Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 1:59 pm to 2:28 pm Mon., 7:46 pm to 8:19 pm Wed., and 3:31 am to 4:10 am Sat.



ALL SIGNS: Start no new projects, relationships nor major purchases before August 28. Until then, protect ongoing projects/relationships, or reprise one from the past. This is NOT a good planning period — wait until Sept. onward to form solid schemes.


There are reports that Thomas Crook had repeat visitors to his home in the months preceding his assassination attempt on Trump. These visitors’ cell phones were geo-tracked to a building beside an FBI office in Washington, D.C.

If true, combined with evidence that the police and secret service knew about Crook’s presence — with a rifle — an hour before the shooting — and now video evidence that the crowds were pointing to the roof and shouting, “there’s a man with a gun up there!” And telling the cops, and the cops and secret service did nothing, and all that implies — it produces a strong whiff of conspiracy. Would Biden, whose schemes to jail Trump slowly backfired, hesitate at an assassination plot?




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Remember, Aries, start nothing new before August. 28. (Read “ALL SIGNS”above.) The weeks ahead feature romance, creativity, pleasure, beauty and taking (usually fortunate) risks. Chores are gently piling up — a former, perhaps neglected task might “return” soon. A friendly Gemini might chase you. Collect $, buy/sell, embrace casual intimacy Sun./Mon. All’s well. Many errands, calls, texts, trips and paperwork arise until early September — and this Monday night to Wednesday night (PDT).  Act Tuesday daytime; this night and Wed. Are difficult. Head for home Thurs./Fri. —good, supportive stuff here, but be careful with a sudden new attraction — he/she is likely to be too unpredictable. Romance of a better, more reliable kind comes Sat.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The major accent over the weeks ahead, Taurus, lies on home, family — sweet affection — real estate, mother nature, starting and ending things (out with the old, in with the new, growing). Read “ALL SIGNS” above about brand new projects, tho. Money will rush toward you until early Sept. — bank ir or pay debt. Don’t spend it. Your hopes are serious, quiet, but likely to come true. Your charisma and energy soar Sun./Mon.Get out and about, get things done. Chase $ Monday late afternoon to Wednesday eve (PDT). Tuesday best for action. Errands, easy chores, communications, trips and paperwork fill Thursday./Fri. — all good, but there might be a computer or electric (or crazy friend) “interruption. Be home Sat. You’ll be happy!


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 22

Your world is full of calls, trips, messages, paperwork, casual contacts, reports — you’re livelier than usual! (And fortunately so, as the year ahead will show.) However, a thread of “slow down,” of domesticity and quietude, enters   now, and will soon turn and embrace the past. (Read “ALL SIGNS” above.) This can mean a former residence “returns” and calls to you, or a log-lost family member returns, or you buy the furniture you wanted before…You are assertive, hopeful and “ready to make friends” now to early September — and to a large degree, right until mid-2025. Lie low, rest and contemplate Sun./Mon. Your energy and charisma return Monday afternoon to Wednesday eve (8 pm PDT). For best results, act Tues. Wednesday night through Friday offers $, casual sex, and/or rote learning. But steer clear of someone who wants to a) talk about your secrets, or b) draw you into something not quite right. Saturday’s for friends, errands, paperwork and communications — mostly good.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 23-July 22

