Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING:: 0:31 am to 2:37 am Sun., 8:19 am to 9:20 am Tues., 2:28 am to 11:52 am Thurs., and 12:06 pm to 1:41 pm Sat.



ALL SIGNS: The Snafus of the last three weeks, indicated by Mercury retrograde, are over, and we are all free to charge ahead with new plans, projects, opportunities, relationships, etc.


Oops! Last week (in the AFTERAMBLE) I mentioned dropping “millions of pamphlets in Arabic” on Iran. Trouble is, Iranians are Persian, not Arab, and they speak Farsi. Sorry, Iran. (Stupid thing is, I knew the difference! Ah, well. Hats off to Shirin, who caught my goof.)




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Chase money over the weeks ahead, Aries. The next 28 days are among the luckiest of your life (happens every 12 years or so) in these zones: earnings, buy/sell, casual sex, and rote learning. At the very least, sell something or ask for a pay raise. The gov’t is laying a weight on your shoulders. Try to meet, solve this in April, though it might linger for a year or two. Your career future might lie in management, or the civil service. Be ambitious, approach higher-ups Sunday/Monday. Popularity, social delights, flirtation and optimism fill Tuesday to Thursday noon (PDT). However, events do not support such optimism, so enjoy, be happy, and do little. Retreat Thursday noon to Saturday noon — rest, contemplate, plan, deal with gov’t, head office, and institutions. Great time to tackle any outstanding gov’t-linked duties. Your energy, charisma return Saturday pm. Tuesday begins six weeks of determination, renewed courage, and sexual magnetism.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The month ahead could be one of the most important in over a decade, Taurus. It offers you great good luck in: research, investments, or other financial actions, lifestyle changes, medical issues, power plays, and sexual intimacy. It is a time of commitment and consequence… with few good consequences if you do not commit. Your most important wishes at this time in your life (and for the two years ahead) appear to be intertwined with your life, philosophy, education, and perhaps a legal or social ritual such as a wedding. This area of your life is highlighted Sunday/Monday. Plunge in, as your luck is high here. Let love and tolerance, guide your steps. Until June 8, avoid belligerent people and dangerous places. Be ambitious Tuesday to noon Thursday — cautiously, as obstacles exist. Wishes can come true Thursday p.m. to noon Saturday — get out, enjoy your popularity, flirt — be happy! Answers tend to be “yes.” Retreat a bit Saturday pm into the weekend — rest, recuperate, plan, deal with management types.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The month ahead might be one of the luckiest or unluckiest months in a decade, Gemini. For instance, you might get a bonus from the gov’t — or a big tax bill. This is not a month to compete, but it is a month to plan big things, and perhaps to contact the agencies, companies or people who can help you “seize” those big things — from May 25 onward, when you begin one of the most fortunate 12 months of your life. (There are about 6 or 7 such years in a life.) Relocation, marriage, a heightened public profile, various opportunities — these will be blessed from late May/24 to June/25. For two years, career projects, efforts will meet some scepticism and delay, but you’ll still build a structure that will last. Do NOT, before March 2026, get fired for cause, or quit a job w/o another “in hand” — result would be years of employment struggles. Sunday/Monday are for investigation, big finances, sex/intimacy, life changes and medical exigencies. A mellow, wise mood steals over you Tuesday to noon Thursday (PDT). Be discreet, rather than spout your opinions. Let far travel go, for awhile. Thursday pm to Saturday noon highlights your standing, prestige relations, career and ambitions — in a good way, so charge ahead here. Saturday night, friends and fun.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Wishes can come true during the month ahead, Cancer.. In fact, now to May 25 offers the highest good luck in over a decade in social, friendship, and love zones. You’ll feel optimistic, lucky, happy. Grab friends, and grab opportunities! Many of you singles will “slowly” wed a very suitable person. You are unattached, you might find a suitable mate in a foreign country, or at school or a law office. May 1 to June 8, bosses will be driven, active, impatient, and maybe hot-tempered. Grin and bear it, for you can, for some reason, succeed, climb up, in this atmosphere. Sunday/Monday are for relationships — and you might meet a great one. Step — but cautiously — into life’s more hidden areas Tuesday to noon Thursday: large finances, research and investigation, medical concerns, lifestyle changes, and for many people, lust. Not making a commitment might be your safest path. Thursday pm to noon Saturday, wisdom, clarity and gentle love (for almost all humanity) come. A great interval for travel, philosophy, profound ideas, law and higher learning — and love. Saturday pm, be ambitious.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The month ahead could offer one of the luckiest career, ambition, prestige, status opportunities of your life, Leo — don’t waver, just jump! Your ideas and ethics will be right on, but stay out of courtrooms until June 9 (unless you’re a lawyer, in which case you “win”). Be careful with investing now to early 2026; if you do invest, focus mainly on equipment, industrials, and service companies. Now to 2044, if single, you will meet potential partners/lovers who are fascinating, highly sexed, and even more stubborn than you. If you want marriage, for 20 years, be prepared to “adjust” to another. Tackle chores Sunday/Monday — eat and dress sensibly. Relationships, opportunities, public appearances and relocation ideas arise Tuesday to noon Thursday (PDT). Be careful, diplomatic — many disagreements might occur. Look beneath/behind appearances Thursday noon to Saturday noon: secrets, spying, research, life changes, major finances, lust, medical concerns. There’s success and “gold” here — dig deep to find treasure.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

