8:56 pm Sun., 8:06 pm to 9:14 pm Tues., and 11:22 pm Thurs. to 0:29 am Fri.


Peace By Chocolate is a Canadian company which presently is donating 100% of their earnings to the Turkey-Syria earthquake zone. You can indulge and help both at the same time. 🙂 (They’re on the web, I’m sure.)


No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. — Desiderata.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19


The weeks ahead call you with the siren song of peace and rest, quietude and contemplation, Aries. Answer the call. Be charitable, spiritual, seek advice, deal with gov’t and management concerns, and plan your future. (A big one this year.) You’re still very busy with paperwork, communications and errands — focus on these, as they will “spread the word” about you, and you want it to be a good word. Despite your temporary retreat from the bustling world, you’ll remain attractive to others. Conversations revolve around hopes for the future.

Sunday’s filled with hope. (And Monday a new (wo)man might enter your life.) Withdraw, relax, rest and contemplate Mon./Tues. If you have to deal with gov’t or management, do so Mon. Your energy bounces back Wed./Thurs. — not to a huge peak, but enough to make succeeding easy. Chase $, learn, memorize, shop, Fri./Sat. Casual sex, maybe.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

A month of celebration, popularity and social delights, optimism, flirtations and dreams coming true starts now, Taurus! I can’t promise you the world, nor can I promise that the high stress you’ve been feeling for three or four years will end overnight… It still has about three years to run, but contains a reward, for this stress plugs directly into your ambitions — use it as fuel. (To reduce stress, turn off the TV, garden, walk in nature, have sex, follow doctor’s advice [NOT medicine, but actions] meditate IF it helps. [Meditation can lead to deeper, long-term stress in some people.]) In weeks ahead, you might be favoured by management. Save, don’t spend except for profit.

Sunday urges you to be ambitious — rewards might be obvious. The joy and social delights of this whole month are highlighted, intensified, Mon./Tues. (Remain ambitious, too, esp. Tues.) Drive carefully. Retreat for a brief rest Wed./Thurs. Ponder, plan, seek advice, and deal with gov’t or “head office” — an easy, lucky interval. Your energy and charisma soar Fri./Sat. — get out, see and be seen, start significant projects, live life!


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Be ambitious for the weeks ahead, Gemini. — Especially this Mon./Tues., when ambition, prestige relations and worldly status are doubly highlighted. (These 2 days, luck is mixed.) You remain sexy, assertive, until late March. Watch that this doesn’t interfere with your career or status goals. A new friend might enter soon; “sweet nothings” (or pillow talk) might result. A legal, international, publishing, travel, educational or love matter “hangs on,” needs conversation, clarification. Sunday focuses (in a positive way) on these matters.

Hopes, joys, popularity, flirting, happiness — these fill Wed./Thurs. — in great ways, esp. Wed. Retreat, lie low, rest, ponder and plan Fri./Sat. Avoid physical competition.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

A month of wisdom, gentle love, and “broad concerns” welcomes you, Cancer. Broad concerns: international, legal, educational, cultural, religious, media, moral rights and wrongs. A thread of secrets/mysteries, and intimate or financial opportunities, “hangs on” this week and next. Avoid dark alleys until late March. Higher-ups favour you no too mid-March.

Sunday’s for that lingering thread of intimacy or finance. (Any investment made now would grow s-l-o-w-l-y, but steadily.) Those “broad concerns” flow over you like a wave of comfort Mon./Tues. — but avoid arguments, esp. with friends. Your ambitions get a solid boost Wed./Thurs., esp. if you plunge into effort. Wed. best. Hopes and wishes might come true Fri./Sat. — friends increase, optimism rises, and happiness visits!


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The month ahead nudges you into deeper waters, Leo. Research, secrets, financial “privileged” information, someone whose arm in a sweater or turn of neck melts your loins, temptations to use or “manage” someone…these can arise. Be honest, ethical, and you’ll come out of these weeks better off. You still possess hope about a foreign person (or academic or traveller) or situation — this can lead to true love, or some other joyous outcome. Sunday highlights this relationship — jump in, it’s a “start.”

This secretive, perhaps life-changing month ahead is doubly emphasized Mon./Tues. — handle disruptions, even arguments, with a calm smile. Wednesday/Thursday bring international, legal, learning, media and love situations — huge luck potential here, so plunge in, open your heart if necessary. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. Show your skills.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

A month of excitement faces you, Virgo. Relationships, fresh horizons (relocation themes) new opportunities — and if you’re snarky, not diplomatic, this could include enemies and opposition. Bosses are willing to Invest in your future if YOU are; otherwise, they might be a bit critical, impatient (to late March). A chore remains from earlier: get it done, so it doesn’t hold you back from a relationship’s full blooming. Your sexual, financial and medical picture looks fortunate, bountiful until mid-March.

