“QUE SERA SERA” ~ Doris Day
(written by Ray Evans & Jay Livingston)

PLEASE NOTE: New columns will now run from Friday every week through the following Thursday

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START NOTHING:  11:38 am to 2:09 pm Sat., 2:48 pm to 6:24 pm Mon., 7:25 am to 8:19 pm Wed., and after 11:24 pm Thurs.



  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Most of the month ahead accents home, family, security, rest/rejuvenation, gardening, Mother Nature. It will be a fairly good time to “prune your garden” — to end stale and unprofitable situations, projects and relationships. Make room for the new, plant the first seeds. This domestic zone will not be as “heavy” in July as it is in June, as Mars leaves (heat) and Venus enters (affection, grace).

Monday to mid-August stirs your romantic, pleasure and creative centres. If single, you might meet someone in very late July or in August — a “keeper”. Some of you might embark to foreign shores, or enter school, or wield a lawsuit, all in August, and all lucky. Use early July, then, to prepare.

Friday opens fortunate doors to increased income, or to the bargains you’ve been looking for. Same Saturday, to early afternoon. A casual but sensual affair “available.” Saturday afternoon to Mon. suppertime (PDT) brings visits, calls, trips, errands – busy but easy stuff. It ends Mon., with a note of affection, maybe even with “love’s seal” or a sweet message. In-between, Sunday offers big opportunities, depends on who you contact — so write, call, visit! Good day to buy travel tickets or remind someone you love him/her/ them. Some worry or deception late Sunday, about gov’t, head office, or a secret.

Be home, hug the kids, Mon. suppertime to early night Wed. Re-read the first 3 sentences above. Generally, all goes well, but you might have to face a choice between home and career, family and outside ambitions. Choose home, family. A powerful romantic influence starts Wed. night and flows into Friday night. One disruption Thurs. dawn — you wake early? money surprise? — but the rest of Thurs. swims in good fortune, in love, far travel, philosophy, beliefs, culture, media, law, intellect and education — take a chance, you ride a winning horse this day!

taurus weekly forecast  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The main accent lies on easy, quick chores, communications, paperwork, short trips and casual contacts. Your money luck remains good. More than usual communication on the home front. Maybe you’re discussing a reno or decoration project. Maybe a favourite niece/nephew will visit soon.

A Taurus reader asked recently, how can I urge you to commit, yet say sign nothing and make no profound links or promises. Yes, do commit to a lifestyle change, to surgery or an investment, and/or to physical intimacy. No, don’t sign a contract, do avoid lawyers, weddings, long travel, nor deal with someone on the “big ideas” level. I know, clear as mud. One might say, commit on the physical level, not on the abstract, legal, intellectual level.

Your energy and charisma remain powerful Friday and the first half of Sat. You’ll attract others. Prime for love, and wooing. Get out, see and be seen, start something, be a leader. All’s forward motion! Switch your attention to money, earnings and bargains, physical attraction and rote learning, Sat. afternoon to Mon. suppertime (PDT). Things might go up and down (mostly up) during this interval, but they end with affection and a solid sense of confidence, self-worth. Sunday’s deceptive, might lead to a difficult choice between money and your other, more social wishes. Ah, well. Be realistic and leave it at that.

The true “purpose” of this month ahead — errands, contacts, communications — arises Mon. eve to early Wed. night. Again, everything is smooth — almost. Two friends might be separating or fighting. Here’s that choice the reader above was puzzled by: stay surface-bound, not profound, these few days. If legal, intellectual, far travel or cultural themes seem knotted beyond solution, wait until May 2020, when these knots will dissolve. Wednesday night and Thursday nudge you toward home, family, rest and recuperation. Sink in and enjoy it! A money or intimacy bonus Thurs. pm.

  GEMINI: May 21-June 20

The general accent lies on money, earnings, buying and selling, rote learning, possessions, and sensual love (okay, attraction) that lacks the mental joys you seek in another. You’ll be quite busy, to mid-July, with trips, visits, calls, paperwork and errands. Dive into these without delay, and finish all you can, as these things start swirling into delays, mistakes and misses by July 7. In fact, get everything wrapped up in many areas, including money, bills, and buying bargains. Don’t do the last after July 6.

