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Tim’s YouTube link: Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
START NOTHING: Before 3:57 am Sun., 6:50 am to 2:51 pm Tues., and 5:43 am to 11:29 pm Thurs.
ALL SIGNS: A mercury retrograde period looms on the horizon, technically from April 21 to May 14. So aim to finish up projects, or start ones that can finish soon. By mid-April, things will start slowing down. Start NOTHING April 21-May 14.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
You’re still on top, Aries! Your charm, energy, effectiveness and clout are at a yearly peak. People listen when you speak. Start or give projects a boost. Realize a slowdown lurks mid-month onward, so time projects, meetings accordingly. (See “ALL SIGNS” above.) You’re starting to bend into family, property, and security issues, now to May 20. (Remember that thing you were going to do last spring? — it might arise again.) Your money picture’s very beneficial. And you might be about to take one of the luckiest, far-reaching steps of your life. (A foreign born person might connect to this somehow.)
Tackle chores Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. A dilemma: for now, don’t combine friends and money. Relationships and opportunities excite you late Tuesday through Thurs. Wednesday best. True love might exist! Dig deep, look for treasure, invest, seek intimacy with someone Fri./Sat. Friday’s best.
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
Remain quiet and contemplative, Taurus. Liaise with gov’t, head office. Examine how you got here, and where you want to ago in future — start planning. Despite your weariness you remain attractive and friends start to come around. One special friend could be a confidant, somebody to share your secrets and troubles with. This person could appear anytime in the next six weeks.
Romantic feelings fill Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Remain cautious until Monday afternoon, then act. Tackle chores Tuesday eve through Thurs. Eat, dress sensibly. Mostly productive. Friday/Saturday bring relationships, fresh horizons, opportunities. (Don’t grab one that will take longer than two weeks to “accomplish” — read ALL SIGNS above in the PREAMBLE.) Friday’s superb!
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
Socialize, Gemini. Join clubs, groups. CHASE A BIG DREAM. Perform in public. Flirt, grab romance. It’s a happy, optimistic time, your popularity’s high, strangers smile at you in the street. Your private life is sweet, so you can rest from those frenetic outside activities. The gov’t will lighten up, favour you. Your income will expand until late May. Try to keep spending down. Read ALL SIGNS above.
Be home, hug the kids, embrace nature, garden, and rest deeply Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Act ethically, and don’t let “quiet enemies” try to draw you away from your principles. Romance, sweet romance, calls late Tuesday through Thurs. Chase it (and creativity, pleasure, sports) Wed./Thurs., not Tues. Get to work Fri./Sat. (Friday best — excellent morning to buy equipment.)
CANCER: June 21-July 22
Go all out, Cancer, for a promotion, big business deal, for prestige, to lift your worldly standing. Aim high, be optimistic! You will be sexually magnetic until late May. Be gentle, truthful with those seduced by your charms. Friends are uplifting, affectionate — though around Monday you can face a dilemma between friendships and your assets or deep intimacy. Silence, tolerance best.
Sunday to Tuesday afternoon bring casual contacts, travel communications and paperwork. Study that “dilemma” (see above) Monday, as it foreshadows years ahead. (Over the next 20 years, your investments will grow…and grow.) Be home or in the ‘hood Tuesday eve through Thurs. Rest, nap, hug the kids and spouse, etc. All’s well, but be cautious pre-dawn Wed. Romance, creative, inventive ideas, beauty and pleasure play your tune Fri./Sat. — Friday best.
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
Charge forth to succeed in far travel, higher learning, media/publishing, insurance, law and cultural venues, Leo — and in gentle love. If you truly love someone now, ask them the question. It could prefigure a prestigious wedding. Bosses favour you until April 11. Until May 20, avoid dark alleys, biker clubs and belligerent people. Same period, DON’T try anything secretive — it would be shouted from the rooftops later.
Chase $, buy/sell, Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Do NOT start a casual sex affair now, esp. if single. (It would prevent potential true love from arising, now to late May.) Casual friends, communications, trips, and paperwork fill mid-week. All’s good, but be careful pre-dawn Wed. Head toward home and family Fri./Sat. Hug the kids, rest and dream. Soak in the sunshiny porch. Friday’s best, can help you with repairs, Renos, digging a swimming pool, etc.
