Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2

START NOTHING: :  4:36 am to 8:08 am Mon., 5:36 am to 2:30 pm Wed., and 8:28 pm Fri. to 0:21 am Sat.



As I predicted, bitcoin hit a trough this summer, then started rising. In the last 2 weeks, Bitcoin has risen from 26,000 to 34,000 — a 30 % rise. But this might be — not exactly a fake rally, but a sort of pre-rally, with the Big One coming in January to May next year.


Hamas was purportedly “born” in December 1987. That would make this organization either Sagittarius or Capricorn. I vote Capricorn, as the name starts with H, a Capricorn letter. Also, Hamas has reportedly filled Gaza with (some estimate) over 600 miles of tunnels. Capricorns generally love caves and tunnels.

Hamas’ existence has spanned the presence of Pluto, the transforming, killing and birthing planet, through the signs of Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Soon, January 2024, Pluto will leave Capricorn. This winter will probably signal the end of Hamas. (Note that Hamas was born while Pluto was in Scorpio, hence the death and torture practised by Hamas.) Hamas’ Capricorn personality might be why Obama, who loves Capricorns (Michelle is one) gave Hamas a “free pass” to exist and grow during his presidency.





aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19


Aries, your immersion continues in secrets, privileged information, research, and medical, lifestyle decisions, and lures of sex, power, and/or financial gain. Events and commitments in these areas are more intense and significant than in most years. Watch documents, words, small but meaningful little bits. Workmates remain pleasant, friendly. Yes, your life might change!

Taker money actions Sunday to pre-dawn Mon. (PDT) — buy/sell, ask for a pay raise, invest, embrace intimacy and learning. Good luck rides with you. Errands, communications, paperwork and short trips fill Monday morning to early afternoon Wed. Not an easy interval, but not terrible, either. If you’re sending a love note, do it as late as possible Monday night. Steer toward home, in heart at least, Wednesday afternoon through Friday. This is a very fortunate, productive phase, esp. for gardening, security, providing for your children’s future, renos, etc. — until late afternoon onward Friday, when indecision or opposition might enter. Saturday brings romantic notions, and perhaps a surprise (that opens your eyes). Not much success, tho, so go slow.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20


The main accent is on relationships, public appearances, opportunities and relocation themes, Taurus. “Relationships” includes enmities and opposition. (For example, Israel is a Taurus nation, engaged in a hostile relationship vs Hamas.) On the negative side, Mars is now (until Nov. 24) in your relationship sign, hinting that impulse, perhaps hostility, can easily arise. Before entering any competition, assess your opponent’s strengths, and whether he/she has an advantage that’s not obvious. In rare cases, this Mars influence could strike love sparks. In romance, you’re sweet, mellow, affectionate, and you radiate a subtle “warmth.”

Your energy and charm are “tops” Sunday to dawn Monday. Get out, Strat things, do things — you’ll succeed, and attract admiration. Chase money — carefully — Monday to mid-afternoon Wed. Buy/sell, dive into casual intimacy, learn something — best (in fact, only favoured) Monday pm to almost dawn (6 am) Tuesday (PDT). Wednesday eve through Friday brings errands, trips, calls, paperwork, curiosity, reports, news — and all of it good, until indecision or confusion strikes, Friday afternoon/night. Saturday, home, family call — answer!


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Work, work, work — that’s your outlook until late November, Gemini. It will be a good time to buy or repair tools, machines. Protect your daily health with sensible diet, dress. Watch rashes, burns, sudden temperature changes, harsh chemicals, sharp tools, etc. Your home and house-mates are pleasant and supportive (until Nov. 8). Good time to “work” the garden.

Lie low, rest and recuperate Sunday to Monday dawn (PDT. Seek advice, and liaise with gov’t or head office. A good phase. Your energy and charisma return, and surge, Monday morning to mid-afternoon Wed. Use that energy to solve problems rather than launch new projects. Chase money, buy/sell, engage in casual sex, and/or learn/memorize something, Wednesday afternoon through Friday. Dive in, ask for a pay raise, etc. — good luck rides with you! But back off Friday after 3 pm PDT, when opposition/confusion enter. Saturday’s for friends, calls, paperwork, errands, trips, curiosity, fun — but don’t think anything is “permanent” here. Flow, rather than build.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Romance is the big event now through late November, Cancer. Depending on your situation, this can translate to creativity, speculation, sports, gambling, arts, beauty, pleasure, charming children and their talents. All these are favoured, but all also share two characteristics this time around: impulsiveness and hot assertion, and a connection to your status or career — and quick communications. Friends, contacts remain affectionate. Your high hopes will likely bring results, but not until January onward.

