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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: 0:57 am to 3:11 am Mon., 10:48 pm Tues. to 7:31 am Wed., and 8:04 am to 9:56 am Fri.





ALL SIGNS: Start no significant new projects, relationships nor purchases before January 1 (for most of earth, before Jan. 2). Significant = buying a car or tv, starting a friendship or love affair, moving homes, new clothes, etc. This period will contain mistakes, indecision, delays and “none answers.” It’s a great time, though, to reconcile with old lovers, friends or family; to research or investigate; to revisit old haunts or vacay spots, etc.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

You can take great intellectual, scholastic, travel, philosophical or religious strides now, Aries. — Or at least you could, if Mercury wasn’t retrograding, throwing the wrench of delay and mistakes into everything new. The keyword is new. This week and next could be the perfect time to pick up a project in this area that was left hanging long ago, something old. E.g., a former love, or that Paris trip you once almost made. It’s also a perfect time for research of any kind. Sunday’s mysterious, but after that this week shines with light, and maybe confusion, Saturday.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The accent remains on secrets and investigation, Taurus, on medical and lifestyle decisions, lust/intimacy, and major finances. Every December holds some life-changing potential, and this Dec. even more so, as heat, fire, impulse and courage drive this “change” force. (The results will be karmic, likely beneficial.) Others are “sweet on you.” Fortunate opportunities come, esp. through relationships. You might glimpse a profound truth or area of study, but it could disappear like a mist in a breeze. Solution: study the past. Start no brand new projects or relationships before January 2. Your social life will become quieter, but steadier, and more harmonious/rewarding for two years.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Chase friends rather than “true love” or deep romance, Gemini, until January 2025 — 13 more months. (Notice which of the two is “delayed” and which happens quickly and easily.) This week and next, your relationships remain important and “top of the list.” Same for opportunities, relocation ideas, and public profile. These — relationships to opportunities — are super-charged with Mars, which can lead to love with a good friend, an open door to a new social group, or, if you aren’t diplomatic or alert, to a fight. (But even those who would fight you are susceptible to humour.) Your workplace and work mates are pleasant the rest of Dec. Secrets, finances, sexual intimacy come up ”for discussion,” which by mid-week onward becomes confused or uncertain, or you speak of, our run into, “emotions from the past.” (And their possessor.)


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Two more weeks of work, Cancer. Eat, dress and drink sensibly, and follow safety regs around machines, sharp tools — and chemicals. This advice is stronger than usual, because this area is “filled with fire,” so to speak, until early January. The right actions on your part could lay the groundwork for a promotion. For some, surgery. All that work will be relieved by 1) a promising streak of romance, or creativity, or winning, or charming kids; and 2) conversations with spouse, partners or associates. Don’t start big new projects nor relationships (nor big purchases) before January 2. Your thinking will slow, go deeper, for the next two years. For 13 more months, ambition, facing the world, will yield reward. Staying at home, withdrawing, leads to obstacles.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Romance, Leo, for 2 more weeks — or creative surgery, happy children, arts, drama, sports, games. Let your world expand — chase butterflies, errant thoughts. Start planning, researching, for a potential career or business or status “push” January to May, ’24 — grand luck is coming here, soon. On the work front, beware starting a new project, or making new agreements, alliances. It’s like shaking hands on a straw mat over a bear pit. (Don’t start anything big, new, before Jan. 2.) Your home, family grow affectionate, supportive until late December. Profound thoughts, goals better than casual conversations, simple curiosity — for 13 more months. Sexual intimacy, if you’re single, will develop slowly until Feb./26 (but could lead to marriage in ’25, ’26).


