Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING:  8:33 pm to 8:49 pm Mon., 0:03 am to 0:12 am Thurs., and 5:57 am to 5:58 am Sat.



Look at those “Start Nothing” periods above — a total of 26 MINUTES of “non-starting” for the entire week! This means, I suspect, that many projects will be started now that have a viable or good future. It can also mean the pace is hectic, w/o much time for rest or contemplation.


Love is unselfish; romance is self-indulgent. But it’s nature’s self indulgence, to trick us into love.


On Saturday, January 20, the sun blocks out Pluto at 5:46 am (PST) then the moon leaves Taurus at 5:57 AM and enters Gemini at 5:58 AM. Then at 6:07 AM the sun enters Aquarius and at 4:50 PM. Pluto enters Aquarius. A lot of action in a very short time, with huge developments and consequences for mankind. More on the effects of this in coming weeks…





aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

This is your last week of career and ambition, pressures Aries. Not a lot has changed since last week, with the exception that now conversations begin in this ambitious area, probably between yourself and higher-ups. For the next few weeks, show your ambition but don’t push it too fiercely. You are still “in the right” in legal, cultural, philosophical, and love situations. Some Aries might wed this week to someone who inspires you mentally. In general, however, all you, Aries should be wary of forming love, financial, or other partnerships, before mid January, 2025. You will do a little better independently, following your own instincts, rather than advice from your peers. This is a pretty smooth week, with some delusion or illusion around love, sweet poetry, especially Thursday/Friday, which, oddly enough are very successful days for you. Saturday starts an entirely new outlook for you — tho’ it might take years to form fully.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

It’s your last week of woolgathering, pondering the big questions, and of legal, cultural, educational, international and similarly “elevated” questions. Someone, perhaps a Virgo or Gemini, might join you in conversations about these profound areas. (BUT — stay far away from lawsuits now to mid-February.) Next week – actually, this Saturday – you begin an entirely new status/ambition/career influence that will last two decades. These 20 years ahead could bring you great power, or great disappointment, depending on how you handle it. For success, avoid being a mini dictator — your best successes will come from cooperating with others, even with competitors. So your skills as a diplomat – which are quite high – can determine your success. If single, you might marry someone above you on the socio-economic scale. Sexual intimacy still calls you in a light, sweet way — but this ends soon, so take advantage.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

One last week of secrets, sex/lust, lifestyle, changes, medical exigencies, financial actions, research, and revelations, Gemini. For the last several months, the social planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) have lagged the sun by almost a whole sign. So now you are in the last week of these deep matters, but the relationships and offer opportunities and confrontations of December are still ongoing in a fortunate way. And now that you are finally in the last week of this secret/lust/finances stage, only now do you begin to communicate about it with others. This communication will go on for almost 3 weeks — so in a sense, all this winter, the actions are followed by the communications, when, in a balanced world, it might be the opposite: talk, then act. Even more obviously, you are feeling courageous and even aggressive in finances, intimacy and lifestyle decisions right into mid-February, while the “push” or general flow of these (sex, etc.) only lasts to Friday, Jan. 19. My advice: enjoy all your optimism about these things (sex, finances, etc.) but forbid yourself to act impetuously: reward often comes to the mellow, not to the frantic.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

Hey, Cancer. The accent remains on relationships, opportunities, facing the public, and possible relocation. A nice “interlude” with a coworker will probably not bring what you want, and could even conflict with company policy. (Careful with this late week.) Until mid February, be diplomatic and careful with others — who might be carrying hair trigger tempers. Simultaneously, you could form a successful “partnership” in career, ambition areas. At least one of your major hopes/wishes should come true over the next 5 months. Be optimistic, act with hope. If you’re unattached, one of your best periods for finding a mate, or wedding, occurs over the next 2 years. It will be slow, but deep.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