High hopes, rising popularity and social delights fill Sunday to just past dawn (PDT) Monday. Plunge in, flirt, invite — for some, true love will occur. But retreat to rest and ponder Monday morning to mid-afternoon Wed. — not an easy nor smooth interval, but something, perhaps love, goes well Monday night to pre-dawn Tues. Your energy and pizzazz leap up Wednesday pm through Friday — you’ll get a lot done, you’ll be bolstered by good luck in romantic approaches, you’ll impress people, including higher-ups. Saturday’s for shopping, banking, reading, casual sex. (That last not easily done.)


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The accent remains on home, family, security, diet, stomach, soul, mother nature and physical/emotional rejuvenation. Your money picture remains favourable. Nice time to buy something to spruce up the home. Family members are talkative. Remember, wait until January (onward) to instigate or push a career/status goal/project.

Sunday to just past dawn Monday (PDT) brings career, status opportunities. Seize them if you sees them. Optimism, wish fulfillment, social joys, entertainment and flirtations arrive Monday morning to mid-afternoon Wed. However, your luck is not high, so enjoy the mood and the friends, w/o seeking accomplishment (EXCEPT Sunday night to pre-dawn Monday, when a stroke of luck could bless your ambitions). Retreat to a quiet place Wednesday pm through Friday — rest, nap, ponder past, present and let these inform future plans. Liaise with gov’t, head office, management types. A fortunate interval! (But back off Friday mid-afternoon to midnight. Saturday, you’re the star! Your energy and charisma are high, but not higher than obstacles, so enjoy the glances you attract, w/o trying to build on them.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The focus on errands, quick, easy chores, communications, contacts, reports, news, paperwork, travel and curiosity remains, Virgo (until Nov. 22). You might be busier than expected, as Mars intensifies action — and could bend some of your communications, paperwork, etc., into the service of investment, debt, sexual lust, power, lifestyle or medical goals. You remain attractive to the opposite sex (or the alphabet) until Nov. 7 — so if you have a “date” in mind, schedule it soon.

Sunday to dawn Monday favours love, intellectual, legal, philosophical, cultural and far travel/international themes/actions. All’s good! Be ambitious but cautious Monday morning to mid-afternoon Wed. (PDT) when you could feel pressure, and see obstacles, in career. A social interval arrives Wednesday afternoon through Friday — a beautiful stretch, bringing flirtation, social delights, optimism, wish fulfillment, popularity and a mood of celebration. You’re blessed here, so charge after love, romance, or other social goals. Friday night might bring a new opportunity or attraction, or the opposite, alienation. Saturday, find a quiet place to rest, ponder and plan.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The emphasis lies on money and possessions during the next few weeks, Libra. A sexual partner, a store of knowledge, these are “possessions,” too. Right now, and to Nov. 24, you might feel more possessive than usual of a partner/spouse. You might also be more aggressive in seeking bargains, demanding payment. Head office and gov’t treat you favourably. A major investment or “secret project” might have to wait two more months before you see “life” in it. (But what fortunate “life” you’ll then see!)

Sunday to Monday dawn (PDT) repeats this theme of investments, debt, secret projects, research, medical and lifestyles choices — plunge in, for even though the bigger movements/developments are delayed until January onward, much can be started or firmed up during this fortunate Sun./Mon. A sexual interlude might occur. Wisdom, a mellow tolerance, higher learning, law/ethics, insurance, far travel, cultural structures — these “visit” you Monday morning to mid-afternoon Wed. But poor aspects caution you to be careful, alert. Be ambitious, rise to the pressure, Wednesday pm through Friday. This is a great time to show higher-ups what you can do, and to seek a pay raise. (Even if you don’t get it now, your request can create a good answer down the road.) Pull back, cease efforts, later Friday. Saturday is for entertainment, popularity, social delights, optimism and flirting — have fun, but don’t try to build anything.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov . 21

You’re on top, Scorpio! Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness are at an annual high. Start projects, give slow ones a push, cure and improve things. However, you will be “helpless” in one department: relationships. (I mean you can’t move or change a partner’s — or anyone’s — mind. This is a good thing, as you’ll discover pretty early in 2024.)

Despite that “helplessness,” partners and others stand ready to do you favours, or to open doors to opportunity, Sunday to dawn Monday (PDT). Lifer’s depths and secrets, esp. in finance, medicine, lifestyle and sex, blossom Monday morning to mid-afternoon Wed. — good luck is scarce here, so proceed with caution. A mellow, wise mood steals over you Wednesday pm through Friday. Far travel, religion, law, culture, social structures, and big ideas fill the days, and very fortunately. You could meet love. Be ambitious Saturday — live up to pressures, smile at bosses — DO NOT state your case, argue or rebel…. All’s good!


