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Email: suningem@gmail.com

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If you have had trouble purchasing Tim’s 2020 Astrology Forecast book from Amazon, you can order it directly from us. Click the ‘LINK TO PDF’ directly above.

START NOTHING:   7:52 am to 11:21 am Sun., 6:20 pm to 8:25 pm Tues., and 11:11 pm Thurs. to 1:27 am Fri.


I wrote recently that 2020 holds two “mass death” occurrences, and that Coronavirus is only the first. The second is likely to occur as early as March/April, but is more likely in November.
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I can’t peer within without the kind of drug-store reading glasses that old people wear. Whatever that means.
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Thank you for all the kind emails while I was in hospital. They don’t know what it is, and I’ve still got some of it. Nausea and cramps, both unending, and … (well, I won’t go on). But I’m much better. I think it was some unusual bug. I am often a mystery to doctors, or I don’t attract the bright ones.
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IF YOU BOUGHT one of the actual, printed paper 2020 Forecast books, you will find the Libra pages 61 through 65 have a tiny ”Scorpio” label on the top, although they are still a continuation of Libra’s text. (It’s pretty obvious that it’s still Libra.)
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. A love affair or love attraction that occurs before Wednesday will turn out tragically — leave it alone. Until then keep an eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. Despite your lowered energy, you are growing increasingly ambitious. This can lead to a bountiful opportunity by mid-March. Might come from international sources, or might be linked strongly to your education. (All is not sweetness and light on your status/career scene, though, so be both optimistic and enthusiastic — and keep a cautious eye on developments.) Midweek (to early April) your money luck improves.

Sunday morning’s “okay,” esp. for money. Midday Sun. to Tues. night brings calls, trips, paperwork, errands and casual contacts. Not the easiest interval — double check figures, addresses, needed documents, etc. — but no disasters, either. Steer toward home Tuesday night through Thursday. This interval begins well and carries some success with family and security issues. But you could run into both a great opportunity (early) and stubborn opposition (later) Thursday. Friday and Saturday are for romance, creativity, self-expression, pleasure, sports/games, and beauty. Enjoy these two days without seeking anything permanent from them.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an the eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. (Though the “retro” ends March 9, I’d wait until March 13 to launch anything or ask for anyone’s affection.) Continue to avoid lawyers and lawsuits until month’s end. All that said, you’re happy, social, and filled with bright optimism!

Chase money Sunday to late Tuesday — but not so hard that you launch new money making projects, or crash into unfamiliar areas. This interval needs a lot of caution. Major purchases could turn out to be lemons. Midweek eludes difficulties. Tuesday night through Thursday bring success with communications, travel, errands and paperwork. Remember, double check addresses and figures. It’s an excellent time to contact those you love or are intrigued by — could an old flame be in the picture? Head toward home and family Friday. Saturday: you will not get a lot of satisfaction here, because you seem to be puzzled by others actions… Hard to distinguish motives. Best approach: relax and contemplate your progress in life thus far.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Do NOT yield to a love attraction before Wed. — cruelty and coldness would result. Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an the eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. Your sexual desires are strong all March; so is your desire for financial success. Laughter could help you, as this month is strongly focussed on career and other practical ambitions. However, don’t push anyone too hard in intimacy.

Although you wake up tired Sunday, the rest of the day through Tuesday boosts your energy and charisma. You’ll be a leader, but don’t lead your troops into new projects or unfamiliar territory. Personal money matters arise Wednesday/Thursday. Pay and collect bills, and do any routine shopping — best time of the week. But nothing big! (Lemons lurk.) Late Wednesday and early Thursday open the door to career praise or success. (Might open the door to resume a former career role, a good one.) Errands, calls, visits, paperwork, casual contacts and quick, easy chores fill Fri./Sat. Be curious, as much of what people say doesn’t make complete sense.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an the eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. (Though the “retro” ends March 9, I’d wait until March 13 to launch anything or ask for anyone’s affection.) Relationships will be very intense until the end of March, so be diplomatic. This same intensity, if handled optimistically and in a friendly way, could lead to and effective career partnership or opportunity. Remember though, start nothing big/new before March 10. (March 13 best for new starts, next week.) Friends gather around you this week through March — affection and flirtation, wit and laughter will prevail.

