PrFont34Bin0BinSub0Frac0Def1Margin0Margin0Jc1Indent1440Lim0Lim1ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MARCH 7- 13, 2010 All times/dates are PST. I keep feeling a little uneasy about telling SCORPIOS that they're soon going to enter the biggest love period of their life. It's true, but what about you Scorpios who are already happily married? Am I trying to undermine your present relationship? No - if you're already blissfully coupled, then this amazing, upcoming love period (2011 through 2025) will deepen and broaden your love - and bring a series of "magic moments" when you awaken to fascinating new sides and new beauty-filled impressions of your loved one. The same will occur in your relationships with your children: a new depth of beauty and love will keep you pleasantly intrigued. If you're a single Scorpio, the above gives you a hint of the kind of "true love" waiting for you from 2011 onward. During the present year, 2010, only a hint of this sweetness and love, only a "trial run" arrives - but what a trial run! Fortune aids you at unexpected turns - someone you didn't really expect to respond gives you a "yes," or you find yourself luckily thrown together with someone who just happens to share your interests. Travel, legal venues, places of higher learning, libraries - these promote love's luck. March promotes romance. June stirs sexual longing. September through December pack a huge amorous punch: man or woman, your allure radiates! LEO, since last October, your sensual magnetism has been running high and hot (and continues that way to June 2010). Simultaneously, you feel the urge to grow a gentle, life-mate kind of love with someone. For some of you, this has attracted a challenging but lucky, cheerful, vibrant, humorous, kind and unusual person. You might have grown indecisive over the winter, but love's forward motion returns from early March onward. This is the good scenario.erh Here's the bad: that "running hot" influence that's made you so magnetic since October/09 might also have triggered your stubborn, temperamental, and angry side, attracting not a lover but an enemy. Friction might even have elevated to a legal fight. You might be fighting the very person you're attracted to! From March 10 to June 6, take bold steps in love: confess your feelings, apologize (if applicable) to enemies (who could be hidden lovers) - take the positive approach. Whichever scenario you're in, 2010 brings a powerful, lucky sexual atmosphere. Intimacy, physical compatibility and gratification, arise easily. You and another could change your lifestyle dramatically, invest together (mortgage?) or become parents. Summer's hint of a wedding could come true in 2011. DON'T start living with anyone September 14 to October 28. Otherwise, the autumn brings domestic, romantic bliss! Start Nothing: 3:14 a.m. to 9:13 a.m. Mon., 1: 59 p.m.. to 9:42 p.m. Wed., and 4:57 a.m. to 10:43 a.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 Seventy days of delay, indecision and ineffectiveness end. Charge ahead, especially in romance, creative and speculative projects. Venus enters Aries Sunday through early April, imbuing you with sweetness, grace, charm and persuasiveness. Yet this "love enhancer" comes in the midst of a quiet, solitude-prone March - but that's typical of the bigger, quiet, sober relationship influence you're under until 2012. Your "big luck," resides in charity, spirituality, healing and government links, all 2010. It's low in law, far travel, ethics, higher education and culture. Believe Friday's hopes! Taurus April 20-May 20 Sunday's sexy, flirty, but look at the long-term down side. Secret lust usually can't survive the light of day. That's what the vampire myth means - the vampire (secret lust) bursts into disintegrating flame when sunlight (reality and social rules) hits it/him/her. This hint holds for all March, but especially this week. Two months of delay or indecision on the home front ends now. You can charge ahead with building and real estate initiatives, family projects, etc. Part of you is nicely social all March, but part of you seeks sweet solitude. Be ambitious Thursday/Friday! Gemini May 21-June 20 Delays end in travel, communications, socializing. Avoid romance this week (through Thursday) especially the light, social, "get to know you" kind. There are many adjustments and deeper trends going on. You could be attracted to someone who feels a need to put you down or keep you in your place, or circumstances could simply say "no." Be ambitious instead, climb the career ladder, impress higher ups, judges and authorities, parents and bosses, propose, start, seek the respect of your community. That's where the big luck lurks, waiting to aid you! Love's wisdom comes Friday. Cancer June 21-July 22 Two months of money delays end Wednesday. Now to early June, charge ahead with money-making plans/projects - but if they demand an injection of your own cash, be careful. Funds can flow from you with the same rapidity they'll flow to you. Bank, don't spend! The same influences apply to sensual attractions and possessions. E.g., an "interest" can revive, or a reluctant someone might decide to give you a try. Be wary on