Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: 11:25 pm Sun. to 11:39 am Mon., 8:55 pm Wed. to 0:08 am Thurs., and 7:05 am to 10:39 am Sat.


Standard Time starts this Sunday (Nov. 5). 


Where there is love, every improvement is treasured.


In the Weekly Forecasts I often write, “to” a date. (E.g., “Mars stays in Scorpio to Nov. 24.”) But the last date doesn’t apply. “To Nov. 24” means “through Nov. 23,” and the influence stops Nov. 24. 

In general, we should not start projects on the first or last day (*) of a “change of address” — when a planet or the Sun enters a new sign, or (less so) house, which are new environments. One might contain danger and adventure; one might spread out a banquet, or demand work to survive, or offer the sweet bliss of romance.  But we should avoid starting projects during the “day” (see * note below) before the change, because it has no room/time to grow. And for a day or so after the change, we are still trying to orient ourselves to the new environment before we can confidently launch any project. A “turbulence” often occurs when any planet, or the Moon, changes signs. There’s a slow-letting-go of the past, and a bit of a task getting a foothold in (or the meaning of) the new influence.  

(*) “Day” is so approximate it is almost symbolic. Generally, I’m referring to the transition period from one environment/force to another. This can take only a few hours for the Moon, a couple of days, perhaps, for the Sun, to an entire year or three in Pluto’s case.

Apropos of the above, many CAPRICORNS are in difficult straits now, many are feeling confused. That’s because Pluto is leaving Capricorn (after over a decade)  and entering Aquarius. Caps like to plan, but this time is un-planable. Pluto will finally enter Aquarius January 21, 2024. The Sun enters AQUARIUS virtually the same day — under 11 hours apart, holding hands with Pluto — a strong indication of nuclear development, and of “genius” inventions/discoveries for the next 20 years. This is the death and yet the rebirth, of high-tech. It will enter/develop areas we can hardly imagine, and I can’t foresee. This Sun-Pluto embrace in Aquarius will also emphasize an important relationship, or many of these, between countries. Much more depth, heat, friendliness — and alliances “under the table,” and break-ups that will never re-knit.  

So about 3 months until Capricorns will begin to settle into a new way of living, esp. of earning. Over the next 20 years, Caps have the chance to build a castle of money and possessions. Capricorn, two hints: 1) a chance, an opportunity, will come very early, within a year, two at most, and you must grab it quickly or it will vanish and 2) which might seem like a contradiction, be cautious and not over-eager to start a new life project while you’re still a bit indecisive about your direction. When firmly decided, act.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The emphasis remains on secrets and valuable knowledge, which can inform your actions in sexual, financial, medical and lifestyle areas. This is a time of consequential action. Your intuition and subconscious are heightened now, so follow your lunches. Before committing to anything, think about it at least twice, as your impulsiveness is quite high in this area until November 24. On Wednesday, Venus enters your marriage and partnership sign, where it will sweeten and improve contacts and relationships until early December.

Sunday through Monday morning sparks your romantic interest and your creative and risk-taking urges. But Sunday holds a clear “No.” Monday’s better, but not by a lot. Noon Monday through Wednesday brings chores and mild health concerns. This is an excellent time to buy or repair machinery, esp. suppertime Monday (PT) to pre-dawn Wed., and again Wed. evening. Relationships and opportunities arise Thursday to late morning Saturday. Good luck is scarce, so proceed cautiously — be diplomatic! Saturday day, eve, highlight everything in the first sentence above — with disruption until early afternoon (PT) then a possible breakthrough or strong opportunity. (Just don’t argue!)


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The accent remains on relationships, bonds, opportunities, public interfacing, and possible relocation, Taurus. Be diplomatic, as others are touchy, irate (or humorous and impulsive, which might be just as dangerous!). You might be dealing with someone who attracts you, but also holds or hints at some perhaps frustrating restrictions. A romantic streak ends Wednesday, when a few weeks of pleasant, coworkers and happiness at work starts. You might spot opportunity in a management situation, or a gov’t program.

