Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: 4:04 am to 11:58 am Sun., 1:03 pm to 2:47 pm Tues., 6:47 pm to 6:50 pm (!) Thurs., and after 10:40 pm Sat.



I will be holding a zoom talk on Thursday, January 11, 7:30 to 9:30 pm. I will be giving predictions for the world for 2024, and the year ahead for each sign. I think the organizers are charging $15 to join. For more information please contact.: Rebecca Garcia at or phone: 604-710-8197. You need to pre-register by Jan. 10.


ALL SIGNS:  Remember, start nothing new and significant before January 2.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

This is your last week of a mellow, gently loving mood, of wisdom and tolerance, and of possible legal, cultural, international, publishing and higher learning, Aries. If you’re in love, state your case to him/her. An old flame might show, but it’s more likely that a former boss (or career project) returns for some reason. All December, be wary of legal fights. Your sexual radar is turned on until late next week. Intimacy is almost yours for the asking. Higher-ups are talking, meeting, but indecisive. You won’t have to respond until early January. Your $, income fortunes are high mid-2023 to mid-24. This has been “held up” since early Sept., but the logjam is starting to break — within a couple of weeks, the good $ vibes continue strongly, to mid-May.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

This is the last week of a sexy, secretive, changeful, financial, medical and lifestyle focus, Taurus. (Though some elements — not really good ones — will remain to “fire” you up, until the first week in January.) It’s a good week, with Mon. (Wishes come true) and Thurs. night/Fri. (personal success). You are drawing close to adventure, love, possibility of a huge life change to a much better circumstance. Starts to occur Dec. 31, January. An old flame might return, or a former “teacher,” or a delayed “courtship” resumes, this week or next. Socially, you’re popular, optimistic (esp. about love) and flirty all Dec.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

It’s your last week of opportunities, relationships, opposition, relocation themes, and public dealings/appearances, Gemini. Be diplomatic — people have been touchy, temperamental lately, and will continue so until about Jan. 4. You have lots of work, and are enjoying it. Higher-ups might bring up a past or “old” career project. Nod your head, but realize this project will be delayed until at least January, maybe forever. So save your energy here. Bosses, now to May 2025, will be demanding but tight-fisted. Instead of asking for a pay raise, ask for a share of ownership, equity. (But make sure they don’t give you “B” shares — a common way businesses cheat investors.)


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

One more week of work, Cancer. Guard your health with habits — eat, drink and dress sensibly. Follow safety procedures; careful with sharp tools, machines, gasoline.  Children might need extra care. You have a lot of hopes/wishes roiling around in your heart — these will start coming true at month’s end, into May/24. Especially wishes around work, employment, and popularity. A fine streak of romance (or romantic promise) has lightened this whole December for you; it continues for two more weeks. Your views and learning, legal and cultural and travel affairs will go slowly now to Feb./26, but will slowly, eventually reward — and could bring a wedding for singles, or simply true love — but don’t grab for these (nor start anything important) before Jan. 2. (Until then, an old flame might appear.)


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

This is your last week of pure romance, Leo, of creative/inventive surges, play/sports, charming children, and overall good luck. Take advantage, woo someone if you’re single. (The romantic streak lasts to early Jan., but its “main thrust” fades after Thursday night. A former job role or a neglected chore might demand your attention, but whether you’ll make headway with it now is uncertain — probably! DON’T buy tools/machinery, nor start new work (or health or diet) projects before January 2. A major streak of good luck is about to “burst forth” January to May — get ready to make your pitch, to embrace bigger duties. You could even achieve fame. (But be realistic.) Family, home are affectionate, sweet. For 2 years, your work will be slow but meaningful, could carve out a niche for you at a high level, or welcome you into “ownership” status.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The general accent remains on home, real estate, security, survival, stomach and soul and Mother Nature, Virgo. This area has been “on fire” in some way since late November, and continues so (to Jan. 3) even after the general flow switches from home to other things. Publishing, higher learning, an important legal case, international affairs/travel, gentle love — these have been “gently delayed” for a few months, but by Dec. 31 the delays end, and you shoot toward success in these zones until mid-May. Some of you will buy/rent a domicile in a foreign country. Relationships will proceed s-l-o-w-ly until early 2026, but deeply, esp. with someone of a considerable age difference. A wedding might come. Errands, short trips, calls and paperwork flow affectionately and fortunately, could bring a love prospect. (An old flame might re-appear this week.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Not an important week, Libra. But it does hold potentially important communications or visits, esp. if relationships or opportunities are involved. You have been “excluded” from intimate and financial “gains” for almost 4 months, but that closed door opens wide Dec. 31 to mid-May — charge through, pick the plums! (Soon — wait for January.) Work will be long and hard for the next 2 years. On the plus side, it will increase your security, maybe even create the downpayment for a home. (You might even build or renovate a home, or find work in construction.) Your money picture looks great this week and next. In all things for the year ahead, seek advice rather than “winging it.” Now through Jan. 1, don’t start any new relation, project or big purchase, esp. involving home, kids, furniture, garden, etc.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