Your energy and charisma decline Sunday through Tuesday. It’s a difficult interval for success, so just sit back and rest up. A sensual attraction might pass before you — don’t bite, as difficulties lie within. You “recover” late Tues. through Thurs., as your charisma and energy soar skyward. You are in a month of understanding, international affairs, law and education, culture and love. These things can lead to successful action late Wednesday until mid day Thursday. Chase money Friday/Saturday, but proceed with caution, as both people and situations appear puzzling or incomplete. It’s the old saying, look where you’re stepping.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Hard work all March, Leo. Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an the eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. Your sexual desires are strong until March 19, so is your desire for power or financial success. Don’t let this tempt you to start anything before the 10th — actually, best day to launch anything will be (next week) March 13 onward. Higher-ups look on you favourably this Thursday to early April. Take advantage, without launching anything new, career-wise, until the 14th onward. Good month for research. (A career surprise is hiding, will “unveil itself” March 8.

Sunday to Tuesday raises your hopes and friendliness. Popularity, social delights, optimism and flirtatious attractions fill these few days. However, take a cautious stance in general, and strictly avoid chasing an alluring person, as this one harbours a deep disdain for (your) love — or circumstances/health will forever “fight” this bond. Withdraw from the world Wednesday/Thursday. Rest, contemplate, and interface with civil servants, charities and spiritual sources. You can learn the secret to a mystery these couple of days, especially late Wednesday night and Tuesday morning — a good time for finances, intuitive insight, and intimacy with your spouse. But don’t try to impress anyone in the outside world. Your energy and charisma surge Friday/Saturday. You will be noticed, you might be chased. But again, start no new projects nor relationships, especially at these two days are rather clouded and mysterious.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Romantic feelings are intense all March. But remember, form no new relationships, nor make major purchases, nor start any significant projects before March 10. Love, International affairs, cultural rituals and intellectual pursuits favour you Thursday until early April, but you would be wise not to act on anything new here until at least March 13 onward.

Sunday to Tuesday, your ambitions and your status in life are in focus. However, your luck here is not high so proceed with caution. You might see someone who deeply attracts you in an almost mysterious way. Turn away from this, as disappointment lurks. Just keep your head down and get your job done. Your popularity rises Wednesday/Thursday — social joys, wit and laughter, flirtations and unsinkable optimism fill these two days. You’re lucky, too, esp. late Wednesday and early Thursday. Any past problems between you and your mate can be solved now in a loving affectionate way. Retreat from the hustling world Friday/Saturday. Rest, contemplate, but do not plan as plans will change in the weeks ahead. Deal with civil servants, charity and spiritual organizations, and head office at work. But proceed cautiously, as many people and situations are in a weird flux in which no one quite knows what’s going on.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The general accent lies on work and daily health. Make sure you have enough supplies, as they can be difficult to locate this week and next. Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an the eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. (Though the “retro” ends March 9, I’d wait until March 13 to launch anything or buy anything significant.)  Your home will be prone to friction, and a relationship might end, anytime in March. Same period (this Thursday to early April) can tempt you powerfully toward a clandestine sexual affair. If you’re both single, no harm (after March 9).

Sunday to Tuesday bring international matters, cultural affairs, intellectual and legal pursuits, and love. Good luck, however, seems to be absent. So proceed with caution. Your career and ambitions, your status and prestige relations are in the spotlight Wednesday/Thursday. Now good luck does accompany you, so be assertive and show your skills, especially Wed. night and Thurs. morning. Wednesday might hold a tussle over territory with a coworker or rebellious child. Wishes can come true Friday/Saturday! However, this will tend to be a small wishes, accompanied by rising popularity, social joys, optimism and flirtation. In any case, you will be happy! Still, don’t try to build anything these two days as they stand on uncertain ground and those around you are not sure how they feel.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Remember, Scorpio, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. The main accent lies on romance, creativity, risks, beauty, pleasure until March 20. An old flame might return, but even more likely is that a former home or “lost” parent or child re-appears. Others treat you with favour and affection, Thursday to April 3. Press your (love) case next week, March 12/13. Your work involves a lot of hurrying, travel and communications — don’t rush.

