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            Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING: 10:39 am to 7:53 pm Sun., 8:54 pm Tues. to 4:23 am Wed., and 3:32 am to 9:07 am Fri.


ALL SIGNS: The Mercury retrograde period ended Feb. 20, so we’re all free now to grab opportunities, to start projects and relationships. You might experience some indecision or confusion about your road/role ahead or what actions/projects to undertake. This will slowly wear off. For the week ahead, take actions, make decisions when calm, not when you’re frothed up (e.g.,”yes-no-yes-no”).

This isn’t the greatest of weeks, nor the worst, a real middle-of-the-road week, with small problems and small successes.
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If you ever wonder (I know, probably not) why some signs have more days than others, it’s because (from our viewpoint) the Sun (apparently) travels much faster in winter than summer. For example, in January, the Sun travels 1 degree plus 1 to 2 minutes of arc each day. In June, the Sun travels less than 1 degree — often 2.5 minutes of arc less. (There are 60 minutes of arc per degree; so January = 61, 62 minutes/day, while June = 57/58 minutes per day.)
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Use the four weeks ahead to restore your emotional, mental and physical batteries, Aries. Contemplate, plan, be charitable, spiritual, and seek advice. Avoid competition, challenges. (From a Gemini best, from a Sagittarian worst, in ’21.) Deal with gov’t, head office or institutions. Avoid new debt this week and next.

Before suppertime Sunday, call, visit, do paperwork. This night to pre-dawn Wed. (PST) shunts you toward home, kids, spouse, garden, nature, rest and security. All goes well, but there might be a “stand-off” or alienating comment/stance Tues. eve/night. Diplomacy best!

Romantic notions, creative urges and the pursuit of pleasure or beauty — these nudge you Wed. pre-dawn to Fri. dawn. A lot of obstacles here, but one or two great opportunities, also, esp. Wed. eve to mid-morn Thurs. (A door opens to career-money luck, and to new social acceptance.) Tackle chores late morning Fri. through Sat. Friday’s best, esp. for computer work. Eat, dress sensibly, esp. Sat. night.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The weeks ahead emphasize wish fulfillment, visualizing the future, popularity and social joys, friendly romance, group efforts, entertainment and sky-high optimism. You’ll be happy! This flirtatious atmosphere combines with heightened sexual magnetism, at least until March 3. (This magnetism could get you in trouble, tho!)

Career delays have ended, but questions remain. (They’ll be answered by mid-March.) After Wed., a friend who has been “holding back,” appears. A short affair might ensue.

Until suppertime Sunday, chase money, shop — morning best (PST). This night to pre-dawn Wed. brings errands, quick, easy chores, communications, travel and paperwork. Nothing too important — but your messages could open relationship doors (a very sexy one among them) — or close them, if you want.

Steer gently toward home, family, rest and recuperation early Wed. morn to 9 am Fri. You might feel a tug-o-war between home/security vs. career/risk. (Pick home.) Again, a very sexy or financial relationship possible. Romance, creativity, beauty, risk/reward, and charming children fill Fri./Sat. Someone could fall in love!

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Continue (until March 3) to be wary of violent places, belligerent people — and an Aries type. (Aggressive, fearless, humorous.) The four weeks ahead focus on your ambitions, worldly standing, career and prestige relations. Recent delays are over, so march forward with confidence. From Thursday to late March, bosses and VIPs will favour you — so push for improvements, propose projects, ask for more duties, etc.

Love and other profound questions have been “unanswerable” lately due to confusion and glitches. The answers will come now to mid-March.

Your energy and charisma are tops Sunday. Chase success/love this morning. This evening to 4:30 am Wed. (PST) accents money, earnings, buy/sell, casual sex and memorizing. Mostly a smooth interval, esp. each morning. Casual friends, errands, communications,  travel and paperwork fill Wed. pre-dawn to a little past dawn Fri. Some obstacles here, and some challenges that might actually hide open doors to “mutual success” — be open to suggestions,  ask, co-operate.