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Lie low, Sage. Sleep, ponder, avoid over-exertion. Liaise with (and seek advice from) gov’t or head office,  priest or guru. Be charitable, spiritual. Above all, examine your life thus far, and how to improve it in future: make plans. Bosses remain in your corner, approving. You might feel restless and (amazingly) romantic. Don’t let this spoil your “month of rest.” (New work directions will come January onward.)

Sunday to dawn Monday brings work — plunge in, you’ll succeed. Fine time to buy machinery, tools, or to hire a new employee. Relationships arise Monday morn to mid-afternoon Wed. — not easy, not reliable relations. However, a workplace bond might be a winner Monday night to pre-dawn Tues. Dive into the depths of commitment and consequence Wednesday eve through Friday — a smooth, fortunate, even bountiful time. Invest, research, chase intimacy, make medical and lifestyle decisions. Trust your hunches over your logic. Saturday brings mellow wisdom, tolerance, international awareness, far travel, cultural venues, law and learning. No big openings here, so float along w/o plunging into something wholeheartedly.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You’re launched on a “party mood” cycle until late November, Cap. Popularity, social joys, entertainment, light, flirty romance, optimism and wishes coming true — these fill the few weeks ahead. Lots of communication in these, this week and next. Also, Mars says your social life will be predominantly with males, or in male venues (e.g., gun clubs). You might be more assertive than usual, and your humour (not always on display) ascends. A huge, major romance shows no new direction, development until next January.

Sunday to dawn Monday sparks romantic feelings in you, or inspires creative, risk-taking, sports, pleasure or beauty bound action. Tackle chores from Monday morning to mid-afternoon Wed. Eat, dress sensibly. Work at a slow, deliberate pace, as obstacles and unexpected confusions can face you. (Love might blossom Monday night to predawn Tuesday, PDT — to early afternoon in Europe.) Relationships excite, inspire and reward Wednesday pm through Friday — strong good luck accompanies you. Decision needed Friday eve/night. Saturday, tackle chores. Eat, dress sensibly. Don’t buy computers, apps. (Nor Sunday.)


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The accent remains on ambitions, career, prestige relations and worldly standing, Aquarius. Work hard and grab opportunities for the next 3 weeks. Let the pressure energize you, not deflate you. I can’t promise bosses will be on your side; they might be snarly, impatient. Smile, grin and bear it. (They’ll become more approving in December.) Don’t be overly aggressive in pursuing goals. Sex, intimacy, therapy sessions, finances — these are mildly lucky, but take advantage soon.

Spend Sunday and pre-dawn Monday at home or in the ‘hood. Hug the kids, build a playground, go hiking, rest, ponder, buy a puppy — all’s well! Romance calls Monday morn to mid-afternoon Wednesday — but unfortunately this is a month of power and work, not love and dalliance. So don’t expect much. (A co-worker romance might look promising, but will hit reefs later.) Tackle chores, seek employment, buy equipment Wednesday eve through Friday — a beautiful interval for getting things done. Saturday’s for relationships, opportunities, relocation themes, public dealings/appearances — but life has its own ideas, so go slow.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

You are usually very intuitive and don’t have a lot of respect for logic, Pisces. But these weeks ahead urge you to be logical, even intellectual. Big ideas, international themes, far travel, religion and life philosophy, higher learning, law, culture and gentle love float around you. Usually this would be a very fortunate time, but this year Mars and Mercury heighten the “stakes” — and spark impulsive action, opinions. Be careful — avoid lawsuits like the plague, before Nov. 24. Relationships bless you with their affection and tolerance.

Sunday to pre-dawn Monday brings communications, errands, trips and paperwork — fortunately. Make a “love call” Sunday morning, noon (PDT). Steer toward home and family Monday morn to mid-afternoon Wed. Hug the kids, rest and ponder awhile, but overall treat this interval with caution. Again, love might pop up, Monday night to dawn Tues. Wednesday pm through Friday sparks romantic feelings — and loving responses. Creativity, pleasure, beauty, sports, charming kids — all go well. Tackle chores Saturday — don’t buy equipment.





I received a couple of emails criticizing my item on VAIDS ((Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) — supposedly a reduction in auto immunity in people who have had a second Covid shot. I wrote that 72% of people who had the booster showed a reduction in their immune system. Unfortunately, though I did not say it, some readers thought that I meant that 72% of people who receive the Covid booster suffered 72 % immunity loss. I meant 72 % of “booster” recipients suffered some amount of VAIDS,  putting their loss of immunity from 1 % to 73 %.

(Now an “news” outlet has claimed that 72 % of Canadians who received a Covid booster lost 73 % and more of their general immunity. Wrong. Just look around you — are 3 out of 4 people suffering some huge disease? But those who claim VAIDS is a fantasy and does not exist, period, anywhere, are also, I suspect, wrong. Many studies have shown that deaths after Covid vaccines are higher than in the unvaccinated — including multiple heart attacks in young people after receiving the shot. )


The killing war in the Middle East involving Israel will be deep, dark and dirty, and filled with killing from October 12 (which of course has already passed) to November 24. By November’s end, one of two things will happen: either the Israeli turfing of Hamas will end and martial events will fade, or a large, multinational war will explode, as Mars moves into the expansionist, international sign Sagittarius.