For two years, Virgo, you will be attracted to hard-headed, common sense people who are nevertheless either inspired, or “waffling.” In love, you will be very likely (if single) to pursue a romantic ideal to the point of marriage. You’re not interested in a “fling.” The month ahead offers huge luck in legal, intellectual, learning, publishing, international areas — and in home, family, real estate, security, forestry, fishing, agri and mining industries. Best luck: if you combine both — e.g., a legal contract to buy or sell a house, or buying an international mining stock. Others both oppose and excite you in April. For all May, that changes to affectionate relations and, frankly, strong sexual drives. Don’t impulsively invest nor jump into bed, nor change your life, nor agree to surgery — careful and thoughtful wins the game here. A love might agree to a wedding in May. Romance and creative, pleasure urges fill sunday/Monday. Be nimble, flexible. Tackle chores, Tuesday morning to Thursday noon (PDT). Be cautious, esp. w/machinery. Relationships and opportunities fill Thursday p.m. to midday Saturday — and in splendid ways, so join forces, chase someone attractive, make public appearances, etc. Saturday night is mysterious, but successful.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Work, employment, will be long and burdensome for the next 2 years, Libra. But you’ve already gone through 14 months of this hard work influence, so it’s nothing new. The month ahead brings very lucky changes if you institute them. You could change your home, your lifestyle, your finances and even your intimate life. Almost all of these will be for the better, at least until May 23. All May, and the first week of June, light a relationship flame that will either wrap you in love, or provoke a huge fight (even multiple ones). So be diplomatic, and quick to agree/join. Be home, with family, or working on security Sunday/Monday. you will overcome any problems. Chase romance, pleasure, or creative results Tuesday morning to midday Thursday. But be alert and cautious: big obstacles exist. Tackle chores Thursday p.m. to midday Saturday. you will succeed here, smoothly and easily. Saturday pm (and Sunday) are made for opportunities, relocation ideas, and merging — or challenges, your choice.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The weeks ahead hold a golden opportunity for you, in relationships, relocation, public appearances, contracts/agreements, and general “opportunities,” Scorpio. Don’t hesitate nor be shy — plunge in and grab who/what you want! Elements of income, possessions or casual sex might be involved — in a good way. This is perhaps the best relationship luck in over a decade. You are romantically hot, a coworker is sweet, and in May someone shows strong affection for you. Also in May, a streak of hard work comes, lasting to early June. Sunday/Monday is for errands, communications and paperwork. Be home or with the family, or tackle security issues Tuesday morning to noon Thursday (PDT). Proceed slowly and cautiously, as obstacles abound. Romance, creative vigour, pleasure and beauty, sports and games and taking risks are highlighted and nicely favoured Thursday p.m. to midday Saturday. Saturday night, eat and drink sensibly.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The weeks ahead fill with work and duties, Sage. Blah blah, right? Well, no — the month ahead will bring a lucky expansion of your “work.” If you are unemployed, go all out now in your job search. if you’re comfortably employed, the month ahead is perfect for asking for more responsibility AND a pay raise. Venus enters this work area on Monday, showing that coworkers will be a supportive and affectionate almost all. Then on Tuesday Mars enters your romance zone for six weeks. You are not going to be bored! In late May, Jupiter will kick off a whole year of powerful and significant opportunities. Many sages will relocate, many singles will marry, and all sages will face world-opening opportunities. meanwhile, though, get those chores done. Sunday/Monday are good for pursuing money and casual embraces. Errands, communications and paperwork flow in Tuesday morning to midday Thursday. Be cautious: reread any emails and think of your words before saying them. Thursday p.m. to midday Saturday not just you to be at home, with family, or in nature. Get a good rest, as you’ll be working hard — and happily — soon.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Ah, sweet romance! The weeks ahead are filled with pleasure, beauty, risk and reward, sports, and games and talented children, Cap. These might be some of the luckiest weeks in over a decade, especially for love. if you do fall in love now you might waffle between: is this true love or am I just satisfying a more casual desire? The answer is: it’s both, and beneficially so. Sometimes you have difficulty spontaneously showing your emotions, but you can more than make up for this with a kind of sincere desire that speaks volumes to another. Your home and family will hold second place in your environment. April 30 to June 8 will be a good time to undergo renovations, repairs, demolition, or new building. You might be attracted to a place that does not have indoor plumbing. your energy and charisma are at a peak Sunday/Monday. Get out and about, gain allies and tell people what you want. pursue money Tuesday morning to noon Thursday (PDT) — but carefully, as some major pitfalls exist. Probably not the best time to buy important articles, nor to ask for a pay raise nor to start a casual sex affair. communications, paperwork, and errands fill Thursday p.m. to midday Saturday. This is a very successful little run in which your efforts bring results. Saturday night is for sleeping and rest.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