Find “home” and settle in there Fri./Sat. Hug the kids, prepare the garden, repair, enhance security — and rest awhile. All’s okay!

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The four weeks ahead bring wisdom, a broad view, law, social ethics, culture, beliefs, far travel, intellectual pursuits, and love. Recent delays and indecision have ended, so you’re free to march ahead in almost any area. (And, a word to the wise, many large delays will exist July to October, so you might want to strive ahead now to May, June.)

Your social life/skills continue to aid you in career and other ambitions — until March 3. Many mysteries, questions have not been answered/solved in the lat two months, but they will be, now to mid-March.

Lie low, rest and ponder Sunday. This eve to pre-dawn Wed., your energy will surge, your charisma ooze — be a leader, start significant things. Sunday night and Tues. morn best times. Pursue $, buy/sell, butter up clients, etc.

Wed. pre-dawn to Fri. mid-morning. An unexpected sexual attraction Wed. — open doors disguised as obstacles, Wed. and Thurs. Errands, easy chores, paperwork, travel and communications fill Fri./Sat. A relationship might climax, feelings certainly will.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Recent delays and confusion are ended now, Leo, so you can proceed with confidence. The four weeks ahead bring life’s undercurrents to the surface. Mysteries, secrets, sexual desires, intuition and subconscious promptings, medical and lifestyle decisions, research/investigation, and large finances will fill these weeks.

Thursday, to March 21, pours good luck on this zone.  Higher-ups remain testy, impatient until March 3 — grin and bear it, rather than rear up. Relationships remain important and valuable — “missing answers” in this area will come now to mid-March.

Sunday’s for fun, friends, flirtations. Morning best. Withdraw, seek solitude this eve (8 pm PST) to pre-dawn Wed. Be charitable, spiritual; ponder, seek advice, and plan. Get plenty of rest. No real problems.

Your energy and charm surge Wed. pre-dawn to  mid-morn Fri. Be a leader, start things, but avoid career and domestic aggression. Wednesday might offer a career break-through. The door might open to a love relationship. Chase $ Fri./Sat. — Fri. better.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Continue to be wary of lawsuits and lawyers, to March 3. The 4 weeks ahead feature relationships, relocation, opportunities and public dealings. Be co-operative, eager to join others. Recent delays and confusion end now, so proceed with confidence, esp. in work and health areas. Thursday starts a few weeks of attraction.

Your social standing, your career or ambitions are highlighted and favoured Sunday daytime. This night to pre-dawn Wed. brings hope, joy, social delights, popularity, optimism, entertainment and flirtation. Relations can blossom, esp. in “life mate” areas.

But withdraw from the crowd pre-dawn Wed. to mid-morn Fri. (PST). Rest, pamper your health, ponder and start to find the delicate tendrils of a new plan. A love might grow deeper: intimacy presses. Work opportunities Thurs. Your energy and charisma soar Fri./Sat. Someone seems “good” on social, sexual, “looks” and compatible levels. Love hovers!

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The four weeks ahead will bring lots of work, Libra, and perhaps a minor health concern. The delays and confusion of the last few weeks has just ended, so you can march forward with confidence. (This includes buying machinery.) All year, your romantic, creative side stands strong. Until March 3, your sexual courage and magnetism remain intense. But, as said, lots of work stretches before you.

Sunday daytime’s mellow, wise, loving, esp. morning (PST). This night to pre-dawn Wed. sparks your ambition, and/or nudges higher-ups to note your efforts. Work hard, show your stuff, esp. Tues. morning. Wish fulfillment, popularity, social joys, optimism and flirtation float in Wed. morning to mid-morn Fri. You can go the sexual route (Wed.) or step through the romantic door (Thurs.). (They might combine.) Plunge into fun, because the time ahead looks sober.

