“QUE SERA SERA” ~ Doris Day
(written by Ray Evans & Jay Livingston)
PLEASE NOTE: New columns will now run from Friday every week through the following Thursday.
Note: If you are viewing this on a mobile phone, the Translate buttons and World Clock will appear at the bottom of this site. (请注意: 如果您在手机上看到这一点, 翻译按钮和世界时钟将出现在这个网站的底部.)
Email: suningem@gmail.com For further Information on obtaining a reading please go to the heading ‘READINGS’ above (under the blue picture).
All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT here, it is 8 PM Daylight in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. Note: these time differences can be affected by different adoptions of Daylight — for example, until Britain switches to Daylight, their zone is only 7 hours past PDT. You can Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.
START NOTHING: Before 9:25 pm Fri., 9:50 am to 11:07 pm Sun., 12:35 pm Tues. to 2:29 am Wed., and 5:28 pm Thurs. to 8:05 am Fri.
“They were poisoned with protection” — Neil Young. Could be the 22nd century’s epitaph for the Millennials of the 21st?
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Mercury retrogrades July 7 to 31. Continue ongoing projects and relationships, and protect them against delays, supply shortages, misunderstandings or communication snafus and false starts — all the things Mercury retro will throw at you. DO NOT start brand new ventures, projects nor relationships before August — they would end in confused exhaustion. Viable projects, roles and relations might return from the past: examine them, and if they’re good, go ahead, resurrect them.
Old flames can return for almost any sign — during July 7 to 18 for Leos, Aquarians, Libra, Sagittarius and Aries. (Maybe a light, friendly old flame for Gemini.) And during July 18 to 31 for the other six signs, esp. Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces and (in a sexual sense) Scorpio, and perhaps (lighter, casual “friend”) Taurus. (Casual friend for Cancer.)
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The cynical side of me: The ultimate equality is the destruction of personality.
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A Reader (and she isn’t the first) asked me how the “START NOTHING” times work. (They’re listed every week at the beginning of this column.)
Basically, each “Start Nothing” time has a beginning and an end: for example one of the Start Nothing periods above is 9:50 AM to 11:07 PM on Sunday. This means that for approximately 13 hours on this day, we should not start any brand-new projects.
In addition, generally, we should wait several hours after the end time of the “Start Nothing” interval to actually start anything important.
For example, in the time above, even though the “Start Nothing” ends at 11:07 PM on Sunday, we really should not start anything new before about 3 or 4 AM the following Monday. (Because I am restricted by technicality, I can only list the exact time the “S.N.” period ends — you have to adjust it for yourself — just add 3 or 4 hours and you should be fine.)
These “S.N.” periods are times when the Moon has not yet left a sign, yet has no more aspects to make to the sun or other planets until it enters the next sign. It is an empty time, a time when the moon has nothing to act on and so it therefore cannot give any character or impetus to any new project. In a sense a project started in this “empty period” would be stillborn. Astrologers call this interval “Moon void of course.”
In practical terms, you can use these start nothing times to do routine chores such as grocery shopping, laundry, paperwork, etc. — or simply continuing with your job or employment. The S.N. periods are also good for meditation, relaxation — they are kind of like nature’s “Sunday,” a spiritual or regrouping time.
If you have already begun a project, say writing an essay for school, then you can confidently go ahead with continuing to write it during a start nothing interval. I always make sure I start each “Astral” column outside these S.N. times, but once started, I often continue it again when the S.N. is in force. But say you were writing a book, and decided to introduce a new character in your plot and did this during a start nothing period, you would probably later find that this character did not fit or was superfluous to your plot. I once bought 3 sheep during a start nothing interval. A week later, coyotes ate all of them. Don’t start renovations, lawsuits, new employment, etc. during a start nothing period.
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ARIES: March 21-April 19
You are deep in a domestic, mildly lethargic month, Aries. Let this trend flower and have its way. You need a good rest, and your “house,” whatever it might be, probably needs some repairs. Applies to a business, too. Examine your general entanglements: it might be time to let some associations and/or projects go. Whatever you do, don’t start brand new projects or ventures before August 1. (For more detail, read the PREAMBLE above.) An old flame might re-appear any time this month — you’ll be contacted by phone, note, or computer. Your romantic urges are strong all month — don’t let them interfere with making money (as on July 10 or 11). You’ll have more success with love after July 21.
