Category Archives: WEEKLY FORECASTS



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2


START NOTHING: 6:06 pm to 9:58 pm Sun., 3:21 am to 7:06 am Wed., and 12:32 pm to 1:20 pm Fri.



America will never be America again.


ALL SIGNS: Mercury retrograde is in the rear view mirror, ending its delays, mistakes and indecisions. But all five of the major planets — Jupiter to Pluto — are retrograde (though Pluto turns direct in early October) which can indicate larger, more subtle or “integrated” or more broad delays or indecisions, esp. in large arenas such as politics, the economy, law/ethics, medical developments, etc. But Mercury’s direct, so within this miasma of larger bodies/projects seeming to drift aimlessly (*) at least your day-to-day actions now get the green light to These retro periods are a necessary pause in forward action in order to examine or alter or realign actions/directions. Almost like a pit stop .


ALL SIGNS: In some of this week’s sign messages I have broken down some days into portions, to separate bad and good luck phases. Please remember, all the times given are Pacific Daylight, so add 3 hours for Eastern Time, 9 hrs. for central Europe, 15 or 16 for China, 17 for Australia, etc.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

This is your last week of “servitude,” Aries — chores, machines, employment issues, co-workers, supporting pets and dependents. This is a very jumbled week, with both obstacles and successes, and they mix together almost every day. To succeed, be nimble, and realize that nothing in this week is important enough to get really serious about. Relationships still need much care right into mid-October. These can either bring opposition, even violence, so be diplomatic, but they can also bring partnership opportunities, relocation themes, a heightened profile, and even serious love. (Although it’s a work week, your romantic feelings are obvious and rewarding.)

This whole partnership/opportunity theme fills Sunday, but not successfully. Be observant, cautious. Life’s (and a relationship’s) deeper, more hidden side emerges Monday to Wednesday dawn: sex, finances, secrets, heightened intuition and subconscious promptings. Monday’s fine, but realize there’s an element of mistrust (or unjustified trust) overhanging events (mostly in work or gov’t situations). Tuesday’s dicey, disruptive until suppertime, then a fortunate inspiration (or just a good movie) comes. Wednesday to about noon Friday (all PDT) accents your ethics, law, far travel, big ideas, understandings, and love. Good after late morning Wed., and Thursday to mid-afternoon. Be ambitious, do your work, smile at the boss Fri./Sat. Good luck here Sat. to mid-afternoon, then problems, consist late. Act early. Saturday starts a month of relationships.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

This is your last week of general romance, Taurus. So dive in, and enjoy it while you can. Ditto for creative, sports, child, oriented, speculative and beauty and pleasure pursuits. Good and bad luck mingle almost inseparably all week. Your home and family are sweet and supportive right into October. Delays in communicating with someone sweet or in those creative and sports areas mentioned above, these delays end now, so you can state your case and March forward. Work is intense until almost mid-October, so get it done, but also watch safety, rules, sharp, machinery, etc.

Tackle chores Sunday — with care. Eat, dress sensibly. Relationships, opportunities and public dealings arise Mon./Tues. Good, even great Monday (maybe a great opportunity) — but not so great Tues. until after supper, when social delights or delicious hopes about the future arrive. Your subconscious breeches the surface Wednesday to early afternoon Fri. (PDT). Follow your hunches (which can show as curiosity) on the path to lust, power, investments/debt, other people’s money, and medical and lifestyle goals. Act after noon Wed. to mid-afternoon (3 pm PDT) Thurs. A mellow, tolerant, far-seeing mood steals over you Friday afternoon and Sat. — fortunate until midafternoon Sat., then avoid conflict. Saturday starts a month of chores and daily health, nutrition.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

It’s your last week of general domestic concerns, Gemini. A few new relationships now fade into the background, partly because they began during mercury retrograde, but partly because you are in a monthly phase of endings and new beginnings. That is, until next week. This is a great time to clean house, prune and plant in the garden, or start new nutritional  goals. Luck-wise, it’s a very mixed week. So remain alert and “light.” Friendships are affectionate, and romance intensifies, both into October — but romance might have a “hidden” integral flaw. (“Hidden” in quotes, because your own intuition, if you listen to it, will tell you what is/could be wrong. But despite this you might plunge in. Careful, Gemini.)

