~WEEKLY FORECAST ~ 19 – 25 JULY, 2020

Author PortraitEmail: suningem@gmail.com

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All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for a listing of various world cities or Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.

NOTE: If you’re looking for the Karmic, Luck, Love, Health, Career and Business, Home and Family forecast for the year 2020 – they are in my 2020 Astrology Forecast book. You can find the link to purchase this under ‘PLATFORMS’ in the navigation bar/menu at the top.

NOTE: in the Forecasts every week, I will not be inserting (“stay 6 feet apart”) every time I mention romance or intimacy or “garden party.” But you can insert it for yourself.

START NOTHING:  10:55 am to 1:16 pm Mon., 5:27 pm Tues. to 4:40 pm Wed., and 4:08 pm to 6:54 pm Fri.


A few months ago, when I wrote that the big crash of (March?) would be followed by a spike upwards, and then a long, slow decline… I didn’t think this spike would last so long…
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The forecasts this week will be shorter, as I’m in the middle of moving.
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Speaking of bad predictions, about 6 (?) months ago I opined on all the democratic candidates’ chances, and I wore: “Poor Joe Biden — not a chance.” (Gee, Joe, I hope you can forgive me!) I‘ve changed my tune on Biden, as you know if you’ve read my comments since about March… I still think, if the accusations about China and Ukraine are true, he’s a thief and probably a treasonous Judas, and should be in jail, the next cell over from Obama. Yet he’s “winning” because Trump’s destroying his own chances.
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Remember when I wrote here that in future the affluent will tend to flee the cities to live “in nature?” Where I live (Gibsons, pop. 8,000) this is already happening. People from Vancouver are streaming up here, inflating realty prices. Courtesy, it seems, of Covid-19. It’s a bit reminiscent of the Black Plague, when the rich retreated to palaces in the country, where they entertained themselves, far from the virus. (The “Decameron” was a product of this phenomena.)
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Notice I’ve changed the zodiacal dates for Aries and Pisces, to bring them more in line with current placements.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 20-April 19

Midweek, Aries, you switch from a sluggish, down-home feeling, to an awakening romantic, creative, inventive, risk-taking (in which you’ll tend to win), adventurous, beauty-and-pleasure oriented month. All systems are go, except perhaps in career and prestige relations, where subtle delays exist (though this zone remains fortunate, as you’ll see when the delays dissolve in Sept./Oct.) Communications remain affectionate. You continue to radiate determination, bravery, and sexual magnetism (to last the rest of 2020). A memorable love affair could occur in the weeks ahead. Even if it doesn’t, someone(s) will be chasing you (off and on maybe) for the next six months. Still a few items to handle on the home front.

Sunday to mid-day Mon. highlights the domestic themes of past weeks. Make some decisions now, esp. regarding: home, or career? Romance touches you with her magic wand — unsuccessfully Mon. pm to dawn Tues., then successfully later Tues. (And on Wed., the Sun enters your romance sector for 4 weeks.) Tackle chores late afternoon Wed. to suppertime Fri. Most things go well here, esp. Friday. Buy computer-related items Thurs. before 10 am (PDT) and machinery/tools Fri. (not before 3:30 am PDT). Relationships fill Fri. night and Sat. Might be hot, and ends well for the one you chase.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Wednesday starts a month of down-home vibes, Taurus. Fix the house, decorate, rest and recuperate, enhance security, hug the kids more often. Your money picture remains good, even very good. This April-to-August $ benevolence might be a new plateau, a stepping stone to permanently improved income, etc. Do all you can to make your present $ luck permanent.

Sunday to midday Mon. Communications have ceased their delays, so you might start receiving lots of mail, texts, etc. These — communications, errands and travel — increase Sunday to midday Mon. Don’t be too quick to act: later Sunday is better than earlier. Monday demands some choices between light, friendly dealings, and more profound, even legal involvements. I’d pick the friendly, as the profound shows few results before this autumn. Steer toward home, at least in your heart,

Mon. pm to late afternoon Wed. This interval is dicey before dawn Tues., great then to about suppertime Tues., and “okay” Wed. Late afternoon Wed. to suppertime Fri. brings romance, creativity, risk-reward, beauty, pleasure and a winning streak. Other than a bit of uncertainty late Thurs./early Fri., this is a lovely interval — love might be declared. Tackle chores Fri. eve through Sat. You’ll get it done. Avoid a tempting argument.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

A month of communications, short trips, errands, easy, quick chores, data and information, reports and anecdotes, and paperwork, begins Wednesday. Delays affecting $, earnings, purchases, “possession,” ceased a week ago, so all should be flowing fine now. A little under 3 weeks remains of 4 months during which you have been blessed with more charm, good hair days and affectionate feelings than usual. Whether this has translated into love, an affair, has been (and still is) largely up to you. Yes, people are more friendly (and you too) but you might have to make an effort if you want someone to be more than a pleasant acquaintance. Now to next January, you are going to start making many more friends.