Sunday to Tuesday accents sex, mysteries/secrets, financial situations, lifestyle choices, medical procedures — all in a mostly unfortunate way, so advance with caution. Give yourself a day to think before you jump. Chasing love now will give you a handful of emptiness. A mellow, understanding mood steals over you Wed./Thurs., granting you luck and ease in international, legal, cultural, intellectual and love situations, esp. late Wed. and early Thurs. Your sincere words have a good, deep effect on someone you love. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — show skills, get things done — but don’t be adventurous, as luck is “missing” (rather than bad). Could be difficult choosing what to do — contemplate options rather than embrace one.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Remember, Sage, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10, especially at home or with the family. (For example, if you start an education fund for a child before March 10, it might never be used.) DO NOT start renovations  or construction. Keep an eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. Money flows to you all month, but you also have an unconscious need to spend it. Bank it instead. (Anything you buy before March 10 will likely be a lemon, or not, later, what you need.) Thursday to early April, co-workers will be affectionate, your work place a happy one.

Sunday to Tuesday brings relationships, but not the best ones. Proceed carefully, try not to spark opposition. A “romantic ideal,” a dream-boat you first meet now, will forever disappoint you, so avoid chasing him/her. The intimate side of relationships goes much better Wed./Thurs. Sex, finances, research, delving deep into someone’s soul (even your own) — all are blessed. Your intuition is strong and reliable; follow hunches. Late Wed., early Thurs. best, esp. on home front. Friday/Saturday are for love — and for far travel, international affairs, cultural, legal and intellectual pursuits. Dabble in these, but don’t force issues, and don’t try to build anything: the ground is uncertain, facts disputable, and everyone is a bit unclear about many things.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The general accent lies on communications, paperwork, travel and casual contacts. Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, wrong addresses, etc., and avoid major purchases. You are more determined and courageous than usual all March — and you might toy with the idea of “quitting” (and after, maybe, starting anew). Your romantic luck softly wafts higher, this Thursday to April 3. (But before Thurs., avoid chasing a “cold” person.)

Tackle chores Sunday to Tuesday. Be careful, follow safety rules, do tasks in “short bites.” Read directions carefully, twice. Eat, drink and dress sensibly. Relationships fill Wed./Thurs. — with good results, esp. Wed. night to early Thurs. Reach out, contact someone. Agreements, solutions, co-operation reward both parties. (These go well if the project is older or ongoing; avoid launching anything new.) Life’s mysteries arise Fri./Sat. Your subconscious rises, sharpening your intuition. Ponder lifestyle changes, a medical procedure, financial actions, and sexual desires — without acting significantly on any of these. (Circumstances and people are hard to read, “shifting,” not solid.)

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Avoid starting any new projects or relationships before March 10. A love affair or love attraction that occurs/starts before Wednesday will turn out tragically — leave it alone. Until then keep an eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. All March, avoid belligerent people and places of danger. Your home and family embrace you with affection and beauty this Thursday to April 3. You might spy an old or former source of money, but I think you’re a little too late for this; might as well pass it by.

Sunday to Tuesday press your romantic buttons. But the aspects are so crummy that my advice is to enjoy the sensation but avoid chasing love. One you first meet before Wednesday will not turn out favourably in any area, much less in love. Give your attention to children, artistic talents and sports. Dive into chores Wed./Thurs: a quiet but potent bit of good luck Wednesday night and early Thursday could turn your efforts into money. A management opportunity might arise Thursday. Relationships fill Friday/Saturday. Go slow, be diplomatic and cooperative. This is not a particularly good time to seek agreements or to meet new people, for two reasons: one, the ground everyone is standing on is mildly shifting; and two, no one really knows what is happening or what direction to go in.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Remember, Pisces, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. You and a significant other are indecisive, unsure where to go, what to do. That’s fine, just wait. A love affair or love attraction that begins before Wednesday will turn out tragically — leave it alone. Until March 10, keep an eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. A “rough” person might befriend you. Good. This person might usher or guide you through some major “depths” or serious developments over the year ahead — and might open a door to increased money during the last 6 months of 2020. Thursday begins a month of pleasant casual relationships.

Sunday to Tuesday steers you toward home and family. Not a good interval to begin any major repairs, decorations or renovations, nor landscaping. Be careful and protective of the children – running out in traffic should be avoided! Passion, romance, beauty and pleasure, sports and games, creative searches and charming kids — these fill Wednesday/Thursday, sweetly and benevolently, esp. late Wednesday and early Thursday. Protect your health Friday/Saturday: eat and dress sensibly. Tackle routine chores, avoid big or big-new ones.