Withdraw Fri./Sat. — rest, contemplate, plan, seek advice (Gemini — or C, E or X first initial best for this). Be spiritual, charitable, deal with gov’t or head office. DON’T take on a job that’s too big, too deadline-onerous.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

’21 is a very down-home year, Scorpio, but the month ahead fills with romance, creative surges, inventive, risk-taking (encouraged) behaviour, beauty and pleasure, and charming kids. If you’re single, this month ahead (and a wee touch May-July) is a portent of 2022, when romance, et al, will really soar. Recent weeks of confusion and delay just ended, so you can proceed with new projects, relationships, etc. Need for co-operation, diplomacy continues to March 3.

Sunday’s mysterious, sexy, medical, and prompts you to invest, research, even spy. Lucky morning. This night to pre-dawn Wed. brings wisdom, a wide view, compassion, international and intellectual themes, law, travel. and gentle love. An easy interval.

Early Wed. to mid-morning Fri. brings ambition, scrutiny by higher-ups, prestige relations. Communicate Wed. — co-operation results. An open door to success on home front or real estate Thurs. Wishes come true Fri./Sat. — flirtations, romance, social delights, optimism and popularity!

scorpio icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Recent delays and confusion ended last week, Sage, so you can march ahead now with confidence and with new things. (Questions you still have, or concerns from the past, will be answered/resolved by mid-March.) The weeks ahead emphasize your home, family, real estate, security, your “foundations,” nutrition, gardening, repairs — and deep rest. (Wait until 2022 to buy real estate.) Until March 3, work remains intense, hard.

Sunday highlights relationships — a good one this morning! This night to pre-dawn Wed. brings mysteries, lust, financial actions, perhaps medical procedures — mostly smoothly, mildly fortunately. Wisdom, and international, cross-cultural views, law, learning, travel, philosophy — these enter Wed. morning to mid-morn Fri. DON’T buy a computer or software. One, maybe more doors open to travel, expression, friends.

Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — biggies are watching. Avoid confrontations with authority. An “okay” interval.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You start 4 weeks of easy, swift chores, Cap — errands, paperwork, visits/travel, communications (or just “chatting”) — and curiosity. Exercise that last whenever you can (esp. about earnings prospects and/or an emotional bond). Recent delays and confusion have ended, so march ahead with confidence. Romance continues to simmer (to March 3).

Delayed money will “come through” now to mid-March.

Tackle chores Sunday (before 10 am PST for best results). This night to pre-dawn Wed. brings relationships, relocation themes, public dealings, opportunities, negotiation/litigation, opposition and co-operation. Luck is best late Sunday night and both mornings — Mon. and Tues.

Life’s deeper side emerges Wed. morn to mid-morn Fri. — mysteries, secrets, heightened intuition, subconscious promptings, strong sexual desire, investment/debt, medical and lifestyle decisions. Whew — a lot. Be cautious, as obstacles are numerous. However, a romantic/sexual wish might be granted (Wed.?) and a door opens to increased income (Thurs.?).

A wise, mellow mood steals over you Fri./Sat. Romance intriguing Fri. night. Love might grow, either day.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The accent falls on money, Aquarius, for the next four weeks. Buy/sell, aim for a pay raise, find new clients, etc. Recent delays, indecision are over, so you can march forward — with purchases, also. Casual sexual attractions might occur. It’s a good month to learn something, fact-wise.

You should remain diplomatic, forgiving on the home scene — you’ve been “pricked to anger” since early January, and remain so to March 3. Ask yourself: does my family (children, spouse, lover) deserve my temper? You’ve been undecided, chasing your own tail for a few weeks — who am I? where am I going? A romantic, sexual or financial link is involved. Don’t fret — understanding, resolution will come before mid-March.

Sunday daytime is for romance, charming kids, creative/inventive projects. Tackle chores this night to pre-dawn Wed. (PST). Eat, dress sensibly. You’ll do well. Relationships face you Wed. morn to mid-morn Fri. A decision is due: stay or flee? Relocation themes and practical opportunities also arise, but don’t too far with anything. You could learn/spy a secret mid-week.

