Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: 5:16 pm to 9:05 pm Sun., 10:40 pm Tues. to 2:08 am Wed., and 10:40 pm Thurs. to 4:13 am Fri.


ALL SIGNS: Mercury retrogrades from April 1 to 25. Deal with past problems, opportunities, loves, situations. Don’t launch new projects, relationships nor big purchases before 6 am (PDT) of April 25. For some, an old flame will reappear: ask yourself why it broke apart — this will tell you whether to embrace it or not.


Secret answers lie behind communications. But what’s the question? It’s multiple, and asked by every person: what are we? 




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Your clout, charisma and energy remain at a yearly high, Aries. Your dealings with government, head, office or institutions remain friendly and favourable through Thursday. After this, through April, matters become more serious in this area. In a way, you face a choice: do you feel hard done by, or do you pursue a goal/objective with the government or some large organization? Your money picture remains quite fortunate for another two months. If you haven’t already aimed for a pay raise in the last 10 months, do so now and in May. (Late April thru May best.) If you must, change employers for a better pay check. However, remember, start nothing new April 1 thru 25. Instead, grab “returning opportunities” — or a returning old flame. Sunday’s sweet but confused. Monday/Tuesday highlight your career, relations with bosses, VIPs. Charge ahead — good luck accompanies you! Friends, social delights, flirting Wed./Thurs. — sweetness and disruption. Rest, lie low, lease w/gov’t, head office — good, workable results.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Remember, Taurus, don’t start any projects or relationships, nor make major purchases, before April 25. Instead, focus on past or ongoing undertakings, past lovers, etc. A neglected task is almost certain to return; it’s burdensome, and might be connected to an institution, gov’t, “head office,” or a promise to a loved one. (Tax returns?) A great time to find old documents, or to “clean house,” esp. in paperwork areas. Generally, lie low, rest, ponder (but make no firm plans). Sunday’s mysterious, alluring, but ends w/illusion or indecision. Gentle love, tolerance, wisdom flow into you Mon./Tues. — Tuesday’s fortunate, esp. for media, travel, learning. Be ambitious Wed./Thurs. — you could earn a compliment, or raise your worth in a boss’s eye. Friday/Saturday are for hope, social joys, flirting, entertainment — all’s good, so enjoy. (Old friends best.) Friday through all April, you can be socially assertive, but remember, you’re also a bit tired. It’s a good week with a good end!


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Your future remains wide open, Gemini — yet, paradoxically, the weeks ahead (to April 25, technically) focus on the past, and caution you against launching new purchases, relationships or projects. A former life goal or cherished wish might return now — so might a “friendly love.” Bosses and VIPs (and parents) are critical, impulsive and impatient until April 30. But be long-suffering, supportive and even eager to “be friends” with higher-ups — this might bring a former wish/goal about your status/recognition — and make it possible to achieve! Make no firm decisions, big purchases, nor start projects nor new relationships before April 25. Protect ongoing projects, and welcome “returnees” from the past. Dream of the future, but don’t make any firm plans before Jupiter enters your sign in late May. (A whole, happy New World might open up for you June onward.) Expect social delights, flirtations, optimism and happiness for 3 weeks ahead. Relationship, confusion, indecision, Sunday. Sex, lust, major finances, medical situations, and lifestyle changes (don’t change now) hover around you Mon./Tues. — Tuesday’s lucky for these! Far travel, media, higher learning, law, cultural venues, and international affairs. Draw you Wednesday/Thursday Wednesday is very sweet and loving, Thursday is disruptive. Be ambitious Friday/Saturday – all run smoothly.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The emphasis lies on your ambitions, career, prestige relations, and worldly status, Cancer — for 3 more weeks. Until April 30, strictly avoid lawsuits — unless you’re a lawyer, in which case you could enhance your reputation in coming weeks by jumping assertively into the fray. Before April 25, do not launch new projects, buy major items (shoes to cars) nor start new relationships. (Read “ALL SIGNS” in the PREAMBLE above.) Opportunities don’t have “legs.” Instead, protect ongoing projects and bonds, or embrace those that return fro the past. For example, a former career position or duty could return. (Whether you take it or not is up to you. In some cases, paradoxically, this “old” work could open the door to bright job prospects/successes in future. Sunday promotes work, but ends with indecision. Relationships and relocation or other opportunities excite you Mon./Tues. — but remember my advice against new things. Deep stuff, intuition, secrets, lust for sex or power, research, medical stuff, life changes fill Wed./Thurs. — some caution needed Thurs. A mellow, wise mood steals over you Fri./Sat. Intellectual, philosophical, international, love, and cultural venues are blessed with calm, workable good luck.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