Read “ALL SIGNS” above, Cancer. Use the weeks ahead to chase money, engage in casual sex, and/or read-and-learn. (Remember, protect the ongoing and chase the past.) Until September 4, avoid belligerent people and sketchy places. (That was my weekly advice to Gemini Trump before he was shot.) If single, you are thinking slowly but deeply about marriage; if married, about your mate. Sunday to Monday afternoon (PDT) brings you hope, social joys, flirtations perhaps — you’ll be popular! But retreat, lie low and rest, contemplate, Monday eve through Wednesday. Tuesday’s best for dealing with gov’t, head office or institutions. Your energy and charisma soar upward Thurs./Fri. — great for partnerships, wisdom, travel — but be careful with money. (Do NOT buy anything electronic.) Saturday’s for small $ and casual or “not meaningful” sex.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Leo.  Life’s horizons open wide for you now — this month ahead, but also the 10 months ahead. Both will be filled with social joys, flirtations, optimism, popularity and entertainment. You might, in the weeks ahead, win a lawsuit, travel internationally, succeed at school, or be a “charming lover.” (Some Leos, before next July, will meet the love of their life in a social group.) This is the best year in more than a decade to join new groups, make new friends. (Though only people you already know will be “viable” before August. 28.) Soon, former money sources will re-appear (or a garment you wanted to buy). Be ambitious Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT). Money eve through Wednesday features hopes, happiness, and everything mentioned above (popularity, legal wins, etc.). Tuesday best. Retreat, find quietude, rest and contemplate Thurs./Fri. All’s well — if you avoid a boss or VIP. Saturday, your energy and charisma return, for a good weekend!


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the preamble above, Virgo. You have begun several weeks of R&R — rest and recuperation. Lie low, avoid competitions, liaise with gov’t, head office and institutions. DON’T make solid plans; let them remain amorphous. You will be “pulled back” to a past situation, lover, ambition (or something crucial, significant) in August. Sunday to Monday afternoon brings a mellow mood, wisdom and gentle love for all creatures. All’s well. Monday eve through Wednesday features career, prestige and worldly standing. Tuesday best. Your career/ambition zone is very fortunate until next June, and is intense now to Sept. 4 (perhaps requiring investment — but re-read “ALL SIGNS”!). Optimism, happiness, social connections and entertainment lighten your heart Thursday./Fri. Strictly avoid a clandestine love attraction, tho (reputation  danger). Saturday (and the weekend) form the nadir, bottom, of your weariness, quietude and solitude — but a pretty comfy bottom.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Libra. The weeks ahead boost your happiness, your optimism and social popularity, and can bring entertainment and flirtations. (But stick with “old faithful” or a former lover — avoid brand new bonds before Aug. 28.) Secrets, lust, power plays, investigation, financial actions, commitment and consequences fill Sunday to midafternoon Monday (PDT) — auspices are faintly good. Monday eve through Wednesday makes you excited and determined to travel afar, succeed in school or any intellectual zone (law, philosophy, religion, etc.) or to ”formalize” your love, or engage in any social ritual such as a wedding. These zones will be ultra-lucky for you not only in the month + ahead, but until next June — so don’t dawdle AFTER August. Be ambitious, talk to bosses, Thurs./Fri. — good stuff here, but avoid any temptations to act wishfully and impulsively, esp. in sexual or financial areas. Saturday (and the weekend) is for fun, flirting, entertainment and your social group. All’s well!


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Read “ALL SIGNS” in Preamble above, Scorpio. The general accent during the weeks ahead lies on your ambitions, prestige relations, and worldly status. This week, higher-ups look kindly on you. There is much going on behind the scenes, involving your work and income. You are in a very fortunate year (to June/25) for investments, sex, lifestyle changes, research — and pregnancy. These are highlighted Monday eve through Wednesday — best Tuesday. But don’t do anything new before August. 28. Soon, old, former desires will “tickle” you, as former friends gather. Relationships and opportunities face you Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT). Be diplomatic; make friends, not enemies. Thursday/Friday bring a mellow wisdom and tolerance, gentle love and “big” things — far travel, higher learning, law, profound thoughts. A nice interval, but be prepared for a surprise involving another and your career or reputation. Saturday starts a weekend of ambition — go!


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Sage. For the next several weeks, the accent will be on far travel, international affairs, higher learning, law, publishing and philosophy/religion — your favourite activities! But Mercury is retro, so only deal with ongoing projects/people, or those from the past — nothing new before Aug. 28. Your life is filled with opportunity, prospective partners, public appearances, and relocation themes until next summer. You will show your “true side” to others, as you will have little patience with false diplomacy. This is intensified now to Sept. 4 — it will be love or war, with love winning for most of you! Despite the Mercury retrograde, you MIGHT meet one of the loves of your life. Tackle chores and dress sensibly Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday. All’s good, productive. All that above about partnership and opportunities is highlighted Monday eve through Wednesday —be diplomatic, open and friendly. Tuesday eve starts problems, so act before then. Life’s deep side, sex, lust, pregnancy, lifestyle changes, major financial actions, research, your subconscious — these fill Thurs./Fri., in a fortunate way. But don’t push a work-ethics situation or co-worker romance. Saturday brings a weekend of love, travel, dreams, profound ideas, learning, law — everything August is about!


