WEEKLY FORECAST ~ JULY 12 – 20, 2019

“QUE SERA SERA” ~ Doris Day
(written by Ray Evans & Jay Livingston)

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Email:  suningem@gmail.com   

All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT here, it is 8 PM Daylight in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. Note: these time differences can be affected by different adoptions of Daylight — for example, until Britain switches to Daylight, their zone is only 7 hours past PDT. You can Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.

START NOTHING: Before 8:05 am Fri., 6:31 pm Sat. to 4:05 pm Sun., 2:38 pm Tues. to 2:19 am  Wed., and 8:53 am Thurs. to 2:19 pm Fri.


(More stuff in the AFTERAMBLE this week — below, after the Weekly Forecasts.)
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The trouble with humanity, politically, is that we’re never as perfect as our plans.
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BTW, whenever I say “the opposite sex,” I also mean same sex for gays.
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I see two Indie groups, Brainworlds and Infinite Geometry, have named their music after my column, “Astral Reflections”.
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  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Remember, no new projects, large purchases nor relationships, before Aug. 1st. Instead, reprise old contacts/projects, or protect ongoing ones from misunderstandings, delays, etc. An old flame might appear, a very strong/appealing old flame.

You’ll be at peace Fri./Sat., Aries. Friday through Sunday pulls you and another apart, like pulling toffee, yet a love affair can progress, too. (The “pulling” might be that you change partners. More likely, you face a “deep” choice between home and outside ambitions: choose home.) Friday’s very good news for you, in romance, far travel, education, and creativity. Understand, then act. Saturday’s very fortunate for all these — act early and fast. The afternoon to suppertime brings deception or fuzzy thinking, or a minor illness.

Sunday’s mostly a dud, but can pull people apart. By 4 pm this day (PDT) a strong focus pulls you toward ambitions, career, prestige links, and neighbourhood status. Be cautious, long-term traps might lie within “easy opportunities”. If in doubt, pull back, withdraw to home or a secure stance. (Your home is affectionate and calming, but your outside duties do everything they can to pull you away.)

Monday goes well — chase what’s sweet! Tuesday goes well, also, but temptations, some very subtle, surround you. Two people you know might join, or fall apart. Do nothing, but be sympathetic. Your hopes soar Wed./Thurs. Wednesday is abrupt, argumentative, rather than easy, yet you’ll be happy, as your popularity and optimism rise.

Same Thurs., but without any hassles. A home party or game/sport or repairs will soothe and intrigue you. Invite friends over, earlier the better. Withdraw, seek solitude and rest.

Friday/Sat. (July 19/20)  Ponder your past (rather than make future plans). Be charitable, seek spirit. Advisors mean well but their suggestions might go against your ethical, legal, or social/cultural trends/duties.

taurus weekly forecast  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Remember, don’t start any important new projects nor relationships before Aug. 1. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, supply shortages and misunderstandings. And/or reprise projects from the past – if they “return” now. Remain diplomatic and calm on the home front, until mid-August. Communications are affectionate, so make contact. You might visit a former ‘hood, or a long-lost relative might return.

Friday/Saturday bring mysteries, heightened intuition, sexual desires, and financial action or “opportunities”. Plunge into these Friday, they’re fortunate and you act with quick certainty. Saturday’s lucky too, in the same zones, but only to 1 pm PDT. (10 pm in central Europe, early Sunday in Asia). After this, uncertainty, doubt (or worse, deception that leads you wrongly) enter to cloud Sat. pm — followed by possible alienation Sunday morning. Best stance Sunday: relaxation — let the world revolve without you!

Your ideas, beliefs, education, cultural involvements and international influences wash over you Sun. eve through Tues. Sunday eve and Monday are fine, even fascinating — dig deep into an idea that intrigues you. You might converse with someone special, and attractive. But beware jumping into any of these — love, beliefs, international affairs/travel, etc. — Tuesday, when the cosmos lays subtle traps, with honeyed lures. A love affair started now would end in cold acrimony, eventually. (So stick with the tried and true.)

Be ambitious Wed./Thurs. — display your skills to higher-ups. Wednesday won’t be easy — try to avoid arguments, blow-ups at home, friction with your boss. Thursday’s the opposite: co-operation, affection, even an invitation (accept it!). (But see the “Start Nothing” times above.)