You are in a very intellectual phase this week and the next two, Leo. Intellectual, philosophical, international, love, and cultural venues are blessed with calm, tolerance and wisdom. However, all April, these zones seem to be attached to a more private situation/outlook. For example, love demands intimacy, a lawsuit needs research and investigation; finances need a “gut” commitment. Okay, all good, but DON’T start new things here — dip into the past, and/or protect ongoing, present projects and relationships. Anything started before April 25 will drown in a morass of indecision, confusion, delays and mistakes. An old flame might appear. (Is almost certain to appear, whether in your thoughts or actually. If in your thoughts, an email or call might yield a happy surprise.) Sunday is very romantic, but at the end of the day deep intimacy might be denied. Tackle chores Mon./Tues. Eat, dress sensibly. You can accomplish a huge amount, esp. Tues. Exciting meetings, relationships arise Wed./Thurs. Fantasy at first, the magic of sex and love, but disruptions enter Thurs. That sexy desire might well be fulfilled Fri./Sat, as finances, lust, research, medical and lifestyle situations flow smoothly and well.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You might delve deep into the past, or into a present situation for the next 3 weeks, Virgo. Your sexual, research, financial and medical zones are lit up, which can create some interesting times. Remember, your planet (Mercury) is retrograde until April 25, so you should not start anything new, even in the zones mentioned above. An old flame, probably a very sexy one, might show up. if you’re daydreaming about someone from the past, give him or her a call. A former investment, research project or medical problem might reappear. Relationships are very fiery all April — be careful, diplomatic. Someone might say, “Hey, you’re mine.” Someone might offer you a home, even legally, if you embrace him or her. Sunday features that: home and family and affection, but ultimately not agreement. Romance calls, Monday/Tuesday — that second day is beautifully fortunate for love and creativity. A magical glow seems to float around all thoughts or words of love. Get busy, do the work Wednesday/Thursday. Wednesday better, as Thursday holds some daytime disruptions. Relationships flow with calm affection Fri./Sat. You can reach loving agreements.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Exciting relationships and opportunities fill the three weeks ahead, Libra. The situation with coworkers is a bit dicey: if you’re single, you might join with a coworker in a romantic way, or you might find that a coworker is an “aggressive sandpaper” personality. If the latter, just grin and bear it, as May will end the fiction. Your private life, your sexual intimacy, and your finances sparkle with good luck for the next two months. An old flame, or more likely an “ex,” could appear at any time. A lot of sweetness and goodness drifts into all relationships in April. However, do NOT start brand new relationships, nor launch projects, nor make big purchases before April 25. Instead, pluck plums from the past, and protect ongoing situations from confusion, delays and mistakes. Sunday’s talkative, busy, happy, but ends with indecision. Be home or in the ‘hood Mon./Tues. — potential huge luck in all domestic matters. Romance visits Wed./Thurs. (and a co-worker attraction glows with magic) but be careful Thursday, when disruptions could come. (E.g., romance and sex won’t exist together.) Tackle. Chores Fri./Sat. — you can get a lot done during these two smooth, clear-sky, productive days.