The month ahead, focusses strongly and beneficially on your home, family, property, and on nature, security, food, and soul, Aquarius. Get lots of rest and quiet time in which to contemplate the present and the future it will support. You have been blessed in this domestic area for 11 months now. May is the last and most potent of these lucky months. If you have not found a new rental in the last year, or sold and bought your residence or other property, now is the time. You might also want to go a little smaller, and buy new furniture or wallpaper the living room or whatever. it is an excellent time to think about and even initiate a situation in which many owners can get a better deal by joining together. You will be very busy in May. your family will be very supportive and affectionate. Retreat for a rest Sunday/Monday. Contemplate, plan, and deal with management types or civil servants. Your energy and charisma surge upward Tuesday morning to noon Thursday (PDT). usually this would be a great time to launch projects and/or to gain allies or persuade people, but this time major obstacles confront you, so you might want to go a little slower, or else focus on solving long-standing difficulties. Chase money, buy/sell, memorize something, or intimately embrace someone nice but not ideal midday Thursday to midday Sat.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Fed. 19-March 20

The weeks ahead fill with errands, short trips, paperwork, and communications, Pisces. Not a super important time, but it sure might seem like one as these errands and communications, etc., rise into a wave of swift demands. One bonus: if these communications, etc., are in the service of your career or other ambitions, they could unlock a new and higher plateau for you. until May 24, this communications will be affectionate and well received. All May and into early June your income, your buying and selling, and your eagerness to get into bed with someone, are hot and impulsive. Slow down, think before you act in this zone. Sunday/Monday brings happiness, popularity and social delights – including flirtations. retreat Tuesday morning to Thursday noon (PDT) to rest, contemplate and plan, and liaise with government or spiritual or management types. Go slow, as both opposition and obstacles proliferate. Your energy and charisma come back very strongly midday Thursday to midday Saturday. This is a very workable, beneficial few days, so launch something good or plunge into something ongoing. You will impress someone!




The American pro-Palestine protesters remind me of Hitler’s brown shirts. What is happening to Jewish students now is very like Nazi Germany and its early stages of open genocide. America should be very careful.


Now to 2044 will be an age of Extreme political views, and bring a growth of dictatorships. But it will also bring some of the greatest expressions of freedom ever seen.


If misery means no hope, then in capitalism the bottom 10 to 20 % are miserable. In communism, the bottom 90% are miserable. (Though this may be an unfair slur: when I was in China a decade ago, everybody seemed fairly peaceful and in a fairly good mood, even though they were poor in general. I found the Chinese people to be fairly mellow, calm and quiet.)


Those pro-Hamas protest crowds in New York, at Columbia and other universities: expect to see more of this type of activity for the next 20 years. These two decades ahead will, in hindsight, be called “the decades of dissent,” or “when protesters became murderers.”

Many will die for and against causes. Many will be impervious to logic and argument. Actually, they see their position as ultimately logical, as will their enemies. But the “change” is that the positions will become obdurate, dug in. This is the kind of influence under which religious martyrs, famous for the physical tortures they underwent, became “common.”


What if the Columbia University students who shut the school down with protests, demanding that Israel be abolished and all Jews be killed, and that Hamas be embraced as the greater good, what if these students were put in jail for two years without trial, like the J6 protesters were? They won’t be punished beyond a little slap on the wrist because they’re Democrats —  and because their crime did not (directly) threaten the structure or existence of the state; i.e., the politicians. The standard here might be the BLM riots, and the generally lenient prosecutions that followed. No, these Israel haters and fomenters shouldn’t be put in endless jail, awaiting conviction on many trumped-up (pardon) charges — but neither should most of the J6 citizens.


I don’t see that the world is divided evenly into black-and-white, good and bad. For one thing, the balance strongly tilts more and more every century, towards the good.