Happiness comes Fri. pm through Sat. (July 19/20)— your optimism and popularity rise; social joys, flirtations and entertainment abound; and a wish could come true. Both nights good for a date or pub-crawling, whatever, but Friday’s better. All week, a “destined love” might appear — but if it’s a brand new one, it’s likely a bad one.

  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Remember, Gemini, start nothing brand new — projects, relationships or important purchases — until August 1st. Instead, resurrect past ventures and/or relationships, or stick with the ongoing, and protect them from the delays, mistakes, indecision and supply shortages that will hover around you until July 31. You might travel to or communicate with, a former neighbourhood, or a former friend. Your money luck’s good. (That’s good, since July is your money month.) You’re restless, talkative, can’t sit still most days.

Friday/Saturday (July 12/13) bring relationships, “opportunities,” relocation themes, negotiations, agreements and disagreements — be diplomatic! (“Opportunities” — only chase those that arrive from the past — nothing new.) Friday’s wonderful, everybody likes everybody. Same Sat. to lunchtime (PDT — if that cheerful person (a Sagittarian?) is for real, expect significant developments. But Sat. pm to Sun. afternoon throws stones in your relationship pathway. You might meet someone of destiny, but is that good or bad? (More likely, you and another pull apart, perhaps over 1) money needs or 2) sex.

Sunday suppertime brings the deeper side of relationships: intimacy, commitment, lust, financial sharing or investment, secrets and investigation, lifestyle and medical decisions. My advice: play this entire zone lightly — this is not the time for commitments, nor for love, nor money — subtle traps everywhere, though Monday will seem affectionate and sweet. (Any love started now will expire in a morass of disappointment, now or later.)

Mellow wisdom, gentle love, and themes of far travel, intellectual and cultural pursuits flow over you Wed./Thurs. Wednesday’s erratic, tough, argumentative, accident prone. Thursday’s easy, smooth, but results might be elusive. Beautiful inspiration about career and money!

Your ambitions, social standing, prestige relations and career are emphasized Fri./Sat. (July 19/20) Work hard, show your stuff, but don’t start anything new. All’s good!

  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Your energy, charisma and clout still at a yearly high, Cancer! Get out, see and be seen, tackle problems with confidence, show off your talents, be a leader — but don’t start anything new before August 1. Protect ongoing projects/ventures and relationships from delays, mistakes, no-shows, etc.  Or, reprise past projects and bonds. You might start growing interested in an old flame or “friend” — someone likely at a distance, though not too far — by July 19 onward. Money rushes toward you and way from you — be conservative until mid-August.

Friday/Saturday bring lots of work — dive in, conditions are just right for accomplishment. (And for earning some extra $.) But take care Sat. pm — illusion or worry. All last week, and this week to Sunday, a major struggle is going on — others might oppose you. Are you going to stand separate, or join them? I’d remain independent. Their opposition might be strong, lasting, but it lacks energy — and “rightness”.

These “others”  flow in from Sun. to Tues. Sunday eve through Mon. is fine, sparking new ideas and general affection. Others notice you, esp. members of the opposite sex. But partnering and joining are subtle traps now to next May — Tuesday holds a few of these.

Dig deep Wed./Thurs. — but not to the point of hurting someone. Secrets, investigation, investment and major finances, medical and lifestyle decisions face you. Wednesday’s like a gauntlet of problems: keep your temper! Thursday’s sweet, alluring — words of love might be spoken. (But overall, Thurs. yields few lasting results.)

Friday/Saturday (July 19/20) promote understanding, beliefs, cultural mingling, social rituals, legal matters, intellectual pursuits, and far travel — and gentle love. Again, don’t start anything brand new.

Leo icon, Luck Forecast  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Remain quiet, thoughtful. Seclusion is affectionate, soothing. Don’t make plans, but do examine how you got here, and where you might go from here. Tackle and finish up any gov’t, head-office, confidential or similar tasks/projects that might have been abandoned or neglected recently. Before August 1, don’t start any new agreements, contracts, projects, relationships — and avoid big important purchases.

Despite your weariness, your sex appeal is “on fire”.  Make sure you have enough “oomph!” to live up to your billing/promises. Now to mid-August, you might become involved in legal, travel or intellectual spheres – that’s okay, but don’t start anything brand new here before
August 1st.

