Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS

WEEKLY FORECAST — MAY 12 – 18, 2024


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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING:2:13 am to 3:36 am Mon., 9:41 am to 2:33 pm Wed., and 2:09 am to 3:23 am Sat.

(Note: It is better to wait several hours AFTER  the END of a “Start Nothing” period to begin any project.)



No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. — Desiderata


More and more, my Apple computer is refusing to put capital letters at the beginning of sentences, and insists on capitalizing words in the middle of a sentence. And it loves to insert commas everywhere. Because I have tremors, I dictate a lot of this column. Otherwise it would take me twice as long. So please don’t blame me if you see a bunch of typos, I’m getting tired of correcting them.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

This is your last week of chasing money (or the opposite sex) Aries — and a lucky week, so make the most of it, $-wise. Next week can also be lucky for money, and continues the money focus until early June — but it won’t be your main drive or motive. the government will be on your case for the next year or so. You’ve experienced this for a year so you know how to handle it. You remain nicely assertive for four more weeks. Spend Sunday with your family or near home — a sweet, gratifying day. romance calls you, as do pleasure and beauty and games and gambles and creative projects — monday Dawn to mid afternoon Wednesday (PDT). Be cautious; obstacles exist. Tackle chores and take care of your health and nutrition Wednesday afternoon through Friday. Be careful driving thursday, and watch what you say. Saturday is for relationships and opportunities — maybe big ones!

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Taurus, this is your last week of super energy, luck, charisma, and the opportunity to act in a very significant way. The last 12 months I have offered you great good luck in changing your life (e.g., moving from Africa to Alaska) and in finances, research and “intuitive” areas. this luck will tend to fade after the end of next week. So if you still want to act on something, act now. You remain charming and sexually alluring for 11 more days. Until June 9, avoid belligerent people and dark places. Sunday is for communications, casual, friends, errands and paperwork — all flows smoothly. Your home and family needs your attention Monday dawn to mid afternoon Wednesday (PDT) — problems exist, need solutions. Romance, creative, urges, pleasure, and beauty, games, and sports come Wednesday afternoon through Friday there may be some problem communicating, but otherwise this is a lovely phase, especially Friday p.m. Saturday is for work — eat, and dress sensibly. All’s well!


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Eleven more days of low charisma, weariness and burdens, Gemini. Despite your low energy, you have been growing more and more cheerful lately. The government (or management at work, or a health situation) might do you a favour this week (possibly next). Women are supportive of you now, and men are friendly. If you have been carrying on a private affair, it may become public in the next month or so. Apply for any government benefits you’ve been lazy about — a beneficial window is about to close here! Very soon, you are going to burst into a year of great personal good fortune. (This might involve a relationship, an opportunity, a relocation, and/or public appearances.) Sunday is for shopping and money and casual afternoon, intimacy… all is well. errands, trips, paperwork, and communications fill Monday to mid afternoon Wednesday (PDT). Tackle these cautiously, as numerous obstacles and pitfalls exist. Read anything carefully before signing it. Head towards your home, family, and cosy security Wednesday afternoon through Friday. most things go well here but be cautious late Thursday night and pre-Dawn Friday. Romance calls Saturday — answer!


