Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: 4:24 pm Mon. to 8:20 am Tues., and 4:17 pm to 6:37 pm Thurs.




ALL SIGNS: Remember, don’t start anything new before April 25. That includes major purchases, new relationships, new projects, and new opportunities. These are likely to fail sooner or later from delays, mistakes, indecision and false starts. Instead, for the weeks ahead, protect ongoing situations, bonds and projects from these same delays, missed appointments, second thoughts, etc. OR — pick up something from the past and run with it (e.g., a former job, or an exciting old flame, even a purchase you couldn’t make before, but now have a second chance to grab).


For two more centuries, judges will not be judges, but instruments of the regime. Universities will not be filled with scholars, but with proselytizers and zealots.  And the media will not consist of journalists, but of propagandists. Remember who told you this 40 years ago.

In politics, the nation will be so divided that majorities will remain ineffectually slim and unable to steer the ship to safe harbour. This is the fate of the USA. What it will lead to, who knows? (I think it might involve guns and many deaths.) I suspect it might lead to North America being one nation, perhaps with its capital in Canada.





aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The weeks ahead, feature money, income, purchases, possessions, casual embraces/intimacies and rote learning, Aries. Your mood will be mellow, yet by May 1 into June, you might be more assertive than usual, as you see that a restriction, or your own interior hesitations (which affected you back all April) will be lifted. So you’ll be a sort of mellow aggressor. Meanwhile, indecision and delays still affect your actions most of this week. By late Wednesday and Thursday your intuition guides you strongly to better results, or at least to safety, or to a new direction, a “course change.” Earlier, Sunday/Monday brings relationships, opportunities, and opposition — treat all these cautiously. Remember nothing and no one new. Life’s secrets and your own subconscious propel you Tuesday to Thursday afternoon. Major finances or a powerful sexual draw should be balanced with a bit of research or insight. Thursday night through Saturday brings wisdom, gentle love, profound ideas and perhaps far travel. This is not the easiest of weeks, so advance cautiously.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20:

At last, Taurus, your energy and charisma surge to a yearly high, now through late May. In addition, with Jupiter in your sign, your luck (esp. financial, sexual and research luck) is at a 12-year high. In some cases, that peak in luck has already come to you in the last 11 months; in some cases, it only appears now or in May. It will be highlighted this week Thursday eve through Saturday. You might be facing a grand opportunity (esp. in $ and sex) or are almost holding it in your hand, and you only have to grasp it. If you are a woman, a male wants to be friends, even flirty, friends, but you might feel that there’s something secretive about it, or that you can’t really display your best side. Your dreams will slowly come true over the next two years. Tackle chores, Sunday/Monday. Relationships, relocation themes, public appearances, possible opposition, and opportunities face you Tuesday to Thursday suppertime (PDT). Remember, don’t start anything brand new before Thursday. not an easy week, Taurus so proceeded with care.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The weeks ahead nudge you to rest, contemplate, deal with government or head office or institutions, to seek spiritual and karmic illumination, and to plan future actions. (But do not plan before Thursday, April 25, or you’ll set off in the wrong direction.) The feeling that you have been overwhelmed with taxes, government, illness, or nasty people during the last 11 months will now become a certainty until May 25 — then, merely a few days or week later, you will start to win, to rise above this “background fray” or phalanx of enemies, and you’ll begin 12 months, to June 2025, of grand luck and many wins! (Do you hear that, Gemini Trump?) However, the authorities or bosses who are attacking you in April, though they retreat by May, will still hang on for two years in the attempt to hold you down, but in a much less aggressive way. Meanwhile, during these two years ahead, you can make strong progress by working diligently and steadily — bosses and authorities will eventually accept, even reward you. This is not an easy week so proceed cautiously in everything. Sunday/Monday are for romance and pleasure. Tuesday to Thursday afternoon is for work and health. Thursday through Saturday brings relationships, opportunities, public dealings, and some opposition. Remember, start nothing brand new before Thursday.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is not the easiest of weeks, Cancer, so proceed cautiously. Remember, don’t start anything new before Thursday. Before May, avoid all lawsuits. You might travel or need to explain your beliefs in the service of your career. Higher ups favour you all April. You have also just entered a month of flirtation, popularity and social delights, optimism and wishes come true. Sunday/Monday the focus is on your home and family, nurturing and security. DON’T invest. romance, tickles your fancy Tuesday morning (PDT) two suppertime Thursday. These few days end well Thursday — romance with a future is possible! Tackle chores Thursday night through Saturday. You’ll succeed, despite your worry. Soon, a major wish might come true.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Someone is treating you very well and affectionately, Leo. In addition, your sexual side is awake and running hot — and this person is why. Could be someone from your past. “Service” could be part of the bond.  (Remember, don’t start anything new before Thursday.)   The month ahead focuses on your ambitions, worldly standing, career and prestige relations — and you might be luckier here than in many years — so get ready to make your bid, to climb the ladder. Run errands, communicate, and handle paperwork Sunday/Monday. Go slow, double-check. Your home and family, security and mom nature fill Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday. All’s well that ends well, Thursday. This evening through Saturday brings romance, creative surges and gambling urges. Don’t be overconfident!


