ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS APRIL 9 - 15, 2006 All times are Pacific Daylight Time. CAPRICORN and CANCER are action-oriented, ambitious, and feel a deep need to mold their environment. George Bush, a Cancer, has shown this tendency in his obsession with making the world, specifically the Middle East, democratic. But in many ways, these signs differ. Cancer is nurturing, patriotic, home-loving, security-oriented, and protective. (Cancerian Bush, in a speech last month said, "My main job is to protect you.") Cancer embodies "unconditional love" for those he/she protects (friends, family, countrymen) but can be sarcastically critical toward these same people. (PISCES is the champion of unconditional love.) Cancer's emotions often "gush over" in impulsive waves; but this sign can sink into a deep, two-week silence when unhappy. Capricorn is ambitious, an astute, careful risk-taker, social and economic climber, political, exploitive, judging. Capricorn apportions love to those who act correctly. Ultimately, Capricorn is extremely loyal. After Capricorn has decided to whom his or her love goes, he sticks with it. But before this, expect many tests of your sincerity! Both Cancer and Capricorn had two "unrewarding" emotional years in from early 2003 to July 05. In 2008 (just a touch, then solidly in 2009) Pluto enters Capricorn, for a 15-year stay. Pluto rules birth, death, rebirth, and transformation. For Cancer, this period will bring a total and deep transformation of relationships on all levels: marital, business, friendship, public/fame, parent/child, etc. These changes will entail both huge, unconquerable opposition and lucky new opportunities, so it's important to know which is which. The "right" choice will in some way lead to a more creative, pleasurable, loving, romantic, life-affirming existence, so this becomes a way of choosing: if, among your choices, there is one that promises creativity, pleasure, or a heart soaring on love, then choose that way! Overall, the changes will lead to these "pleasure ends" anyway. The same 15 years will cause a deep, permeating change to Capricorn's psyche, personality, wants and needs, and general view of the world. During a two-year period of this phase, Cap (depending on your birth chart) you will probably withdraw from people. That's okay. These 15 years will change your social group, your plans for the future, your cherished desires, your taste in entertainment, your political views, and your understanding of yourself (especially your inner, mysterious self). 2008 will be a hugely fortunate year for both Cancer and Capricorn, in precisely the areas discussed above. Let '08 be your time of launch toward a new life and new horizons! Start Nothing: 7:59 a.m. to 10:47 a.m. Tues., 3:41 p.m. to 10:08 p.m. Thurs., and after 11:29 a.m. Sat. Aries March 21-Apr. 19 Your charisma's still riding a crest, Aries. You're effective, energetic, optimistic and decisive, so start big projects, be seen, ask favors, propose a course of action. (But soft-pedal Tuesday noon to Thursday afternoon, when others are touchy, and could probe your weak spots - including "past secrets." During this wee interval, don't gossip, and sign nothing.) Sunday/Monday are for work and health (avoid machinery). Friday/Saturday bring mysteries, depths, investigation, investment, and, perhaps, a sexy temptation! You could stumble upon a "golden key." This week represents a turn-around, a change in direction. Taurus Apr. 20-May 20 Rest, lie low, avoid volunteering. Contemplate, study the situation and the people in it. Make plans for the future. Good - or at least affectionate - friends are "on the way." But your energy and charisma are low. This is your last week of increased income, so lean toward conservative actions. In ten days you will come charging out to conquer the world, especially in career, legal and far-travel zones. Sunday/Monday promote creativity, romantic notions. Chores, health mid-week - proceed cautiously, avoid risks, arguments, sharp tools. Someone excites you Friday - show it! Gemini May 21-June 20 Wishes could come true, Gemini! You're in the midst of a happy, popular, flirtatious and lucky time. Higher-ups and parents approve of you now, so present proposals, show your skills, be seen in high places. Advertise yourself! (But on a deeper level, realize that the world is changing - especially the world's reaction to you. What once worked might need a completely new approach - be alert to hints of this Monday night to Thursday.) Love grabs you mid-week! Thursday starts a streak (to early June) of increased money - save it! Cancer June 21-July 22 The accent lies on ambition, career, prestige, mingling with higher-ups. You'll pass a "test," even impress VIPs! You have a sturdy, solid base in ambitious zones. A feeling of helplessness (or that a competitor is stealing your thunder and/or your contacts) ends Thursday, to be replaced by six weeks of confidence, determination, and strong results. (But don't be cruel in your strength.) A nice streak of wisdom floats through your days. Don't let a bias, religious belief, love or daydreaming "fight" a work or health necessity. Love's possible Friday! Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Your popularity remains high; your understanding and wisdom flow; and you remain lucky in love, far travel, legal, educational or media concerns. (Pick two.) You might hear secrets now; you can research, investigate health, financial and intimate matters. Occultism, psychics, readers and therapists benefit you AFTER Thursday; before this, they might discourage you. You're feeling sexy, and could be tempted down lustful paths; but these will conflict with, not flow with, romance. Romance is a better choice. Don't gossip. You can make money Sunday/Monday. Settle into home, neighborhood Friday/Saturday. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 You - or life - will be making changes. Finances, intimacy, where you put down roots, will be affected. You could hear news, gather information, or feel the brunt of someone's opinion about this before Friday. That's okay: be diplomatic, keep your plans to yourself. Thursday begins a six-week phase of "life change" wishes coming true! A social contact or friend might open a door to this. Relocation might be involved; so might a person who fills your (day) dreams. Act Sunday/Monday, when your energy's high. Contact others, or travel, Friday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Opposition and challenge mingle with opportunity and attraction. Choose nothing before midday Tuesday - lie low, gain second wind, study situations and personalities, make plans. Then act, Tuesday p.m., IF you are certain your motives are good. If in doubt, act Wednesday, when your energy, intuition, effectiveness and compassion/empathy are high. Something will reach a climax - could be love, practical relationship, relocation decision, business or investment offer. Proposals accepted? Maybe! But AVOID purchasing a car, machinery, computer, or signing a work contract before Friday. Purchases, income, sales hit "lucky streak" Friday/Saturday. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Work at a steady pace. Love, romance, beauty, pleasure and joy from children bring a thread of relief from the chores that surround you. The last eight weeks excited your sexual, financial, and investigative urges, but this trend slowly dies down now. (Which could be a relief. Still, if you applied your financial or investigative urges to your work, you probably triggered a reward/benefit.) You might have to choose between love/creativity versus money/possessions before Friday. Your energy, charm soar Friday/Saturday! Thursday begins seven weeks of legal, travel "duties." Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Streak of romance, creativity, adventurousness, speculation, of joie-de-vivre continues - along with an opportunity-opposition influence. You could fall in love, or decide in favor of a relocation or significant "visit." Emotions climax this week, around Thursday. You might impulsively abandon or overrule a "security" (domestic?) situation. This has been a long time coming, and is probably for the best - it fulfills your wishful side, but examine your motives - are they good? Be ambitious Sunday/Monday. Popularity, social joys mid-week. Lie low, rest, plan Friday/Saturday. The weeks ahead bring a deep desire. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Two months of hectic work end Thursday, to be replaced by seven weeks of courage, determination and opportunity - and possibly conflict or sharp words - in contractual, relationship, partnership, relocation, real estate and "public" zones. You'll either deepen or end matters in these areas. If single, you might be attracted to someone in/near your home, or someone you meet in a food/shelter setting. This week, continue to rest, nurture homebodies, contemplate, and strengthen your foundations. Sunday/Monday spark "unstable attraction." Be ambitious Wednesday/Thursday (NOT Tuesday). Don't discuss secrets anytime this week. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Accent on communications, travel, paperwork, distribution, details. A busy but easy week. Plunge into "research" Sunday/Monday. Before Friday, a "last-minute romance" could occur - someone's emotions are more intense than you think! Before Friday also, you face a mild dilemma: your hopes don't fit your "stash" of money or possessions. Or, your "sensual squeeze" isn't accepted by your social circle. Don't take this seriously - the problem will dissipate soon. Seven weeks of hard work begins Thursday eve - and Friday contains a perfect, lucky "career" influence, so charge ahead this day! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Take care this week, especially in career, legal, educational or international areas - your words could wake a "sleeping giant" who will want to control you. Thursday marks the end of eight weeks of domestic tension and the beginning of seven weeks of romantic intensity. (The intensity - and courage, and determination - will also infuse your creative, speculative, sports, child-oriented or recreational interests.) Your attractive charms continue to swell through early May. This week, chase money, purchases. Relationships excite, but also conflict, Sunday/Monday. Intimacy blossoms mid-week Travel, legal luck arrives Friday! Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/