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You face 3 more weeks of work and daily (light) health concerns, Scorpio. As the sweet romantic feelings of March fade, another, perhaps more intense but less significant streak of passion rises, to grip you all April. This one might be a co-worker; even more, might be a “former flame” co-worker. More likely, all Scorpios will face a chore that needs doing again, or an employer from the past. In any case, do NOT make major purchases, nor launch new projects nor join brand new relationships, before April 25. Your relationship prospects remain very fortunate through May, esp. if money or casual intimacy is involved — chase both of these (but not romance) Sunday. Errands, trips, communications and paperwork fill Mon./Tues. — very fortunately Tuesday, so dive in. Home, family, nature, garden, stomach and soul featured Wed./Thurs. Wednesday whispers sweet heart magic, but Thursday disrupts. Friday/Saturday are for romance, creative urges, sports and beauty — all flows with grace and smoothness.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The general accent continues (3 more weeks) on romance, creative surges, good luck in games and sports, beauty and pleasure, Sage. (These grow even sweeter Friday onward.) But at the same time a romance might end, or you might “pay for it” with a month of friction on the home front (until April 30). Don’t take any development too seriously. If you’re unattached, major relationship prospects (maybe best in over a decade) arrive June ’24 to June ’25. Worth waiting for! If you’re a parent, the kids show more talent — but be kind, gentle, inspiring. Your energy and charisma glow Sunday. Chase $, buy/sell, memorize something, or chase a casual boudoir partner Mon./Tues. — luck is high Tues! Errands, communications, paperwork, reports, anecdotes, short trips Wed./Thurs. — sweet child Wed., disruptions Thurs. Steer toward home, family Fri./Sat. — two easy, productive days.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The emphasis remains on home and family, mother nature, stomach and soul, rest and contemplation, Cap. Usually, this would be a great time to slow down. However, this April you seem to be spinning around, restlessly communicating, visiting and fiddling with paperwork. On the other hand, Friday brings a trend that last through April, of affection and happy moments at home. Usually again, this would be a great time to decorate, paint, even renovate or  buy furniture. But now to April 25 brains confusion, indecision, delays and false starts — so don’t start anything new of any importance. For example, you might start renovations now and think they’ll be finished by late April. You might be surprised (esp. financially!) when you’re still dealing with those unfinished renos in July. So start no new relationships,, purchases or projects before the 25th. Lie low, rest Sunday. (Meditation will meander down the wrong path.) Your energy and charisma soar Mon./Tues. — get out, be seen, accomplish things. Chase $, buy/sell, memorize something, or grab someone sweet for a momentary treat Wed./Thurs. (Wednesday seduces with love’s fantasy; Thursday disrupts.) Run errands, call/write Fri./Sat. — all runs smoothly, productively.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