According to the movie, Oppenheimer, when the 1940’s scientists triggered the first atomic bomb, they didn’t really know what would happen. They discussed this, I think, then decided to go ahead. They had the fate of the entire world in their hands. That first bomb, that ignition of unknown forces,  could have set off a chain reaction that would consume the whole earth. They didn’t know.

That we were not obliterated by that first bomb, kind of stated that destiny had more road for humanity to travel. We have come such a way, from then to now. You know my basic theory: that we will all eventually become angels. And even after that perhaps we will merge with God. Perhaps this will come with the realization that it is all God.

Sometimes in my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, angels would stare at me within the faces of lovers and friends. It was not a threatening thing; nor a dream, for their faces remained entirely real, every pore, every hair showing, but with an added “being.” (I mean “being” literally, a state of existence, not as, say, a spaceship alien.) Often, a radiant beauty shone there, and their face did, literally, change, subtly but  — not deeply, but as if lit, intense, with a glow no camera could see. This experience, if it occurred, as benevolent as it was or seemed to be, scared me. I was so afraid of this “visitation” (I never thought of it with that word) and it was so intense, that sometimes it caused me to end a relationship.

I once fell in love with a woman with whom I experienced the “visiting energy” every time I saw her; I could not separate the two of them. But she did not love me, and there begins a sad tale, for three people. But that’s another story.

I was afraid these experiences meant I was mentally unbalanced. I was fascinated by them also, but my typical caution and inherent laziness prevented me from delving deeper into this mystery.

I let it pass through my life. My motto has always been, since the more frightening events of the ’60’s, “give it time and it will pass.”  I still see it now, the angels in their faces, but in a milder way, it’s like seeing the divine glow in every face, but not being bowled over by one angel. Maybe I see the energy of the divine in peoples faces. Maybe it’s all a fantasy. I don’t think so, but I don’t know.  I purposely caused myself  — but without really being conscious of the process — to reduce the magic of those faces, from angelic to mere divine. (I might throw that word around a lot. I believe that every atom of our world is divine, because existence itself is the greatest miracle of all miracles; but I also believe that there’s a power behind what we usually perceive as existence. It is this power that seems to shine in everyone’s face now from psident Xi to my grand daughter.

The angelic face used to come unannounced, suddenly and powerfully, so I thought I was going crazy. But it did not occur with most people. The conscious/semi-conscious tamping down of it (due to my fear) I think caused this energy to show in a much lower intensity in a specific instance, but constantly and with everyone. I call it tamping down, but seen from another angle it’s actually a freeing thing, letting me see the divine in every face.

There was a period as a young man when I was afraid of everything, even  — horribly — of Beauty. Flowers glared back at me with terrible beauty. I had many love affairs during that period. Lying in bed with a woman, or even sitting across the table eating something, when suddenly, but without shock, like a seeping that occurs in an instant, suddenly her face is an Angel, and her physical beauty falls away and is replaced/supplanted by this other kind of beauty. With the physical kind of beauty, you are approaching and appreciating it. With this different level, say second level of beauty, it is the energy that comes to you. I don’t know what to say or do. I’m terrified in a particular way, I’m scared to say anything. (Particular way: one part of me was alerted, suspicious, confident in a strange way, that my life will succeed and I will overcome this attack on my equilibrium.)

But it it did eat at my confidence. I had no one to share this experience with. I did see Dan, the effective head of the Spiritual Healing Centre. He said I was projecting onto these people.

I was much too worried about it to mention it to the girl I was with. One always made me think of Cleopatra (I digress a bit…) because she would drape herself in a way that seemed Egyptian, though my only concept of Egyptian is from that song, “…Like An Egyptian,” and a Liz Taylor movie or two. She was about 40 and plump, but not obese. Her legs and belly and breast and upper arms and neck and very round face were very easy to look upon — she was like a pillow, physically and emotionally. And her flesh, her skin was always cool. Like every overweight woman I’ve lain with, she had a small vagina, with an interior surface like a cow’s tongue, like rubber sandpaper. It almost seemed  to seize you, pull you into ecstasy. She was a Cancer, my Venus sign, so we talked very pleasantly. After all these years — and having a very bad memory —  I only see her now in one situation, one pose, although I know there were many more than that. And I associate her with cool nights, calmness, without worries. I let the relationship die because in my ignorance I was convInced that 40 years old was too old for me…


Evidently, in the democratic White House and beyond, staffers refer to Trump as “Hitler pig.” What I don’t understand, is why the Republicans do not answer these slurs in kind? Are they being decent? For example, a remark that they could easily back up with video, could be: “Why does Joe walk across the stage with a full diaper? Don’t his handlers allow him to take off the full ones?” Or some such. If they want to win the election, they need to run these fumbling Joe Biden ads in wave after wave as the election draws closer