Friday to Sunday afternoon assails you with romantic notions, creative urges and nudges to play, gamble. All good, all rewarding, except in sexual and financial arenas — avoid these. Tackle chores Sunday suppertime (PDT) through Tues. But go lightly with this: don’t overwork, and don’t volunteer or let anyone (including kids) turn you into a slave. Advice applies until May 2020. Someone, or circumstances, might push you to change jobs. (Probably not the best idea.)

Wednesday/Thursday bring relationships, “opportunities” (only good if from/connected to the past), relocation themes, public dealings, opposition and challenge. Be diplomatic. Wednesday’s terrible, can bring argument, disruption, fender-benders, etc. Thursday, though not a lot might happen, is nevertheless sweet, co-operative. An intimate moment, or inspiration, makes this day magical.

Friday/Saturday (July 19/20) shunt you into depths, secrets, investigation, medical diagnosis, lifestyle choices, subconscious thoughts, sexual intimacy or desire. Everything flows pretty well here, other than a possible romantic or political/religious disagreement late Sat. Also, a hidden factor: something is “turning” in your employment, health zones, and trying to steer you into either management/delegating tasks, or into hands-on work. Pick the former.

  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Wishes do come true, Virgo — but this might be your last chance in awhile to make one happen. Flirtations, social joys, optimism and popularity keep you riding on the happy surface of life. (For best results, steer clear of romance, sex and “captivating beauty”. In other words, stay light, social instead of infatuated.) Sex continues to be your Achilles Heel, until mid-August.

Same period, avoid belligerent people and dangerous places. A former job or duty might be laid on your shoulders — accept it, get it done. All July, start nothing new — stick with the ongoing, or reprise past projects, relationships, etc.

Friday/Saturday emphasize your home, family, security and ownership issues. All is great, except in social love zones — here, think before you act or speak. A couple you admire might be having some problems.

Romantic notions, pleasure, beauty, creative surges and gambling urges all visit you Sunday eve through Tuesday. Danger might lurk here, esp. danger of making the wrong choice/commitment. In every situation, default to the “light” — social romance over deep, mad infatuation; group fun rather than one-on-one passion, etc. This will keep you on track — and clear-eyed. You probably won’t see any problems, but they exist for “mad lovers”.

Tackle chores and protect your daily health Wed./Thurs. Wednesday needs real caution: fights, sharp machinery, cranky computers. Thursday’s the opposite: calm, loving, inspired. (Though little of note gets done this day.) If you’re with a member of the opposite sex early Thurs., this person is or “represents” your “best mate”.

Speaking of mates, Friday/Saturday (July 19/20) emphasizes relationships, partnerships, negotiations, agreements and disagreements. All goes well, BUT that choice between light, social flirtations/intimacy, and heavy infatuation, rises again. (If you made the wrong choice earlier, about a week ago, then separations or other “destruction” can occur now.)

  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The accent continues on ambitions, career, worldly standing and prestige relations. Bosses love you this week and next. Show off your skills, but don’t start any new, hopeful projects before August 1. Instead, resurrect old, former projects or relationships, or stick with people and undertakings already in place.

Your hopes remain high — and fulfillable, esp. in relationships, now to mid-August. An old flame might appear in a social setting (i.e., 3 or more people) — could be/turn into a viable life mate. In any case, a happy, impulsive friend will spark a lot of optimism and smiles in your heart.

Friday/Saturday (July 12/13) bring errands, paperwork, quick, easy chores, lots of talk, mingling, visiting, short trips. All goes splendidly. You might hear from a former spouse or lover — good auspices!

Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon isn’t as easy: the quick, easy chores continue, but you might feel a bit ill Sat. eve; and both days “force” a decision from you regarding money or possessions. The choice? To lean toward security/home, or toward ambition/outside world. Pick ambitions. Let security go: it will weigh you down now to May 2020 and make your steps slow.

Sunday suppertime through Tuesday emphasizes just that: security, home, family, garden, rest and withdrawal. Not a good thing: don’t sink too far into these domestic areas, esp. Tues., when again that choice arises between outside ambition and home life. You know which to choose. Despite the hidden pitfalls, this interval flows smoothly.

Romance, beauty, pleasure, risk-taking and creative urges fill Wed./Thurs. Wednesday’s disruptive, uncooperative, argumentative. Be cautious! Thursday’s sweet, happy, and fantasy prone. Might as well enjoy it. Excellent idea/inspiration about work/career.

