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WEEKLY FORECAST — MAY 5 – 11, 2024


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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING:: 10:57 pm Sun. to 2:42 pm Mon., 2:55 pm to 4:20 pm Wed., and 6:49 pm to 8:13 pm Fri.



(See AFTERAMBLE below Sun Sign forecasts.)




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The accent on money, possessions, memory, and casual sex remains, Aries. Your luck in these areas is quite high — ultra-high — through May 24/25. You are determined, assertive and valuable this week. A partner, spouse, or ally supports your actions — so might your social and/or political group. Your energy and charisma are high Sunday to mid afternoon Monday (PDT). However, there isn’t a lot of importance to get done, except some communications, paperwork or travel. Chase money Monday eve to suppertime Wednesday. Careful Monday eve, when a problem could obstruct you. Otherwise, this is a great little period to chase luck and grab it. Your luck is strong! Errands, paperwork, travel and communications fill Wednesday to twilight Friday. Act early, as obstacles begun to arise late Thursday. Friday night, Saturday, are for home and family, security and nature.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

This is your time, Taurus! Your energy and charisma are high most of this month, and your luck in sex, investment, research, medical and lifestyle areas is super high. In addition, Venus blesses you with “good hair days.” Don’t be overly hesitant, but do check with your inner thoughts, or the government, or any regulatory agency, before charging ahead on a project. (But do charge ahead.) Your deepest wishes, which are likely to come true sometime between early 2023 and early ’26, likely revolve around a legal matter, international travel, higher education, publishing and media, philosophy/religion, or most important of all, a desire for a wedding. Lie low, rest, contemplate and plan Sunday to mid afternoon Monday — no problems, no big successes. your energy and charisma, surge upward late Tuesday just before supper Wednesday (PDT). now is the time to take action, to start things. Chase money, casual sex and learning to twilight Friday. Act early, before barriers erect themselves, Thursday p.m. onward. Friday night, Saturday, are for errands, communications and paperwork.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Take it easy, don’t rush, Gemini. You are in a low energy, low charisma period until late May. Retreat from the fray, rest, ponder and plan, and liaise with gov’t, spiritual and practical advisors, and management types. Be charitable, take care of others. In less than one month, you’ll begin one of the luckiest years of your life. You might even be starting on that success path right now: look for clues. Although you are somewhat sequestered by low energy, your popularity remains strong and even vital amongst a certain group. May is the month to form wishes for the future — they might come true, and before too long. You are most social Sunday to Monday afternoon, when happiness and friendships reward. But plunge deeply into that rest mentioned above, and into connections with gov’t, head office, spirituality and karma, Monday afternoon to late afternoon Wednesday (PDT) — a superb time in these zones. Your energy and charisma rise Wednesday eve through 11 pm (PDT) Friday — a soft rise, as you’re in the middle of a rest period. Don’t “overreach” Thursday pm, Friday. This night thru Saturday is for money, earnings, sales, etc. Be a cautious buyer — pm Sat. best.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

Your happiness quotient remains high, Cancer. Popularity, social delights, optimism, entertainment, and flirting, all these come to you. (And a wish might come true now.) If you are a single male, a sweet and attractive woman might enter your social sphere. Higher ups are assertive, impatient, and impulsive — and talkative, active — now through early June. But they are also willing to drag you up the ambition ladder with them. Sunday to Monday noon give you a clue about this — work hard and show your talents. Friends and potential lovers enter from late afternoon Monday (PDT) to late afternoon Wednesday. this is a lovely phase with very few obstacles, so join others and have fun. You might even fall slightly in love. Retreat to rest, contemplate and plan Wednesday Eve to Friday night. Take care Thursday night into Friday suppertime when rejections and obstacles and misperceptions arise. your energy and charisma exploded upward late Friday night through the weekend. But wait until after noon Saturday to start any kind of project.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