You remain attractive to others until July 3. Your sexual, sensual side remains intense, also, but only to July 1. The next 6 weeks will be a furious flurry of travel, calls, errands, writing, new contacts. You’ll enjoy this, but by July 8 onward, try to slow the “flurry” by not engaging in any NEW contacts, calls, email projects, etc. (until August 1). These communications and visits will be affectionate, playful. A friendly romance might occur sometime in July.

Remain restful, quiet and contemplative Friday to mid-afternoon Sat. Plan, deal with head office or civil servants, agents or advisors. All goes well. Your energy and pizzazz return in a nice surge Sat. afternoon to Mon. suppertime. In general, do what you wish, lead, suggest and propose. Get out, see and be seen. Your reputation or career prospects could climb Sunday. You might also meet your future mate this day — be diplomatic, he/she has a temper! Monday afternoon (PDT) could bring a long-evolving romantic situation to a loving peak, conclusion or “affirmation”.

Chase $ Monday night to Wed. night. (Re-read first sentence of your message, above.) Stick to daily, weekly money, bills, pay check, etc. — avoid investments, long-range commitments. Your money luck will improve Wed. to late July — probably a relief after the money gauntlet of May/June. Friendly contacts, short trips, errands, paperwork and communications fill late Wed. night to Friday daytime. Thursday can spark a friendly romance — or a very serious one. Or a business/association opportunity — grab it!

  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Money details, communications start to arise. Take care of these with alert dispatch, and soon, as these begin to slow down, to rob you of replies, to bring “calculating confusion” in $ matters, as soon as next week (and lasting to through the remainder of July). Wrap things up now, and avoid launching big things before August, in money. This might not be that easy, as the urge to spend and make $ seems to boil in your veins now to mid-August! Best stance: collect the extra money that will pour in, and try not to spend. The general accent now, though, isn’t on money — it’s on you, your energy, your presence, charisma, ideas, goals, and ability to convince others to follow your lead. (Sometimes just leading is enough persuasion.) You’re in charge, Cancer!

Friday to mid-afternoon Sat. makes a wish come true, brings popularity, social delights, flirtations and optimism. Enjoy, issue and accept invitations — all’s great! But retreat to a quiet place Sat. afternoon to suppertime Mon. Ponder and plan. Examine where you’ve been, how you got here, and where/how to go to your future. Pamper your health.

This rest is a good thing, as it super-charges your energy for Mon. night to Wed. night, when you’ll be the leader, numero uno. Charge ahead, start projects this Tues./Wed., but read my warning above about wrapping things up — so, if at all, start only minor or quick things that you can finish before the weekend ahead. Be prudent, cautious with relationships. Think long term, and about the distant future before signing anything, agreeing, or joining forced with someone.

Chase money, buy/sell, welcome a sensual “interlude” late Wed. night to next Fri. A wee disruption Thurs. am, otherwise this day is superb for accomplishing a job, improving your health, hiring someone, buying a machine or tool. A good week, Cancer!

Leo icon, Luck Forecast  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Use this week to wrap up projects, Leo. Don’t start anything big, as a major slowdown starts July 7. You enter Friday in ambitious mode, and stay that way until early afternoon Sat. Everything flows successfully these two days, so strive to fulfill demands and/or step up the career ladder. Remember, you’re in rest and recuperation mode until late July. Still, “party time” fills Sat. pm to suppertime Monday (PDT).

One caution: do not invest, spy, investigate nor commit to anything, esp. in sexual, financial and lifestyle areas. Otherwise, charge ahead, meet people, enjoy life’s fine things, hope and wish, flirt, seek entertainment. You might join a support group or a charity or spiritual organization — good!

Monday eve to Wed. night makes the well of weariness you’re in, a bit deeper. Sink into rest, ponder and plan. Remain “withdrawn” — don’t get sucked into extra work. Although you’re tired, Mars enters Leo Monday, so for the six weeks ahead, you’ll be more assertive, intense, determined and sexually magnetic than usual. The problem, at least to July 21? That you’ll burn out — so sprinkle even your determination with a few “power naps.”

Your energy and effectiveness rise mildly Wed. night tp Fri. night. Though Thursday can be a bit disruptive around dawn the rest of this day is superb — for love, creativity, speculation — and good luck!

  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You’ll love July, Virgo. It’s filled (late June, too) with optimism, joy of living, social delights, popularity, entertainment, flirtations — and a mood of celebration. A slowdown and “back -tracking” occurs the last three weeks of July; so old friends, flames/flirts, or a former social group, will tumble back into your life. A major wish, from the past, might come true. Use this week to wrap up projects rather than start any new ones.