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The emphasis remains on home, family, Virgo. Security, Mom Nature, pruning, planting, surgery, sewing. However, this time around, December is “hot” at home, spurring you to tackle this area (e.g., dig up the garden) — but also bringing friction into the home. You might invest in real estate or anything domestic — agriculture, furniture, etc. Conversations are pleasant, might include love topics, and travel rewards — both these, until December’s end. You might start a creative project, or swoon over someone very sexy, but realize this will fade away in delay, indecision and ,misunderstandings, until Jan. 2. Start no projects, relationships nor big purchases before that date. (That romantic “opportunity” mighty return, mid-January. Until early 2026, you might meet your true mate — he/she is likely different in age.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Errands, calls, paperwork, quick trips, communications and curiosity fill the two weeks ahead as they did the last two, Libra. As before, the pace is hectic, which can be intimidating or invigorating. In either case this “hectic” influence can bring a “true mate” — as a contact or friend now, perhaps as much more later. (This influence lasts to early January, but isn’t any good after Dec. 21.) For the next two years, you might be working in or on real estate, home, family. Your money picture looks good, the rest of December. For 13 months ahead, it’s better to make connections, join another, than to be independent. Family discussions pop up, but will fade to indecision, or might draw the family to the past (nostalgia?) after Dec. 12. Start no new projects, relationships, purchases before Jan. 2/24.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The pursuit of money and possessions remain your top priority for two more weeks, Scorpio. “Possessions” can include learning and sexual bonding. Hold down the impulsiveness you probably feel here — be slow to buy, act, or declare your loyalty now to Jan. 2/24. Sluggish or delayed relationships will rebound in January-May, then enter a year in which you’ll feel very close, very comfortable with another. Romance will be slow but deep now to 2026. You are looking good, a little more alluring than usual, now to month’s end. Messaging, paperwork and errands fall into the “delay pit” until Jan. 2 — deal with past contacts, ideas, projects until then.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Yes, Sage, you’re still on top, energetic, determined, charming — but effectiveness is another story, as many things go sideways into delay, mistakes, or indecision now to Jan. 1. (Esp. $ and relations with Geminis, Virgos.) Your temper is high, so be gentle, look for the humour in a situation rather than stressing over it. Your relations with the gov’t or “head office” go well until Dec. 29. For success overall, look to, reprise past situations. For the next two years, your are likely to spend on your home, kids, or to find domestic matters crawl quietly, slowly. For 13 more months, being romantic is better than seeking social rewards. Your own creativity/inventiveness better than group think.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Two more weeks of rest, quietude, low energy, spiritual and karmic “knowledge,” and dealings with gov’t or “head office,” Cap. Most things should go smoothly, but be careful to dissipate any anger. Until Jan. 4, avoid belligerent people and dark places. (E.g., biker clubs.) For the next two years, you will be quite involved with messaging, communications, reports, paperwork, errands, trips and contacts. In a sense, these will “define you.” (So make your communications “perfect” — or nearly so.) Despite your weariness, others favour you, and some social joys will bubble up through the rest of December. Until Jan. 2, review and reprise past situations/opportunities, rather than start anything new and significant. Since 2009 you have felt “controlled by destiny,” or have been mildly withdrawn. That ends in late January, when a huge weight will slowly, subtly rise from your shoulders.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Wishes can still come true, Aquarius, this week and next. That “wish” might involve a vehicle, or a trip to somewhere fairly close, say within a day’s drive. You are feeling upbeat, optimistic, and more friendly than usual. Your popularity is nice and high, and a flirtation might be just around every corner. However, you might be a little brusque or sharp with others — this won’t work. Be gentle! Be financially conservative for the two years ahead: your income might fall a bit or your expenses rise. A bit in the bank is a wise idea. Bosses like you now, so curry their favour. However, this isn’t the time to show them (or management) your ideas or proposals, as delays, confusion and indecision reign until Jan. 2. A neglected gov’t-related duty might come due. If you ignore it, the gov’t or “head office” will back off for awhile, but they’ll return in January.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Your progress is being observed, Pisces, for two more weeks. Work hard, be brave not passive, and show off your skills. There might have “almost been” a promotion for you, but this chance will return the last week of December to mid-January. Bosses might also display impatience, temperament — the more you focus on the financial benefits of a career, the better you will fare. This week, a social group might open to you, but then this, after an early promise, could fade — it will return, so be content. Your ideas, cultural links, learning, ethical/legal struggles, and far travel — and gentle love — flow easily and fortunately. You’ve become a little more sober, sceptical and conservative than usual, and will continue this way until Jan./Feb. 2026. Don’t start any significant new relationships, purchases nor projects before Jan. 2.





Politicians kill you with spoons instead of knives.


If Nikki Haley becomes president, she will be as corrupt as any corrupt politician. She is already in bed with Wall Street, and has accepted donations from wealthy people connected to pedophile sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. She likes to call people “scum.” She is pure ambition, nothing else. Morals?


Hamas will die as an organization after January 21, 2024.


Everyone seems to forget that Joe Biden two years ago told Putin that he could invade Ukraine, and the US would not oppose him as long as he just invaded a moderate amount.


One of the most underrated writers of the 20th century was André Norton, a woman who turned out probably 20 novels or more, most in the sci-fi fantasy area. Her writing is simple and straightforward. Her plots are simple also; a 12-year-old could read them. They are rather short novels, and in a literary sense roughly in the vein of Lovecraft and other horror-oriented writers. Common among them, Norton included, is a tendency toward short novels. I think the form is limited by its content; a sense of horror would be extremely difficult to sustain over the course of a long novel, partly or perhaps wholly due to reality’s tendency to break into any film that tries to stretch itself too far.

But to return to Ms. Norton: her books are usually found in the juvenile section in libraries. If found it all. But I’m sure her novels are in print somewhere and selling.

Faulkner made a comment once, that he was just a carpenter with words. There’s something of that in Andre Norton. Her books exercise an almost hypnotic hold on The reader, though what and who and how many readers that is, I don’t know. Her stories are fashioned with a kind of intense simplicity. A clue to how this works lies in her first novel. It is quick, breezy, and she plays with dialogue and action like an acrobat. It’s also almost perfect – you get a sense from it much like you get from Jane Austen, that every word is in place and every rhythm works.

And yet her science fiction and later her almost pure fantasy novels step along rather than fly, the grammar is simple, the idea is simple, and the hero is usually of one type. But that type is surprisingly complex, and it would be an exercise in frustration to attempt to nail down his or her — it’s almost  always “his” — characteristics or flaws and strengths.

In her novels the hero always has one simple goal to achieve, but does not know what that goal is. However he knows he has to achieve it. Over time, her heroes evolved into almost totally psychic beings with physical bodies. I should not even try to describe this, because I’m already in error. More correctly, these characters experience what are seemingly psychic events, but through their emotions or their urgent drive  to survive.  They are increasingly acting within mysterious environments with poisons and punishments/traps that have certain tells, as they say in poker. For example in many of her Witch World novels, green or yellow plants indicate an evil presence. In Norton’s novels, danger is a secondary thing; evil is the true threat.

OK back to why Norton began to write in a simple pulp fiction style in her mature work, when she had displayed such talent and energy in her early work. I say this with some trepidation, because I’ve only read that one early novel, and I don’t know if there are others. I’m a lousy researcher. But I believe that this young virtuoso writer somehow had the insight to see that she could capture the reader and tell her story more effectively with simple prose. She didn’t dumb down; rather, she sacrificed a youthful peacock display of virtuosity for two things: one, to focus strongly on structure (the structures that she built demanded simple blocks and simple breaks) and two, to disappear  behind the scenes so the reader could slide easily into the story without thought of any other presence hovering about. She was invisible.