Friday yields little, so use the preceding Thursday eve/night to act, esp. in romantic, legal, cultural, travel, media or intellectual zones. (Though yielding little that’s concrete or lasting, Friday does bring you beauty, pleasure, and the inner thrill of love.) Friday night, late, brings chores and health concerns, continuing to late night Sunday. Tackle those jobs, work to complete outstanding chores. You’ll succeed, esp. Sat. Still, watch for misinformation, confused goals. Ends with success, esp. in career and asset areas.
Relationships confront you Mon./Tues. Pretty easy, even exciting or intriguing Mon., but rather depressing Tues. Remember, grab NO new relationships nor “opportunities.” Tuesday is chock-full of hard choices between (outside) career/ambitions, and (inside) family, home responsibilities. Pick the latter, Aries.
Life’s secrets — and your subconscious — float to the surface Wed./Thurs. Your romantic urges might work against your ambitions or $ drives. On the other hand, your lust might find a welcoming harbour. Connections with gov’t, civil servants, advisors, agents, head office and institutions, go very well. Splendid two days for confidential discussions.
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
The main focus lies on errands, casual friends, communications, travel and curiosity. All these take place in an atmosphere of affection and mild good luck. However, don’t launch anything new — esp. in these arenas, and in your family, domestic zone — before August 1st. Until then, old opportunities in these zones might be favourable for action. E.g., a house you wanted to buy, or an apartment you wanted to rent, could become available. Or you might discover a long-lost letter or photo album that answers long-standing questions.
Don’t begin important new relationships. Promise nothing, and accept no promises, as something (unforeseen) might prevent their fulfillment. Your home will be prone to friction/conflict now through August 17. Be diplomatic, don’t push kids too hard. (Many or one deep home problem can be solved “yesterday” — that is, Thursday night of July 4, perhaps as you’re reading this.)
Most of Friday yields little, is best spent in quiet rest and/or contemplation. Friday night (9:30 pm PDT) starts a weekend of romance, creative surges and risk-taking urges, beauty, sports/games, pleasure. This night and Saturday toll the bells of love clear sonorously. Sunday’s a bit jumbled and you might hesitate, unsure of results, reactions. Still, nothing wrong. All’s well.
Tackle chores and protect your daily health Mon./Tues. Monday’s fine, you get things done. Tuesday’s a bit difficult — others don’t agree with your methods, or you face a moral dilemma involving your duties. Be diplomatic and roll with the punches.
Relationships face you Wed./Thurs. Don’t let home matters knock you off stride, and don’t yield to anger, because you are going to meet either an important person for your future or your heart (or both), or a big opportunity. Hopefully, both are from the past somehow — a returning opportunity, or a past connection renewed. Both days proceed with tremendous luck, a wish could come true, so open your arms wide! Love, marriage, relocation are hot topics.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
Wow, you’re a ball of fire — restless, travel-prone, talkative — right into mid-August. But don’t let this restlessness nudge you into starting important new projects or relationships. Start nothing new and important before August 1. Until then, stick with the tried and true, or reprise old, formerly “dropped” projects/involvements. You might receive messages from old contacts. A former friend might return (any time in July, but likely this week or next). Contemplate whether this friend belongs in your life anymore: he/she might not like your “new” opinions nor your private set-up. Your money luck holds firm — a relief after May/June’s destruction.
Friday holds little of consequence. (Though if you’re reading this early, Thursday, July 4, realize this day, this Thurs. night, is packed with good luck if you reach out, communicate to others.) Friday night through the weekend nudges you toward rest, domesticity, gardening, repairs, kids, etc. These go well Sat., but work alone Sun.— or at least, avoid chasing someone.
Romance lights your heart Mon./Tues. Good Mon. — words of love are easy to say — but Tues. is filled with barriers. Don’t push anything. Tackle chores Wed./Thurs. You’ll get a lot accomplished these two days, could make a great impression on higher-ups. But avoid fighting computers, touching electric wires, reckless driving. You’re going to love Friday, but that’s for next week.
CANCER: June 21-July 22
The main accent this month, Cancer, is on you. Your energy is high, your charisma affects everyone, and you wield clout. However, I’m not using the word “effective” because from Sunday to July 31, many things fall prey to false starts, indecision, delays and misunderstandings. Don’t start any important new ventures nor relationships, until August arrives.
Now to mid-August, money will rush swiftly to you, and swiftly through you. Hang on to as much as you can; don’t increase spending. (Easier said than done. If you do want to spend, aim your dollars in the direction of status, career building.) Old debts, owed to and from you, rise to the surface.
Friday daytime holds little of lasting value. Buy nothing important. This night kicks off a weekend of rushing, calls, late arrivals, communications, travel and errands, but a happy weekend, too! Love finds solutions, esp. if you communicate.