Spend Sunday into Monday morning at or near home. Hug the kids, show appreciation — because this short interval can cause some upsets. Drive carefully Sunday. A “destined love” might appear. Romance bursts into life Monday noonish (PT) through Wed. — a beautiful period with beautiful results. Good for creative, speculative and gaming pursuits. But avoid “starting” before mid-afternoon Monday. Tackle chores Thursday to late morning Sat. Dress, eat sensibly. This is not a fortunate period, so just keep your head down and do your work. Saturday afternoon, disruption. Saturday night, opportunities and courage.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Work, work, work, Gemini. And maybe a bit of boredom. Your health could benefit from proper eating and exercise. The work that faces you involves a bit of travel, and/or communication (this week) and can be intense, even “running hot” (to Nov. 24). Be careful with chemicals, sharp tools, heat, etc. A romantic streak about 3 weeks long, starts Wed. 

Sunday and Monday morning are for errands, trips, calls, paperwork, reports and curiosity. Go slow, as good luck hides. You might start falling for a co-worker. Noon (PT) Monday through Wednesday focuses on your domestic situation, yet is very fortunate for your career/work efforts, esp. Mon./Tues., and again Wednesday eve/night. Include the family somehow! Thursday to noon Saturday brings a romantic influence, but a tricky one — not good for starting a relationship. Enjoy sports, beauty, pleasure, adventure. Saturday is for work — stable until noon, then disruptive. Late afternoon onward to Sunday brings employment or management or gov’t opportunities.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Ah, sweet romance! (Or creativity, invention, sports/games, risk-taking, pleasure and beauty.) Romance might be rather “forceful,” or impetuous/hot. Be gentle (with kids, too). Wednesday starts a few weeks of peace and affection at home. Ethical, legal, intellectual, travel and learning areas, slowed lately, begin to firm up and march toward the future, for the 7 months ahead. 

Sunday and Monday morning focus on money, in come, buying/selling, possessions, rote learning and casual sex — and hardly a fortunate moment, except pre-dawn Monday, when love or a happy friendship hovers. Midweek (Monday noonish through Wed.) brings errands, contacts, casual friends, messages, paperwork and curiosity. This is a smooth, lucky interval, so march forth. Be curious about a romance. Home, family deserve your attention Thursday to late morning Sat. A problem or two to face — you’ll do best if you avoid tiffs with co-workers or service people. Saturday afternoon (PT) is disruptive, but the night offers a couple of lucky directions/paths.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The general emphasis lies on home, family, property, security, stomach, and mother nature, Leo. Avoid arguments, accidents on the home front. Be gentle with kids until Nov. 24. Midweek a nice money trend fades a bit, as your affection and luck switch to engaging others — notes, calls, trips, errands, paperwork — until early December. However, be alert to honey traps and don’t carry on a relationship that you know means more to her/him than to you. 

Your energy and charm hit a monthly high Sunday and before noon Monday. However, your luck is frustrating. You’ll succeed if you concentrate on home or career, and work hard. Work could yield rewards Monday morn, while Monday eve supports property, real estate, finding a good rental, etc. — and investments. Monday noon through Wednesday brings good fortune in money, earnings, buying/selling, casual sex and rote learning. Charge ahead, fortune awaits! But don’t invest (nor seek intimacy) Wednesday afternoon. Errands, communicating, travel, paperwork fill Thursday to late morning Sat. This is not a fortunate interval, so go slow. Saturday brings early stability (if single, the one you’re with might be marriage material) then disruption (to just past 1 pm, PT) then opportunities, esp. in career (Saturday night into pre-dawn Sunday).


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The general current brings, like a loaded skiff, errands, complications, news or reports, paperwork, calls and comms, and more errands. You’re good at this, you love details. Do two things for the few weeks ahead: be curious, and manage your communications/errands to give them significant “goals.” (E.g., letter to or emails with a higher-up who might support your career climb or other ambitions.) Next week, some of the magic will have gone, so communicate now.  But give every communication two reads, hopefully hours apart, before sending. From Wednesday into early December, your money picture will improve.