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

You have 11 more days in which wishes can come true, Cancer. Eleven more days of celebration, optimism and happiness, flirtations, and friends, and happy plans for the future. In the middle of next week, you will go into hibernation for a month. so crash those social barriers and head for fun. (In truth, some of that social happiness will last into early June, but in a lighter way.) Higher ups are either impatient, and on your case, or interested in pulling you up another notch on the ladder of success — or both! Your energy and charisma are powerful Sunday — get out, see and be seen, start things! Pursue money and casual intimacy Monday to mid afternoon Wednesday (PDT) — but cautiously, as obstacles and refusals exist. Short trips, communications, and paperwork fill Wednesday afternoon through Friday. Be cautious Thursday p.m. and pre-Dawn Friday, but after this charge ahead — success awaits! Saturday is for home and family.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Be careful and astute about legal matters until June 9, Leo. You have had a good year in your career or status, and have faced at least one significant opportunity to rise. that opportunistic ambition luck does remain through next week, but then begins to fade, so act quickly. (that “fade” is not a worry: you will love the year that starts next week!) Be quiet and restful Sunday; you will feel love and supported. your energy and charisma shield up Monday to mid afternoon Wednesday (PDT). usually this would be a good interval to charge ahead and start big projects. But if you do so now, realize there are many obstacles Monday morning and Tuesday night to Wednesday morning. Some of these obstacles will be spurs to your ambition. Wednesday afternoon through Friday, chase money and casual intimacy and/or learn something already known by others. be cautious Thursday night and prion Friday, but otherwise charge ahead, especially Friday night. Saturday is for casual friends, shark trips, and errands, paperwork, and communications — all’s well, so march forth.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Only 11 more days, Virgo, of a gentle but significant swell of love, understanding and tolerance, contemplation of the big issues of life, and possible legal, media, far travel/international, philosophical, social ritual (e.g., wedding, bar mitzvah) and educational themes. These have been fortunately emphasized for the past 12 months. This fortune continues until May 25 so you might want to get busy plunging into these areas to see if there’s any luck left. (Sure might be!) By late, May, you will enter a year that is outstandingly fortunate for your career and/or status in life. Now to early June, you simmer with sexual and financial (and power) drives. Sunday is fun, social and optimistic. but retreat Monday to mid-afternoon Wednesday. Avoid competition; rest, contemplate and plan. probably not a good time to contact head office or the government, as they will tend to oppose your needs. Your energy, charisma and wisdom surge upward Wednesday afternoon through Friday. Be cautious Thursday night and pre-Dawn Friday, but otherwise charge ahead during this fortunate interval. Saturday is for shopping, banking, and casual intimacy.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The accent remains on investments and debt, lust and desires for intimacy, research and investigation, medical decisions, and lifestyle choices, Libra. they have been fortunate for the past 12 months, and will continue so this week and next — and then the party’s over. (if you want to make investments, do it May 12, 17, and perhaps the 22nd and 23rd.) Relationship excitement is growing, has been since May 1 and will continue until June 9 — you might meet someone who repulses you with their aggressive criticism, or attracts you with their madcap humour and vitality. Be ambitious Sunday, all is fortunate. your mood elevates to a happiness level Monday to mid afternoon Wednesday (PDT) — increased popularity, social joys, optimism, and entertainment arrive. But many obstacles caution waiting before tackling anything practical. Retreat, find rest, contemplate and plan, and liaise with head office or civil servants Wednesday afternoon through Friday. Friday p.m. could help you trigger a pay bonus at work, or permission from the government or a tax refund. your karma and spirit are going through a lot of examination this past eleven months and seven months to come: you will come out “cleaner” than before. Saturday is yours, you rule. Start something, or meet someone.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The Lucky focus remains on relationships, public appearances, opportunities, and relocation themes, Scorpio. You might have met your true mate in the last 12 months, especially if money or possessions are involved. O ohr you might meet him/her in the next two weeks. So remain alert, diplomatic, and eager to pounce on promising openings. Work is very demanding until June 9, so just do it, but carve out time for yourself, and be careful around sharp tools. Heartburn, headaches, or rashes in the sexual area are possible. Another person is very soothing: is it love? Sunday is mellow and wise and gently loving. Contemplate big things. Be ambitious but also careful, Monday to mid afternoon Wednesday (PDT) — refusals and glitches predominate. Wednesday afternoon through Friday brings happiness — popularity, social joys, optimism, flirting, and entertainment, boost your heart to another level. But retreat Saturday into the weekend: lie low, rest, contemplate, pray, and plan.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Eleven more days of work and drudgery, Sage. (But don’t despair, this will be followed by an entire year of huge opportunities, marriageable, relationships, public dealings, and maybe relocation — and certainly adventure.) Your romantic and creative sides are providing more than enough relief from this onerous work burden. (If you are unemployed, this week and next are in a way the last great chance to grab a “big” job.) your home life is kind of tedious, and will remain that way for another 20 months — you will either make money from real estate or home, or be paying too much rent. Sunday is for sex, finances, and investigation. All’s well. Monday through Wednesday afternoon, brings a mellow, wise, and gently loving mode. Contemplate big ideas, but avoid signing anything, especially Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Be ambitious Wednesday afternoon through Friday — good luck will help you succeed Friday p.m., but be cautious Thursday night. Saturday is for friends, happiness, popularity, flirting, and optimistic plans for the future.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Yes, times are romantic and creative and pleasurable, Cap. but this will diminish to some degree next Monday the 20th, then to a further degree next Saturday the 25th, and finally to a last degree on June 3. So act now if you want love or pleasure or a big creative project to be in your life. If you’re already married, your love for your spouse and children has probably deepened and expanded over the last 12 months. Your home life can be pretty prone to friction until June 9 — diving into a physical project (building a gazebo? Or pool?) will dilute/absorb that friction. Sunday is for relationships – dive in, everything works! Life’s deeper side emerges Monday to Wednesday afternoon (PDT) — secrets, mysteries, subconscious revelations, lifestyle changes, medical decisions, lust, and major finances rise to the surface. However, be very slow to commit to anything, as consequences could be negative. A gentle mood of love, a tolerant wisdom, a yearning for travel or higher learning, and legal or philosophical or media interests flow in Wednesday afternoon through Friday. This is a good interval, but wait until Friday daytime onward to act, if you want success. Saturday is for ambition, career, and showing off your social status. (E.g., walk downtown in your Sunday best.) All’s well!