One last week of chasing money, grabbing casual intimacy, and dealing with possessions, Scorpio. Any of these can come quickly to you, but watch your spending. You’re attractive now, the opposite sex notices. If married, you get to call the shots — but only for 12 more days. A hope about marriage, a business association or opportunity, public appearances, or even relocation — this hope, an important one, can come true January to May next year. Keep the faith! Romance, if you’re single, will go better now to early ’26, if you chase (or are chased by) someone quite different in age. (Scorpio women often catch younger men.) Messages might come from the past, or you might want to contact a past friend. That’s fine. But don’t start any brand new bonds, purchases or projects before Jan. 2.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

One last week of extra energy, charisma and impulsivity, Sage. (Actually, the impulsivity — I might have called it high temper — lasts to Jan. 4, but as a more minor streak.) Your romantic urges have been strong, maybe enough to interfere with a present love affair, or stress you because you’re repressing them (urges). Tackle what you will, but realize new projects, relationships or big purchases should be delayed until at least Jan. 2. Now to early 2026, your home and parent/kid relations will proceed slowly, and you might feel “tied down.” But this same 2+ years can be important in helping you to find/buy a new home. The gov’t (and management at your work) favour you now, so it’s a good time to query. A money source (or a casual, mildly boring sexual partner) might return now. No harm in pursuing this.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

This is your last week of being held back, Cap. During it, you will “meet” a swirl of past connections, ideas, possible projects, ambitions, etc. As your mind turns to the past, so does your heart. DON’T start new bonds, projects nor major purchases before Jan. 2. Your popularity is ascending despite your weariness (which will wear off this Friday onward). Show friends you appreciate them with a little gift or card, call. Romance has been promising but elusive for 4 months. This will turn to real progress, or at least will offer you a true opportunity for the big R, January to May. But spend this week picking up loose ends, finishing neglected chores, seeking advice, and dealing with any gov’t-related concerns. Soon, freedom and energy!


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Keep wishing and hoping, Aquarius. Something should come true! This week finds you popular, optimistic, social, flirtatious — until Thursday night, when a month begins, of quietude, rest, contemplation, spiritual pursuits and gov’t involvements. So have fun now, while you can! (This “fun” might involve a short trip or two, friends, and messages.) Higher-ups approve of you (to Dec. 29) so angle toward recognition, promotion, pay raise, etc. But do not start any new projects, relationships nor big purchases before Jan. 2. This week, the gov’t or head office at work might come after you, asking for records, or confidential talks, etc. You have big home, real estate “vistas,” but have not been able to access/move them since early September. That changes Dec. 30 to mid-May/24, when great good luck will flow into this area. You might buy and/or sell a home — and fortunately.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

This is the last week of a general emphasis on your status, prestige and career, Pisces. So work hard and put in a good showing. But don’t launch or agree to anything significantly new, such as a new work project, a big purchase, an office reorganization, etc. Wait until January 2 onward to launch anything. Bosses might be temperamental now (to Jan. 4) so be diplomatic, don’t push, but do hold out your hand for a reasonable pay raise. Legal, learning, media, far travel and cultural involvements flow easily and affectionately. You might be meeting briefly with a former social group, or flirting eight someone new, but it won’t last long, so just enjoy the moment. You’re going to be more conservative/sober for the next two years, but this will help you make a big goal or wish come true — a realistic but significant goal.






In a recent poll, 1 in 5 U.S. Voters who used the Mail-in system in the 2020 election admitted to voting fraudulently. (I think mail-ins comprised about 30 % of all votes, due to Covid.) That’s nationwide. So one-fifth of 30 % = 6 % of all voters, or about 10 million votes. (The math is mine, not the pollsters.)

How the pollsters ever got people to admit it, I don’t know. Gee, Maybe Trump really did win.


Nikki Haley and Michelle Obama, the two women most likely to run for the President of America, are both Capricorns, the sign of ambition. Both face a very different future from past years, tho’ it might not be obvious publicly at first (i.e., for several years).


Mecca, the place that Muslims visit every year and count as their whole life’s spiritual  centre, has 360 divisions, each one representing a different God. When they meet here, the Muslims, in a great crowd, circle Mecca seven times. There are 360 degrees in the zodiac, and 7 heavenly bodies (*) (sun, moon and the 5 planets visible to the naked eye — the rest wren’t discovered until the 19th and 20th centuries).