Mysteries, life’s depths, lust (for power, sex, money) medical and lifestyle concerns, these fill Fri./Sat. Friday pm probably best — you hover on the edge, and finally commit — good!

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Recent confusion, indecision and delay have ended, so you can confidently go forward with new projects and plans, Pisces. What was puzzling will be solved before mid-March. The four weeks ahead highlight you, your wants and needs, your projects. You’ll be at an annual peak of energy, clout and charisma. Be a leader, start things, enlist others.

You’re still very busy with errands, communications, trips and paperwork — the more these involve money, salary, the better. Thursday to March 21 brings a long string of “good hair days” — and glances from others.

Stay home Sunday daytime. Rest, share affection with the family. This night to pre-dawn Wed., passion comes. Could be romantic, creative, or sports/games passion. Late Sun. night and both mornings are best. Midweek, you might watch 2 friends in love, or you might grab love’s hand yourself. (It’s gritty.)

Tackle chores early Wed. morn to mid-morning Fri. Eat, dress sensibly. You might see an open door to a better job or better paid job — yes, step in! Relationships fill Fri./Sat. Emotions gush. You might fall in love, or chase someone, using humour and poise.



Biden is much more stubborn than he appears. The (mostly Republican) state governors who are making appeals to him (e.g., please don’t cancel our oil industry) would do better to launch lawsuits. He has to be pushed, preferably by a Leo, a Libran (Kamala Harris), a Gemini or someone whose first name begins with K (or  hard “C”) Q, M or O.
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There might be a “Nasdaq depression” in 2022 — maybe. (I’m characterizing the Nasdaq as high-tech, though it’s not fully so.) The indicators of stress between high tech and practical business circumstances (or, for some weird reason, between scientists and high tech) actually began Dec. 17, 2020. It should have reached a peak of sorts (one of several) this week and the one just past.

I can’t think of any current evidence or instances of such a struggle except, perhaps, involving Bitcoin. This “conflict” has brought Bitcoin into prominence (up 65.5% year to date as I write, Feb. 15, so about 45 days). Bitcoin stayed low for many years. Its recent rise began in 2018, when Uranus (high-tech) entered Taurus (banks, money supply). Uranus stays there until 2026.

Bitcoin is the high-tech currency; the practical business circumstances are the fiat currencies which almost every country possesses. The trouble with fiat currencies, which all the world uses, is they depend on trust, and trust alone. If you hold a $1 U.S. bill (or a million $ bill) you hold a note in your hand that legally says, “trust me.” (Avoiding arrogance, the U.S. bills ask us to put that trust in God.)

Bitcoin involves no trust. It’s a simple mathematical process: the currency rises or falls in value as demand for it increases or decreases. The recent events in Washington, D.C., from the riot of Jan. 6 to the desperate impeachment fiasco’s demise Feb. 13, eroded the trust of many U.S. citizens of both parties, though perhaps for different reasons. As the trust goes down, so does the fiat “paper promise” money. During this 5 1/2 weeks, riot to impeachment acquittal, Bitcoin climbed 30% against the U.S. dollar. So high-tech (Bitcoin) won the battle with “the old way” (fiat money) — for now.

Remember, this is only one battle, the first one I’ve noticed. A more traditional “battle” just occurred (Feb. 12 – 15?). Nigeria has just outlawed Bitcoin (and all crypto-currencies). Don’t shrug — though U.S. citizens/companies own the most Bitcoin, the news item (CNN) about Nigeria’s rejection of Bitcoin claimed Nigeria also owned/used more Bitcoin than any other country on earth except the U.S. (Yet recent articles don’t even mention Nigeria — ?)

To me, with my limited sight, this is the gamble with Bitcoin and all its progeny: that governments, who might feel their own currencies threatened, could ban it. If such a move took hold, Bitcoin could be almost worthless. But another scenario is possible: that in 2021/22 a major battle could emerge between Bitcoin and governments, a la Nigeria, but with Bitcoin the victor. A third scenario would see govt’s actually fully accepting Bitcoin — many banks and major corporations have started to embrace Bitcoin. (Tesla just bought $1.5 billion.)