Be near home, at least in heart/mind, Mon./Tues. Monday’s fine, good kids, family affection — but Tues. sparks disagreement, alienation, thorny questions, maybe rejection. Romance, passion, beauty, creativity, speculation, pleasure — these rush in Wed./Thurs. You could fall (further) in love. All is fortunate, splendid, except in these: social groups, money and electronics, ambition and wish fulfillment — forget these, and you’ll succeed!
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
Continue to lie low, Leo. Rest, avoid the madding crowd, contemplate and plan. (Go light on the planning, though, as conditions and openings will change in August.) This is the time to wrap yourself in spirituality, to improve your karma (by being charitable, forgiving others, examining your own past actions). Your “retreat” blesses you, is quite pleasant. Sit on the back porch awhile, let the world go by.
Renew links to gov’t, head offices, institutions, advisors and agents — but DON’T try to form new ones. In general, avoid starting important new projects or relationships now to July 31. Instead, reprise former projects/contacts, or stick with ongoing ones. (Protect them from supply shortages, mistakes, wrong directions and delays.) Despite your weariness, you are unusually determined, prone to burn energy — so make yourself rest, don’t “burn out.”
You’re also, again despite a temporarily lower energy and charisma, sexually magnetic — now, and into mid-August. You might be approached for more than you’re prepared to give. Here’s the really odd thing: you’re very determined, but also very indecisive. Perhaps you can’t pick what to be determined about! (My advice: go with circumstances, and your natural urges.) Until mid-August, be wary of law suits — absolutely do not start one in July.
You get more attention than usual Friday daytime, but little comes of it. This night through Sunday, chase money, buy/sell, seek bargains, butter up clients and/or the boss. All’s well. Errands, communications and travel fill Mon. (good, affection, easy results) and Tues. (disappointment, obstacles become apparent — use caution). Home, kids, spouse, garden, food, security, Mother Nature, soul — these arise Wed./Thurs., in good, rewarding ways. BUT watch for unpredictable actions by higher-ups, drive defensively, and don’t argue!
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Some of yesterday’s themes flow over into Friday — domesticity, retreat, healing. But Friday itself yields little (unless you’re in Europe, in which case great luck fills these domestic and gov’t areas until 8 am Saturday — 4 pm in Asia). Your energy and charisma soar skyward late Fri. night through Sunday. You’ll meet admiration, inspiration, social joys, and both (or either) romantic or partnership attractions.
Usually this would be a great time to start projects/ventures, and to meet new people, but not this time. A cloud of delays, misunderstandings, false starts and indecision fills this month until July 31. So avoid brand new starts, and brand new people. However, you can reprise old relationships and old projects from the past. Or, continue with ongoing projects but realize they might meet delays, supply shortages, misunderstandings, etc. Try to protect them from these.
Buy and sell, handle money, seek bargains Mon./Tues. You might be attracted to a casual, sensual “opening.” Monday flows well, with mild but productive luck. But Tues. confronts you with obstacles, refusals and, perhaps, disappointment about a friend — or potential lover. Be cautious Tues.
Errands, easy chores, travel and communication, paperwork and local media fill Wed./Thurs. — with luck and swiftness. Double-check addresses, instructions — make a “To Do” list before venturing out. One caution: all week, but especially Wed./Thurs., drive carefully, watch what you put on the internet, adhere to legal, ethical standards, and avoid showdowns with gov’t or institutional people.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
The general accent lies on your career, worldly standing, ambitions, prestige relations and tests of your abilities or fortitude (or loyalty). You’ll pass! Usually, this would be the best time of year to start a business, apply for a position or promotion, or generally charge ahead. But this July, charging ahead should only occur after much forethought.
Avoid starting new projects or forming new relationships before August. A cloud of delay, indecision and mistakes will hover over new ventures/faces all July. So be dedicated, show your skills, be a fixture in “upstairs hallways,” but DON’T start, nor propose, new projects. Instead, protect ongoing ventures from shortages, delays and mistakes. Or, reprise past projects and relationships.
You might be asked to fill a former career role. A former lover or good friend might show up, too — anytime in July, but probably this week or next. You’re filled with optimism about your marriage —or about the prospect of it, if single — for a whole 6 weeks ahead. A memorable romance might start before mid-August, and it might lead to marriage. It’s flirty, witty, and good friends are “standing by.”
Friday’s friendly, happy, but yields little of permanence. Retreat this night through Sunday — rest, ponder, be spiritual, charitable. Connect with gov’t or advisors or institutions. A fortunate few days, easy, mellow. (PS: don’t form solid or complex plans, as circumstances will change.)
