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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: 12:45 pm to 5:19 pm Sun., 4:08 am to 5:28 pm Tues., 3:29 pm to 8:16 pm Thurs., and after 9:43 pm Sat.



For a long time I have wondered, how do you become more psychic? There are no books of instruction, no “How to…” manuals. (And those books that purport to teach magic or psychic arts I find to be gobblydegook.) I’ve just realized what to do is to pay more attention. It’s that simple. Be aware and believe what you see, for what you see is all around you. The answers, or the ANSWER, is in every glance. It’s often a tiny, quiet clue, a swift single whisper of a hint. But it’s there — here, there, everywhere.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

You are still in rest mode, Aries. Get lots of sleep and naps, stay out of competitive situations. Liaise with institutions, head office and government — these are open to helping you now. (Someone you have challenged might work against you now in a sneaky way.) Contemplate and plan future moves. You remain happy and hopeful, and a talkative person is trying to get a hold of you. Sunday daytime finds you weary but content.  This night to suppertime Tuesday (PDT) boosts your energy and charisma to at least a normal level!  All is well. Chase $ Tuesday eve to Thursday night. (Wed. best.) Errands, communications, paperwork Fri./Sat. — Friday’s difficult, but Saturday flows very nicely.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

About 11 days left of celebration, light romance, popularity, social delights and hopes for the future, Taurus. Take time to enjoy life! Higher ups continue to be a little impatient or critical until March 22. But you’re lucky and adventurous now, esp. in “background areas” such as gov’t, management, finances, research, and lifestyle changes — until late May. Your hopes for the future have started to become more sober, serious, and might include a major trip, educational venture, legal matter or social rite, such as a wedding. Sunday is hopeful and friendly, but gently retire by suppertime (PDT) to seek rest and quietude until Tuesday suppertime. This night through Thursday brings energy, charisma and confidence — you’re a winner, esp. Wed. (Don’t “fight” bosses, authority, early Thurs.) Chase $, buy/sell, hug a “sexy friend,” Fri./Sat. Friday’s difficult, Saturday’s good.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

It’s your last full week of ambition, climbing, prestige relations and worldly status, Gemini. Now to early April, higher-ups will tend to befriend, you, to forgive your mistakes, and praise your accomplishments. Could be a good time to ask for a raise or promotion — the latter is more likely than the former. New friends might begin to enter your life in a light, talkative way. A major voyage, or a big intellectual project is a possibility. Work hard Sunday. You will get lots done, but quit by suppertime, as more social, even romantic vibes enter (until suppertime Tues.). This isn’t a huge trend, but it lifts your heart for a little while. Retreat to find quietude midweek. Rest, ponder and plan, and liaise with head office or government. Your energy and charisma surge upward, Friday/Saturday. Despite this, Friday holds practical obstacles. But Saturday daytime is made for friends and true love.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

Eleven more days of a mellow, gently loving, tolerant and wise mood, Cancer. In general, this is a good time to sign contracts, to ask somebody to marry you, take an international trip, appear in the media, or apply for higher education — esp. Sunday before 1 pm (PDT). These (contracts, travel, etc.) actually become more fortunate Tuesday onward. Continue to reject impulse in large financial or significant doorways to intimacy until late March (the 22nd). Be ambitious, please bosses, Sunday night to Tuesday suppertime (PDT). You can accomplish much — if you try. Social joys, popularity, flirting, optimism and entertainment arrive Tuesday eve through Thurs. (Wednesday best.) Friday (difficult) and Saturday (fortunate until twilight) pull you into quietude, rest, ponderation and healing. Plan, deal with gov’t and/or head office. All’s well, but know you will have to work harder for the 2 years ahead.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