Two things about the tech v. old way struggle:

    • The hierarchy seems to support the high-tech guys through 2025, which lets them win almost any battle — witness the welcome the gov’t gave Twitter, FB and Amazon after they threw a dark, suffocating cloak over free speech — they gave them a big hug: brought their brightest stars into the government, and made kissy-kissy in financial hallways. (This is the “haunted house” I warned about, should Biden win.)
    • I think, concerning Bitcoin et al, ’21/22 is too little time to effect the build-up and engagement of an all-out fin-tech war. Though it could start in 21/22, and continue through the years to 2026. If so, it will be resolved in or by 2026, almost by “escape.”)

I started (above, far back!) with a feeing that the Saturn-Uranus square — the “practical circumstances” versus high-tech — would bring a recession. But lucky Jupiter is holding hands with dour Saturn, so worst outcomes will probably be rare. And a recession doesn’t appear on the horizon. In fact, the destruction of small businesses, as bad as that is, might spark and inspire a post-pandemic re-building effort that could fuel a major economic expansion.

(The pandemic should recede to just being a bit of life, like the flu is, well before 2021 ends. Just not sure of the variants, haven’t looked at that.)

Still, the high-tech vs. practical conflict has just hit the first of a few peaks, and information isn’t instant. If we don’t see a major problem in this area — a different problem than Bitcoin, or even fin-tech— by February’s end, perhaps mid-March, I think we’re safely embarked on an upbeat, fortunate year.
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MORE (PERSONAL) BITCOIN: I had a client a week or two ago who said she was going to go all out and buy Bitcoin (about $35,000 U.S. per coin at the time, with pundits saying it will go to U.S. $100,000). I said, “Hey, I wouldn’t buy something that has run up so quickly” (60% in a couple of months). But, being part (or largely) Scorpio, she said she would ignore my advice. Well, as I write this, Bitcoin’s over $50,000 — she’s already made about 40% on her investment!

Way, way back — 10 years ago? — I wrote that Bitcoin (at about $2,000) would fall. It fell to $800. But then it climbed. (And now of course is worth 58 times that $800, or 23 times that $2,000.) So my predictions are not always good for the long run.
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Of course Nancy Pelosi was furious when she heard Trump had been acquitted. Her place in history just fell 2 or 3 notches. Her mismanagement of two partisan impeachment forays will be a stain that obliterates anything else she has done. Historians will sneer at her, and she knows it.
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The following is from J. Peder Zane, Real Clear Politics, Feb. 13/21:

“…since Donald Trump’s election in 2016, Democrats and their media allies have …. ” Consider:

1. When they insisted that Trump was a Russian asset, we were told to believe they were safeguarding national security.

2. When they accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault and even gang rape, we were told to believe they were protecting the Supreme Court.

3. When in 2019 they made Trump only the third president in history to be impeached – and the only one not accused of committing a high crime or misdemeanor – we were told to believe they were defending the rule of law.

4. When scores of BLM protests turned violent last summer, they told us to believe that the gatherings were mostly peaceful.

5. When antifa thugs destroyed property, beat citizens and occupied public lands, they told us to believe that the group didn’t even exist.

6. When some undefined, unaffiliated people online appeared to subscribe to crazy conspiracy theories involving Satan and pedophiles, they told us to believe it was a vast and highly organized group called QAnon that was intent on overthrowing the government.

7. When they argued that “whiteness” and “white privilege” are the underlying source of America’s problems, they told us to believe they were trying to heal the nation.

8. When they censored allegations of the Biden family’s corruption, they told us to believe they were fighting disinformation.

9. When they allowed Twitter mobs to destroy people who had once said something they didn’t agree with or like, they told us to believe that they were seeking justice.

10. And, when they demonize and silence the tens of millions of people who oppose their quest for domination, they tell us to believe they are seeking unity.