Be ambitious, Leo. Your prospects for advancement have very seldom been so high. this good luck last until May 25, after which you will enter a year of happiness, popularity, maybe fame, and social delights. but for now, attack the castle of ambition. Higher ups favour you now (to May 23) so show your skills and work ethic. For some of you an investment in the company you work for might be a good idea. it won’t pay off quickly, but gives a solid foundation. Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday brings legal, philosophical, international and higher learning influences. All’s well, but nothing spectacular. Chase those career or status goals Monday eve to almost suppertime Wednesday (PDT). You will be gratified by your progress. you might even successfully angle for a pay raise or promotion. Happiness, social delights, flirtations, optimism and entertainment come your way Wednesday to Friday night. be cautious late Thursday through Friday suppertime, as practical obstacles and “mistaken fantasy” get in your way. Retreat late Friday through the weekend: rest, contemplate and plan.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your higher mind is wide awake, Virgo, and bringing you profound ideas, a mellow tolerance, international or educational or legal or religious involvements, and gentle love. If you’re single, you will likely find a great mate now through early 2026. It will be romantically based, and loyalty will be a decisive factor. Yes, you could fall in love this month of May also. Mars romps through your sexual sector until June 9, and Venus travels through your mental and love sign of Taurus until May 25. If a relationship develops or deep end this month, it could have a strong domestic element… For example, love might lead to cohabitation, even to buying a place together. Sunday to mid afternoon Monday (PDT) emphasizes, sex, lust for power, major financial actions, research and medical or lifestyle decisions. It’s all very tempting, but go slow, as not a lot is promised these two days. Monday eve to late afternoon Wednesday brings everything listed in the first sentence above, profound ideas, gentle love, etc. Good luck rides with you here, so plunge in. be ambitious and show your stuff Wednesday eve to Friday night. VIPs might be watching. But take care Thursday p.m. to deep suppertime Friday, when rejections and misconceptions enter. Friday night into the weekend brings “party time” — popularity, happiness, social joys, flirtations, and optimistic, even wishful thinking. However, don’t chase anyone or anything before noon PDT.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You are in the midst of usually mysterious forces, Libra. Your sexual, power-hungry, medical and lifestyle zones are both intensified, and lucky – maybe very lucky – before May 25. Your intuition is nice and high for the same period. Simultaneously, your marriage planet spends this week and the next five in your marriage sign. This, combined with the sexual and financial motives/luck described above, could lead singles to cohabitation. Whatever your position and status, this week in the next two are blessed with good luck in finances and investments. These will shine (as will intimate urges) late Monday afternoon to suppertime Wednesday. Take advantage, plunge in! (This might require your breaking off with a person or a domestic situation.) Earlier, Sunday and Monday morning highlight relationships, opportunities, and relocation themes. Wednesday eve to Friday night brings tolerance, a mellow mood, wisdom, and gentle love — these will be more successful in June than now. Be cautious Thursday night to Friday night, when rejection or indecision thrive. Friday night starts a weekend of ambition, worldly status, and “dressing up.”


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The accent remains on relationships, opportunities, public appearances, and relocation themes, Scorpio. This might be one of your best months in many years to leap onto one of these horses and ride it to the finish line. In love, you might marry. In business, agreements, new opportunities If you are single, speak up!. in general, others treat you with affection and generous response. But all this is only in effect until May 25, so run, don’t crawl, toward success. Your work will demand a lot of time now to about June 9, but don’t let your time at work interfere with more glorious things. Sunday to mid afternoon Monday brings this work. Do what you can, and don’t fret about the rest. those relationships and opportunities arrive Monday late afternoon (PDT) to almost suppertime Wednesday. You might start off on Monday with a separation or disappointment but late this night into Wednesday, great good luck rides with you. If you are single, speak up! Wednesday night to Friday night brings temptations, lust, power, motives, investments, and debts, and medical and lifestyle decisions. Travel this path a little cautiously Thursday p.m. to Friday night, as practical obstacles and confusion reign. Friday night starts a weekend of romance, but wait until at least Saturday afternoon (PDT) to phone or chase someone.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Lots of work, Sage — better get to it. Your work might expand until late May. This is also a good time to look for work if you’re unemployed. coworkers will be pleasant, and he actually will enjoy whatever you’re working on. there’s a strong thrust of romance also, as Mars fires up your romance sign. Mercury is there also, so singles who start romancing now or did back in April, might be dealing with a potential life mate. Your home might be somewhat constricted until about February 2026, but you also may be collecting rent, working in property, or putting your money into real estate. June will begin a hugely lucky year in relationships, partnerships, opportunities, public appearances, and relocation possibilities. But this domestic constriction might hamper relationships (etc.), until late August and again February 2025 to late May ’25. So if you are on the prowl, act between August and February. Sunday to Monday mid afternoon is for romance and creativity. Monday to Wednesday suppertime brings this month’s major influence: work. dive in and get it done, for this is a beneficial stretch without obstacles (around suppertime Monday). relationships Wednesday suppertime to Friday night. Wednesday and early Thursday are great, but read the caution signs Thursday night and Friday, when both dejection and confusion reign. (Not a huge thing, tho.) Friday night into the weekend brings lust, hidden opportunities, financial and research gems, and medical and lifestyle decisions. Wait until after noon Sat. to begin.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The accent remains on romance, creativity, taking a gamble, children and their talents, beauty and pleasure, Cap. Needless to say, this is a lucky period. But it is even luckier than usual, because loving Venus and very lucky, friendly Jupiter are both in your love sector until late May. One you want might be at a slight distance. Don’t be shy! Your home and family are also quite important this month — until early June. This is a prime time to renovate or build a backyard pool or whatever. A clue about this might appear to you Sunday or the first half of Monday, when your domestic scene is highlighted. The romantic wave, if it hasn’t come in the last couple of weeks, is almost certain to arise Monday late afternoon to almost suppertime Wednesday (PDT). Plunge into romance, or creativity, etc. AFTER 7 pm Monday, through Wednesday afternoon. No obstacles, much good feeling and good luck. Tackle chores, Wednesday eve to Friday night. Eat and dress sensibly. Begin to be cautious Thursday p.m. to Friday suppertime, when obstacles and misconceptions face you. Friday night begins a weekend of relationships and exciting openings — to succeed, start after noon on Saturday.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 19