It’s the last full week of mysteries and consequential decisions, Leo. Investments, debt, lust (for power or sex, or both) major life changes are “in play” for 11 more days. (And are more fortunate now than before — at least after Monday. Your standing with bosses, VIPs and authorities remains strong and fortunate. (You might even begin a love affair with someone “up there.”) You still face possible opposition, especially in legal, media, religious or love situations. Be diplomatic — opposition might turn into alliance. Sunday’s for all these matters (sex, finances, etc.) in a fortunate way, before early afternoon (PDT). Sunday eve to Tuesday suppertime brings a fine, mellow mood, a humanitarian tolerance, even love. Tuesday eve through Thursday highlights your ambitions, prestige relations, and worldly standing. Wednesday’s great — make your bid, ask for a promotion. Light romance, friends and popularity, entertainment and optimism, these visit you problematically Friday, with sweet success Sat.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The accent remains on relationships, opportunities, relocation themes, and possible public appearances, Virgo –  for 11 more days.  You have cleared up many of those chores that were left hanging from January and February, but there is still one fairly important task to finish before March 22. It might involve finances, taxes, investments, a lover, or mutually held assets. You remain very fortunate in legal, educational and far travel zones until late May. Sunday brings co-operative relationships — and opportunities. By late afternoon, to Tuesday suppertime (all PDT) you become involved in clandestine activities, perhaps a sexual affair, or perhaps researching or spying, or investing privately — a trend that lasts into mid May. A mellow, wise mood floats over you Tuesday night through Thursday. Far travel, media, philosophy, love, education, law, cultural rituals — all accented luckily Wed. and most of Thurs. daytime. Be ambitious, kow-tow to bosses Friday (when difficulties exist) and Saturday (when all succeeds).


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Eleven more days of drudgery, Libra. Well, bend your shoulders and get it done. Eat, dress sensibly. Your financial, sexual side is blessed until June. Romance can be thrilling, hot, and marriage-inducing until March 22. Take advantage, if single. You’ve been a bit depressed since about last July. Don’t let this affect relationships — force yourself to be bright and assertive, and you’ll soon find you can control, even eliminate your “funk” this way. (If you can’t, it disappears by Jan. 2025 anyway.) Sunday daytime holds chores. Suppertime (PST) Sunday to suppertime Tuesday brings exciting relationships, public appearances, opportunities and relocation themes — all’s well. Sex, lust, power plays, investments and debt, medical and lifestyle decisions “greet” you mid-week. Wednesday’s blessed, but be cautious Tuesday night and Thursday morning. Friday (difficult) and Saturday (smooth, fortunate) bring a mellow, wise mood, gentle love (and again, a potential partner) and legal, educational, media, travel, cultural and philosophical interests.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Eleven more days of sweet romance, high creativity, good luck, pleasure, beauty and charming kids, Scorpio. Enjoy! A sobering note: your home/family continues to be sandpapered by friction until March 22. So smile, be gentle with kids, and pleasant to all. Despite this minor irritant, relationships are blessed until late May. If you’re single, get out, explore the romantic possibilities, this week (and to late May). Your partnership planet, Venus, moves into your love sign Monday, to stay until early April, so prospects are many! Sunday confirms this, with a romantic atmosphere. But this eve to suppertime Tuesday brings chores — better tackle them, success is assured. Relationships fill Tuesday night (PDT) through Thursday. Wednesday is best. Friday (difficult) and Saturday (successful before twilight) feature urges, deep desires, secrets, major financial and sexual actions/commitments, surgery and lifestyle changes. (But, maybe oddly, not romance.)


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The accent remains on your domestic situation, Sage — for 11 more days. Now until early April, sweetness and affection will prevail in your home. You will be kept busy until March 22 with errands, trips, communications and paperwork. These might involve romance or a creative project. In a little over a week, a strong, romantic and creative trend will begin for you. Until then, conversations or your own thoughts, centre on love and adventure. Use the present week to close out situations, to prune stale associations and encourage others to grow. Sunday’s great for this, and for all domestic actions. This eve to suppertime Tuesday (PDT) focuses on romance, sports/games, creative and speculative urges. You’ll ride a wee winning streak. Midweek brings chores and health habits. Wednesday daytime and Thursday late morn to pm are best for action. Exciting relationships, opportunities, relocation themes and public appearances are slated Friday (tough) and Saturday (easy, esp. for love, talents).