Sunday’s romantic, but not very successfully so. Ditto for creative, etc. Just enjoy the mood. To work Monday to Wednesday dawn. Eat, dress sensibly. (And don’t drive with the window down — Bell’s palsy possible.) Monday’s good; Tuesday’s difficult (tho’ productive after supper, PDT). Relationships and opportunities arise Wednesday dawn to early afternoon Fri. — only really good Thursday before mid-afternoon. (An “opportunity” late Wed. might be based on a situation that will “expire” soon.) Life’s secret, tempting side emerges Friday afternoon through Sat. This could be very fortunate for sexual, financial or research actions Friday evening, through mid afternoon Saturday, but avoid late night conflict. Saturday starts a month of deep romance.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is your last week of “superficial things,” Cancer — talking, short trips, paperwork, contacts, curiosity, errands, etc. — but it’s your first and in someways only week to reach out for new things in this area. For instance, to make a new contact or plan a new trip or write a new application for a new job. Money flows well to you; you might buy a luxury item before mid-October. Now to Oct. 12, avoid tension, conflict in the home. Be kind to kids, spouse. Great (into Oct.) time to demolish, build, clear property/woods, to prune the garden, etc. (Beware fertilizer — you’re likely to overdo it.)

Home is accented Sunday — go slow. Romantic notions fill your thoughts Mon./Tues. Monday’s good; Tuesday’s difficult. Tackle chores Wednesday to early afternoon Friday. You’ll get a lot done (esp. if working with a loved one, or on a creative project). But “stop” pre-supper Thurs. onward. Friday afternoon, Saturday bring relationships — good ones until mid-afternoon Sat. (Avoid conflict later.) Hint: avoid relationships with a career orientation. Saturday starts a month of domesticity.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Money delays end; you can press forward with new income, purchasing goals. You feel affectionate (to Oct. 8) and others respond in kind — this is also a fine time to acquire jewelry (Leo always looks good in gold), have beauty treatments, buy new clothes, etc. (It’s also a good time to press for career goals, or to dress “up” status-wise.) You’re eager to talk, to visit and be with others, to discuss your ideas (or travel urges) through Oct. 11. You might make a wise, good friend in all this. Sunday provides clues although it’s not really a successful day.

Monday/Tuesday turn you toward home, family — good stuff here Mon., but Tuesday’s challenging, as they say, until suppertime. After, Tuesday night is inspired, esp. in areas of finance, research, sex or a lifestyle change. Romance lights your face and your heart Wednesday to just past noon Friday. Best time: Thursday before late afternoon. To work, Friday eve and Sat. Eat well, protect your health with nutrition. Success, you accomplish (maybe big, career things) Fri. eve to midafternoon Sat — avoid later conflict, fast driving, sharp tools. Saturday begins a month of casual friends, short trips — be curious!


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This is your last week of ultimate power, energy, and charm, Virgo. Last, but most effective, because now you can go forward without delays, mistakes, or crippling indecision. (Cuz the Mercury retro is over.) The gov’t and “head office” continue to favour you — until Oct. 8. Take advantage if you have anything to solve with them. Also a good time to apply for grants, etc. — and to solve a medical issue. Money is flowing to you swiftly, and will, through Oct. 11 — bank it, fight a subconscious urge to spend.

Sunday is all about spending and earning (and casual sex) but it ain’t a great day, so go slow. Apply your energy to errands, swift, easy chores, communications, paperwork Mon./Tues. Monday’s good; Tuesday’s, well, difficult. Home and family, real estate and security, call you Wednesday to about 1 pm Friday (PDT). Not much is easy here, but you can succeed Thursday until mid-late afternoon. Romance, creativity, understanding arrive late Friday afternoon to about mid-afternoon Sat. (Do NOT invest nor seek intimacy between 3:12 pm and 8:17 pm PDT Sat. — 6:12 pm to 11:17 pm Eastern Time.) Saturday starts a month of buying/selling, income, casual sexual embraces, and rote learning.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This is your last week of being ignored, tired and “inward.” (Or on the plus side, meditating, sleeping, rejuvenating.) It isn’t an easy week — good and bad luck mingle almost every day. You have some great hopes and great friends to socialize with, although you might not hit your stride here until next week or the next. You also have Mars in your sign until October 11. This makes you assertive (aggressive?) and “not willing to suffer fools,” as they say. But it also makes you: 1) very interested in a relationship; if single, your heart almost aches for marriage and 2) feisty and brave enough to pick whom you want and chase him/her. (Can apply to forming a simple business partnership.) Opportunities will abound; so will relocation or public themes. Scan these now, prepare, plan — and be ready to chase them earnestly next week onward.