The accent on your home, family, security, and your relation with nature continues, Aquarius. As noted last week, this is a very lucky time for real estate selling or buying, or renovations, or finding a new and better rental, etc. It is also a good time for putting old dreams to bed and forming new directions for the future. An excellent time to start a garden, plant crops, etc. Your income might be somewhat slow now, and probably has been since March 2023, will be until February 2025. During this time, Aquarians who work in management fare the best, money wise. You will be quite busy, probably running around the neighbourhood all May and into June. Lots of paperwork, phone calls, emails, etc. — these pop up Sunday to mid afternoon Monday. Your home, this month’s main accent, is highlighted Monday eve to supper time Wednesday. go all out on any domestic project, from digging ditches to buying furniture to buying a whole home. Your luck is very good here. Wednesday to Friday night brings romance, creativity and pleasure. Enjoy this, but be careful from Thursday eve to Friday suppertime — pitfalls and confusion hover. Friday night starts a weekend of work. Practice safety Saturday if you are working before noon.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 20-March 20

I’m not sure whether you would call it good luck or not, Pisces. Your errands and paperwork and travel and communications will come in a wave or a flurry until late May. Usually, no special good fortune comes from all that messaging and paperwork. But this year, this month, can connect these paperwork, chores, etc. to your ambitions or career prospects. So work diligently and quickly on all these seemingly superficial chores. For example, producing an insightful report at work could raise your prestige there. May is also a strong income earning month for you (into June 9). You might feel more cautious and conservative than usual last year and year and a half ahead. Realize this new sober you will bring you closer to your life’s big wishes. Chase $, buy/sell Sunday to mid afternoon Monday. From Monday afternoon to suppertime Wednesday, all those errands and communications mentioned above, just waiting for you to tackle them, and for the success that follows. One caution: don’t begin until after 7 PM Monday. Your home and family are emphasized Wednesday eve to Friday night. Here, success greet you until Thursday. After this, be careful as obstacles and self deception can occur right into Friday suppertime. Friday night begins a weekend of romance and pleasure and creativity and sports/games and talented kids — but wait until after noon Saturday to escape problems (probably connected to money).




Surely everyone noticed that the tents of the pro-Hamas protesters are identical, even across campuses, from New York to Berkeley. How did so many protesters get so many tents virtually immediately,  and all identical? These were given to them. And that of course brings the question: by whom? Obviously, there is an organization behind the scenes, one the cops would be smart to detect and unearth.

(Since I wrote this item, some tv pundits have said the same, blaming George Soros and “the Rockefeller’s.”)


In the Trump “hush money” trial, judge Juan Merchan (Remember, J = Trump enemy) has:

1) refused to let the defence bring witnesses

2)  refused to let the defence see all the prosecution’s evidence (Merchan told them they only needed to see 300 documents, picked by the prosecutor, out of 187,000 docs held by the prosecution) (this is illegal by the way; judge Merchan is committing a crime against the defence)

3)  refused to let the defence know what witness(es) the prosecution will be examining, and when (thereby preventing the defence from preparing any cross examination)

4) rushed defence lawyers through their cross-examinations, and criticized defence lawyers for their proper and admissible questions. (In one instance, the judge yelled at the defence lawyer: “You’re losing all credibility!”— in front of the jury, of course)

5) refused to let the defence ask potential jurors whom they voted for in the last federal election, thereby assuring that 90% of the jurors would be Trump hating Democrats

6) let the prosecution bring in multiple witnesses and evidence  with no bearing on the case, but which serve as useful character assassinations of Trump — performed in front of the jury, with the encouragement of judge Juan

7) has refused to let Donald Trump attend his wife’s mother’s funeral, his wife’s birthday, and his son’s graduation — but has twice closed down the court for an entire day just so he, the judge, could attend some personal holiday, and for a juror to visit the dentist. (* Since I wrote this, Merchan has let Trump go to his son’s grad.)