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The month ahead raises travel, philosophical, legal and intellectual interests — and can gently boost love, Virgo. This zone is more highly favoured than it has been in the last 12 years — and might link to your property, home, family or security interests. (Remember, don’t start anything brand new before Thursday.) A farmer sexual attraction might return, or has recently. In addition, especially if you’re single, you will meet or have recently recently met someone challenging, maybe even aggressive, a real live wire. In case I forget, you will be both brave and impetuous in areas of sex, finances, research and investments — in May. Prospects for marriage, and perhaps even a lifetime of gentle fascination, are very high in the weeks ahead. Chase money, embrace intimacy, or learn something Sunday/Monday. Errands, communications, travel and paperwork fill Tuesday morning (PDT) to supper time Thursday. this could end with an exciting agreement. Cool your jets, relax at home or in the hood Thursday night through Saturday. This is not the easiest of weeks, so proceed with a little caution every day.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Although others treat you with affection and grace all April, Libra (and tho’ an old flame might have reappeared) you can feel that relationships are just a lot of work. Many secrets swirl around a somewhat casual relationship — this will be revealed to you in May, if at all. (That month will also make any relationship more serious — with monetary commitments in business, and sexual intimacy in personal relations.) Remember, don’t start anything brand new before Thursday. This week is a little tough, so proceed with some caution. Your energy and charisma are beautifully high Sunday/Monday — but don’t push your way around Sunday morning (PDT) or you could create an enemy (a sneaky one). Chase money, buy/sell, embrace, someone casually or memorize something Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday. If you keep your eye on work and avoid any get rich or get laid quick scheme, you’ll end with gratifying success. Thursday evening through Saturday brings errands, trips, paperwork, and communications. Just handle what’s there — don’t walk out on a limb.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The weeks ahead feature exciting relationships, opportunities and opposition, public appearances and relocation themes, Scorpio. among these might be some of the luckiest opportunities or connections in the last decade. Be diplomatic yet eager to join. A former sexual attraction might return, but a new, “innocent” and more open relationship might appear now thru May — a better one. Or you might remain conflicted between two attractive people. if you are really lucky, the sexy one and the open, “innocent” one will be the same person. Remember, don’t start anything new before Thursday. Coworkers remain gracious and affectionate. Lie low, rest and contemplate — but don’t plan in the future as it will change — sunday/Monday. Your energy and charisma surge upwards Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday (PDT). Thursday is best because it opens the door to Sweet romance and/or creative, risk-oriented success. Buy/sell, chase money, memorize something important, or embrace someone intimately Thursday night through Saturday. All week, go slow.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov, 22-Dec. 21

Remember, Sage, don’t start anything new before Thursday. This week is sprinkled with obstacles so proceed with some caution. The month ahead features work, machinery/tools, daily health, nutrition, and supporting dependents. You might be dealing (or might have already) with an old flame, perhaps a Gemini or talkative Aries. Your romantic outlook is good: sweet affection hovers in April, and grows hot, impulsive May 1 to early June. Late May starts a year of potentially huge luck in relationships, opportunities, public dealings and relocation. Until May, work hard or flirt with a co-worker. Hopes and happiness fill Sunday/Monday. Retreat, rest and contemplate — and deal with government or corporate management — Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday (PDT). Your energy and charisma soar upward Thursday night through Saturday, but remain cautious.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Romance, creativity, sports/games,  speculative actions, arts, talented youngsters, beauty and pleasure — these fill the weeks ahead, Cap. You are leaving March and April’s focus on your domestic side. However, all through May, and into early June, your domestic scene might be a little rambunctious or argumentative, or you could be working on a domestic project. (e.g., renovations). But romance, etc., will be the main, general path, which looms big and lucky now to May 25 — perhaps since 2011/12. Remember, start nothing before Thursday. Be ambitious Sunday/Monday, but proceed cautiously. Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday brings happiness, hope, popularity, flirtation, and entertainment. A wish could come true by Thursday. (Maybe a wish about contacting someone?) Retreat Thursday evening through Saturday: rest, contemplate, deal with government and head office, reinforce your health, and attend to spiritual and karmic needs. At last, you can start to form plans that have a chance of being implemented.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