One last week of work and nagging health ills, Leo. Then exciting things will start to happen (this Saturday, Jan. 20, onward). Strive to complete all chores, so you can be free to act on exciting opportunities, meetings, late January into February. (I say this, but more chores will keep coming, until mid-Feb., perhaps connected to love, law, far travel, education or media. They won’t be your main focus, tho. You’ll hear the “first word” of them this week.) You can make career brownie points now, esp. Wed./Thurs. (What you start now in the ambition area can get deeper in March, and reward in May.) Love lingers, but it’s on a lighter, more slender thread.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Be careful and a bit skeptical, Thursday/Friday, Virgo, especially in regard to relationships, opportunities, and your home or family. Maybe mixed signals, in a mild way. Otherwise, this is an easy and beneficial week, a romantic and creative playground in which relationships dive into deeper waters of money or intimacy midweek, and then late week you start to understand everything — which could be the inspiration or spark drawing you toward far travel, cultural and social, rituals, legal and educational and philosophical progress. This is a very fortunate trend, which lasts and “gives” until late May. Saturday starts a month of work and chores, and two decades (to 2043) of work connected to travel, communications and/or paperwork.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The emphasis continues on your domestic sphere, Libra – for one more week Saturday the 20th will start a romantic, creative and pleasurable month. Be careful, Thursday/Friday, when what you hear or read at work might not be true. So avoid gossip. (And don’t listen to “sweet fantasies” in intimate clinches.) Your week progresses from work to relationships, to the depths of life, finances and intimate relations, late week. Now till late May, these things, intimacy, finances, research and life changes, will be beneficially starred. Pursue them this week, and in March and May. Work is a bit slow and sluggish and burdensome now to early 2026. So don’t invest all your time in this slow moving train, but do enough to keep yourself secure. you might find during these two years that you will be working hard on your home or other real estate. Until mid February, be gentle and tolerant on the home front.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Messages, paperwork, short trips fill this week, and could be an important step toward a very lucky relationship or opportunity, in love, but equally in business or practical matters. (This might be love, but it’s too fast and cheerful to be romance — romance crawls slowly for the next two years. Love is unselfish; romance is self-indulgent.) Although Saturday the 20th starts a month of down home, security and family, the present fairly hectic pace of messaging, paperwork and travel will last in some ways until mid February. Your money picture continues to be fortunate, but only until January 23, so take advantage now. Saturday begins not only a new monthly phase for you (focusing on your domestic scene) but a whole two-decade influence in the same area (home, real estate, kids/parents, security, land, Mother Nature, etc.). You’re going to settle down, Scorpio… and be better acquainted with your soul. Watch your weight.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The accent remains on money, Sage. On buying/selling, angling for a pay raise or doing extra work, and on rote learning and casual sex. This influence only lasts this week, while Saturday begins a whole month of short trips, communications and paperwork. So do all you can to increase and/or firm up money sources now. Money will continue to flow to you, perhaps even more than you expect until mid February. Don’t yield to the temptation to blow it all on purchases, especially luxury purchases, which will lure you next week onward. In a way, this week is your first chance to really talk about money, or to explore your future through conversation with someone you’re casually attracted to. You will turn out a tremendous amount of work between now and late May. This is the best area for you to concentrate on. Big love, partnership, relocation, opportunities, and possible “fame” will come from June/24 to June/25. until then, be content with work and money.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

You are still at the top of your game, Cap — filled with energy, charisma or personal presence. Good luck will occur when you assert your needs or start a project. A number of small social matters, or perhaps administrative or government linked communication obstacles, might have held you back from plunging wholeheartedly into some plan or project. those obstacles have dissolved, so charge after what you want. Now to late May, romance, creativity, taking a risk, charming and talented children, pleasure, and beauty are all very favoured and very fortunate. However, stay away from a clandestine affair (bad karma). Late week (Thurs./Fri.) might offer a “fantasy of love” rather than the real thing. Be discerning but accepting. Saturday starts a month of money, but also 20 years of optimism about money, and the chance to build a “castle of money.”


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Your last six days of weariness and low charisma, Aquarius. Saturday starts a new month — and a new 20 years — of strengthened personal presence, determination, and effective action. Even in your weariness, social action arrives — maybe people like you more than you think! But don’t get carried away – stay out of sketchy places and avoid belligerent people, right into mid-February. You might receive an important message from the government. Until late May, you are still holding the magic wand of good luck in real estate, buying/selling a home, or anything to do with it: children, furniture, food, etc. these should be the focus of your energy and attention for the next few months for actions here will pay off 10 times more than actions in other less fertile zones, such as trying to increase your earned income. Someone might offer a hand in peace or in love — don’t bite it.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Plunge into social situations, Pisces. Invite and accept invitations. Make friends. Talk to new people. Wish, hope, be optimistic, chase something/someone good. By week’s end (Saturday) this happy, buoyant mood will shift, as a month of quietude, contemplation, rest and spiritual progress begins. (More about this next week — this is the start of a 20-year period of spiritual and intellectual growth.) Altho’ this is your last week of general socializing, you’ll be drawn into some exciting affairs or social situations right into mid-February. This week, you might make one last stab at earning a promotion (likeliest) or pay raise. While others are confused, Thursday/Friday you see clearly and can make a good impression when you communicate with higher-ups.