Sunday to midday Monday (PDT) highlights money, earnings, buying/selling, casual sex, and memory. A good interval, esp. Sun. pm, when your career and reputation are favoured. You might have to choose between short-term money such as a pay check or buying things, versus long-term stuff, investment, building a business, etc. For now, I’d opt for earnings and short-term. Errands, quick chores, paperwork, communications and short trips fill Mon. pm to Wed. late afternoon (all PDT). Your luck is generally good here, so march ahead (better after Tues. dawn, than before).

Contact someone Tues. morn (to noon) — could be the start of something. Turn toward home and family Wed. eve to suppertime Fri. Hug the kids, repair/decorate, garden/ landscape — all are fine now, delays/mistakes have left this domestic zone. Best Wed. night to noon Thurs., and (even better) dawn onward Fri.  Friday suppertime through Sat. brings romantic opportunities, love, peace, beauty and pleasure, creative and gambling urges. Luck isn’t huge, but somehow, under the surface, you’re making an impression on someone.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

You’ve enjoyed a high spot for the last few weeks, Cancer. Wednesday will start a month of practical events, money, earnings, purchases, clients, etc. Casual, sensual love might occur, also. Relations with civil servants, management workers, and institutions go well for 3 more weeks, so take advantage. Career is double-edged: bosses are impatient, temperamental, but they are also going to give you (or yield) a boost up the ladder — now to next January. Be likeable to help your cause!

Sunday to midday Mon. gives you one last taste of charisma, leadership and great energy. Your ideas are great Sunday. Mon. demands co-operation and a fair “division” (of labour, etc.). This afternoon to late afternoon Wed. brings $, buy/sell, clients, and sensual attractions. It starts with a bit of refusal and disruption late Mon. to about dawn Wed., then offers success.

Wednesday “tea time” (5 pm-ish) to suppertime Fri. accents errands, casual friends, paperwork, communications and travel. Be curious, ask questions. A fortunate interval, esp. Friday. Someone you deal with casually might be a “partner in hiding.” Talk to someone! Steer toward home and family Fri. suppertime through Sat. Friday’s good. Saturday’s a bit argumentative.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

A month of quietude and low charisma ends Wed., Leo. Same day starts 4 weeks of heightened energy, clout, magnetism and effectiveness. It’s time to show your stuff as a leader. Gov’t or management related issues are flowing forward now: you’ll have your answer soon. Your mind is starting to accept big new ideas; your vision broadens now to year’s end. Love might develop from your intellectual, cultural or travel contacts. Communications remain affectionate, friendly (3 more weeks).

Sunday to midday Mon. finds you still sequestered, weary. But there’s potential reward Sun. —investments, intimacy, secrets and research — one or all could yield rewards. You perk up Mon. pm to late afternoon Wed. (All PDT.) Your energy and charisma rise noticeably. Best time: Tues. forenoon.

Chase $, buy/sell, ask for a pay raise, schmooze with clients, memorize lists, facts or instructions, late Wed. afternoon to suppertime Fri. Good luck accompanies you, so march forth. This interval also “allows” sensual intimacy, and with your high charisma right now, you could dance someone right into your spell. (Be honest, though: don’t promise what you might not deliver — such as long-term loyalty.) Friday night through Sat. brings errands, short trips, paperwork, messaging. Go carefully, re-read what you write before sending, etc.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

On Wednesday, Virgo, you move from a month of celebration and socializing, of optimism and fun, to 4 weeks of quiet recuperation, research, healing, spiritual experience, deep thoughts and planning. Higher-ups continue to favour you, until early August — take advantage, apply for that position, etc. Though you’re sinking into that quietude, friends and others still send messages, also to early August — a long-awaited answer comes. Your sexual, financial, lifestyle, medical and intuitive interests will become quite intense for the next 5 1/2 months. In this, avoid impulse, but do be courageous enough to commit to an action that could change your life.