ambition/career and domestic/security fronts this week and next - adjustments are needed. They (ambition, security) might run counter to a relationship. Leo July 23-Aug.22 You might have been stewing for the last two months, as matters moved too slowly, or you felt left behind, indecisive, especially in legal, educational, cultural, far travel, war and love zones. There has been a good side to these delays - they have made you more potently attractive to the opposite sex (yes, same sex for gays). Despite indecision, you've actually grown more determined in general. Now those delays end; you can follow through on your determination through early June. Mix wisdom with impulse, for the best results. Mysteries surround you; they demand the highest ethics. Virgo Aug.23-Sept. 22 A situation (perhaps bad) or project (good) involving therapy, research, or a government, institutional or "head office" link, has sat on the back burner since last December. It finally resumes forward motion this week, and should complete or take another significant step by/before June. Your finances, an investment, a lifestyle change or a sexual attraction (or result, e.g., pregnancy) are also involved. Fertility procedures approach success soon. But be cautious in all these areas before March 21: a glitch, obstacle or need for adjustment remains. An ally, lawyer, foreign person aids. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 On the good side, winter's delays end in a relationship, in social hopes, in entertainment prospects, in wish fulfillment. On the bad side, they "wake up" and walk straight into a brick wall - bonk!, headache. Give this time. Wait until March 21 onward to "enact" or chase a flirtation, a social entree, a big plan for the future, etc. Before that date, your wishes need a strong re-working, your relationship might need a confrontation. Still, Sunday, Thursday (later) and Friday are romantic and exciting - Sunday's best. Don't abandon your chores - hard work will pay rewards! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Career, prestige, business and ambition delays (dogging you all winter) end now. That's good news - and bad, for it means higher-ups who have held back now impose their will. In addition, work problems benignly neglected all winter now come to the fore. All this happens before March 21. Until then, work (silently) to overcome glitches, obstacles - and to make changes in unworkable elements of systems, projects, machinery, etc. You will do this successfully, partly because it's you who caused many of the glitches. Through work, you have the advantage over those who would dominate you. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 A legal, far travel, international, educational or cultural matter has been delayed (perhaps through your own decision, which means something) all winter. Romance/love, a creative venture, pleasure project or child-related plan have hung in the balance. The delays end now, but as matters burst into movement, use this week and next to prune them, to throw out unworkable elements, to absorb shock that what you thought was a "go" wasn't, and to solve glitches. DON'T launch new projects in these areas before March 21 - the inherent problems are just too big. Sunday's romantic! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 The main accent remains on communications, short trips, casual acquaintances, errands, details and paperwork. But important developments ripple through your domestic, property, security and similar zones. This whole sector grows more fortunate and affectionate now into early April. But this week and next your career and social ambitions try to "overrule" your domestic urges/needs. Choose the domestic over the ambitious for now, as domestic events will begin to move forward in major ways, ways that affect your financial, lifestyle and sexual well being. You shine Tuesday/Wednesday! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Sunday's sexy. A hot attraction or an intense rivalry/enmity has abated since December. This week to June, it resumes or another comes - at break-neck speed. You'll feel restless, and might travel, searching for a relocation destination or for someone you can chatter forever with. You could simply fire off a flurry of emails, calls, letters. Think first, as it's easy to say the wrong thing. This is a time when liars really will find their pants are on fire. Someone "behind you" is watching, noting. You shine Friday! Chase money - luck's coming March 13, 14! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Your charisma, energy and effectiveness continue to ride a great wave! Get out, travel, impress people, ask favours, start ambitious projects (especially in career, publishing or business) - make this time count! One warning: do not dive into earnings projects (new or old) and don't demand money (nor overspend) for your efforts before March 21 - accept praise, advantage, equity, or promotion instead. (Then chase the money late March.) Work, machinery or health projects that have been delayed all winter now proceed; eventually, these will bring the money. Believe Tuesday/Wednesday's dreams! Email: For a reading: 416-686-5014. /30/