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Eleven more days of errands, conversations, paperwork and travel, Cap. These will be more pleasant than in recent weeks. “Love letters” (*) possible. Until March 22, $ come to you quickly, and flee as quickly — grab some and throw it in the bank, or pay down debt. You can be tempted to spend on your home and/or family, but I’d pass on this if possible. Family discussions occur now to late April — some indecision must be overcome, to make a significant decision. Again, the errands and paperwork Sunday. All’s good, so charge ahead. This eve to suppertime Tuesday (PDT) brings you home, at least in attitude. Rest, contemplate, hug the kids/spouse, garden, sore up security (CCTV?) and commune with nature. Midweek stirs romantic hearts, sparks creativity or a gambling urge. Wednesday best. Tackle chores Friday (difficult) and Saturday (surprising, easily done). Buy machines, tools Saturday before 9 pm PDT — but nothing that needs gas or water to run.

(*) “Love letters” includes emails, texts, conversations, glances, etc.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

A general, somewhat mellow emphasis on money, income, purchases, on casual sex and rote learning, continues for 11 more days, Aquarius. You’ve been very active and assertive lately (since mid-Feb.) esp. in communications, travel and paperwork. This continues, even increases, to late March. But watch that you don’t lose your “sweet side” in this area, as your assertiveness grows this week and next. (One, maybe two, important projects in this area — paperwork, communications, travel — will stall in April, perhaps hitting a wall of indecision. — And will revive, just as you sit comfortably down to relax.) Your money luck bulges now to early April. You might buy a luxury item. Sunday’s for shopping, early. This eve to suppertime Tuesday spins you into errands, paperwork, communications, travel. Your luck is good, so get a lot of those things done. Tuesday eve through Thursday emphasizes your home, family, property, security. Remember, until late May, you are in a hugely lucky home/real estate trend — better Wed. than Tues. or Thurs. Friday (difficult) and Saturday (easy) promote romantic, creative and speculative action.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Your energy and charisma and effectiveness are at a yearly high, Pisces. (Especially this Sunday daytime, PDT. — launch important projects!) Over the last half year or so you have started to become more serious and sober about your future and your personal/social contacts. This is actually a good thing, because it will send you on a solid path to achieving your goals. A Capricorn might play a prominent role. Until March 23, continue to avoid dark places and belligerent people. Your attractiveness has actually just increased and will stay high until early April — you could receive a few admiring glances, even a “woo-er.” Chase $ and buy necessities Sunday eve to suppertime Tues. — all’s smooth, good.  Errands, trips, communications and paperwork might “wrestle with emptiness” Tuesday night, succeed and balloon to new dimensions Wed., and hit a bit of turbulence Thurs. morning. (All PDT.) Be home, or in the ‘hood, Friday (difficult) and Saturday (smooth, courage, actions succeed)






Trump’s supreme court presidential immunity hearing is scheduled for April 25. If so, Trump wins, at least partially. He’s certainly vulnerable. The Sun is in Taurus, his sign of “weak effort.”  Mars is in Pisces, so those “higher up” — e.g., the 9 justices — disapprove and look angrily at him. The Moon is in Scorpio, Trump’s “enemies” sign, and is trine Mars, showing the  justices get their way. But the Moon is also trine Neptune, Trump’s career planet, so I think he gets a partial victory, while the judges — without saying so — disapprove of the entire situation.


For years, decades, I have strained to see as others do, have struggled to keep myself on the path of normality and security, and in the comfort of sameness. But this road of being normal has been like trying to walk along a twisting rope that sways over the abyss of existence.

