2004 Year
Ahead - All signs
An unusual planetary pattern brings us a major shot of
luck - and sweet affection - all spring and summer. However, this same pattern
splits our world into competing elements. Ambition's risks will clamour against
security's cautions, love will wrestle with independence. So fate, or our own
conflicts, could take this lovely luck away. Be loyal to your good fortune!
These struggles grow most intense in April. We'll get
through a lot this month if we simply do nothing and, especially, start nothing!
In the wider world, the stock market might threaten to
crash, perhaps in late March or April (and August). It will probably be a
whiplash, down, wham, and up - and some brave people could make huge profits.
Though terrorist activity should decline overall now
through 2010, a few spectacular bangs loom around April, late summer and
December. Saudi Arabia grows closer to imploding.
Until autumn, both gamblers and humble, practical people
gain. Only the fearful lose. We should all seize our chances in 2004, because in
2005 luck and goodness will separate into two different things.
My confident forecast that house prices would decline
last year was dead wrong. But a warning signal remains in the skies. Be careful,
We should all avoid starting new projects before January
6, and from April 6 to 30, August 9 to September 2, and November 30 to December
For your own sign's forecast, read on....
- (March 21-April 19)
Until October, work and
new duties avalanche into your life. If you're seeking
employment, you'll find it. Responsibilities and
restrictions also revolve around your home. Young Aries
might welcome a child. If you're single, marriage could make
you a stepparent. (A friend met April-August might become a
happy mate!) When you feel overworked, take heart - your
performance will bring immediate money rewards and even
larger things later: new opportunities in business, a
prosperous partnership, or a promotion.
Late September begins a period of
lucky relationships and big new opportunities. You could
fall in love, marry, relocate to a beneficial new place,
sign a big new contract, enter college, or expand your
public dealings - perhaps to the level of fame! Be humble
and co-operative, for these major streaks of luck will come
from relationships in some form. And be quick: seize your
prize before 2005 brings complications and unclear goals.
All 2004, intellectual,
international, educational, media and far travel zones
continue to slowly develop, lifting you subtly, powerfully
and fortunately beyond the frustrations of the last century.
You're growing!
back to top
- (April 20-May 20) |
Your romantic and sexual luck
soars now through September! The puzzling "defeats" of
2002-2003 are over. Love's playground surrounds you,
but don't jump on the ride labelled "an easy slide
into marriage with someone I know I don't love." And
avoid verboten lust. These could trap you in a
burdensome future. Demand true love!
Lucky creative, speculative,
international, far travel, publishing and educational
doors open through September. A bit of research or a
"closed door agreement" could be necessary to your
success in these - but remain strictly honest. If
you're a parent, children bring many joys. A huge
tension lifts off your career and parental shoulders:
life lightens!
April to August rings a lucky
money bell, loud and clear. Jump on opportunities! In
April, a former income source, or an old flame, could
be connected to something big and fortunate. However,
you could lose if you overspend March through May. Be
a bit selfish.
All year, be wary of
partnership, of signing on the dotted line. You can
win any argument by refusing to engage in it.
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- (May 21-June 20) |
Through September, your luck
soars in real estate, family, therapy, security,
gardening and similar areas. This is an extremely
fortunate period to purchase real estate. You could
buy two places! But keep debt very light, as your
income will be strongly restricted this year and the
first half of 2005.
The first nine months nudge
you toward recuperation, rest and "soul healing."
Don't overeat. Be charitable, deal with institutions
and government agencies. All year, delegate tasks
rather than exhausting yourself in a sea of little
chores. Reduce stress with outdoor exercise.
Your magnetism surges to sweet
heights April through July. You're certain to attract
someone, perhaps madly! But you have a practical,
sensual outlook on love; you're impatient with
frivolity and "high drama." A deep conflict in love
makes you mature. Pregnancy is very possible. Autumn
lifts the seriousness - you'll be cheerful, charming,
and ready to dance! You could meet a valid life mate,
but you might have to make sacrifices if he/she's a
Libra or Aries. That's okay!
This summer brings an
important short voyage.
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- (June 21-July 22) |
You're in control this year, in
partnerships, marriage, relocation, dealings with the
public and legal or business agreements. These
progress strongly in March, and May to September. To
successfully land a true life mate, be more social
than romantic; stay light and kind. Love can flare
sweetly in February/March and November/December. Your
magnetism "heats up" May to July. Marriage is a
definite possibility!