Your energy and charisma surge upward Mon./Tues. See and be seen — but again, start nothing important unless you’re “re-tackling” the past. Monday’s easy, lovely — you can “send” a significant relationship message. But Tues. you face the same old domestic or property dilemma/problems. Yes, tackle them a bit now, but only a bit. Best action, solutions, will come after May 5, 2020.
Wednesday and Thurs. might be wild and wacky, prone to accidents, unpredictable people, sudden disruptions, perhaps electric or computer failure. Keep an eye on these, but don’t miss the good stuff: both days offer career recognition, work solutions, health cures, and strong inspiration/intuition — listen to them!
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov . 21
Usually, July is a thoughtful, pleasant, loving month for you, and this one is. But unexpected delays, mistakes and indecision counsel against starting any new projects or beginning new relationships before August 1st – especially in career, business and higher goals such as far travel, import/export, higher education, law, cultural and social rituals/beliefs. (These intellectual, travel, etc. themes, despite being “blocked,” do benefit you.)
Be content to further ongoing projects/relations (and to protect them from mistakes, supply shortages, “no shows” and wrong directions, etc.). Or, you can reprise the past, pluck a project or human bond from the past and revive it. All July, an old flame could return. Now to mid-August, VIPs and bosses (and parents) seem impatient with you, and temperamental. Just grin and bear it (and keep your fists in your pockets, as in the Chinese proverb). This period also offers more work, or work that “fits” your career ambitions more closely. You might also be called on to assume a former career role for awhile, or to re-establish past contacts.
Friday is mostly about ambitions, career, your community standing — but little happens in North America. (Good luck in all these to mid-afternoon Friday if you live in Asia.) This night through Sunday brings joy and delight! Wishes come true, your popularity swells; entertainment and flirtations, optimism and blue skies appear! Romance, great! But don’t chase money, nor display possessiveness.
Retreat Mon./Tues. — rest, ponder (don’t plan before August, though), be charitable, spiritual. Deal with civil servants, institutions, agents and advisors. Act Mon., when green lights abound; but be cautious Tues., esp. the forenoon, when various problems arise. (Likely travel or communications problems.)
Your energy and charisma return powerfully Wed./Thurs. — get out, impress people, give ongoing projects a needed push. But don’t start (nor even propose) a new project or association. Both days, you can attract (nay, almost command!) love, beauty, co-operation — except, paradoxically, in one arena: partnership, contracts, agreements, litigation, relocation and dealings with the public. In these, a disruption lurks. Drive carefully; do nothing when nervous. Protect your heart and nerves.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
The general July’s accent lies on secrets, mysteries, research, medical “fixes,” lifestyle changes, major finances, subconscious promptings (intuition) and sexual desire. Be good, don’t chase anyone who’s already attached. Usually, this month is a good time to make investments, or to commit to some life-changing action. (For example, if you make a major financial decision to, say, enter your first home mortgage, your life will change, as you will now live in a house and have to make payments.) However, this July is NOT the time to make significant commitments.
An incoming storm of delays, mistakes, false starts and indecision will create a strong headwind against success. Neither make nor accept promises, and sign nothing. Exceptions apply: if someone or something returns from the past, it/he/she might be worth taking up again. An old flame is almost certain to make contact, or appear accidentally. For six weeks ahead, avoid law suits. Same six weeks, a major love affair might turn toward nuptials, or a new love might form. Many arguments about beliefs, ideals, but otherwise good, same six weeks.
Friday’s mostly a dud, although you’ll be mellow, thoughtful and happy. Friday night through Sunday spurs your ambitions, brings meetings with higher-ups or VIPs. Your worldly status is accented. In general, all’s good, so march ahead — but don’t start new projects nor propose any.
Wish fulfillment Mon./Tues. — your popularity grows mildly, social delights and optimism buoy your spirits. Monday is great, so charge ahead but avoid anything connected to money — this, and possessions, will meet disappointing obstacles Tuesday. (Still, you’ll stay happy!)
Retreat, find solitude Wed./Thurs. Ponder, rest, meditate, but do not plan as circumstances are fluid. All is well these two days except in romance, legal/belief zones, and work areas. These are likely to present problems, especially in communications and electronic or computer areas. Drive carefully both days.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Relationships fill July, Cap. (“Relationships” always includes relocation themes, opportunities, dealings with the public, love and business partnerships/associations, negotiation, contracts, litigation — and a motley collection of allies and enemies.) Be diplomatic, and willing to join. Now to May 2020, you should avoid uber independence. However, this July is not a good time to begin anything new in these areas (or really, any areas).