Sunday to late morning Monday nudges you into rest, perhaps by draining your energy mildly. Good: rest, ponder, plan, but beware action Sunday. Monday to 6 am (PT) might bring inspiration, or love. Rejection fills the daylight hours until late afternoon onward Mon. — but this eve through Wednesday ups your energy, fires your charisma, and increases your clout and effectiveness. And good fortune rides with you on almost any path, but esp. in relationships Monday suppertime, in love this night; filled with a kind of joyful energy Tuesday; and maybe a serious choice in relationships Wednesday daytime. It ends well. Chase $, but cautiously, Thursday to late morning Saturday. Let life flow; don’t start nor chase anything. Later Saturday, surprising communications — then later, happier or more mellow ones.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

For the next two weeks, Libra, keep your thoughts and actions on making/collecting money (and purchases) Libra — and to casual sex, and rote learning. In all these, communications are “swift,” but you need to think twice before every action, as impulse is rampant in your $ zone. If single, one you share casual intimacy with might be a “potential partner in disguise.” This is a fairly mellow time. Wednesday begins a few weeks of personal attractiveness — others will be drawn.

Optimism, popularity and social joys are the venue Sunday, and Monday morning, but few people show up. Ah, well, enjoy the mood of hopefulness. Retreat from the fray midday Monday through Wednesday. Lie low, rest, ponder, and plan, and engage with government, institutions, and head offices. Seek advice, be charitable and spiritual. This is a fortunate period, so tackle whatever lies in your background or as a weight on your shoulders — hard not to succeed here! Thursday to late morning Saturday brings back the obstacles, but this time your energy and effectiveness are high, so tackle problems, iron out differences. Saturday pm brings relationship disruption, but late night or Sunday brings a “new day” in relations.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

It’s your time, Scorpio. Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness are at an annual high. Sexually, you glow. Go forth, gather allies, state your case, get things started or done. The gift of gab will help you here (but only before Friday). Be compassionate, too, as you can be very aggressive now, maybe w/o realizing it. Midweek through early December, you’ll switch from social joys to more private ones (perhaps with a lover). 

Be ambitious Sunday and early Monday. Not an easy time, but it can hold big accomplishment(s). Careful with fire, chemicals and machinery Sunday daytime. Your social life perks up strongly Monday pm through Wednesday. Issue and accept invitations. A flirt could turn into more serious things. You’ll be happy no matter what occurs — and whatever occurs does “boost” you. But retreat, lie low and rest, Thursday to late Saturday morning. This is not a really fortunate interval, so just plod along, examine your past and present, and ponder where/how you want to go, build, in future. Be spiritual. Your energy and charisma return powerfully Saturday pm, and once you get past a disruption or accident in the afternoon, the path opens to opportunities (esp. for singles seeking).


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Lie low until Nov. 22, Sage. Deal with taxes, gov’t, institutions, corporate administration(s) — meditate — plan — be spiritual, charitable. (This last one will rebound as good karma sooner or later.) Above all, rest and recharge emotional, mental batteries. Oddly, there is a romantic element in all this “quietude,” Sage — could be you’re hiding a love, or you and another share an amusement-filled solitude. Despite your weariness, Wednesday starts a 3-week streak of social joys, flirtations and optimism (but remember, before Nov. 22, your energy and charisma will be low).

A mellow, wise mood comes Sunday, and Monday am. International, intellectual, legal, cultural themes exist here, but proceed carefully — most initiatives face strong obstacles. Be ambitious Monday afternoon through Wednesday. Good luck and marked accomplishment accompany you. Social delights, hope, entertainment, group functions, and general joy visit you Thursday to late morning Saturday (PT). However, your practical luck is dim, so enjoy w/o pushing anything. Saturday pm, draw back into your cocoon, enjoy privacy.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your social life keeps expanding, Cap — until about Nov. 24. It’s a great time to form career and social connections — and enjoy yourself at the same time. You’re hopeful, friendly, flirty — and more popular than usual. Wednesday starts a 3-week streak of favour and indulgence from higher-ups. (Ask for a pay raise or “higher” duties.) Both co-workers and family lighten your heart.