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Dig deep, Virgo — investigate, research. You could discover treasure, a treasure of knowledge, of sexual joining, of finances/investments. You feel a new optimism about these — good, plunge in! Your morals and general view of the world are good, wise. A Taurus makes a good companion. Some of you are on the cusp of a major (good) lifestyle change — probably involves property, or where to live. (Alaska, anyone?)
Your energy and charisma soar Sunday to Tuesday afternoon.Note a small, subtle conflict Monday, between your work and your ethics. Chase $, buy/sell, Tuesday eve through Thurs.All’s well, productive, but don’t “engage” Tuesday night to pre-dawn Wed. Short trips, paperwork, communications and casual contacts fill Fri./Sat. Good investment possible Friday morning, to noon. (PDT). Read ALL SIGNS above.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Relationships heat up, or at least a “dance” starts between young another. Many Librans will find love, life-mate style love, or begin co-habituation this month. Equally, many will face fresh horizons, relocation urges, public dealings, and opportunities now to mid-May, but esp. to late April. But read ALL SIGNS above — by mid-month things might begin slowing down, second thoughts enter — and so might a former flame. Decide who you want, and stick with him/her. Same with business opportunities, etc. — either seal the deal quickly, or wait to see what “returns from the past.” (I suspect this “returnee” will be a lesser choice, a bond more sexual than marital.)
Rest, lie low, ponder and plan Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Be charitable. You might “observe” the difference between sex and romance Mon. Your energy and charisma jump up Tuesday eve through Thurs. A great interval, use it to impress/attract who/what you desire. (Except Tuesday night to pre-dawn Wed., PDT.) Chase $ Fri./Sat. — Friday’s far better — could bring a love attraction, too.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Still lots of chores, Scorpio. Tackle them assiduously until mid-May, then you will be released from extra burdens (and start a year of hugely lucky relationships and fresh, lucrative opportunities). If starting a work project or relationship, read ALL SIGNS in the PREAMBLE — jump in soon, or wait. Others are treating you sweetly, responsively. Watch for a tiny hint Monday, indicating relationships and your domestic situation might not always “harmonize” for the next 20 years. For instance, you might have to leave home for awhile to chase a distant opportunity. (In all cases of decision, you will favour home.)
Happiness, popularity and friendly flirting visit you Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. But retreat, lie low to rest, ponder and plan midweek. A soothing, easy interval, but avoid work and machinery (and flame) Tuesday night to pre-dawn Wed. (PDT). Your energy and charisma surge upward Fri./Sat. Friday’s better, might bring a sudden, intense attraction. (Good day to buy machinery, too — not computers.)
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
It’s been quite an interesting past 7 months, Sage. Gemini has been seeking (and finding) friends, Libra, seeking and finding a life partner; and you, seeking (and finding) romance. Now it comes down to 6 + weeks of climax: April, and the first half of May. It some ways, it will be “put up or shut up” time. If you are dating, whatever, discuss your futures well BEFORE April 21, when a slowdown or mistakes and second thoughts prevails. Seal the heart’s deal. From about mid-April to May 11, a former flame might re-appear. He/she might be the one, but I like the one who’s “already here” better. All this applies to teaching kids, creative, risk-taking and games, pleasure and beauty, also.
Be ambitious, display your skills Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Look Monday: is there a gossipy co-worker? Gently avoid him/her. Midweek brings joy, social delights, popularity and flirtation. (But don’t flirt or pursue anyone Tuesday night to pre-dawn Wed. (PDT). Rest, lie low, tackle neglected chores, ponder and plan Fri./Sat. Friday might bring a surprise sexual attraction.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Chase real estate, Cap. Chase a better rental, or buy furniture, or a new tablecloth. Everything around food and shelter is blessed for you, to mid-May, but really strongly now and the week ahead. A period of slowdown and indecision enters just past mid-April, lasting to May 11. So DON’T begin any domestic (or other) projects that you can’t finish before, say, April 17, 18. Then to May, stick with the ongoing, or re-grasp an opportunity from the past (esp. in security, home zones). Legal, travel, learning and cultural rituals go well. Until late May, relationships burn with intensity.