8) has allowed/welcomed high-level functionaries from the Biden administration to become part of the prosecution team, a natural outgrowth of this judge’s nose being up Biden’s behind.

9) has a gag order on Trump forbidding him, under the threat of fines and/or jail time, to speak of anyone even remotely connected to the trial or who might be in future remotely connected to the trial, except the judge and Fat Alvin, the prosecuting DA. Yet this judge ignores the fact that at least one witness — probably the main prosecution witness — who has been jailed before for perjury, and might be a serial or pathological liar — is allowed to go on television every single night to disparage, condemn, accuse and slander Donald Trump. And to raise money from his Trump-bashing appearances.

(The judge imposed the gag order because he believes it’s necessary to protect the integrity of the trial. My question: [see # 1-9 above] what integrity?)


The light a distant star gives us is negligible. If you took a night without the moon, and only one star in the black sky, everything would be black, you would not be able to see a thing. So if the purpose of the stars is not to give us light, then the only purpose I can see is to serve as pointers. It’s possible that every star…. Or let’s say common stars, since my science knowledge is extremely minimal… it’s possible that every common star gives powerful light, heat and energy to bodies orbiting it, and perhaps that is its main purpose; but the same star serves as a pointer to every other star. So every star is both a provider of life and a pointer to other stars in the map of existence.

A map of say, a galaxy, would be a different map from the POV of every star.

In the (Rider) Tarot deck, in the Star card, one large yellow star is surrounded by seven white ones. This accords with the idea of one central star, shining bright, and yellow, and providing heat and light to neighbouring planets (planets in the Greek sense of wandering bodies) and seeing other stars surrounding it as small points of (white) light. Funny how knowledge in different fields, even different world views, can reflect each other.

In the card a naked woman pours water onto both land and a pond. The water supports her weight, which says something. The whole card makes me think of Aquarius, the sign of running water. But, perhaps connected or perhaps not, the card evokes an almost dream like place of brightness and high mentality, high clarity. Some commentators say it is a card of combining the conscious and subconscious minds. I don’t totally see this, but okay. (Water being poured on both land and pond might evoke thoughts that the pond is the subconscious and land is the conscious brain.)


You know what those legislators should do? Instead of passing wholesale woke laws that will affect the entire nation or the entire state, why don’t they take the approach of experimentation? For example, during the recent defund the police wave, perhaps the state agency could draw a map around one community or one county and say to them by whatever means: would you like to try this program for one year? We will cut the number of police in half and use the same funds to hire social workers, community workers and health personnel. We have no idea what the results will be, but we’re inviting you to be our guinea pig for one year. In return for your largess, we will take five acres of land anywhere of your choosing and build a park on it. Any kind of athletic fields and playgrounds you ask for. Should the results be disastrous early on, you can opt out of the program at any time with a majority vote of the resident citizens.


Technology is always deflationary. We should use it in the months ahead to steer around a recession.


I have finally learned: the secret to happiness is easy: it’s simply to be happy. That is the best advice I could give anybody: be happy, always. Think of it this way: the very fact that we have consciousness, and even more significantly the fact that we exist, and that the entire existence does itself exist, is a miracle of such vast proportions and so intricate that we cannot comprehend it. When you understand this, you can’t be anything but happy. Even death of a loved one, which I suffered recently, is filled with sweet memories and longing, Both were a kind of happiness.


Are demons just angry angels? Or proto-angels?


Donald Trump began his campaign under the shadow of the south lunar node, which often signals bad karma, temptations, and unwise decisions. At that time, I figured the obstacles would be too great and that Trump would not win a second term. Well you’ve seen most of the obstacles: the lawfare launched by Biden, mostly.

On May 25, Trump and all Geminis enter a year of superb luck. For many Geminis, this great good luck will focus on relocation, marriage or a business partnership, on opportunities in general, public dealings and potential renown.