Friday offers gentle, mellow love, and/or wide vision, understanding, far travel, legal, intellectual or cultural interests. Saturday morning, also. Everything runs smoothly both days, no obstacles anywhere. Issue and accept invitations. Speak/write to someone far away. If you’re a student or lawyer, start or further an essay, argument, paper.

Saturday afternoon to Monday suppertime accents your worldly and neighbourhood standing, prestige relations, career, ambitions. Most things run smoothly here, but you might be wise to work alone, not seek agreement, esp. Sunday. Remember, you’re favoured by bosses until July 3 — and these few days end on that note: you’re “approved of.”

This month’s atmosphere of play and joy surges Mon. suppertime to Wed. night. You might start a new friendship. You can also face a choice: deep, dizzying romance, or light, friendly, open-eyed romance? Pick the latter. That dizzying stuff will disappoint sooner than later. Two things happen: 1) this social, “party” influence grows luckier, more affectionate from Wed. to July 27, and 2) Mars enters your sector of secrets and holdbacks — for the next 6 weeks. You might excel in sports, but should avoid dark alleys, belligerent people and places of violence.

Retreat, rest, ponder and plan Wed. night through Thurs. After a wee disruption at dawn Thurs. (PDT) the rest of the day is filled with luck in house-hunting, family, garden and such areas.

  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The month ahead accents ambitions, prestige relations, career, facing authorities, and worldly/neighbourhood standing. But a backwards, indecisive trend starts soon, to last all July, so use this week to wrap up projects rather than start anything — new projects will hit delays, prove unprofitable. You might be sought by a former employer, or asked to perform a function/role from the past. (Say yes, it’s fine.)

If you’re intimate with someone, Friday into midday Sat. inspires some hot stuff! If you aren’t intimate, you’ll want to be, and your efforts might just find a receptive partner. This little interval is good for investments, research, commitment, medical action, and lifestyle choice/change.

A gentle (but potentially vast) love flows Sat. afternoon to Mon. suppertime (PDT). Could be a love of humanity. Your mind, understanding, expand: chase intellectual, cultural, legal, travel and media goals. Opportunities lurk here; so does a chance of indigestion or of work demands interfering with these fine goals (mostly Sunday pm). All ends well, though, esp. in love, by Mon. afternoon. Find/send a card, love note.

July’s overwhelming influence, career, prestige, tests and accomplishments, is heightened Mon. suppertime to Wed. night. You might start a new career role or project, but remember my warning above about wrapping things up. Welcome this “new” role if it has some clear connection to, emerges from, a past involvement. A perennial choice pops up again: pick career, outside ambitions, over domestic duties/situations. A happy mood takes over Wed. night through Thurs. — social delights, popularity, a feeling of celebration, entertainment and flirtation come. Thursday’s a  great day (night strongest) for a date! Also a good day for all mail-outs, calls, making contacts.

  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21:

Friday and the first half of Saturday bring a meeting with someone who would “be acceptable” (or better) as a romantic love and/or a partner. And if you’re married/ attached, let’s hope this is your mate! The month of July will focus in a broad way on love, understanding, education, law, far travel, media, cultural venues. It’s a sweet, mellow month with few worries and lots of affection, especially with those who attract you intellectually.

BUT Monday starts 6 weeks of impatience and temperament from VIPs, parents and bosses. Be diplomatic! This has a good side: your work efforts “accumulate” directly to your career success or reputation. Another BUT: next week begins a slowdown, a period of mistakes, false starts, indecision — so wrap up projects now, rather than start new ones that will wilt on this slowdown. One exception: research or investigation projects are actually favoured during this slowdown. Travel is best if you revisit a place.

Saturday afternoon to Mon. suppertime steers you into deeper waters of commitment and consequence, of lust and sex, power urges, financial commitments, medical action and lifestyle changes. This entire interval favours these things, and ends with a note of success; but don’t get creative, chase beauty/art, nor seek romance, esp. Sunday pm (PDT — Monday in Asia).