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

For the last 12 months, Aquarius, a ray of benevolent luck has been shining on your domestic situation. lucky ones among you might have bought a home, or otherwise profit from real estate. This train of luck is still chugging down the track, but it pulls into the station next week, partly May 20 and partly May 25. So  you have a week or two to do anything further in domestic zones, real estate, gardening, security, kids, and parents, mother nature, etc. This might also include ending stale situations and empty relationships. you are very verbal now until early June, quick to argue and state your case. That’s actually a good thing at present. A huge year with a huge romance hovers on the horizon, starts very soon. Tackle chores Sunday. Eat and dress sensibly. You’ll succeed in whatever you tackle. Relationships and opportunities and opposing views arise Monday to Wednesday afternoon (PDT). Be diplomatic, and do not be over eager to join (except Mon. night). Quite a few glitches come between you and another. Secrets, major finances, subconscious promptings, research, major life changes and medical decisions are highlighted Wednesday afternoon through Friday — and in a way that will aid your desires, especially Friday noon to midnight. But take care Thursday p.m., when subtle disagreements might remain hidden, but are still potent. Saturday is for wisdom, tolerance, profound ideas, far travel, higher, education, and gentle love.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19 – March 20

Errands, short trips, paperwork, and communications still fill your days, Pisces, for another 2 weeks, although half the “energy” behind them weakens by May 20 (next Monday). lots of money has either started rushing towards you or will between now and June 9. Save it, rather than spend — that won’t be easy, but it will be profitable — but not if you spend. Before May ends, you will start a year that is super lucky in real estate, and other domestic zones, such as furniture, children, garden, etc. Want to get pregnant? June onward heightens your chances. Sunday is romantic and creative. If you have children, their progress pleases you. Tackle chores Monday to afternoon Wednesday (PDT). Eat and sensibly, and be careful around tools/machines, as this is not an easy or straightforward interval. Exciting relationships, opportunities, public appearances, and even relocation possibilities enter Wednesday afternoon through Friday. Be a little cautious Thursday, when Fate seems to offer up an unworkable relationship or situation, but charge ahead Friday daytime to midnight, when magical things can happen! Saturday is for shopping, selling, and casual intimacy with someone you know you would never marry.




Life is experience and direction. We see our place in our present moment in time (sometimes lasting decades) as our family, our wooden house, our ‘hood and nation — as a place of security, and of “grouping” (extending the security boundaries by being a member of a group).

But there is another “home” — our path becomes our true place, in a much deeper way than a wooden house. A direction chosen in one moment can change your path for not only decades, but perhaps multiple lifetimes if you believe in reincarnation. It is very hard to stop a direction into sin or crime; these tend to, as the Bible says, be handed down from generation to generation.

This is why, ultimately, we must for our own goodness (*) and our children’s, choose a path of love and hope. (In my anxious 20s I wrote in my diary: “I have no faith, only hope.” Hope will survive where faith does not. Yet those with faith probably find it easier to hope.)

(*) “own goodness” might seem selfish, but to go beyond this is to flirt with trying to describe heaven (which has two aspects: the spiritual, which is very real, and the phenomenal, quantum theory for instance. If we take a more humble approach and just convince everyone on earth to follow a path of goodness (there are a trillion paths, each with pauses and setbacks and triumphs) we will either take a major step upward on our spiritual journey, or we will become delicacies for the rich and powerful a la the Time Machine.


If you think of your life’s direction as your true place, such things as material displays lose vitality and importance.


I know I’m going to get in trouble for writing this.

