ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS FEBRUARY 14 - 20, 2010 All dates/times are PST. There are few aphrodisiacs so strong – or so subtle – as the feeling or knowledge that you and another were cut from the same cloth. Happy Valentine’s Day. SAGITTARIUS, 2010’s luck cycle blesses you in the realm of home, family, real estate, healing, gardening/agriculture, soul, nutrition, security and retirement. This could be the year you really settle down. Anything you do to improve your domestic situation will pay off for many years to come, financially and/or emotionally. Buy furniture, landscape, renovate – or have a baby! Even if you’re a renter without a down payment, use this luck to move to a more spacious, attractive place. If you only have a bit of money, buy a rural bit of land for vacation camping or a future retirement cottage. 2010 brings deep, sweet emotional and psychological healing, whether within yourself, or on a broader scale, such as family counseling. Let go of past grief and disappointment – this leads to a rebirth of your freshness, vitality, and optimism about life. Abandon stale or restricting people/projects now: instead, nurture the new. Get plenty of rest. The security and peace you establish this year will give you a platform of strength to meet 2011’s exciting adventures -- creative, romantic, and, perhaps, child-related. (If you were born November 22-24, any year, the summer might trigger a sudden romance – if it fades as quickly, it was just a foretaste of 2011’s big one!) CAPRICORN, 2010 brings a huge wave of details, missives and emails, short trips, reports, meetings and casual friendships. It’s a very busy but not especially important year. You’ll experience a hectic pace without pressure – an odd but pleasant combination. As your entire life (and dreams and contacts and social circle) are changing this decade, no year is really unimportant. Follow your curiosity in 2010, for it can lead you to information or insights that will be valuable in 2011. For example, your travels during 2010 could bring you to a place where you will live – a fortunate, healing, secure place – in 2011. However, don’t make that big ultimate commitment until next year. 2010’s for exploration, fact-finding – not for investing, undertaking serious health cures, or changing your life/lifestyle. Your siblings or a casual acquaintance could be a source of luck, So could telephone calls, newspapers, magazines, the internet – anything that brings you information. At work, though, beware of being buried under an avalanche of details, data and time-wasting chores. (If you were born December 22-24, any year, this summer might bring a glimpse of a lucky real estate deal – or of your parenting future.) Start Nothing: Before 4:23 a.m. Sun., 6:32 4:30 p.m. Tues., and 7:53 p.m. Thurs. to 2:55 a.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 Thursday starts a month of retirement, rest, sweet solitude and contemplation. Don’t overload your social calendar. The main focus of your contemplation, this week and the next few (and in fact all 2010) will be yourself: your past actions and where they are leading you, your limitations and strengths, your restrictions and potentials. You could hear from former allies. If you have sins to make up for, mistakes to correct, the earlier the better. (It will make the rest of the year flow more smoothly.) Tuesday, you realize you’re a good person! “Money destiny” Friday. Taurus April 20-May 20 The pressure to perform will soon ease. Make one last effort to live p to your obligations Tuesday night (lucky – secret ally or friend? Financial door?) through Thursday. The rest of this week is for fun! Sunday to Tuesday brings loving friends, new friends, optimism, bright new horizons, flirtations, entertainment – and late week starts a whole month of the same! And, January began a year of the same. Wishes surely must come true, now or soon! Your charisma and energy soar Friday/Saturday. Start something significant – a relationship, a contact, a project – after Friday noon. Gemini May 21-June 20 A month of pondering, mellow relationships and peaceful understanding slips away. Now it’s time to focus on your position, your status in the world, your relations with powerful people (judges, bosses, parents, etc.). Be dutiful, prompt, do your work with a cheerful mien. Above all be ambitious, for the weeks ahead are the launching pad for a whole year of luck in climbing corporate, business and social ladders. Sunday/Monday aren’t too early to start, especially if you work in a travel, legal, publishing, educational, cultural or similar field. Career luck comes early. Cancer June 21-July 22 You emerge from the dark into the light this week. Mysteries are solved or recede in importance. Lust becomes gentle love, power struggles morph into empathy, and research findings create understanding. “The light” will grow for the entire year ahead. This will bring luck – especially work-related luck -- in legal, intellectual, educational, cultural, travel and similar spheres. Love can arise softly but powerfully. You, Pisces, Virgo and Scorpio are on the cusp of huge voyages on a new ocean of love. You’re first. Be patient if another needs time to “wake up” to your attraction. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 If you’ve been “in opposition” (fighting, litigating, competing, etc.) over the last month and year, now the fight goes underground – this week and the entire year ahead. If you’ve been joining, co-operating, loving, seeking union, now that, too, goes “underground” – into intimacy, sexual joining, financial commitment, investing, mortgages, pregnancy, etc. A major lifestyle turn is imminent, will emerge from these deeper bonds – likely a cheerful, blessed one! Sunday/Monday emphasize these, luckily: and give a late chance to turn enmity to co-operation. Research rewards. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 A year of drudgery ends now. Fresh horizons, new challenges, and new luck – perhaps new love – enter for the month and year ahead. Everything beneficial will come from good-hearted relationships; all loss will come from independence, solitude or selfish relationships. That’s an easy roadmap. (Well, sounds easy!) Luck could come at any time; you might go ten months without success, then suddenly someone opens a door to love, fortune, whatever. The more you try, the bigger the luck when it does come. Start early: this Sunday/Monday. Seek: relocation, fame, partnership or agreement. Libra Sept.23-Oct.22 A year of romance, creativity and pleasure ebbs now as 2010 – a year of work and health issues – gets solidly underway. Doesn’t sound exciting, but this could be the year you find a better job and/or lift your earnings. One thing: concentrate on “job,” not “career” – for the latter is under a wee cloud, could promise but never fulfill, or even work against you. So put all words such as “status,” “prestige,” “ambition,” “competing,” out of your mind. This is a poor time to challenge or seek out authority. (All to March 2011.) Start projects Sunday/Monday. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Your sluggish year ends this week. The more rest you got, the brighter and bushier you’ll be this week, month, and year ahead – all three steer you luckily into romantic, creative, speculative, pleasure-oriented situations, and into joys from working with children. This will be a banner year, Scorpio! Two things: 1) don’t expect everything (e. g, love might come, but that doesn’t mean your career will thrive) and 2) this year isn’t the peak. The mountain of love rises before you. You merely see it now – but you also take your first step. In games, art, you’ll win! Start Sunday/Monday! Sagittarius Nov.22-Dec. 21 Last year was interesting, friendly and lively, but not that important. This week, you fully enter a year of great significance. It could be a turning point of your life, a time when, if you’re young, you establish a home, or have a child; if older, you might steer your family into therapy, or undertake a soul journey. You might begin a retirement fund, or actually retire. Whatever the particular case, remember this for 2010: real estate is very lucky, ending situations and establishing new ones is lucky, and the word “security” is a golden key. Start Sunday/Monday! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan.19 Take a hint from Sunday/Monday (and to some degree Tuesday) – what you’re doing these three days, you will – or should – be doing for the whole year ahead. Flow with events, let yourself be led by life or by your inclinations. Reading, writing, news, errands, details, travel, casual conversations, siblings and acquaintances, variety, curiosity – some of these are ready to carry you toward fortunate ends. Start projects in these areas Sunday/Monday, but not Tuesday. Let associations end mid-week. Romance, sweet feelings steal over you Friday/Saturday. Aquarius Jan.20-Feb. 18 A year of more money lies ahead – mostly better earnings/income. In employment, try harder to get a raise in pay than extra short-time work or overtime. The latter rewards you off and on this year, but a pay raise will put you on an earnings plateau that can last for years, even decades. Definitely launch earnings projects this year – and don’t waste time. Start this Sunday/Monday, when luck accompanies you! Chat mid-week, but don’t take it seriously. Retreat to home and family Friday/Saturday. All 2010, believe your eyes, not your suspicions. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 After a year of seeing your limitations and weak spots, of feeling a bit ignored by the world, a bit weary, you bounce back – now, this week, the month ahead, and the whole year ahead! 2010 will give you a shot of luck, ambition and self-confidence. That’s important because 2011 will begin a one-time, overwhelming 15-year period of self-realization. It will feel like a new spirit, an indefinable awareness (or dreaminess) is filling you. You need to be cheerful, confident when this occurs. So 2010 brings you confidence, luck – enjoy, accomplish! Start your new life! Email: For a reading: 461-686-5014. /30/