Your energy is a bit higher Sunday, but a restful, meditative pace is still best. Pursue money Monday (for some an unexpected prize comes) but be careful, cautious Tuesday. Errands, paperwork, communications and travel fill Wednesday dawn to just past noon Friday (all PDT). Success is available noon Wed. to mid-afternoon Thurs. Head for home, rest, family, security Friday afternoon to mid-afternoon Sat. (Later Saturday, relationships, esp. marital, need a soft touch, even “avoidance.”) Saturday starts a month of success, charisma, energy and clout.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

One more week of happiness, sociability, optimism, popularity and entertainment, Scorpio, so enjoy it! This is not the greatest week, as good and bad luck combine.

So I wouldn’t charge too seriously after practical goals; instead, enjoy life and people. Social delays have ended, so you might now meet someone special (probably a special friend, might become a lover). Higher-ups still love your style and efforts. Prime time to ask for a pay raise (before Oct. 9). Plans for the future begin to make sense. Relationships remain bountiful, but perhaps frustrating. Major movement in this area of relationships or relocation is probably delayed until January.

Lie low, rest Sunday or “go fishing.” Your energy and charisma soar Monday to dawn Wed. Monday’s good — could bring that “bountiful relationship.” Something significant might occur in a love bond — a proposal or agreement? But Tuesday’s difficult before suppertime (6 pm PDT). After this, romance can thrive. Chase money, buy/sell, pursue a casual embrace/intimacy Wednesday to midday Friday. Wednesday afternoon to mid-afternoon Thursday offers good luck/action. Errands, trips, calls, paperwork fill Friday afternoon and Sat. Good meetings, openings Friday night to mid-afternoon Sat. Avoid belligerent people, dark places Saturday pm. This day starts a month of quietude, pondering and planning, liaising with gov’t, head office.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Your last week of career and status pressures, Sage. If you choose to, you can take action, start projects now, as the Mercury delays of the past 3 weeks are over. Your mental side finds grace and harmony now; a love might turn more intellectual, or bring great travel, or bring talk of a wedding. Your hopes attach to romance now to Oct. 11 — maybe to a social friend. Far travel calls you, but to short trips time-wise. New work developments or projects are stalled now through December. Don’t waste time on dead projects.

Sunday’s for hopes, light romance, popularity, social joys…but it isn’t much of a day, so enjoy what you can. Retreat, lie low, rest, ponder and plan Monday to dawn Wed. If you have goals, such as liaising with their gov’t, or asking head office for assistance, Monday’s fine, but Tuesday’s difficult before suppertime (PDT). After, later, you “see” (envision) the solution to problems. Your energy and charm reach skyward Wednesday dawn to early afternoon Friday. Get out, meet and greet, give obstacles a shove, and projects a push. (Love, learning and travel favoured.) Best Thursday, before 3:30 pm PDT. Chase $, buy/sell, learn, hug someone Friday afternoon and Saturday — a great stretch from Friday eve through Saturday mid-afternoon. You can impress co-workers, even the boss. But turn from romance Sat. night — a fight is more likely than a caress.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

One more week of mellow understanding, Cap, of life making sense in the broadest way. Far travel, higher learning, law, culture, stats/insurance, religion and love have been gently calling you for a few weeks, but only now are you free to charge into new things here, as the delays/mistakes of the past dissolve. Make hay, Cap! Your sexual, financial and medical goals/situations are very favoured until Oct. 9. Bosses are impatient, unusually assertive until Oct. 11 — be diplomatic, grin and bear it — esp. Sunday, when you and authorities just don’t agree. Caution!