The political structures, corruption and power plays, and the personalities behind them are fascinating, and taken in themselves are a great source of cynicism, even despair.

But the bigger picture is much happier. Look at women in 2024. Ten plus percent of fortune 500 CEOs are women. In the 1950’s and 60’s, according to a TV pundit, if you were looking for a job, you looked in the classified ads of the newspaper. the employment section of the classifieds were divided into two sections: one for men and one for women. The women’s employment opportunities consisted of secretarial work, telephone work, janitorial jobs, etc. The male columns sought managers at various levels, skilled trades people such as electricians, etc. This seems unfair.

But these mid-20th century people weren’t barbaric; they lived in a different set of balances. For example, women were not offered male jobs, and male jobs paid more; but women’s jobs were not dangerous, and many male jobs were, especially in undeveloped territories, such as BC. For most jobs, men had to wear either protective clothing or a uniform (suits are uniforms). Many had to work in an environment of stress and danger — anything from handling a chainsaw when you’re tired and balancing on unsteady forest ground, to the heart-pounding stress of jockeying for position on the corporate ladder every day.

On average, women long outlived men. Also, until at least the 60s, many families were supported solely by men; if a woman was working, it usually meant that she was supplementing her husband’s income, so that they could buy more or get out of debt or whatever. For this reason a woman’s income was generally seen as superficial or unnecessary to the core economic health of the family; therefore women could be paid less. All sorts of justifications for this pay gap have arisen: such as women are more emotional and less logical or less strong physically or that they did less important jobs, but it all came down to a disrespect for women’s earnings because they’re “unneeded,” or represent an “unfair advantage” over other families — and that, perhaps combined with greed masquerading as justification, held women’s wages and opportunities down for so long. At my age, 75, I can see the changes. They’re massive. There’s still no parity, but mankind’s direction is that way.

There was also a large “offset” for women in the 20th century. Women, who undergo such pain and sacrifice so much to have children, who are run ragged for at least the first six years of every child’s life, these women reach a stage where the kids are in school most of the day, 5 days a week. And the housework takes two, maybe three hours. Many mothers with school-age kids use their free time — say 4 hours a weekday — to plan and pursue cultural events for the kids, shop for special items, design hallowe’en costumes, etc., and after school spend hours ferrying the kids to events, etc. But some mothers are more “minimalist” and use this time as their own. Men don’t get this “time off” every weekday. Probably over 90 % of potboiler (*) novels are written by women. (* — mystery, harlequin, historical, “pulp” fiction, etc.)

In every system, in every social structure, there is a way to use the system, to find freedom in the structure. That is why communism failed: everyone found freedom in the structure, especially freedom from the need to work hard or be ambitious. Everyone shuffled and sluffled along.

21 Century:

But we have advanced since then. Now newspapers are irrelevant, and jobs are not (as) segregated between the sexes. Much more of a meritocracy prevails. Only 10% of fortune 500 CEOs are women, but that is compared to 0% 75 years ago. The pace might be slow, and, I think women are totally justified to complain about the power structure for decades to come, even though I think it is very close to being solved. That 90% of CEOs are men, is I think a lag effect. The opening of executive doors to women has been going on for quite a few decades now since the 70s and 80s first cracked them open. But these kinds of transformations, such as giving women an equal hand in power, take generations. They take so long to turn because usually the intelligentsia is ahead of the population. They begin to educate the population in their ideas, starting with kindergarten. By the time this “instructed” population reaches the doors of power, it will be 30 or 40 years after their birth. So empowering girls to be equal to boys cannot start soon enough; at the latest in kindergarten.

The 10% of today is just the Vanguard, the few who took advantage of ideas of women’s empowerment that were spreading through the populous like the fine roots of a tree. These are the early actors. I think that within a generation, the children of these early actors, and other women, will come close to 50% of the 500 fortunate CEOs.

So progress has been made, and I suspect will continue so.

On some levels, what is happening in this sphere is much deeper and more consequential than all the fights of the politicians in Washington and Ottawa.


We think of the right as might. We are right handed. But I read somewhere that the right hand is controlled by the left brain, and that the left brain is feminine, imaginative, and intuitive. The right brain is supposedly logical, governing, assertive, And relates to the left hand. In our society we think of the left as more feminine, as the weaker wrist, and the right  more masculine, the fist you strike with. Yet this controlling right is itself controlled by the left brain, or whatever, “the great feminine.” Well, that probably leads to greater integration and balance.