The weeks ahead will have a “down home” flavour, Aquarius — a potentially very lucky one. The past 11 months of domestic luck peak in the 35 days ahead (ending May 25). Many of you have sold and bought a home, undergone extensive renovations, moved to find a better rental, bought furniture, built a backyard, swimming pool, whatever.  But if you have not, the weeks ahead offer one last great fortunate chance. The only limiting factor might be money. An old flame might still appear, but the chances are dwindling. the present week requires ordinary caution. Sunday/Monday, bring mellow wisdom, tolerance, big, profound ideas, international questions, and gentle love. Be ambitious Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday (PDT) — you can end this interval with success Thursday. this night through Saturday brings optimism, popularity and social joys, wishes, flirting, and could even bring wish fulfillment — but your mood will be a lot better than circumstances. Remember, don’t start anything new before Thursday.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Start nothing brand new before Thursday, Pisces. You have been dealing with money, with buying and selling, for the past month. Now you enter a month that is less important, filled with errands, paperwork, reports and communications (all of which bring mild but sweet good luck). Despite this change in your general outlook going into May, that money situation “revives” (or a new one arrives) May 1 to June 8. You can read everything to this point, substituting “casual sex” or “rote learning” for “money.” A former money source has probably returned in the past several weeks, or could even appear now before Thursday. But you would have to act on it very quickly. Life’s secrets yield to research Sunday/Monday. DON’T invest nor commit yourself sexually or otherwise. Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday brings a wise, mellow mood, gentle love, profound ideas, and legal or philosophical or international themes. Look for an open door to money or personal success Thursday. Be ambitious this night through Saturday. All week, proceed carefully, as many irksome little obstacles lie before you.





I just read Google’s email to all their employees regarding the pro-Palestine protest at the California and New York offices by 28 or more employees, who were all fired. The language and structure of the email is typical administrative “talk” (you can almost see the fluorescent lights humming above its authors) and it’s fairly sophisticated, but somethings glares through. There is an iron fist that is only carelessly concealed.

Cruelty shines through like a malevolent beam of grey winter clouded sunlight on someone’s pale cheek. This email is saying that you workers, you work for us, not for your principles or Ideals. This is purely a Mercantile organization, and you will do as we say or you will be terminated.

This is dictatorship at its finest, and in many ways its worst.


Israel should bide its time, then launch a massive, simultaneous bomb attack on Iran. They should drop MOABs on the presidential Palace or whatever contains the lawmakers and politicians of the regime, on the revolutionary guard barracks, on all atomic related facilities, and all military airstrips. Same 24 hours, they should drop millions upon millions of leaflets in Arabic explaining what they have done, and that they are going to retreat entirely and leave Iran in peace, hopefully with its people able to govern themselves and escape the yolk of autocracy. I’d use the phrase “yoke of cruel mullahs” or whatever. I wouldn’t say something abstract like the yoke of autocracy.


If syrup could be made from tears, that would be Roy Orbison’s voice.


Aquarius rules rivers and streams. Pluto rules destruction. Almost immediately after Pluto entered Aquarius, ships began toppling bridges. The Baltimore bridge collapsed, and 26 barges on the Ohio river broke loose and threatened a bridge. This lasts until 2044, so future bridges will be designed to prevent this danger. We can also expect (for the next 20 years) an increase in rogue rivers, river flooding, river related deaths, etc.


More evidence that judge Merchan (in Trump’s hush money case) is corrupt: he composed the questions to prospective jurors to determine whether they should be kept on as a juror or dismissed. He refused to let the lawyers frame their own questions, and forbade them to ask whether a potential juror voted for Trump or for Biden. (This was probably the judge’s attempt to avoid embarrassment, as nine out of 10 prospective jurors would say Biden, revealing the corruption and manipulation of the Biden regime and his paid-off flunkeys [e.g., judge Merchan] Obviously,  one of the weapons of Biden and his thugs is to hold this trial in the depths of Democratic New York City.)  Because the trial is taking place where 85 % + of all electors voted for Biden, and are Trump haters, Marchand is basically guaranteeing that all or almost all of the jurors will be Trump haters. There is even some reporting that he, Merchan, will be the one who decides whether a potential juror is seated or dismissed. Merchan, of course, is another corrupt Democrat.


American Democrats = Always Deceive. Case in point: the January 6 committee, which was so instrumental in jailing thousands of Americans for the simple crime of showing up in Washington DC., for being attacked by police without cause (tear gas, pepper spray, plastic bullets were fired on an initially well-behaved crowd, per Nancy Pelosi’s orders) purposely to whip them into an angry “crowd action.” This committee, after accusing every Republican in sight of trespassing, obstruction, treason, and every other thing they can think of, in a completely one-sided USSR kangaroo style court, this committee, after deciding that so many Americans were guilty and must be imprisoned, then destroyed all the evidence, interviews, tapes, etc. These Democrats are obvious and blatant liars. But every vocal Democrat is a liar, just as every Palestinian is a Hamas supporter.

(Re: Pelosi — my mother used to say that if women ruled the world, there would be no more wars and everything would be hunky-dory. Pelosi, the corrupt jailer of thousands, is a woman. [But do demons have a sex?] Her entrapment of thousands of conservatives who ended up in foul jails where they were denied medical attention, would have been applauded by Xi and Putin. One of the most murderous, effective and cruel dictators in history was a woman: Wu Zetian — the only Chinese empress in their long history. She is said to have murdered her own baby in order to frame a competitor, and is reputed to have executed thousands of civil servants — and all of her competitors.)