Dig deep Sunday and Monday am. Secrets, privileged information, sexual temptation, finances, medical and lifestyle decisions. But go slow — good luck’s absent except for midnight to 6:30 am (PT) Monday, when “real love” might sidle into your world. Monday pm through Wednesday brings higher thoughts, learning law, cultural venues, and far travel or places. This is a beautiful period, so plunge in, several successes imminent! Thursday to late morning Saturday accents your worldly standing, prestige relations, and ambition/career goals. There isn’t much luck here, so just maintain the status quo. Saturday pm is both disruptive (afternoon) and opportune (late night). A good week!


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Be ambitious, Aquarius. The monthly accent is on your career, your worldly standing, prestige relations and ambitious goals. Work hard, interface with bosses/VIPs. You might receive an award or honour. One caution: you’ll be unusually brave, assertive, and talkative in career zones — overdoing it could hurt your prospects. Wednesday ends a few weeks of temptation, and brings 3 weeks of fortunate travel, law, cultural and intellectual activities. 

Relationships stand out Sunday and Monday am — be diplomatic, cautious, as some people are frustrated and could lash out. A secret “sweet bond” could occur — good. Secrets, finances, lust, research, medical and lifestyle decisions fill late afternoon Monday through Wednesday — plunge in, as fortune and good luck go with you. Gentle love, understanding, far travel, profound ideas, law, ethics, and learning attract you Thursday to late morning Saturday (PT) — but good luck is smaller than the obstacles, so proceed cautiously. Saturday afternoon is complex: stable to almost noon, then disruptive, then, late at night, opportune. (You figure it out!)


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The whole world is yours to contemplate, Pisces. International affairs, higher education, cultural venues, law, far travel, and gentle love come into focus. This is usually a gentle, thoughtful time (now to Nov. 22) but it has a potential sting this time: strictly avoid lawsuits, and only travel to safe countries. Wednesday starts a 3-week secondary streak that can bring great sex, discovery of hidden gems with research, lifestyle decisions/changes, and fortunate financial results. 

Tackle chores Sunday to Monday noon — but carefully, as machine cuts, burns, etc. are possible. Relationships fill Monday pm through Wednesday — be diplomatic, but dive in — results could please you very much. Say yes to opportunities (and/or for making a public appearance). A good time to seek out “new horizons.” Life’s depths and secrets — and your subconscious — rise to the surface Thursday to late morning Saturday. This isn’t an easy period in practical terms, so go slow — but follow your intuition. Saturday pm is jumbled: stable, then disruptive, then (by evening to Sunday pre-dawn) happily opportune! Sat./Sun./Mon. (Nov. 11-13) might be the starting point for events outlined in the first 2 sentences above.





Resentment: not a great way to live, yet a subtlety compelling, addictive one. I’ve been resentful for years at a time — once the bug infects you, it’s both easy and hard to defeat. Intellectually, you can easily see that the troubles of your life have been at least partially your own doing; in some way, you chose your path, even if it was only in reaction to some overwhelming event. You can also see into and understand the people who have hurt you, and why they did it. 

But you can only truly understand who hurt you and why, if you commit the same sin. If you have been abused, you can deeply understand your abuser if you abuse someone else. This, of course, helps no one and expands the harm.

So, from this point on, you superficially and intellectually forgive them, and it does take a certain, suspiciously light weight off your shoulders. But a week or a year later something, a memory, the tone of a word spoken in the warm summer night, something “remembers itself,” and the anger and resentment return; the forgiveness was false, it didn’t cool your soul’s hot turning beyond the anticipation that it would. 