Maryland’s Secretary of State, a Hunter Biden associate (*) unilaterally yanked Trump’s name off the voter list, thereby denying him any votes in her state.

(*) She used to work with Hunter Biden in a law firm, and has been a heavy donor to Joe Biden.


You know, I was very critical of the Fani Willis’ indictment of Donald Trump IN Georgia… Basically I was critical of Fani Willis. Now it’s revealed that she caused her department to pay her boyfriend somewhere between 600 and $800,000. This boyfriend was the appointed by her as the prosecutor against Trump. This boyfriend, then spent (and billed for) 16 hours with the White House administration… You know the administration that vows it has not had anything to do with this law-fare campaign against Trump?


Canadian PM Justin Trudeau paid Twitter to tell Canadians the Covid vaccines were safe. If they were so safe, why did they have to pay for propaganda?

Now Trudeau has said all Canadian vehicles must be electric by 2035. I guess no one has told him that Canada has winters, or that electric vehicles do not operate in cold conditions. Nor that almost the entire country above the 50th latitude is frozen from November to March. Already, “woke” cities from the American midwest to Sweden have abandoned their electric vehicle fleets because they simply don’t operate in the cold.


We will witness the death of logic, the written word, justice in the sense that we know it, learning as we know it, universities, law, even philosophy. Insurance as an industry — these will disappear, or be radically changed (i.e., at the root). The alteration or destruction (seen by us as poisoning) of these and similar areas of society, I think ultimately by mother nature and/or karma, has already begun. It should complete at the very latest by 2228 AD. I can’t see this development as malevolent long-term, as horrifying as it might appear in the century or two ahead. Still, there will always be a calm sector, people who are satisfied with the way life is.

I personally think that this destruction of our literate, watchable, logical, knowledge-fact-logic-linear based civilizational structure is a progressive “turn” from these to a psychic-based society.

First, I think the destruction here will be followed by construction, and I think perhaps even a century from now we will start to see that what might be called the new development is a good one in many respects. This belief is simply based on faith and optimism — and history. These two qualities by the way (faith and optimism) will survive the change — will actually grow.

Foreseeing  the actual, human changes, is a lot more uncertain.

What can possibly replace our alphabet (computer icons already here) our (presently corrupt because disintegrating) legal principles, etc.? And what possible world will either not need insurance, or be so drastically stumbling that insurance is not affordable? And what can replace our governing structures, whether eastern dictatorships or Western democracies?

I suspect, but have no reason to believe, that some sort of sympathetic emotional and psychic bond will start to form between all humans. In its perfect form, this bond would negate the need for representatives in politics, even voting itself. In someway we spend the next 200 years developing in this direction, to a point where We will enter the next Pluto era fully developed in at least one major area or level of the psyche. 2229 AD will begin, or mark, a major psychic wave that Will light the horizons, inner  and outer, of the population. By this point, I suspect that much of government structure (bureaucracy) will have, not exactly disappeared, but become much less visible. This is a step toward psychic or self governance.


Had an email from a reader who seems to doubt my reporting on Georgia’s Raffensberger and Fani Willis, both trying to railroad Trump. (See my item above about Fani’s criminal past, her misuse of public funds — $600,000 plus spent on a boyfriend, who she then made chief prosecutor against Trump.) I asked him for more information, but no answer. So here is my reply to him:

“Realize, too, that the media cuts and pastes to give wrong impressions. The media was all over the phone call to Ukraine, which was the entire basis for Trump’s  first impeachment — and then, lo and behold, the media and the Democrats had misrepresented the content of the phone call, which was later found to be perfectly innocent. Are you asking if this Raffensberger phone call has been played hundreds of times on news media? Or are you saying that it has been? The phone call has been represented by almost every news organization as dirty, or corrupt, or proof of Trump guilt.

Now the real recording comes out and exonerates Trump and points the finger of malicious prosecution directly at Raffensberger and his little Hench girl, Fani Willis. So I might be wrong, or have bad sources, but as far as I know, this is the truth: Raffensberger lied to try and hurt his vowed enemy, fellow Republican Trump. Such a lie if true, deserves a jail sentence – for Raffensberger. (*)

(*) My original assertion or “reporting” was that Raffensberger and his henchmen deleted the audio of the telephone call to hide the evidence of Trump’s innocence, then told the Washington Post that Trump had asked Raffensberger to commit election fraud and give him, Trump,  over 17,000 more votes. This alleged lie was repeated 1000 times by the Trump hating media. And that, of course, makes it true.
