Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: Before 2:40 am Sun., 11:52 am to 12:33 pm Tues., and 11:34 pm Thurs. to 0:42 am Fri.



The jaws of falsehood have no mercy, especially when cornered by the truth. (In praise of Democrat jaws.)


No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. — Desiderata




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

A month of weariness ends Tuesday night, Aries, as a month of effective action, higher energy, charisma and clout begins. Start expressing yourself, and do any necessary travel in the week or two ahead as April might find you indecisive, unheard, and without a good opportunity to travel. You remain hopeful about management or government related situations — realize progress will be slow but solid over the next two years. Sunday to noon Tuesday brings you home, to family, security, nature and soul. A good, successful interval, so plunge into domestic projects. Romance, creative and speculative urges, beauty and pleasure fill midweek. Not an easy few days — Thursday daytime best. Tackle chores Fri./Sat. Eat, dress sensibly. (Success Sat.)


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Enjoy Sun./Mon., Taurus. After this, a month of quietude, contemplation, rest and planning begins. Prepare to deal with gov’t, head office and institutions — something’s brewing here that could last into mid-May. Get paperwork, documents together. (These will be in a bit of chaos all April.)  Be tolerant, spiritual. A couple of “true” friends hang around all March. You remain fortunate in financial, inheritance and intimate areas through May. Errands, paperwork, trips and communications Sunday to midday Tues. — all’s well, so charge ahead! Tuesday noon through Thursday “ties” you to home, family, the ‘hood, to security, mother nature, and “storage.” Friday and Saturday blossom with romance and creative juices, though you might not see good results until Saturday daytime, when good luck flows your way, esp. in “friendly intimacy.”


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

On Tuesday night, Gemini, a month of effort, pressure and status concerns ends, to be replaced with a month of celebration, happiness and popularity, friendly, love, entertainment, and optimism. But before that happens, use Sunday to Tuesday noon to chase money, buy/sell, ask for a pay raise, etc. Realize higher-ups favour you now (to April 4) so don’t be shy in asking for what you want. You are still interested in an Aquarian friend. Midweek (Tues. pm through Thurs.) brings short trips and errands, paperwork and communications. drive carefully, and don’t upset any apple carts with your words. Head for home and family Friday/Saturday. Friday might be a little slow or frustrating, but Saturday you can get a lot done, perhaps on a big chore — and everyone’s friendly, also!


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

A sweet, mellow, tolerant, wise and loving month will end Tuesday night, Cancer, to start a month of ambition, pressure, career and prestige relations, and worldly standing. Until Friday, you will still be dealing with certain secret or puzzling urges. Yes, this can end in intimacy. Avoid impulsive, investing or other financial moves before Saturday. Until April 30, avoid lawsuits — you’ll be either spouting your opinion and maybe alienating others, or using your mind and study to advance in your career. (I’d pick the latter.) Over everything, social happiness lies like a cheerful light. Your energy and charisma soar Sunday to noon Tuesday — tackle things, start things, get things done — you’ll succeed, so aim a bit higher. Pursue $, buy/sell, memorize something, catalogue your possessions mid-week, but proceed carefully, recognize obstacles. (You’ll end satisfied.) Dive into calls, emails, neighbourly chats, errands, short trips, paperwork and reports Fri. (blah) and Sat. (friends, success).


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

You might feel under the weather Sunday to noon Tuesday, Leo. But this is a good three days to deal with the government or head office or any institution. Also, to meditate and contemplate and plan your future. Tuesday ends a month of mysteries and darker attractions, and starts a new month of gentle love, understanding, wisdom, and tolerance — and might bring an international trip, school entry/success, a media project, or any intellectual pursuit. This week, you might find a stalwart friend in this area of wisdom and intellect. Friday to April 30 will tempt you strongly with 1) cheating (on a spouse or in legal matters) 2) investing or contracting debt, 3) making a major life change. Be good — realize higher-ups favour you until late May. Your energy and charm soar Tues. eve through Thurs. Get things done, launch projects (not big ones, as a period of delay comes April 1). Chase $, be intimate and mellow, Friday (so-so) and Saturday (splendid).


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

A month of relationships and opportunities… and possible opposition… ends at noon Tuesday (PDT) Virgo. But two sweet people will “stick” with you into April. (Sunday to Tuesday buoys your heart with optimism, friendly flirting, popularity and social joys — if you’re single, contact someone!) Love and weddings, international trips, media, law, education, and religion remain a fortunate zone for you until late May. Lie low, rest, contemplate, and plan Tuesday p.m. through Thursday. Avoid competitive situations and stay out of trouble, as a couple of obstacles loom. Your energy and charisma surge upward Friday/Saturday. Friday is a bit difficult, yields little to you. But Saturday is the opposite – lucky, happy, and significant. If you’re in love, this could be time to pop the question. But realize that Tuesday starts a month of secrets, sexual and power related temptations, financial commitments and consequences, medical and lifestyle decisions. In other words, what do you start now could borrow deeper and deeper into the workings of your life.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Work hard until Tuesday noon, Libra. You’ll accomplish a lot, and could earn a promotion — or make points accumulating toward one. Approach VIPs, don’t be shy. Your romantic urges are still potent, but Friday begins 6 weeks of intense work, perhaps involving a machine. Your finances, deep health and sexual desires remain fortunate until late May. Tuesday noon (PDT) begins a month of relationships, opportunities, possible opposition, public appearances, and possible relocation — your life could open a whole new chapter. Fittingly, Tuesday pm through Thursday is future-oriented, heart-lifting, optimistic, with social joys and friendly flirting — a good start to a month of human bonding, blossoming. But retreat Friday (blah) and Saturday (successful, inspiring, friendly) — rest, nap, ponder and plan, and liaise with gov’t or head office.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