Tackle chores Sunday. Those relationships start Mon./Tues. — perhaps a bit of a rocky start. The investment, sexual lust, medical and lifestyle-changing influence reaches a monthly peak Wed./Thurs. — dive in, your luck is great, esp. Wed! Friday/Saturday bring a mellow, tolerant mood; you understand, and that’s good.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Prepare for a month of work, drudgery, minor health complaints, and handling machinery. I would usually add “boredom,” but this year boredom is the last thing you’ll experience — love, flaming arguments of love, marriage potential, business partnerships, opportunities (esp. 2 at a short distance, drivable in hours) tempting relocation opportunities — these continue to fill your life. Still, work is the general current. At last, someone might admit to the possibility of a lifetime together. (He/she wants to “own” you — is that alright?)

Sunday contains the last small wave of romance, beauty and creativity. All’s well. Tackle chores Mon./Tues. — practice safety, and DON’T buy machinery/computers. Relationships bloom Wed./Thurs., could bring a proposal, or a wink. In either case, there is major potential. Dive in, esp. Wednesday daytime! Friday/Saturday bring sexual intimacy, investment, medical or lifestyle decisions and research. Wednesday’s bond veers into commitment and consequence late week. There’s no rush. Wait until you’re certain.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Ah, sweet romance! This, and creative surges, gambling urges, beauty, pleasure, joys of raising/teaching kids, all populate the four weeks ahead, Scorpio. You’ll be meeting huge work demands, too (until May) so maybe divide your days in 2: half pleasure, half work. (The pleasure will make you more efficient at work — a truth workaholics “miss.”)

(Some compensation: co-workers will be affectionate,

Use Sunday to recuperate: sleep in, eat well, hug the kids, be restful. Easy day. That romance (et al) streak comes in like a comet Mon./Tues. — watch out for Tuesday’s disruptions. Tackle work Wed./Thurs. — a very fortunate interval, so show your stuff, demand a good “fee,” or angle toward a promotion/raise. (Reward might come now, or later.) Relationships excite Fri./Sat. — be diplomatic but eager to join, to merge. Opportunities, fresh horizons lure, but go slow with these.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 23-Dec. 21

The month ahead encourages you to sleep, to briefly “hibernate,” and tend to your family, property, garden, and security — and soul, and stomach. This is a slow down, rejuvenate period. You are in a fantastic romantic trend (until May) so use the weeks ahead to boost your energy and emotional reserves — they’ll be needed during a huge wave of (romantic, creative, etc.) possibilities in late March, April. Already, you’re receiving hints of that beauty/pleasure/romance — and you know someone’s “hot” for you. Take this month ahead to think, to decide.

Sunday’s for calls, texts, info, trips, paperwork — all’s good, so dive in. This period’s domestic influence doubles up Mon./Tues. — remain calm Tues. Romance, etc., hits powerfully Wed./Thurs., even tho’ you’re in a down-home month. You could meet your future life-mate, but this won’t be “certain” until after March 23. In any case, enjoy! But tackle chores Fri./Sat. — you’ll get them done, but avoid “chatter” Saturday afternoon.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Hey, Cap. The four weeks ahead will be filled with errands, trips, calls, texts, reports, paperwork, anecdotal evidence, and casual acquaintances. Your main source of luck/wealth until May lies in real estate, home, family, landscaping, nature, etc. If you haven’t bought a home or moved to a better rental the last 9 months, then use this month ahead to examine the whole situation, peruse ads, talk to realtors, etc. This is “fact finding” time (and others will be pleased to help you here).

Buy/sell Sunday — all’s fine. Those errands, fact-finding missions, etc., are significant Mon./Tues. — careful with Tuesday’s disruptions. (Taurus might be involved.) Home (family, property, etc.) is your focus Wed./Thurs. This is a very fortunate two days, esp. Wed. Take the plunge! Romance, beauty, pleasure, joyful children, sports, games — these fill Fri./Sat., but in a “reasonable” way, not “ecstasy.”


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Chase $ for the next 4 weeks, Aquarius. Buy/sell, embrace a casual lover, memorize or learn. This will be, emotionally, a rather mellow, unflappable month. Someone might be interested in more than “casual love” — if a Libra is around, he/she is seeking a mate, not a night. It’s a good time to buy a car, or travel tickets (car better) — try Feb. 22, 28, and March 2, 12… Your “chatty” streak continues. Soon (early March) two years of dejection and restriction fall from your shoulders — you will rise, afresh, new! (And if a Libra is chasing you, the main obstacle — existing since 2009 — dissolves late March.)