I wrote a long story when I was twenty two or three, 1,500 pages. I called it “The Spaceman” because the hero had no solid personality; was in effect (or in fact) a point of awareness searching for the solidity (hence security, survival, freedom from harm, mental or physical) — the solidity of the unawareness of normality.

The story’s hero was, among other thins, a criminal. So perhaps his constant swaying in the gusts of character formation and abandon, of belonging and emptiness, was psychic/emotional turmoil caused by years of crime, sin and guilt.


Michel Gauquelin, a French statistician (died 1991?) was the only person in history who has ever proved that astrology actually “works,” and is predictive of a person’s “career.” (I use quotes to ask you to take the word in its broadest meaning.)

In astrology, there are 12 houses, roughly equivalent to the 12 zodiac signs. Mr. G. proved, using statistics, that scientists tend to be born with the planet Saturn at the top ion their birth chart. Politicians, when Jupiter was in the same place. Mars? Professional athletes (not amateurs). Venus? Artists, actors, etc. I have oversimplified this, but you get the picture. The planets which astrology says rule a certain kind of vocation or temperament, show up in the top sector of the native’s birth chart statistically more often than in other sectors. Astrology says Mars rules fire and fight, competition and aggression, and Gauquelin shows a statistical preponderance of professional athletes born when Mars was in the career zone at birth.

Two things here: G’s statistics are irrefutable due to their volume. Many of his studies involved tens of thousands of subject “birth charts.” Two, he drew many (if not all?) of his birth data from Who’s Who and similar directories. This means his subjects were automatically leaders in their fields. He admits this when he says that he uses “champion” athletes. Leaders might focus more strongly on their tenth/career area, thus biasing the study toward achievers. It might be that ordinary Joes who work to survive or bounce around, will grab careers as fate and circumstance will let them, regardless of what’s in their ambition sector. On the other hand, ordinary people might also conform to the patterns G. found.

Gauquelin “proved” astrology, but he also mucked up most astrologer’s chart drawings. Their are many methods of chart drawing, most of which “distort” the houses — an ordinary house is 30 degrees, but these can be anywhere from 15 to 60 degrees (I haven’t looked up the true numbers here) — so long as they total 360 at the end (the full circle).

So I’ll use an equal house rising chart, to keep every house 30 degrees in length. This simplifies what I’m going to say.  In traditional astrology, the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are the most potent and important. The 1st house extends from the ascendant in a rising chart, or the Sun in a solar chart, 30 degrees around the wheel, at which point the second house begins, and 30 degrees more, the 3rd, and then the 4th. But Mr. G. found that the statistical “hits” from, say, scientists or athletes, gather easily in what traditional astrologers call the 9th house — a house of potential fame (hence the Who’s Who) but also a “cadet” house, which means it has little strength or “destiny power.” Gauquelin showed that the major strength of a chart, at least in determining the “life’s work,” lies in the 9th, 12th, and 5th houses. (The 5th is a broad “peak,” enclosing most of the 4th and 6th houses, also.) That goes directly against traditional astrology, which says that the ninth and 12th houses, and the 3rd and 6th, are the weakest houses, and the least indicative of success in worldly practical terms.

Now, say a boy’s born with 2 degrees Taurus rising. Then his 1st house extends from 2 Taurus to 2 Gemini, and his second from 2 Gemini to 2 Cancer, and so on. So his “powerful” 7th house of marriage/partnership and opportunities, begins at 2 degrees Sagittarius, and ends at 2 Capricorn. Astrologers have always quibbled over this point, some saying the most powerful portion or degrees of the house or sign are the first ones; some say it is the degree(s) at the middle of the house/sign. But G’s stats showed that the major influence of a house, at least in birth-career stats, precedes the traditional cusp. (E.g., tradition says the 10th shows a person’s career and success within it, but Gauquelin proves this occurs in the 9th house. Again, in traditional astrology, the personality radiates most strongly in the 1st house, but Mr. G. shows that the preceding house (the 12th) has much more say in a person’s choice of vocation. In the partnership/opportunities house, traditionally the 7th, actually triggers more events in the 4th, 5th and 6th houses. (With the 5th being strongest of the three.)