Sunday to midday Mon. (PDT) brings the peak of happiness and joy about the future. Friends and popularity grow. But Monday pm to late afternoon Wed. shunts you into the “atmosphere” of the whole month ahead: weariness and rest, planning, pondering. Best time for action: Tues. forenoon (esp. for investments, research). Your energy and charisma rise — not to the top, but appreciably — late afternoon Wed. to suppertime Fri. Your luck is good — pursue a cherished goal. Best Thurs. morning and daytime Fri. Friday eve through Sat. turns your attention to your possessions, earnings, purchases — and sensual intimacy. Be cautious — only very late Sat. is loving, lucky.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The accent remains on ambition, prestige, and career, Libra — esp. Sunday/Monday — but by late Mon., the month ahead begins to creep in, and by Wed. it arrives in full regalia — popularity, joy, optimism, social delights, flirting and attractions will thrive for the month ahead. The 5 or 6 months ahead hold a mate for single Librans: you just have to find and attract him/her. Finding, usually hard, will be easy — the cosmos will pour prospective mates your way. (Avoid a Virgo: he/she just wants sex, and will wander away later — maybe a year or two later.) And you know, bone-deep, how to attract and receive. If you find him/her in the 19 days ahead, you might land not only a mate, but a sweet, talkative, understanding mate who constantly introduces new ideas to you (which you’ll enjoy).

Higher-ups might ask you to make a choice, Sun./Mon., between outside career and domestic security. Choose the former (or combine the two). Joy, rising popularity, social delights, optimism — these enter Mon. midday to suppertime Wed. If Tues. forenoon brings a proposition or suggestion, say Yes. But retreat Wed. late afternoon to Fri. eve. Rest, contemplate and plan, be in touch with gov’t or management types, institutions.

Your energy and charisma leap upward Fri. night through Sat. Use your increased energy to handle problems. One you first meet now might both attract and repel, cause you a sort of “sweet anger” or whatever. Either way, late this night, say “yes” — it can lead to sweet success very soon. (Applies to business “attractions” also.)

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

A month of mellow mental musing yields, Wednesday, to the start of 4 weeks of career pressures, ambition and prestige relations. But those musings will continue, as you sort out what you believe and want to know. Work has become intense, which fits in with the 4  ambitious weeks that begin Wed. In choosing work/chores/solutions now to next January, opt for the direct, unadorned, unsophisticated, even primal/primitive solution. E.g., if it’s quicker to break a piece of wood in half rather than saw it, then break it. (Extreme example.) Your sexual, investigative, financial and medical zones remain fortunate and accessible. If you’re single, a sexual liaison could hold the seeds of marriage (applies from last April to August 7).

Sunday to midday Mon. heightens that mellow musing, international outlook, and belief in a “higher way.” Good luck/inspiration/love fill Sunday, but Monday demands choices: do you choose a deep, meaningful bond, or a lighter, friendly association? That career/ambition phase starts Mon. pm (PDT) to late afternoon Wed. Best Tues. daytime (work hard, show what you can accomplish). Happiness, popularity, social delights and flirty stuff arrive late Wed. to suppertime Fri. — good luck propels you to happy relations, esp. Fri. A friend could tell you something valuable. Retreat Friday eve through Saturday — find a quiet, comfy spot, ponder and plan, nap, meditate, be charitable, avoid challenges/competition.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Hey, Sage. The past month has been mysterious, and might, despite confusion and delays, have triggered a major change in your life or your investment plans. (Those delays ended last July 12, so you still have 18 days to complete or wrap up anything to do with this.) Wednesday brings a whole new month, one you will love, as it features all your favourite things: far travel, international affairs, ideas/philosophies, religion, logic, publishing, political idealism/activism, and “higher learning.” (A major 2020 creative, love, child-raising, partnering and relocation theme gives and gets a boost to/from your “favourite things” such as travel, etc. Some Sages will wed in the month ahead.)

Sunday to midday Mon. emphasizes mystery, sex, finances, lifestyle, medical decisions. Sunday’s fortunate after 9 am PDT, but Mon. could be a struggle. Choose long-range money (e.g., investments) over short-term (e.g. a pay check). That lovely month ahead, of travel, love, learning, actually starts a bit early due to the Moon: Mon. pm to late afternoon Wed. brings these things. Tuesday daytime’s lucky; the rest of this interval is “okay.”

Gather your ambitions Wed. suppertime to Fri. suppertime, and charge ahead with them, esp. forenoon Thurs., and Fri. daytime. At the very least, you’ll make a good impression on higher-ups. At last, Fri. night through Sat., you can relax and have some fun. The future looks bright and promising, you feel popular ands social, and joy lifts your heart!