Tackle chores Friday/Saturday (July 19/20) — you’ll get a lot done, all’s smooth, but avoid travel and gabfests. Again, that ambition versus home choice! (Yes, pick ambition again.)

  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The emphasis remains on intellectual pursuits, culture, law, morals, international affairs/travel, media and gentle love. Everything in these arenas should bring a good feeling, affection — and good luck. Love can have you drifting in beautiful daydreams. Still, remember not to start anything new in July (including relationships). So these intellectual, love, etc. things should be: 1) ongoing projects, or 2) projects revived from the past.

The entire week ahead, but especially July 14 (Sun.) 16 (Tues.) and 20/21 (Sat./Sun.) you are nudged to choose either quick, friendly, surface/daily communications, or profound thinking, learning, culture — everything in the first sentence above. Choose the profound, Scorpio. The surface stuff will just waste your time, and give nothing back.

Now to mid-August, bosses are short-tempered, impatient. Deflect them by one simple method: work hard.  If you do, they will realize (later?) that their outbursts or criticisms were not justified, and they’ll make it up to you, probably in August, perhaps in November/ December. You might be asked to assume a former career or job role — but it won’t be for long.

Chase money Friday morning (July 12) to Sunday afternoon — all’s well, if you avoid speculation, romance and over-indulgence in pleasure Saturday. Friday offers great success in nose-to-the-grindstone ways. Discuss your work role, your potential, with a higher-up Fri., but don’t try to make it solid.

Sunday eve through Tuesday brings errands, quick chores, paperwork, daily contacts — go light here, remember my recommendation to lean toward the profound. (This advice lasts to May 2020.)

Head for home, family, rest, contemplation and garden Wed./Thurs. Wednesday demands caution: accidents, arguments, disruptions dominate. Thursday’s sweet, smooth — you could experience a vision or poetic feeling of love. Friday/Saturday (July 19/20) focus on romance, beauty, creativity and risks. If you gamble with money, you lose; if with love, you win. A huge weekend awaits!

  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Remember, Sage, start no new (important) projects or relationships in July. (Nor make any significant purchases.) Instead, protect ongoing situations from mistakes, delays, misunderstanding, supply shortages, etc. You can also take up a bond or venture that returns from the past. For instance, an old flame who appears now (not unlikely!) might represent a valid marriage choice; whereas someone you first meet now (and to July 31) is very unlikely to remain in your life for long.

Until mid-August, someone who inspires you is also likely to desire you, and should you yield to this, your own desire will grow. Some single Sages will marry as a result of this summer’s events. Your intimate, sexual side — and your assets, finances — are blessed with a soft, comforting good fortune most of July.

However, here a crucial and perhaps multiple choice confronts you. It repeats, to face you (perhaps in differing guises) July 13/14, 16, and 19/20. The choice is between the surface and casual, and the deep and consequential. E.g., surface = earnings, daily money, friendly, easy but rather meaningless sex. While deep = commitment to an investment, or deeply involving, meaningful sex, pregnancy, souls joining, etc. In every instance, choose the deep, profound, perhaps secretive — applies until May 2020 but is crucial now. Be cautious, now to Aug. 17, about law suits.

Your energy and charisma shine Friday to Sunday afternoon — lead, make contact, give projects an appropriate push. (But nothing brand new.) Friday to Sat. noon flows beautifully, esp. in far travel, love/romance, partnership, relocation, career — almost everything! If an old flame appears Fri., he/she is mate material.

You can’t build much Sunday. This suppertime through Tuesday, brings you to the choice described above, between surface and depth — you know my advice. A smooth interval.

Errands, easy chores, casual contacts, travel and communications fill Wed./Thurs. Proceed with care and good humour Wed., as almost everything can go wrong. Drive carefully. You don’t get much of lasting value done Thursday, but it’s a sweet, calm day, with poetic beauty, esp. in sex, and domestic areas, home, garden, nature. These very things — home, family, Mother Nature — fill Friday/Saturday (July 19/20). All goes well if you relax, go at half-speed. In the weeks ahead, a secret will change your mind about a belief.

  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Remember, Cap, don’t make any significant purchases, or start projects or relationships before August 1. Instead, embrace any of these that return from the past, or stick with ongoing projects/people, and protect them from delays, misunderstandings, supply shortages, etc. An old flame — likely a former intimate partner — might appear. (So might a former general mate, later in July.)