So the heat returns, and the quickness to blame, or to criticize — the edges of resentment’s sword — takes hold, sometimes so subtly the critic doesn’t know what he/she is doing. This, diving into this tempting world of resentment, is the only way to really understand why a person is bitter, and how it tempts you to luxuriate in this bitterness. But it can grab you and never let go; so only the strong should take take themselves seriously (which I thot was a good phrase, even tho it has nothing to do with the topic).

I saw my mother die in hospital. Heart attack. She had a number of friends, and as each visited her, she insulted them so severely they didn’t come back. She had hidden her resentments for years, but now that she was dying, she just had to bring them to the surface, bring them up. Her tone (for I stood or sat through more than one of these visits) was angry, almost vicious. I saw the surprise, then hurt, disguised in these friends’ eyes. Most of them said polite things and “soldiered on” through their visit, which had become unpleasant. Maybe my mom was mostly angry that she was dying. Anyway, she shucked off her friends before she died, as if to go lighter into that good place. I was shocked by her nastiness.

One problem: she didn’t die. She recovered to live another 15 somewhat lonely years. Somewhere in there I put her in a senior’s apartment, then in a small rental house with my sister. Then she died. I was there this time, too. After she passed, on her back, head on a pillow, everyone exchanged pleasantries and went off to find a cafeteria. I didn’t leave. I felt her arm; it was cold. She was cold; she was gone. I didn’t feel or think anything for about twenty minutes; then someone came and got me. 


Did you notice that on the news clips of the aftermath of the Israeli bombings of Gaza, esp. the cratering of that refugee camp which Israel says housed major Hamas leaders — did you notice that all the rescuers and by-standers, and grievers, are all males, 20 to 40 years old — with a sprinkling of “youths” — boys 10 to 19? The only younger children are the bodies they pull from the rubble, or carry to hospital doors. No women. And in the latest videos, no children, either. I suspect these “rescuers” are the Hamas army, left above ground by their commanders.


So the Palestinian population really did head south as the Israeli flyers advised them to — all but the men. This Is noble, brave and sacrificial on the men’s part, but it is also biological. Men are much more expendable than women. Say you have 20 women and 20 men and you want 20 babies. You can kill 19 of those men, and still have 20 babies. But if you kill 19 of those women, you’ll probably never get 20 babies. This makes men more valuable, and more expendable. 


All those males I Suggested were Hamas’ army, I forgot to mention they look like an army without arms.


Here are some scenes I watched on the news recently:

At a transit point, perhaps the Rafa gates, A pressing crowd of perhaps 50 people, male and female almost half and half with a slight bias toward males. I suppose these are people trying to leave Gaza, Or at least the North.

Another scene: titled “Getting out of Gaza,” mixed men and women and children.

Also titled “Getting out of Gaza,” perhaps 100 to 150 people, mixed men and women, 50-50.

Various small group scenes, mixed men and women, again probably refugees.

But in the North, it’s all males. Here are further scenes.

Eight adult males, one male boy about 10 to 12 years old and one injured child being carried by one of the adult males. The child looks about eight or nine years old. (A rescue scene prior to the bombing of the refugee camp.)

Approximately 100 males all adults with one wounded male on a horse drawn flatbed. 

Approximately 200 males ranging in age from about 14 to 50 with one injured male being carried by a group.

Dust and the black-and-white of the film could lead to mistakes, but it looks like about 70 men, young to middle-age, standing around the bomb pit.

About 20 men, though there could be much more in the distance, walking down a muddy street bordered by rubble either supporting an injured man or holding him prisoner.

Exclusively, these views of sifting through the wreckage of the Israeli airstrikes are filled with military age men, and no one else. This is supposed to be the Palestinian crowd or population who were prevented by Hamas from moving south as Israel had urged them to do.

It looks like the Palestinians did all move to the south, only leaving behind those who would fight the Israelites… By default, Hamas and or its (abandoned, rifle-less) army.