A romantic, creative, and pleasurable month ends Tuesday noon, Scorpio, as a month of work, chores, and health habits begins. But almost like a “last chance,” Sunday to Tuesday noon nudges you to hold a gentle, deep discussion with a love, to talk about the long term. In addition, Mars and Venus now inhabit your romance sector, so some delicious moments still await you. Domestic friction ends Friday — good. Midweek, your career, worldly standing, ambitions and prestige relations comes into focus. There are a couple of pitfalls here, but nothing huge or serious, so be “ordinarily cautious.” Your heart lifts, your popularity rises and social delights enter, Friday (a bit blah) and Saturday (could hardly be better).


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Spend Sunday to noon Tuesday (PDT) at home, Sage, with family, or in security or gardening, or similar projects. Or go even deeper, into family-oriented investments, intimacy (toward pregnancy) or even a life change. Tuesday ends a month of domesticity, and starts a month of romance, adventure, gambling, creativity, sports/games, charming kids, and general happiness! However, a domestic project or situation lingers into April 30, and seems to be entwined with romance or a creative project, or a child’s talents. Contain your temper until May 1. Tuesday pm through Thursday is “natural” for you — philosophy, far travel, cultural venues, law, higher education, and gentle love. Aspects are a little mixed, so proceed with some caution. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — little will come of it Friday, but lots, and luckily, Saturday. Prestige relations, worldly status involved — and maybe a co-worker?


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

You might be relieved to know that a month of errands, communications and travel is ending, Cap, and a month of security, domesticity, property, family and Mother Nature begins Tuesday noon (PDT). So some rest, at last! (This is not entirely true, as a smaller, thinner streak of communications and paperwork lingers until April 30. Until April 5, these might concern romantic love; after this, family love prevails.) Sunday to noon Tuesday (PDT) offers partnerships, opportunities, opposition, public appearances and possible relocation. This is a fortunate interval, so chase what/whom you want. Midweek sends you deeper, into research, subconscious promptings, sexual intimacy, medical issues, possible lifestyle changes. Be careful what you commit to: discern consequences before you act. A sweet, tolerant, wise mood steals over you Friday (a bit blah) and Saturday (exciting things!) — love, education, science, far travel, law, culture, philosophy — these topics lure you.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

You’re ending a money month Tuesday noon (PDT) Aquarius, and entering a more social month, featuring errands, trips, communications, contacts, and paperwork. Some of that money influence continues to the end of April, tho — in this, save what comes, avoid spending or debt. A bonus or penalty could be connected to the gov’t, or to a very large company. Sunday to noon Tuesday brings “deep money,” investments, debt, lifestyle changes, medical exigencies, mysteries and lust. This is a fortunate interval, so pick your goal and chase it. Relationships, opportunities, some opposition, public appearances and relocation themes fill midweek (Tues. noon through Thurs.). Some caution needed. You might end with “tired satisfaction.” Life’s deeper currents, subconscious nudges, consequences, lust, medical or lifestyle decisions, big finances face you Friday (caution) and Saturday (great luck — charge ahead).


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The shift is subtle, Pisces, but at midday Tuesday you slide from personal presence, charisma and loads of energy into a zone that concentrates on your possessions, your income and expenses, and also on rote learning and casual, comfortable sex. Although the Sun leaves your sign Tuesday, Venus and Mars stay, imbuing you with a strong romantic magnetism until April’s end. The accent is on money, so chase it now — but don’t start large income projects, as indecision and delay loom April 1 – 25. Sunday to Tuesday noon is romantic and benevolent — chase someone, or plunge into creative, sporting/gaming, or talent zones. Tackle chores Tuesday pm through Thurs. (PDT). Eat, dress sensibly, and just plod along rather than taking a big leap. Don’t buy machinery — has electric fault? Relationships, opportunities and opposition, relocation themes and public appearances drive you Friday (be cautious, don’t bite at a “chance to be a slave”) and Saturday (swift, friendly, successful action).






Even the most angry, most unfair, most murderous among us has some goodness, some belief that he/she is doing something justified.


One of the difficult prophets, Zachariah, or Zephyr— (?) said that God would leave mankind when man lived off the Earth, and could turn night to day. We are already in the process of this with astronauts and landings on the moon and a space shuttle that can be in daylight or night time as it chooses. I think the present turmoil in the US and UK is simply the turbulence of transitioning to this new phase in which God will let us follow our own destiny.