The general emphasis remains on relationship, public dealings, relocation themes, agreements and disagreements. Realize your own views, temperament, might be mildly skewed to the wrong side. Be willing to co-operate, listen, agree, partner, join, and merge — these bring sweet results, whereas independence will bring errors and disappointment.

This advice holds to May 5, 2020, but is crucial this week, esp. Saturday/Sunday (July 13/14) Tuesday (July 16) and a second Sat./Sun. (July 20/21). Now to Aug. 17, your sexual desires intensify; so does your courage. This trend is best for married couples; it promotes lots of “intimacy” at home. Avoid impulsive financial actions.

Relax, lie low Friday morning through Sunday afternoon. Your energy levels need topping up. Ponder, but avoid making concrete plans. Be charitable, spiritual, seek advisors. Most things flow well, but travel/communications might “fail you” Sat. afternoon/eve. Someone wants to place a big, bountiful burden on your shoulders.

Your energy and charm return Sunday suppertime through Tuesday. All goes well, at least on the surface. Remember my warning  above about independence. Pursue $ Wed./ Thurs. — earnings, clients, jobs; not assets nor investments. Wednesday’s difficult, sparks disruption, antagonism.

Thursday’s calm, inspired, even loving — tell another your dreams. Act early, as not much gets done after mid-morning (PDT — good to late afternoon in Europe, to Thurs. night in Asia). Errands, communications, paperwork, casual contacts — these fill Friday/Saturday (July 19/20). All goes well, but avoid contacting gov’t, advisors, agents, institutions or “head office” Sat.

  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Remember, start nothing significant and brand-new before Aug. 1st. Includes purchases, projects/ventures, even relationships. Stick to the tried-and-true, or grab something/ someone from the past, and push it forward. Protect all undertakings from delay, supply shortages, mistakes, false starts, indecision.

The main accent these 9 days ahead lies on work, machinery, dependents and health. Dive into these — roll up your sleeves, get busy. Do it yourself — because delegating, managing, administering will lead to eventual loss, disappointment. Be wary of dealing with civil servants, advisors and spiritual zones — these contain subtle traps.

You might have to make this choice (between delegating and hands-on, etc.) constantly this week, with “peaks” around Sat./Sun. (July 13/14) Tues. and the following Sat./Sun. (July 20/21). Choose hands-on. This advice lasts to May 2020.

Despite the accent on (fortunate) work/health, relationships form a second emphasis — intensity can create sharp attractions as well as arguments. An old flame or ex-spouse might be in the picture. If so, should you rejoin? Study the past relationship, and judge its future accordingly.

Friday morning to Sunday afternoon (PDT) brings hopes, social delights, popularity, entertainment and flirtation, perhaps love. A wish can come true! Be cautious with money Sat. afternoon/eve. You’ll be tired, quiet Sunday eve through Tuesday. Yes, withdraw a bit, ponder, be charitable (forgive others) — but don’t sink deeply into this. Keep “working”.

Your energy and charm return, rise, Wed./Thurs. Use that energy to overcome problems Wed., when disruptions, accidents and arguments lie in your path. Thursday’s the opposite: sweet, productive (only in early morning in North America). You receive inspiration about work and money, but wait for August to implement it.

Pursue $ Friday/Saturday (July 19/20) — butter up clients or the boss, sell unwanted items, etc. Pay neglected bills. Social life doesn’t work well Sat., but otherwise two good days!

  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Remember, Pisces, don’t be tempted or pushed into starting any significant new relationships or projects — or big purchases — anytime in July. Instead, welcome projects/people (or potential purchases) that return from the past. Or, stick with projects started before July — whether a month or 50 years before. Keep a watchful eye on potential misunderstandings or mistakes, false starts, delays, supply shortages, etc.

An old flame might re-appear — if before July 19 (or in recent weeks) the accent is on a “partnership of equals”. If July 19 to 31, the main thrust will be on deep, helpless romance. Either is fine — but in this, judge the future by the past. E.g., if your ex returns, but was cruel, forget it!