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Cap. The general emphasis for the weeks ahead lies on life’s deep side: sex, lust, pregnancy, lifestyle changes, major financial actions, research, your subconscious, commitment and consequence. (Though I’d be slow to commit to anything that is new, person or project, before Aug. 28.) There will be more gain than loss. A lover or “loving teacher” might return in August. You face much work, many chores, esp. now to Sept. 4, which might create a job loss or change — but those chores also pile up now to June next year, with fortunate, perhaps fantastically fortunate, results. Sunday to Monday mid-afternoon (PDT) brings romance, creative urges, pleasure and beauty — take a wee gamble. Tackle chores, eat and dress sensibly, Monday eve through Wednesday — best actions, least obstacles Tuesday daytime. Exciting meetings, relationships, opportunities, public appearances and relocation themes fill Thursday’s./Fri. — all is fine here, unless you push romance, or want to gamble. Saturday starts a weekend of mystery, deep finances, spying, lust, power plays, and medical and lifestyle decisions. (But don’t take your decisions seriously — re-examine them in September.)


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Aquarius. The month ahead emphasizes relationships, opportunities, relocation themes, and public appearances. Be diplomatic, but eager to join. (But remember, no NEW people or projects before Aug. 28.) It started last week and continues to Sept. 4 — a re-invigorated passion, and courage, and determination — for a romance, a creative project or other adventure. But that’s just the 5 weeks ahead — the whole 10 months ahead brings the same (romance, et al) but in a bigger, happier, friendlier and luckier way. Love will fulfill your wishes this year ahead. Be home or in the ‘hood Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT). All’s well, hug the family and snooze on the back porch. Monday eve through Wednesday highlights the romance, passion and creativity outlined above. Act before supper Tuesday, as Wednesday is slow to reward. Tackle chores, eat and dress sensibly Thursday/Friday — most things succeed (mostly Thursday) but beware a confrontation over home, land, domestic duties, kids. Saturday brings a weekend of relationships, exciting meetings, opportunities — and some opposition.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Pisces. The weeks ahead emphasize chores, repairs, machinery and tools, nutrition and daily health, and your duties toward dependents and pets. Your home might be a bit argumentative until Sept. 4, but it also calls for your money (I.e., buy) and is very lucky until June 2025. You might spend money on a home right now, but remember, nothing new before August. 28 — so act later (you have 10 months) or this week, Monday/Tuesday (before 4 pm PDT Tues.). You remain sober but hopeful and social, for the year ahead. Sunday to midafternoon Monday brings errands, friends, calls, messages, paperwork, reports — all’s good. Monday eve through Wednesday highlights your home/family — best Tuesday. Romance, charming kids, creative surges, pleasure and beauty arrive Thurs./Fri. A great interval — but don’t say or write anything to or about a co-worker. Saturday starts a weekend of chores — you’ll get ‘em done.






The trouble with politicians: they’re great persuaders, but bad executives.


These below are only my thoughts:

I suspect karma is greater than God. Karma is an inescapable law that operates throughout nature, and (therefore) across every universe. But our God, I suspect, is confined to one universe — partly because God’s task is much more complex than karma’s. Karma has to arrange, with balancing fingers like a ghostly skein, weaving with the speed of instants and the sloth of decades, but eternally weaving with a trillion times a trillion fingers; karma has to arrange the advancement of beings.