Your vision broadens, gentle love feelings enter, and far travel, intellectual, legal or cultural pursuits are favoured Mon. eve to Wed. night. Stick with profound thoughts and actions, let superficial contacts, actions, and ideas alone. (They should be avoided until May 2020.) Ambition strikes Wed. night through Thursday. After a wee disruption early Thurs., this interval heads straight for success! Chase the money, ask for bigger duties and a pay raise — somehow, your career is connected to a generous money spigot, so pounce on opportunities. (This will be stronger, more fruitful in August, but still “works” this Thurs.)

  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Tackle chores, buy machines/tools (including car, computer) Friday. Investments, research and medical matters go well also. If unemployed, it’s a good day to apply. Money, home, and contacts with institutions or gov’t, go well. Good day to seek a psychic or other advisor. This good stuff continues to Sat. noon. Then, to Monday suppertime, relationships pop up. Your home duties might interfere with links late Sunday, but otherwise this is a good interval, with the opportunity to grow closer to, even intimate with, someone. And it ends, Mon. daytime, with affection and success!

The whole month ahead focuses on secrets, investigation, commitment and consequence, lifestyle choices, physical and emotional intimacy. These themes will arise strongly Mon. eve to Wed. night — mostly  fortunately, if you avoid casual or surface involvements, daily earnings and possessiveness. E.g., seek meaningful intimacy, not just a casual bar-room pick-up. Or, invest in appreciating assets, rather than buy depreciating items (car, food, clothes, computers, etc.). This advice lasts until May, 2020.

Wednesday night through Thursday brings a mellow, wise mood, far travel, international affairs, higher learning, publishing, legal, cultural and intellectual pursuits. These matters — and, definitely, love — will occupy you Wed. night, could lead to bonding – but a disruption, perhaps work or health related, bumps you off course Thurs. dawn (PDT).

After this, Thursday opens a door to love, far travel and all that (intellectual, etc.) stuff…you could fall in love! Wrap up projects now rather than starting new ones — they would wilt on the vine of inaction, indecision, mistakes and delays, a vine that clings July 7 to 31. Now to mid-August, avoid lawsuits. Your workplace will be affectionate.

  CAPRICORN:  Dec.22-Jan. 19

July will fill with relationships, Cap. This includes relocation themes, contracts and agreements, negotiation and litigation, opportunity and opposition, possible fame. Be diplomatic, eager to join. Though it might not be obvious, how you approach relationships is at an 18-year peak of significance. Now to May 2020, it’s important to be outgoing, to approach others, to agree to temporary or permanent partnerships, to seek opportunities. To consistently go “out there,” out of yourself, and to avoid withdrawal or stubborn independence.

These themes are emphasized Mon. suppertime to Wed. night. A new relationship might begin during this interval. Your best “tool,” for solving disputes or for attracting others, is communication, talk.

Earlier, Friday and the first half of Saturday are uber-romantic, and without a snag, obstacle or surprise. Dive in, chase love, express yourself and your heart, seek beauty, pleasure, deal with charming kids, create art/write, or speculate. Take a risk — you’re on a wee winning streak. (And chasing love dovetails nicely with your life’s main 2019/20 theme — relating to others.)

Saturday afternoon to Monday suppertime brings chores, daily business, and health concerns. Eat, dress sensibly. You’ll get a lot done, unless you start talking to someone, or start driving around town for no other reason than restlessness. This could even end in a small promotion Monday! Monday to Wed. is described above.

Wednesday night through Thursday promotes closeness, sexual desires, investments, research and medical action. After a wee disruption Thurs. daybreak (PDT), this day flowers with good fortune in these same things! (Sex, secrets, medical, etc.) However, in weeks ahead, avoid being impulsive in sex, money, etc. Wrap up projects this week, as Juy 8 to 30 bring a slowdown, mistakes and delays.

  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

July spells w-o-r-k, Aquarius. And health concerns, and employment relations, and machinery/tools. A period of delay, mistakes, false starts and second thoughts exists from July 7 to 30, so wrap up projects now rather than start any new ones. If you want or need to buy tools or machines, do so Mon. night to Wed. dawn — but NOT after this, to July 30. Two developments:

      • 1) from July 3 to 27, your work becomes interesting, even fun, and your workplace affectionate, friendly — with some good philosophical discussions. And
      • 2) July 1 starts 6+ weeks of intense relationships. Could be war or peace, hot attraction or snarling fight, good opportunity, (verbal) agreement, or lawsuit, opposition. I’d say much depends on you, but that’s not really true, for it is others who display intensity, carry around hair-trigger angers. Be diplomatic!