It's a sober, no-nonsense year for the most part. Be
prudent, but not sceptical. You're looking ahead
twenty, even thirty years, and setting practical,
realistic goals. The financial and sexual upsets of
the past decade are over. What they taught you becomes
the basis of new success, for fourteen years ahead.
You can build a solid, growth-oriented life.
Communications, media,
distribution, travel, paperwork, detailed tasks expand
through September. If you work in one of these fields
(e.g., reporter or office systems) you'll advance
strongly this year. If not, you could wonder where all
the paperwork came from! Money flows swiftly to you In
July/August -but DON'T spend.
The last three months bring
superb real estate, security and family luck - take
advantage of it quickly - don't wait for 2005!
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Leo -
(July 23-Aug. 22) |
You'll be making money - much
more money - in 2004! The income level you reach can
last over ten years. So push yourself - change jobs,
seek a pay raise, increase your client base, etc.
Spend on international travel or education, but be
wary of real estate dealings. Now through 2010, take
care with investments and large financial decisions.
In business, inspiration will arise everywhere, but so
will erratic, undependable people. Be prudent and
practical! (And be patient with VIPs February/March,
when temperament rises.)
You begin a seven-year
fascination with the hidden side of life this January.
Secrets, research, occultism and the subconscious will
draw you. So will tempting, mysterious people!
Life is always romantic for
you, but 2004's love will be more sensual than wildly
emotional. March and July/August could bring a steamy
affair - be honest, wise! Your popularity rises April
to August - a light yet serious romance seems certain.
(April brings an old flame.) The autumn moves you to a
friendlier state of mind - travel looks imminent.
All year, ambition is better
than security, effort better than retreat.
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- (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) |
You're launched on one of the
luckiest years of your life! Grab hold of the very
ground you stand on - your emotional, family and
practical foundations - and steer them to big,
bountiful ends! Renovate your home, buy property, heal
your family, have a baby, and/or relocate. The best
time for lucky actions is May to September.
Your heightened cheer and
optimism will attract friends, lovers and practical
associates. The whole seven years ahead will bring
exciting but unpredictable relationships: practice fun
rather than possessiveness! Earthy types are best. You
could merge with someone for financial or sensual ends
in January, or May through August.
This spring, a legal,
educational, media or travel matter beneficially
affects your income. Your career surges with luck
April through July. (Take care in April: neither fight
with the boss nor start a new career project.) Your
efforts could lead to bags of money October onward.
But act quickly - before 2005's "complications"
Take a wide view of events
this year - relying strictly on details could subtly
steer you away from big opportunities.
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- (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) |
You face a quiet year until
October - a superb chance to catch up with neglected
siblings, old creative or spiritual pursuits,
half-started vacation cabins, etc. Get deeply
acquainted with your soul. Retreat, find a spa.
Replenish, pamper, sooth and nurture yourself in
preparation for this autumn, when you'll burst into a
year of travel and huge lucky actions.
Through September, you'll be
swamped with red tape and administrative concerns.
Authorities, bosses, and your career lay extra burdens
on your shoulders, but if you persevere honestly,
you'll ensure your position for the next three
decades. You might quit one job/career to establish a
new one.
Love's a wild card when you're
in retreat mode. If single, you run the danger of
falling for someone who is only meant to support your
healing or recuperation process. Yet all spring and
summer support a sweet, wildly intellectual love.
(Pre-spring, it's all lust!) In October your
cheerfulness and luck suddenly rise, attracting love,
friendship and joyful visits!
In all dealings, business and
personal, chose depth and commitment over casual
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- (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) |
Your popularity soars the first
nine months. Accept all invitations - enter the lucky
door that a beneficial group or organization holds
open for you. Whether you join with others for
friendship, political, or other reasons, the eventual
impact on your earnings (and heart) will be powerful
and buoyant. The decade
ahead will trigger many exciting but erratic romantic,
creative or speculative/gambling urges. This year,
don't let an unpredictable romance draw you away from
your social activities.
Delays and restrictions affect
legal, educational, and travel areas. Trudge through
necessary hoops here, but don't let them keep you from
luckier things. If travel's socially motivated - go!