The accent remains on travel, communications, paperwork and errands, Aquarius. Much of this is not important stuff, though it has a strong affection aspect. But important or not, communications, letters, etc., can be lost or filled with the wrong information this week and throughout April. If the paperwork is important, such as a contract, hold it over until April 25 onward, or if earlier, read and re-read it — you might later wish you hadn’t signed anything. As the PREAMBLE says, don’t start any new projects, relationships nor make big purchases, before April 25. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays and mistakes, and/or revive projects and relationships from the past. A former flame might return now. Sunday’s for fun and popularity, but rein in spending in the pm (PDT). Retreat, lie low, rest and contemplate Mon./Tues. Great time to contact gov’t or “head office,” to visit a hospital, to meditate — Tuesday best. Your energy and charisma soar upward Wed./Thurs. You might want to buy something that is very beautiful Wed. Buy/sell, chase money, seek a boudoir embrace, memorize something Fri./Sat. — a smooth, productive time!


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

April focuses on income, buying/selling, possessions, rote learning, and casual intimacy, Pisces. Do not make a major purchase, start a relationship, chase new opportunities, nor launch new projects before April 25. Instead, protect ongoing projects and relations from delays, indecision and mistakes — and/or reprise past bonds, projects or situations. You’re restless and assertive all April — and sexually magnetic. (You’re more likely to chase than be chased.) Friday begins three weeks of good money luck. A money source from the past might return. Sunday’s for ambition, worldly status — dress “up.” Social joys, popularity, optimism and flirting lift your heart Mon./Tues. — Tuesday’s better. Retreat, lie low, rest and contemplate/meditate Wed./Thurs. Be spiritual, help others. Your energy and charisma rise Fri./Sat. — an easy, smooth two days, so get things done!






I wrote here some (three?) years ago that Canadian micro-biologists in a Winnipeg, Canada lab were secretly conducting covid research in co-ordination with communist China. (The scientists were/are ethnic Chinese, although Canadian citizens.)

The Trudeau government tried to cover this up for three years. This week, the opposition parties, collectively, forced the Liberal gov’t to investigate. Now a report is due by May 31. It now seems that they were (illegally) sending their findings to China.

Trudeau’s government was very willing to put Canadian truck drivers in jail, confiscate their bank accounts and de-bank them for the simple crime of showing up in Ottawa to protest the injustices being done to them by Trudeau — and really, by these Chinese scientists in Winnipeg. 

So what is happening to Trudeau’s Winnipeg traitors? Anything? Have any been arrested? Have any had their bank accounts frozen? Have any been charged with anything? I very much doubt it. This is the Trudeau government, after all: Trudeau only hates the lower classes.


Wow, another biassed, crooked judge — Biden must have a basement full of them. Remember I wrote long ago that “J” signals a Trump enemy? (*) Well, here’s Judge Juan Merchan, presiding over Trump’s hush money case. Merchan has issued what all these biased judges love: a gag order preventing Trump from saying anything publicly about the prosecutors and everyone else. (Two people, the Judge and D.A. Bragg, are exempted from this gag order — but probably not for long.) The gag order came because Trump on Friday criticized the prosecutor whom Biden (illegally) appointed for this case. Trump, in public, simply pointed out that this prosecutor was number three in the Department of Justice, has been used as an attack dog several times by Biden, and is obviously acting outside the boundaries of a prosecutor. Prosecutors are strictly enjoined from exercising bias, and from hiding evidence. This prosecutor has obviously come straight from Biden to attack Trump, and fairness or lack of bias has been thrown out the window.

Democratic apologists claim that all these judges who are trying to put Trump in jail are chosen by a completely random “name in the hat” process. This is an obvious lie, as every Biden judge has been biased, democratic, woke, and a hater of Republicans. Engoron, Chutkan, Merchan — all corrupt and biased. Ditto the prosecutors. Remember Fani Willis and Nathan Wade?

How do you pick judges at random, but end up with only democrat, Biden-loving judges? In the one anti-Trump case that is NOT in New York or Washington (where juries salivate to destroy and imprison republicans — as one J6 juror boasted) that is, in the Florida Mar-a-Lago case, the judge, Cannon, appears fair.

Judge Merchan is a slimy soul. His D.A., Alvin Bragg, just dumped 187,000 (THOUSAND!) new documents into the case — documents that had been withheld/hidden from the defence until last week. This crooked judge Merchan then — AFTER this document dump — declared the trial must start April 15 — giving Trump’s lawyers 15 business days to peruse 187,000 new documents. 

Do the math: if an incredibly accomplished lawyer raced through these documents at, say, the extremely rapid pace of 1,000 documents per day, it would take him 187 days — until September 2024 — to read every document. (Try this at home: can you read 1,000 pages — or over half of WAR AND PEACE — in one day? Say you spent 10 hours — can you read 100 pages in an hour? [I can only read about 30 pg/hr.] — AND catalogue them, arrange them into relevant files, comment on them, and make notes crucial to the defence?) 

To compress these 187,000 documents into 15 days, means reading 12,467 documents IN ONE DAY (AND cataloguing, making notes, etc.)  Could you do that? 