Friday to midday Sat. should find you at home or in the ‘hood. A beautiful little period for gardening, decoration, family get-togethers, embracing Mom Nature.  (But don’t start big things now, like renovations — tackle only what you can finish this week, as July 7 starts that 25-day slowdown.) Be restful, calm, love life!

Saturday afternoon to Monday suppertime tickles your romantic, beauty and pleasure centres. All’s good here except money and possessiveness and “casual sex”. Caution with these Sunday p.m. Still, this is a seductive time, and it ends with affection — perhaps even with love. For Mon. eve to Wed. night, re-read the first 3 sentences above. Work, health and related matters go well IF you avoid gov’t, large corporations/bureaucracies, institutions; and don’t delegate tasks, tackle them yourself.

Relationships face you Wed. night through Thurs. Intensity Wed. night, disruption Thurs. dawn, then success, wish fulfillment, popularity, love’s avowals, and the door to success, to Thurs. midnight. (All PDT.) This might lead to a very sexy (or financial) weekend.

  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20.

Ah, sweet romance! July is filled with this, Pisces. Yet a romance might also “tread water,” — remaining sweet, but going nowhere. Then, in the second half of July, an old flame might return. So it’s complex, but through it all, your love luck remains solid, high. Wrap up projects this week. Don’t start new ones, as July 7 to 30 brings mistakes, false starts, slowdowns and indecision — enough to sink tender new initiatives. A six-week streak of hard work starts Monday — you’ll welcome this, as it turns on the money tap.

Errands, paperwork, easy chores, friendly contacts, communications and short trips fill Friday through Sat. morning. All’s well, march ahead — try contacting a VIP or person critical to some vision of success. Mid-afternoon Saturday to suppertime Monday steers you toward home, kids, garden, nature, security — and relaxation. Do rest. You might spy a career opportunity Sunday, then need to choose between home and outside ambitions. Or, combine them by building a platform, a “home base” for your career ambitions.

Monday eve to Wed. night brings romance, beauty, pleasure, creative and risk-taking urges. Take a risk — your luck’s high. To succeed, avoid groups, light, flirty romance, wishful thinking and careless optimism. Focus on deep feelings. Tackle chores Wed. night (a money element?) through Thurs. Thursday dawn (PDT) might spark a disruption, but the rest of this day opens a door to career success, prestige relations or boosted standing. If you see it, step through! If you don’t see a door, create one. (E.g., write a note to the boss — but remember, don’t propose a new project to start before August.)



If you read Unmasking the Administrative State, by John Marini, you’ll probably see a large part of why I think there will be a “third system” of government soon, neither democracy nor communism. China is first along this road, as it has seen the limitations of communism (probably around the 1980’s); and reacted by embracing capitalism within its communistic autocracy. Similarly — and similarly in time — the United States began to let civil servants and high-echelon bureaucrats rule. Democracy naturally, in a nation the size of America, will evolve into a vast bureaucracy. It is inevitable, the workload of running a democracy is just too huge.

Here’s one way of many: “democracy” says every citizen has the right to be free of bullying, fear, oppression, unlawful confinement, etc., etc. Now, how do you protect 330,000,000 people? You need a vast force (e.g., police departments x 1,000’s). Who will run this force? Not one man. It needs, oh, about 100,000. That’s a bureaucracy.

Who creates and writes the rules and regulations, that is, the instructions on how to act, what to protect, etc? The bureaucracy writes them. You can say, “Yeah, but we have the law. It will take care of any really bad bureaucrats.” It will, and that’s the problem: the bureaucrats tend to protect (and hide) their own, so a swamp exists, a power structure not discerned by the public, yet making thousands of calls ruling this public. As a result, 2 things happen:

1) only really, obviously bad and defiant public servants are ever criminalized or charged, so 99% of the deep state remains essentially unaffected; and

2) even the blatantly “tawdry,” such as Comey or Strzok, are only brought to face charges years later, long after they’ve done their damage.

In this scenario, politicians have lost control. For instance, the media, false or true, has repeatedly reported that Trump’s commands are round-filed by his subordinates. This “administrative state” is akin to a police state, and in its more sinister forms is a police state. It is antithetical to democracy, and democracy cannot live in its suffocating grasp.

From this conflict, bureaucrats-versus-democratic citizenry, I think the Third System will come. It could reflect what China has done but through different steps, and of course from a different starting point.