February/March could bring an
attraction to, or a conflict with, a co-worker. In
April, both sexy and financial temptations are
premature (or too old) - careful! Wait until May
through July to develop a deep, financial or sensual
link. Committing yourself to someone in love or
business this spring/summer could change your life in
powerful, sweet ways. In general, all 2004 rewards
Scorpios who seek to join, and weaves subtle traps
from independence's fabric.
to top |
- (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) |
2004 is a huge practical,
ambitious year for you, yet smack in the middle of it
(April-August) love receives such a beautiful boost
that you could end up seriously connected with a
prestigious mate! For all Sages, this spring/summer
opens the doors to lucky relocation, business
partnerships or agreements, public dealings or new
social contacts. It's a time of vast opportunity!
The biggest luck of 2004 occurs
in your career and community dealings. You're
ambitious, cheerful about your goals, and VIPs notice
you. September stands out.
There's only one thing that
could prevent you from achieving these shining goals:
you. You might just refuse, or push things in a way
that will give others no choice but to oppose you.
Sometimes, we just need to breathe deeply and say,
"Yes, I want this!" All year, retreating (or
"spiritual" activities used as withdrawal's excuse)
are doorways to dead-ends.
The seven years ahead accent
changes in your home, and consequent higher stress
levels - fresh air and exercise will keep you calm.
October-December brings new hopes, popularity and
delightful friends!
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- (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) |
Success awaits you in
intellectual, legal or international dealings, in
media, publishing, advertising, far travel and social
rituals. If single, you'll experience a deep tug
toward someone. Marriage could result! If you're
married, show loyalty and affection - it will bounce
back to you.
Only old "ghosts," fear of
exposure, or a secret dependence on another can limit
you now. Turn your back on these - they're holdovers
from your "anxious period" of the 1980's and 90's.
Your social life will grow immensely now through 2010.
Calls, trips, communications rush in. But this year,
love, pleasure and creativity blossom in private, not
New emotional and business
opportunities slowly appear all year, like ships
coming over the horizon. Don't be afraid to swim out
to one or two of these, especially January to March,
when you might change career projects, and
August/September, when a new direction or lucrative
investment looms. The entire spring/summer bring an
unusual run of affection and luck on the work front.
By autumn, grab that promotion! (Quickly, as 2005 will
not be quite as supportive.)
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20-Feb. 18) |
Your sexual and financial
fortunes surge to a decade high! You can ensure your
future with one or two astute moves - perhaps an
investment, a commitment to someone you love, a
mortgage or house purchase, a lifestyle change. For
the best success, concentrate on what is, now. For
example, forget your vision of the perfect house -
instead, buy something you know is a bargain. Realism
will ensure a bright, happy future for you!
From April to September, one of
the most beguiling, sweet rushes of romantic feeling
in decades visits you. (April and August feature old
flames.) If you're married, your heart swells with
renewed love. If you're young, pregnancy is very
possible. October onward features lucky weddings! (But
do it soon, as 2005 could bring subtle delays.)
This spring and summer
powerfully boost your luck in speculative, creative,
pleasure, and child-oriented projects. Set your
children's educational future now.
All year, choose security over
ambition, home over career. Work's hectic May/June, so
obtain proper rest. Avoid temper tantrums at home in
February/March, and at work November/December.
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- (Feb. 19-March 20) |
Relationships bring a bonanza of
bright, big opportunities this year! Luck flows in
face-to-face meetings and partnerships, and in
business, career and public dealings. Be cheerful,
optimistic and willing to negotiate. If you're too
independent, or attempt to control people, you'll
squeeze the pipeline of luck into a trickle.
Try to avoid lawyers,
lawsuits, and "legalese" - keep things fluid and
spontaneous. This is a superb year to meet a
prestigious mate, but not the greatest time to
formally wed.
October onward, relationships
veer into deeper, but even luckier levels. Love turns
to intimacy, business agreements to funding. Research
and closed-door meetings yield rewards. Meld, merge,
invest - grab the prize quickly October to December,
as 2005 brings complications or delays.
You'll feel extra alive now to
2010. If your stress levels climb, exercise outdoors.
This spring/summer bring sweet
luck and affection to your home, real estate, family,
security, agricultural and parenting interests.
Relocating within your own country yields benefits
through September, but DON'T buy a new home, move, nor
start to live with anyone March 21 to May 7.
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