Wisdom, tolerance, wide vision and large ideas fill Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Mid-week, work hard, display your skills, angle for a promotion. (Careful predawn Wed., PDT.) Social delights, happiness, friendly romance comes Fri./Sat. Friday better, could turn an “intense relationship” to sweet whispers.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Errands, trips, calls, emails, paperwork and swift chores reach a whirling crescendo this week and next, Aquarius. Try to keep organized! A romantic “back-and-forth” ebbs now. In its place comes hard work, for 5 more weeks. Your home remains sweet, affectionate.
Sunday to Tuesday afternoon features hidden things: sexual desire, secrets, and “privileged information” that can help you invest profitably, understand an upcoming medical procedure, or help you change your life entirely. (But: act on facts, not dreams.) Midweek brings a wise, mellow understanding, gentle love, and possibly far travel, legal, cultural media or higher learning “events.” Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — display your skills, let it be down you want to “rise.” Start researching where you might live in the future.
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
Keep focused on money and possessions, Pisces. The 2 weeks ahead (and really to mid-May) hand you a bonanza of income possibilities. Ask for a pay raise. If that fails, ask for a promotion. If single, relax with an intimate friend. A good cycle to memorize something — permanently. Casual contacts surround you, but they’re talkative and gracious, entertaining. The 5 weeks ahead will feature intense or hot romance. Read ALL SIGNS in the PREAMBLE above regarding when to act, when to stop.
Relationships, opportunities and fresh horizons face you Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Notice a small friction between your ideas/expressions and “big government” Monday. Avoid gossip. Midweek brings secrets, research, medical issues, lifestyle possibilities, and financial, sexual and power desires. Good — but don’t chase anything/one Tuesday night to pre-dawn Wed. (PDT). Friday/Saturday bring a mellow, understanding mood, gentle love, and cultural, learning, international and publishing progress. Friday better.
Sorry, this is the last one of these (see next item, below):
When teachers indulge rape, incest and pedophilia, when they seed school libraries with porn, they are following the politicians — Joe Biden, who showered naked with his daughter until she escaped and became an alcoholic, Pete Buttigeg’s buddy, Maryland Mayor Patrick Wohjan, arrested for child pornography, ABC news producer arrested for child sex, CNN legal pundit caught masturbating on air, Clinton and all the pols who raped young girls at “Pedo Island,” and were not even questioned, much less arrested or charged, the bald LGB Biden-boy who stole women’s luggage in airports and later paraded around in them. Garland and Wray, DOJ and FIB directors, both walls of non-transparency, both highly bigoted, who approved — in fact, caused — the beating and arrest of the father of a girl raped by these teachers’ indulgences because he demanded answers, Garland (DOJ) and Wray (FIB) who raided parents’ homes and declared parents “domestic terrorists” because they (parents) want to protect their children from rape, incest and porn — essentially, from Joe Biden and his seriously bent crew. Meanwhile, as America dithers and media anchors masturbate and gov’t agencies eat the children, China and Russia smile and discuss a new world order. Maybe it’s time. Biden USA, Nero Rome.
OK, I’m going to try and restrain myself once again: no more politics, because they make me too angry, grotty and potty-mouthed, like the old man I am. I am merely going to close with this: Trump will be exonerated in every lawsuit propped up against him, the one brought by Alvin “Big Pants” Bragg, the one brought by Joe Biden’s henchmen (Wray and Garland) regarding Mar-a-Lago, and the Georgia kangaroo court. Trump will win them all, bringing his total to 8 victories, zero losses. (Unless you count the stolen election as a loss, in fact a multiple loss, like those cluster bombs that once they explode send 50 other bombs out to explode — as hundreds of judges refused to let Trump’s lawyers begin any lawsuits; they refused to look at the evidence, ignored at least 1000 affidavits from election observers, and refused to give Trump’s lawyers standing.)
But I don’t think Trump will win the next federal election. I might revisit this but that’s my prediction right now.