By this I mean karma always pays us back in some form or another. Often we don’t recognize an event as “payback,” but to karma there is almost nothing else. As we slowly respond to karma’s “admonitions,” we mature, we grow as souls and human beings. So karma is, on a higher level, not a punisher but a teacher, and ultimately a path-illuminator, for living in harmony with karma’s best face will ultimately take one to “heaven.”

However, karma might open or close the gates to “heaven,” but it didn’t create heaven. Nor did it create any of the trillion things it governs with a touch so light we often don’t see it. (I do, every time I drive. I’m one of those “instant karma” people. If I rudely cut somebody off in traffic, usually within 5 minutes or less, somebody cuts me off.

God created heaven, if it exists, and hell too, and purgatory. But we need to be skeptical of, for example, what the Bible tells us are God’s words, and compare it to what feels right in our gut. (In the gut we digest not only food, but social interactions.) Sceptical, too, of God’s “visage” as reported to us in thousands of paintings.The Bible was written by humans, and contains some of the greatest stories and moral lessons — and history — of our civilizations, but many of its assertions might be human statements of human beliefs.

So  on a much grander (if not vaster) scale, God creates what karma only weaves — and yet for all that is bound by karma’s laws. (Which I suspect will be confirmed by quantum’s next universe of revelation.)

In addition, the bible is a semi-historical document, reflecting its times. Even its re-telling of myths can be influenced by local and/or current beliefs. For example, Adam and Eve, the beginning of humanity, supposedly committed the original sin (for which we are being eternally punished) by eating the snake’s apple, which represented knowledge. (Snakes represent wisdom in many cultures.) But we no longer believe that any impulsive act of “disobedience” deserves eternal punishment. Humanity, by now, has risen above the Biblically portrayed God’s lash of eternal punishment by ruling against “cruel or unusual punishment,” especially in North America and Europe. This God of eternal punishment is clearly a portrayal of God, from the imagination of human beings. (Though for all I know God did “present” in human form back then, just to convince — or soothe — people. Of course, God could have calmed everyone — and convinced them of “God” — with a mere wave of a divine hand.) Eve’s apple, of course, is knowledge and all the evils it brings, like an original Pandora’s Box. (Though I’m sure hers smelled sweeter.) But is knowledge evil? The authors of the Adam and Eve myth must have thought so, to enlist no less a celebrity than God to endorse their view. If God said it, it must be true! Yet today we thrive on technology, and from the information explosion that has ensued from that first bite. We are learning to heal ourselves, and to steer ourselves morally (a skill we always possessed). Today babies don’t die in childbirth, cancers and many diseases can be cured, broken bones reset…all thanks to Eve.

I’ve written before that I think God is letting us go — not in a bad way, but as a father lets his beloved son go out into the world on his own, filled with hope he will succeed — so God is letting us go, to explore the universe and its thousand mansions of truth. There is back-up for this in the Bible, and perhaps in other religious, mythical records, books or tales.

About this state, this new stage of freedom which I believe we entered awhile ago (most things are gradual) God says that partly He/It/She can pull back from “active duty” because every one of us will have God within, or as Jeremiah puts it (was it Jeremiah? I’ll check.) “We will not need priests because everyone will be a priest.” (I’m paraphrasing a bit, probably.) I don’t think we’ve risen to this level yet, but I don’t think it’s astronomically far off. The 1990’s tried to achieve various New Age versions of this goal, but none seemed to root very deeply.

(Like every great movement, the New Age had its corruption: false and wanna-be spiritual leaders found many platforms on which to advocate, each and all fading from view after they found  — sometimes at big expense — that it was hard to legally make money from spiritual things. One of the most famous “spiritual channelers,” ZZ Knight, let her highly touted entity slowly morph into a negative, angry being. A 13-year-old Buddhist high priest was found to be keeping a harem of women. And finally, Hugh Hefner humiliated all silk-and-velvet-evening-jacket wearing lounge lizards, by getting old. His aged, wrinkled, highly visible and photo’d face was their Dorian Grey mirror. Okay, I’m getting off topic.)

I suspect, don’t know, all of the above. I could be wrong, could be insulting God, but if you don’t mean to, and only mean good, how can a just God complain?