The general emphasis all week lies on passion, romance, infatuation, creative and risk-taking urges, beauty, and immediate, indulgent pleasure. These are fortunate now, as Venus (planet of love and beauty) shines on them. There’s a similar but opposite pathway: to social joys, light, friendly romance, group projects, entertainment, and pleasures planned rather than indulged. This path will tempt/lure, then frustrate by denying success. Reject this second pathway all week, especially July 13/14, 16, and 19/20. Instead,  choose real, intense passion, personal creativity, etc. Work is hectic, intense until mid-August; can boost your pay cheque.

Friday morning to Sunday afternoon focuses on your reputation, standing, ambitions and prestige relations. Be ambitious, but start no brand-new projects. Luck’s high, esp. Friday. Your popularity, social side, wishes and flirtations are in focus Sunday eve through Tues. — traps lie here, so remain non-committal, or “default” to passion, infatuation, creativity. This ‘private over group’ recommendation lasts to May 2020. Otherwise, all flows pretty smoothly.

Retreat Wed./Thurs. Lie low, rest, meditate. Help others, let your sympathy guide you. Wednesday is hard — fights, money surprises, communications or travel disruptions. Thursday’s sweet, easy — and holds a love fantasy, or reality, a beautiful poetic feeling steals over you. Your energy and charisma surge upward Friday/Saturday (July 19/20) — lead, see and be seen, give significant projects a push forward. (But start nothing brand new.)



Aliens, UFOs? I wish I’d noted the day and time I first saw/heard about the New York Times’ recent report of U.S. Navy pilots’ encounters with UFOs. Impossible to get now.**  I think the Times’ report referred to many sightings over a span of years, so it almost became an historical treatise. Instead, it became a media mini-sensation, most of it caused by the unusual pairing of serious, credible gov’t/military figures with UFO “quackery”.

Suddenly, after 50-70 years of ignoring and discrediting UFOs and little green men (grey, lately) the gov’t, or the closest thing we have to it – the media, has crossed a bridge, marched through a turning point in human history: we as a people, or at least our elected reps, have apparently accepted that UFOs might well be real, along with their alien crews.  That there’s a good chance — say 50-50 — that this might prove so. That our lives, and civilization, might become irrelevant. Yet no one has panicked. none have rioted in the streets — nor even formed small polite Canadian-type groups to ask questions. it was accepted with an almost pathological “ho-hum”.

**  It seems to have been published May 29, 2019. That day held a Mercury-Neptune square. A classic indicator of fraud or false rumours, false news. In fact, it’s the prime, ultimate indicator.

A reported sighting and accompanying film by naval pilots on January 20, 2015 shows an intriguing chart: Mars, the planet of war and warriors, is in the same degree of Pisces (the sign ruling mysteries, outer space and physics) as Neptune, the planet of outer space, but also of fantasy, illusion — and truth. Also, the Sun was either in the last degree of Capricorn or the first degree of Aquarius. (Depends on the time of day.) The Moon was with the Sun — same degree? Who knows, we need the time. But the Sun, and perhaps the Moon — without looking, about 2/3rds of the moon’s travel that day — would be considered “not radical” in astrology, which indicates that it is “all for nothing”.

One idea: decades ago, a news report asserted that the U.S. was developing huge holograms for the battlefield. The example used was of a 100-foot (30 m) hologram of Khomeini, facing his Iranian troops, telling them to quit fighting or giving other confusing directions (all actually coming from U.S. script writers).

Could these UFO sightings be holograms? If I have a flashlight, I can make the light dance, stay still, suddenly rise, or fall, or speed off the wall. (This solves the mystery of how these UFOs can dance so swiftly through the clouds, without killing their “crews” with G-forces.) This fits the “all for nothing” theme.

Or, there really are aliens. They might not be physical beings. I am sure we will see an entire change in the earth and its consciousness in about 2229 AD; I think this will be spiritual/psychological. The poles won’t switch, the continents won’t break their bonds (chains) but I suspect everyone will “feel” as if someone or thing moved the entire earth, in terms of itself, not in its orbit. This will come from the outside, not from “within” the earth.
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TOM STEYER, the U.S. billionaire who keeps running national TV ads encouraging Democrats (and the public) to impeach Trump, is the secret donor funding interference in Canadian politics and environmental opposition to Alberta’s pipelines. I think the Canadian gov’t should charge him with insincerity, pomposity, and stupidity. Steyer is a very public opponent of coal mining/burning in the U.S. But as a reader informed me, he and his firm invested over a billion $ in coal mines in S.E. Asia. What a two-faced worm!