Did you see that a native Indian/aboriginal has been elected Premier of Manitoba? Wow. Good on him/them! Think of the history.


The shield of Achilles, used by Achilles in his fight against Hector a few thousand years ago, does not survive. But there are many pictures and drawings of it by later artists (right into the 1800’s). Wikipedia produces a whole section on it, complete with interpretations, history etc. It describes the shield in detail. There’s only one thing left out: Wikipedia and many other commentators ignore the fact that the zodiac and all 12 signs surround the Charioteer in the centre, and are the main feature of the shield. This is completely ignored by the air heads at leftist Wikipedia. Instead, they reluctantly admit, and in passing, that the shield has a Sun and Moon and “some constellations.” Yeah, you dumb asses, 12 constellations, 12 zodiacal signs. Perhaps leftist Wikipedia equates astrology with democracy, a political system they are unfamiliar with.


Sophistication is a species of weakness. It either closely precedes, or is the first phase of, a country’s  decline. This is broadly so in areas of emotional, social, arts, consciousness, politics, armed forces, etc.… Wherever opinion and belief predominate… But it applies much less uniformly in technology. The very development that has in recent decades eroded the rights of the citizens and their Democratic actions, might now be the very vehicle of its fulfilment of freedom. I think this for two reasons: one, scientists and technologists and researchers in technical areas tend to divorce their work from their political, family and emotional life. I don’t think they achieve this divorce as much as they think they do, but even so their efforts and discoveries continue to give the public more and more sophisticated devices of communication and media, especially visual media. Wars are no longer fought in headlines; instead they come to you visually from some person who happens  to be in the area.

These product developments, of course, have also been used by the government and spider agencies to destroy the privacy part of any guarantee in the constitution. But I think in the long run the public will defeat the government bureaucracy, partly because, this will sound very flaky, but partly because humanity is growing more and more empathic. This will erode the state’s determination to control its citizens.

How soon this happens, I don’t know. But this winter Pluto enters Aquarius for the second time in a few months, and this time will stay for 20 years. Aquarius is the sign of the populace, of the masses, and also of two extremes: democracy and dictatorship. Pluto is a planet of transformation. It enters a situation (or a sign or sector in the chart) and that situation begins to change deeply and thoroughly.

Often at first we don’t notice the change because it starts in the subconscious and works its way up, changing whatever it absorbs. So we can with confidence predict that the next two decades will feature or contain a broad destruction, evolution and new growth in social structures and idealism.

I think the social structures of this time (2024-2043) will evolve into flexible and flat things that can quickly move over the landscape. Like a moving blanket studded with stars and silver roads between them. Not vertical social structures; those that now exist (and they are very numerous and large, for example Washington DC) will not disappear, for they will form the basis for the dictatorship side of the struggle during these 20 years. But they will be reduced; think of the bountiful bodies of Americans now, then watch any World War II Movie. Look how thin the men were those days, perhaps due to rationing. So will the survivors of, for instance the deep swamp in Washington, “thin down” or slowly tend to shrink back to WW II thinness, yet hard with wiry muscles.

And the other group, the general citizenry, will not just bow their heads and slide into a nice majority. Why, I don’t know, except that it may be in reaction to the dictatorial group, The general citizenry seem to collect in small mobs — maybe 10,000 in New York City or 100 in a small town, they are like the lights on that map of flat, flowing hierarchy.

Ultimately, I think the masses really will win the struggle but it will not be easy.  It might take even centuries, but it will be done by 2229.

These people, this more empathic democratic populace, will form the basis of the new human. At first, the new human will be empathic and sympathetic (along of course with all sorts of other traits). As time goes on, the new humans will begin to feel an inseparable bond with all other humans. This is a fine and light thing. Then he/she will begin to think like his neighbor, and then he begins to share his thoughts with his neighbour with fewer and fewer words spoken. Eventually, the new human will span the globe psychically. A large step in this regard will occur in the 23rd and 24th centuries.

The second reason of course is the obvious one: that the development of technology will allow rebels or community leaders to organize swiftly, and if needed, covertly.


When you bend the truth a little bit in the beginning, it grows a long, crooked path.


I am informed by belief, not logic.


Vengeance is mine, said God in the Bible. The same God in the same Bible that sent the Israelites into battle many times, once or twice urging them not only into genocide, but into killing every living thing, cows, dogs etc. There is no word for this. Nihilism comes closest. How about Totocide, or mondocide? Or nuclearcide.