The major influence of the powerful 7th, or Marriage house, extends from about the last half of the fourth (or home/family) house, through the 5th (romance, raising kids) where it swells the most, and finally through the 6th (or work) house — with almost nothing in the traditional 7th house.

Unfortunately, this makes prediction and related tasks much less simple and straight-forward — because now there is no exact cusp at 2 degrees Gemini to rely on, to draw Arabic Parts from and calculate aspects involving and their timing. Instead that technical counter is gone, and answers lie somewhere in there. But who knows? It’s like putting your hand in a black jar.

The trouble with what Gauquelin has shown us is that now you cannot put the cusp, or starting point, of any house in any particular spot. This makes astrology a more intuitive practice.


Individuals sometimes attack me for not being New Age enough, or spiritual enough. They really want astrology and its practitioners to be kind and white-robed — and above all, liberal, or left-leaning. (Which, in truth, I am. My adamant condemnation of American liberals (*) was sparked by their initial treatment of campaigning Trump, and it grew deeper the more the left abandoned true democracy, used dirty tricks, lied, invented horrific slanders, and in general scapegoated him. It was unfair, unjust (and still is — viz., 94 indictment-law fare). For me, justice outweighs party loyalty, even party principles — for surely they have been perverted if they allow such injustice to thrive. Any crime, once grasped, both corrodes the hand that commits it, and stings it, like a wasp, with the temptation to try it a second time, and again, each time corroding the existence, until in time the the whole body, and the will to be good has been sucked out, or has flown to adopt another soul.

(*) Canadians shared some, but not all, of this. E.g., CBC carries Biden’s speeches far more than Trump’s, and is blatantly anti-Trump in approach.


Georgia D.A. Fani Willis should be destroyed. She should be disbarred and charged with perjury, fraud, misuse of gov’t funds, conspiracy to defraud the court, malicious litigation and a few other crimes — including jerry-rigging and improperly influencing/manipulating the grand jury, and witness tampering/intimidation — She’s been caught threatening witnesses — e.g., Bradley, telling him not to speak to authorities, not to say what he knew. (That’s why he was so uncomfortable in court and kept saying he couldn’t remember anything, even to a ridiculous degree. He was caught between the law and justice on one side, and Fani Willis on the other, threatening, dark side. He fiddled in the middle, but unconvincingly.) Fani’s crimes FAR outweigh anything Trump might have done. She’s a modern pirate, riding the waves of the bureaucratic seas. (Actually, more correctly, she’s a rat scurrying on that pirate ship.)

She should be thrown into the same jail she schemed to put Trump in. She is a perfect example of the legion of corrupt lawyers, pols and administrators Biden released from his lair. Those legions have worked to ruin the careers of as many conservative lawyers as they could since Biden assumed the throne, by challenging them with disbarment proceedings (which ends their career as lawyers) in corrupt anti-republican courts.  I told you before that Biden, being corrupt, and asking underlings (lawyers, prosecutors and judges) to perform corrupt acts, would find it impossible to hire honest or morally upright people (if he even wanted to). Unfortunately for Biden, corrupt people are not the most intelligent people. (If they were, they’d reject corruption.) It’s time for these leftist goons such as Willis to be punished — as severely as they wanted Trump and all his allies to be punished. There needs to be a message to all the other Biden-summoned goons out there. (Garland, Wray, Jack Smith, Tanya Chutkan, all the CIA and FBI and DOJ, Brennan, Pelosi………….)

BTW, Fani’s a Scorpio, Trump’s a Gemini. Gemini is the one sign Scorpio cannot understand, and can seldom defeat. Biden’s a Scorpio, too. (And he beat Trump in 2020, by rigging the election —which will be accepted as fact more and more as the present congeals into history.)