Your energy and charisma remain high Sunday — do things! The $ chase intensifies Mon./Tues., but go somewhat slowly, with an eye on “consequences.” Errands, friends, trips, calls, texts, reports, paperwork fill Wed./Thurs. — dive into these, for circumstances are fortunate and “just right” — you can discover that someone desires you, or you could stumble upon your own vulnerable feelings, or write a smoking love letter! Head for home, family Fri./Sat., an “okay” interval. Rest up.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

You’re on top, Pisces! Your energy, charisma, timing and effectiveness are at a yearly high. Get out, see and be seen, make new contacts, launch projects, state your case, make your mark on the world. Good time to tackle chores/situations that were too difficult earlier. Your money picture looks brighter, now to mid March. There remain 1 or 2 secrets that need addressing.

Be quiet, restful, ponder and plan, Sunday. All’s well. Your charisma, energy soar Mon./Tues., but that might ruffle a few feathers, so be alert, aware of how you affect others. Chase money Wednesday/Thursday, buy/sell, ask for a pay raise, buy a luxury item, start a casual love affair, or enrol in a rote learning course. This is a very fortunate interval, so don’t hold back, don’t be shy — state your case, ask for the money. Chase errands Fri./Sat. — travel, communicate, handle paperwork. Be thoughtful before speaking, writing.




Well, that was humiliating! Not one human being answered my rather flagrant bid (in last week’s AFTERAMBLE)  to find a match by astrology and biorhythms. 10 years ago, maybe even two years ago, I wouldn’t have dared such a public display. But now I’m 74, free at last to experiment and explore. And my sanity? I think that left long ago.

Whatever mistakes I might make now will not affect the full arc of a life. I want to die with the most knowledge I can. Not absolutely sure why. But knowledge won’t come without mistakes.

Another bonus of being old? Age lets you let go of all grudges and prejudices, so your mood automatically rises to a certain level of buoyancy. Whether it is connected or not, age tends to bring a deeper experience of the beauty of the Earth. You can almost feel the trees growing.


Evidently the FBI began to infiltrate Catholic Churches looking for “white supremists.” Long ago? No, the “order” was given January 23, 2023. They’re hunting for bullies such as Jesus, I guess…


In the market for the next few years, buy companies that deal with the poor:

Dollarama, charity suppliers, inexpensive consumer goods, sidewalk loan companies and bankruptcy facilitators.

On the high-tech/NASDAQ side, it is very hard to pick a winning path at this point, mainly because high-tech begins an entire new era in (March) 2023. For sure, the 23 to 40 period will bring fission energy, but what else? AI is getting a lot of press, so this might be an area of great growth.

Huge dictatorships — and an effort to  turn the U.S. and Canada this way.


Trump’s basic mistake was this: he believed that the American citizenry was stronger than the bureaucratic deep state. Wrong so far.


Things grow and thrive and reach their maximum, then decline, ultimately to rot. All that rots in this world creates new soil, and new soil creates fresh new, green and shining growth. When you view politics this way, it is quite soothing.


Why doesn’t the USA canvas all the countries in the world and ask them if they have one of these balloons in the sky? Then offer to shoot them down, and as a sweetener, to let the country keep everything from the wreckage.


The earliest I was aware of American presidents was at the age of seven, maybe 8. Eisenhower was president at the time. In working from then to the present, I think the greatest presidents in declining  order were: Eisenhower, for he won the second world war and created the freeway system. Next, Reagan, because he oversaw the dismantling of the USSR, and revived the nation’s economy. He also dissolved a 12% inflation rate. Then Trump, the first president since Methuselah to not start a war. He too rescued a dying economy. Most importantly, his actions and ignorance exposed the deep state and swamp, which has existed, and probably grown, since at least the 1970s, but of which the General Public seemed somewhat unaware,  Though frustrated enough by the bureaucracy in some cases to revolt as an individual to go to court,


One of the big things that bothers me about the left is that they base so many of their opinions, acceptances and rejections on a persons behaviour, their speech patterns, their manners, the way they dress — all the superficial societal things. They didn’t like Trump because he was abrupt and rude. They love Biden because he’s an old smoothie, an engaging, warm and friendly personality. He manufactures trust. And that is easy because he  actually believes, I think, what he says, even if it flatly contradicts what he said a week, year or decade ago. But Biden has connections down below, and one day he will need to settle with them. Compared to Biden, Trump’s a country bumpkin… Or more accurately, a product of the cruder side of New York City.  the world’s elites do not like crude. They call it dangerous and racist. They fear its honesty and vibrance.