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Open, obvious partnership or co-operative projects now turn deeper, into commitment, funding, investment, research, commitment and consequence. In love spheres, attraction turns to intimacy… and pregnancy for some. Reject all extramarital temptations. Your mate or associate continues to talk/message about restrictions, possible illness or gov’t aid or demands, something of that nature. Work and work mates remain pleasant, even enticing.

Your domestic situation draws much of your energy and impulse now to next January. You might take some definite action here; this action could be the pivot on which your life turns, into a basic new direction. (Could be as simple as buying a house/apt. or as complex as trying to cure a family’s emotional distress/problems, or as “direct” as swinging an intellectual/emotional sword to cut away takers and hangers-on, and stale situations.)

Sunday to midday Mon. brings relationships. Be co-operative, diplomatic. Sunday’s fortunate, 9 am to 9 pm PDT. (Add 8 or 9 hours for Europe, 15/16 hours for Asia.) Monday demands loyalty — or choices. Dive into life’s depths Mon. pm to late afternoon Wed. — re-read the first sentence above for clues. Tuesday daytime’s fortunate after a disruptive morning; Wed.’s “okay.” A wise, mellow mood steals over you Wed. suppertime to Fri. suppertime — your luck will be buoyant in far travel, legal, cultural and intellectual pursuits — and love. Best time to act for future rewards/responses: Friday. This night and Saturday spur your ambitions — but proceed carefully, don’t let your intentions/goals alienate your family.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

This week frees you from dreary chores and possible health complaints. (Though Sun./Mon. continue this trend — Sunday daytime [9 am TO 9 pm PDT] is splendid for buying tools or machinery, car, back hoe, toaster oven, etc. — or simply for getting a job done. Monday’s a bit different, demanding choices between types of work or duties.) The Moon begins it Monday pm, the Sun begins it Wed. morning — the start of 4 solid weeks of relationship events. Prepare for some exciting meetings!

You are still ultra-favoured in romance — to August 7, so if you want to approach someone, do it soon. There will be obstacles to overcome, nothing’s free. But it can be a major love. (Some of you have already found love, as this sweet trend began in April.) You could be a race car driver over the next five months — you’ll be aggressive, determined… but wee accidents can happen, too.

Monday pm to late afternoon Wed. brings relationships — be co-operative, diplomatic, and eager to approach, join, bond. It’s the first note in a month-long symphony. A bit disruptive early (a disruption that will affect relationships off and on for 5 years) but Tues. daytime brings success, love, handshakes, maybe even agreement, contract, etc. Wednesday’s “okay.” This late afternoon to Fri. suppertime steers you deeper, into commitment and consequence, into digging deep and hidden treasure, revelation, sexual yearning, investment, debt, medical and lifestyle decisions. Generally an excellent interval, so charge ahead.

See deception, predawn Fri. (PDT). A mellow, wise mood steals over you Friday suppertime through Sat. It’s a love mood, too, but be cautious: you could attract/find love with a vibrant, feisty person, or, by very late Sat., with a Libran.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 19

A month of passion, beauty and romance, pleasure and sports/games ends now (after one last meaningful flare Sun./Mon.). Midweek begins a month of work and health “maintenance” (e.g., good habits, nutrition, etc.) You might be, during this month ahead, tempted to buy machinery, but go slow with this — the second half of August might be better than the first half. Money continues to gush toward you and, if you’re not alert and a bit stingy, through you. Home and family remain sweet, to Aug. 7.

Romance, creative and speculative projects, beauty and pleasure succeed nicely 9 am to 9 pm PDT Sunday. Monday makes you make a choice: deep love, or light love? I’d choose the deep for now, as the “light” moves backwards until Sept./Oct. Tackle chores and eat/dress sensibly, Mon. pm to late afternoon Wed. Best progress: Tues. daytime (late morning onward).

Relationships face you Wed. suppertime to Fri. suppertime. This is a splendid interval for co-operation, making new contacts, relocation, negotiation, contracts, attracting the public — and love, mating. Fight no one; welcome everyone. Friday eve through Saturday steers you toward deeper waters: investment/debt, sex/intimacy, medical and lifestyle choices, commitment and its consequences. All these are “okay,” but they might run into some opposition (esp. from your partner or kids) before suppertime … perhaps “angry” opposition into early night, but success, even praise or affectionate outcomes, late night and into Sun. predawn (PDT!).