Your hopes and wishes, social popularity and sense of fun expand Monday to dawn Wed. Best: Monday, and after supper to midnight Tues. (All PDT.) Retreat Wednesday morning to mid-afternoon Friday — find quietude, rest, ponder and plan, liaise with gov’t or ahead office. Seek advice Wednesday pm. Thursday’s good to mid-afternoon — intimacy or financial actions favoured. Forget early Friday — this afternoon and Saturday your energy soars, your charms radiate, and you could accomplish much — a creative, beauty, pleasure or love opening awaits you Saturday before 3 pm (PDT) — find it, enter. Saturday starts a month of career pressures (and success, unless you quibble with a higher-up) of prestige relations and worldly status.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

This is your last week for awhile that is dipped in sex/lust, financial and power urges, medical and lifestyle questions, Aquarius. But it is the first week in which you’re freed from mistakes, delays and indecision — so charge ahead, grab what you can (ethically). Your life might change. Others treat you with affection and grace — including your spouse. If single, you might meet a life-mate (though for most of you, mid-24 to mid-25 will bring better stuff). Good opportunities, some at a distance. You like to talk about ideas, politics, philosophy, etc., esp. now — but you could spark some enmity. Strictly avoid lawsuits before Oct. 12. The travel bug, if it hasn’t infected you yet, it will soon. Be a bit cautious this week, as good and bad luck mingle. Pursue your main goal.

Sunday’s for intellectual, love, travel and legal/ethical matters. Be cautious. Career pressures or the need to conform burden you Monday to dawn Wed. Monday’s great — charge ahead. But caution flags fly Tuesday, through suppertime (PDT) and then the skies clear again, to Tuesday midnight. Optimism, social delights, flirts, delicious wishes, these fill Wednesday to just past noon Friday. Wednesday eve to mid-afternoon Thursday is your “sweet spot.” Nothing much Fri. But this eve to mid-afternoon Saturday can bring super luck in money zones. Late Sat., don’t argue nor drive recklessly.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

This is your last week of crucial relationships, Pisces, but it is the first week that allows you to start new relations, or grab new opportunities, relocate, or seek public recognition. So if you see what you want, grab it. (This “opportunity to grab” could last right into late October.) Be diplomatic and long-suffering all week, as good and bad luck mingle closely. You might be on fire now to October 11, about a sexual, financial or lifestyle yearning — don’t be too impulsive with this; you can gain your goal if you act with calmness and deliberation. Work and workmates are pleasant, enjoyable. If unemployed, now to Oct. 8 offers better positions than afterward.

Sunday’s for those lust/financial/lifestyle urges, but go slow — good luck’s absent. Your mind drifts to big ideas, philosophical views, far travel or international affairs, law, love, culture and higher education Monday to dawn Wed. Monday, and after supper to midnight Tuesday, are best times (all PDT). Show your ambition Wednesday to early afternoon Fri. Best Wed. afternoon to mid-afternoon Thurs. Hopes and happiness arrive Friday afternoon, Sat. Flirt, befriend, issue and accept invitations. Superb good luck Saturday, before mid-afternoon. Avoid conflict this night. Saturday starts a month of secrets and “treasures.”




Do clones lack souls? Is that the problem? In sci-fi, why are they always seen as somehow less than human? Clones would be a new way to create slaves, to replace the slaves of the 1600s to 1800s. They might also be programmed to vote a certain way. Both of these developments might please Democrats.


Kristin Noem, the very attractive and successful governor of South Dakota, has expressed the desire to be Trump’s running mate. She’s a great person, has been a very successful governor. I admire her a lot. But Trump should never pick her as VP — as a Sagittarian, she represents Trump’s karmic downfall. Her Taurus moon might tend to lord it overTrump’s Leo ascendant, and enervate or exhaust his energy. But I like her a lot. I like Nikki Haley, too. In a recent poll, she showed the biggest potential “beat down” (or margin) over Biden, of all the Republican primary candidates. But she won’t be President.