For example, relocating or starting a new love affair this month would turn out badly after you run a gauntlet of delays, mistakes, indecisions and false starts. So stick with ongoing projects/bonds, favour them, and protect them from delays, misunderstandings, etc. Or, you might resurrect a past project, or chase a former flame. This can turn out well, but before you commit, judge it by its past: was it good then, or flawed? Now to mid-August your sexual magnetism surges. Strictly avoid extra-marital temptations — they will burn you with your own fire.
Daytime Friday proves a dud — nothing permanent occurs. Still, you feel good physically, and are intrigued by a secret or hidden information. Friday night through Sunday shunts you into a mellow, thoughtful and understanding place. Love, far travel, legal matters, intellectual and cultural pursuits, all are blessed. Read a good book or see a foreign film. Fri./Sat. are both good for dates.
Your ambitions awaken Mon./Tues. — or a boss awakens them for you. Charge ahead both days, but be a little cautious Tues., when others might not co-operate. Wishes can come true Wed./Thurs. — you’ll be popular, flirty, witty, optimistic — and happy! Some things don’t work, and face disruption: deep, blushing romance, pure sex/lust, investments, property/real estate, gambles, creativity, electricity, FinTech, and computers. But friends, travel/visits, communications, real/true love and partnerships succeed, welcome you. Be cautious Wed. until 2 pm (PDT).
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
July’s main focus, for you, lies in work, employment, machinery and tools, service personnel, and daily health. If you’re a parent, your children will temporarily need more attention. Because the rest of July is filled with delays, mistakes, false starts and second thoughts, it is not a good time to buy machinery or start a new job or project. Instead, protect ongoing projects from supply shortages, delays, “no shows” and misunderstandings.
You might have an opportunity to grab a former job position, repair a neglected situation, or purchase a piece of machinery that you wanted in the past but could not afford or couldn’t convince the owner to sell. (I mean a specific item — e.g., that car, not a car, or any car.) Protect your health by eating, dressing sensibly.
Now through mid-August, relationships will be very intense — make no enemies via insulting/hurting words. On the plus side, your gift of friendly gab could attract several friends. A partnership or love bond could turn “hot.” (This can be a good thing!) An old flame might arrive, laden with partnership motives.
Friday focuses on relationships, but nothing much happens. (Be satisfied with what happened yesterday — Thursday — in relationships.) Friday night (9:30 pm PDT) through Sunday steers you into deeper waters: secrets, research, medical exigencies, lifestyle choices, major financial action, heightened intuition, and physical lust. All these are favoured and flow well, but remember: new commitments or projects will likely lead to disappointment. You’ll learn a secret or two, though!
Legal, intellectual, far travel, ethical, cultural, media and religious matters arise Mon./Tues. Monday’s fine for most of these, but Tuesday tolls a bell of caution, esp. if an institution or the gov’t are involved. (Not a good time to embark on travel for health.) Your career, prestige relations and worldly standing are emphasized Wed./Thurs. — quite fortunately. But relationships and communications (and driving, operating machinery) are dangerous both days, esp. both mornings — act slowly!
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
July is always a time of passion, beauty, self-expression, romance, charming kids, sports/games, and creative/inventive surges. This July might be even more so, as Venus sits in your love zone. Be happy, adventurous Pisces — you’re riding a winning streak! But DON’T start a new romance, a new creative project or beauty regimen. In fact, don’t start anything important before August. Either stick with ongoing people/projects, or resurrect one from the past. An old flame might appear, but this is more likely after July 18.
Now to mid-August, work will grow more intense, but also will yield more money. (Expect lots of talk about this, but little good, simple action.) Same period, guard your health, esp. in hot sun or marked temperature changes, near sharp instruments or hot machinery…watch for rashes.
Friday is mostly unimpressive — tackle routine chores. Friday night through Sunday brings relationships — a good thing in a month of love! March forward, make contact. If you love someone, say or show it. Be diplomatic, but eager to join in. Life’s secrets, and its’ sources of power — financial, sexual, health-wise — arise Mon./Tues. Monday’s fine, but Tuesday presents challenges, especially in social settings — reject wishful thinking. Not a great period for investment, boudoir chases, but it IS a good interval for research or investigation.
A sweet, mellow wisdom flows over you Wed./Thurs. — plunge in, all is fortunate in far travel, education, publishing, cultural venues, gentle love and belief systems. BUT problems do exist, both days, esp. both mornings, in work, health, machines, computers, communications and/or travel. Drive carefully!