Here’s the proof that judge Merchan is crooked, and operates according to Biden’s orders: When the defence claimed they needed more than 15 business days to examine the 187,000 documents, the D.A., Alvin Bragg, claimed that only about 300 documents were relevant to the case, and he “could show” the defence lawyers which documents they should pay attention to. Merchan agreed with the prosecutor that the defence only needed to see about 300 — or 1 in 623 — documents out of the 187,000. This is an outright felony: a judge and D.A. conspiring to refuse access to evidence by the defence lawyers. This is obstruction of justice plain and simple. This slimy judge should be in jail, not presiding over a court that is obviously bouncing with kangaroos. 

Merchan, Biden, Merrick Garland and all their crooked judges and lawless prosecutors… I won’t say what I think they are, but I hope one day the whole cabal is flushed down the toilet.

(*) Of course, all JUDGES start with “J.” So do JURIES. And JACK Smith, and of course JOE himself.


There is another, and perhaps the most egregious crime against Trump’s due process rights: the fact that they are running FOUR criminal cases against Trump between now and November. The thing about a criminal trial is that the defendant must be in the courtroom every minute, every day of the trial. In other words Joe “Slime” Biden wants to keep Trump physically in court, so that he can’t campaign. 

There’s one solution to this: Trump, if he can, should bring a cot to the courtroom, and sleep. This way, he’ll have the energy to campaign before and after court hours. If they refuse to admit the cot, then Trump should just take a sleeping pill and bring a pillow with him. Then let his head fall on the bench and sleep! If these slimy judges protest, Trump could just tell them they bore him to death. In the Georgia case, Trump could say to the judge: “the district attorney and the prosecutor are fucking each other during this trial, so why can’t I sleep?”

And anyone who is called to testify against Trump should say, when on the stand: “I refuse to be questioned by a liar. The State (i.e., Willis) has committed perjury. They are false accusers, and false questioners. I refuse to answer until you find an honest person to question me.”


Something suspicious about the recent terrorist attack on a Moscow suburb: Putin declared that 11 suspects had been arrested, four of them as they were trying to get to Ukraine to escape. Have you ever known ISIS, or any terror group, to simply surrender and place themselves at the mercy of the police? Wouldn’t they go down in a blaze of bullets, or self-immolate? 

I’m not sure of the exact timing of that terrorist assault, but it looks like it occurred with Moon opposition Mars. Mars is war, the Moon is home, or “the populace.” The opposition aspect means join or fight: they fought. I wonder how many Russians realize this is part of a centuries-old war between Russia and Chechnya? I only found out tonight. Bullies who forgive their victims lead happy lives, but they don’t realize the bitter have long memories. Still, this is only a mosquito bite in the belly of Russia. 


Putin is a Libra with a Pisces Moon. Librans almost always believe they are right. This sign is evolved enough to assume the mantle of judgment. Most Libras are natural judges, of society, of their friends, even their spouses and children.  (*) Sensing this, whenever Libras confront a situation, they believe that they are in the right, because they must have already judged the situation, even if only subconsciously. Putin believes he’s in the right in the Ukraine war. When his heart (Moon) looks out for guidance, it sees a Sun flaming in its 8th house (Libra) — the 8th rules death, disease, secrecy, power grabs, mafia, etc. If any major world leader, with fulfil a threat to start a nuclear war, it would be Putin. He is in love with death. That’s OK, that’s part of the transformative process of life, from death to rot, to fertilization to birth. But he is, at least, during this stage of his life, more interested in power than death. Hopefully he will cling to life to the very end, or be usurped and taken away. Saturn and Pluto, though, counsel otherwise. Pluto (planet of death) while not hurting Pisces (Putin’s Moon) favours Libra (his Sun) — for 20 more years. He will become emotionally erratic from 2025 to 2033 — and might have military engagement with the U.S. around 2027. 

(*) They are not critical, though, and are not particularly bent about detail. They tend to judge morals, and another person’s philosophy, or love life, or character, esp. whether another is fair/just or not.