Obviously Mecca was founded on astrology sometime before Mohammed was born in about 600 AD. (If Mecca was merely a calendar, then it would have 365 divisions, not the 360 of astrology.) In a sense, Mohammed used Mecca to pronounce against the 360 “gods” of the nomadic Arabs, who originally founded Mecca — he wanted to establish a monotheistic (one God) religion, a couple of millennia after the Jews did. (In modern astrology, each ion the 360 degrees has a personality, a character — perhaps a remnant of the 360 different “gods” of the original Mecca.)

About 1,200 (**) years earlier than Mohammed, the Jewish prophet Ezekiel described heaven as an astrology circle/chart, with God in the centre and 12 elders or signs around God. Ezekiel even lists the four animals representing the fixed signs, Bull, Taurus; Lion, Leo; Eagle, Scorpio; and a man, Aquarius. He mentions wheels within wheels, the basic astrological method. Nowhere does he mention astrology. But clearly astrology was deeply involved, maybe even at the centre of, monotheism — in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In a way this makes sense, because the multiplicity of pagan gods, each one ruling over a different zone of life, cannot be totally abandoned, so the simplified astrology (compared to the sophisticated and complex astrology of the Arabs) the spiritual concept of monotheism, is broken down into 12 sectors, rather than into the pagan multiplicity of 360 gods. This 12-sign system also allows the spiritual to connect with the corporeal, as the first house/sign rules the person, the fourth, land, the eight, investments, etc.

(*) The Bible uses “7” more, if memory serves, than any other number. (You can check it in my “Bible” article.)

(**) It’s not unlikely that Mecca and the nomadic Arabic tribes existed 1,200 years or more before Mohammed. In other words, Jewish Ezekiel’s conflating heaven with astrology could have occurred simultaneously with Arabs conflating astrology with gods.


When Pluto returned to its original position in 1776 last year, I opined that America would change deeply — in effect be reborn, or destroyed. We’ve seen a lot of this in politics, where Satanic Biden leads the nation into sexualizing children, experimenting on children surgically, and holds Americas in the grip of a 1984-style censorship — and a hundred other devilish things. But I couldn’t put any finger on the real, core change.

A few minutes ago I saw it: the deep, core change that is being enacted for America is the wave of immigrants coming through the southern border. This will change the country’s ethnic colourings, add to its gene pool, and bring in many new and diverse intelligences and ideas — and new energy. (And yes, some criminals — but they are a part of every population.)

As is typical of Pluto (the planet that has signalled the end of the 1776 America, and the birth of the 2020 America) the process is slow, deep, long-lasting, and both inevitable and immutable.

Oddly or not, the “new America” is in a sense a repeat of the first America — massive immigration fleeing religious and political persecution (and bad economies). Those flowing over the southern border are Pilgrims. (Of course there are dangers from, for example, the immigration of terrorists or Chinese actors. But these are small, I suspect, in comparison to the “main wave.”)


H, S and Y are Capricorn letters. Right now (23/24) Pluto is exiting Capricorn and entering Aquarius (where it will stay for 20 years). Pluto destroys and rebuilds; it rules death and birth. H — Hamas, Hunter (Biden) — both finally being destroyed by Pluto before it leaves Capricorn.

In Aquarius, Pluto will “destroy and rebirth” Aquarians, esp. in career, prestige and ambition zones. D and V are Aquarian letters. (E.g., Donald {Trump].).


China has had a run of bad luck lately, with its property market falling apart and increased international opposition to its silk road project, etc. This bad luck will continue until January 2025.

For the first time in 3/4 of a century, a major capitalist nation is contemplating war with another capitalist nation. Usually, we fight our ideological antagonists. But to put it more correctly, this is really a capitalist/communistic nation confronting a purely capitalist, nation, China to the USA.

America’s democracy has many advantages — for example, it makes them more creative and inventive than the Chinese, who have less incentive and operate under the shadow of a strong government. Chinese who emigrate to America share in the creative river, so these differences are a function of the nation, not the human being (who remains identical over all racial and lesser realms). On the other hand, the Chinese have great skills in perfecting things, and they are better at subterfuge than Americans. They see ten levels of society and “co-operation” for every two or three an American perceives. This makes them much better cheaters. But no one and no nation escapes karma.

Funny how the philosophy that is based on one great principle, that all men are equal in spirit, and all should be treated equally, all share equally in goods and services — namely, communism — funny how this belief in equality almost always leads to a dictatorship. Russia, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, etc. Almost every nation that has embraced capitalism in the last half century (including China and Russia) has experienced an improvement in the economy, employment, and wealth.