All this comes courtesy of jolly, generous Jupiter. Often, although Jupiter sits in a sign for slightly over 12 months, the great luck it gives you might only be experienced once or twice in that whole year. (Still, it’s a good influence for the whole time, because it tends to keep you optimistic, cheerful and friendly. These “emotions” are some of the  main drivers of good luck.) For example, if Jupiter is in a person’s domestic sector, as it is for Pisces from June ’24 to June ’25, they might only sell one house and buy one house, and be engaged in this lucky action for, say, one month contractually and one month moving in, maybe another month making adjustments, etc. But that’s less than half a year, and the actual lucky action only took one day or two.

Usually, the closer Jupiter is to the actual degree of a person’s Sun at birth, the stronger the good luck. But this is not a hard and fast rule.

In Trump’s case, Jupiter  will not reach his Sun degree until May, 2025 — 11 months into this good luck cycle. It almost touches his Sun at 22° Gemini as early as September and October 2024. But it only gets to 21° and then retrogrades for four months. So it looks very likely that Trump will win, especially in September/October, due to early voting. (One of the stupidest things the U.S. ever did.)  But Trump’s moon is at 21° Sagittarius, exactly opposite where it performs its retrograde station in early October. Usually, this would be a good omen and catapult him into the White House. But there’s a nagging doubt: When Trump was born, his lunar south node was in Sagittarius (his marriage sign) with his moon.   The south node indicates temptations, poor decisions and bad karma. This is exactly what women have been for Trump. At present, his disassociation actions regarding two women have held him in a biased criminal court with a crooked judge. You can’t escape karma; it comes at you even from sources you feel are morally repugnant.

Now, here’s the puzzle: Trump’s south node, when he was born, was at 20° Sagittarius. This degree is contacted three times in September 2024, October and November 2024 And again in April 25. So a challenge from women, perhaps directly as a court challenge, or more diffusely as the abortion reaction, might peak at those times. If it does, Trump must be careful to stay above the fray. (That advice would be good lifelong.) But do the first two touches on his south node indicate an election loss?

I haven’t mentioned Trump’s north node, which brings karmic  rewards, calmness and wise decisions. While it is sparking that south node, Jupiter is ON the benevolent north node. Since one node tempts and the other imparts wisdom, much will be up to Trump and his maturity. All this happens September to November.

In April 2025, Trump might make a very important decision affecting the rest of his life…It should be a good one.


The republican party in the US has launched a drive urging their members to vote early in an attempt to counter the early voting of the Democrats, which intuitively seemed to sway the last federal election. But what the Republicans don’t understand is that these 30 or so percent of Democrats who vote a month or even two early, represent people who will always vote their party, right or wrong. These are deeply rooted Democrats. Republicans have not voted early because they are not, perhaps, as deeply rooted and impervious to persuasion. Or, perhaps they are – and if so, it will be evident this autumn.


These Palestinian protests are the symptoms of a revolution. As has happened many times in the past in Europe and America, this revolution is spearheaded by the intelligentsia, especially university profs who have seeded this revolution during many decades of teaching.

In the present their ideas and urgings are an article of faith for the protesters. A popular video shows protesters being interviewed who did not know the meaning of the word genocide and did not know where Gaza was located.

These … I hate to be cynical… But these useful idiots as they are called, supply the energy to fuel the intellectual revolution. This revolution demands such a stark and almost ridiculous change — not only in ideas and beliefs, but in practical areas also such as your daily life — That we are tempted to dismiss it as a temporary illness that will be solved soon. The symptoms may well be solved soon but I think the world of revolutionary ideas has at least partly moved underground. It will be difficult to find and root out. And it is only the child, the revolutionary beginning. It has not reached its strength yet. And has 20 years to grow.


A solitary person, if he/she she has sufficient confidence, is called arrogant. A solitary person without confidence suffers the agonies of vanity, glancing in store windows to worry about his/her appearance, even more worried that he/she might be caught examining itself in store windows.


Did I mention what Trump should do in this hush money show trial? Since the main intent of the trial is to keep Donald off the campaign trail, and since this is a so-called “criminal” trial (trial vs trail) , which means Trump must be in court every day it’s in session, Trump should attend in a tracksuit and bring a pillow and a very heavy blanket or quilt into the court room, then he should lean over and lie down on the bench in front of him, and sleep. That way he’ll have all sorts of energy to campaign either before or after the court. Can crooked judge Merchan refuse this? I don’t think so. Trump has repeatedly complained about being cold in the courtroom, so he brings the blanket. The track suit (easier to sleep in) — I don’t think there’s any law or regulation that says a victim of a show trial must wear a suit and tie. Nor is there a law against falling asleep in court — even judges do it.
