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Email: suningem@gmail.com

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START NOTHING: 8:08 am to 3:39 pm Sun.,  10:26 am to 3:37 pm Tues., 1:40 pm to 4:37 pm Thurs., and 2:20 pm to 8:07 pm Sat.




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ALL SIGNS: Three weeks of confusion, indecision, mistakes and delays starts next Sunday (Feb. 16) so avoid starting big or important projects this week, and wait until March 10 onward to resume forward motion. In the meantime, protect against supply shortages, missed appointments and scheduling snafus — and repeat (or read) instructions twice.
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I’ll be giving another talk for the Questors Society in Vancouver, Feb. 11, Tuesday, at 7 pm at the Maritime Museum (at Kits Point in English Bay). This one, I think, will be on “how to find a compatible love.”
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All men are equal before God, but almost no men feel equal amongst themselves.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Wrap up projects and important tasks this week. Don’t start anything big. Particularly avoid new projects involving gov’t or management actions. A  potential partner might wander into your sphere. Your interest in love and money increases now to early March. This week, group activities bring joy and a “popular” feeling. Happiness lives! Continue to avoid lawsuits (last week of this).

Sunday’s romantic, pleasurable and creative, but all the significant action occurs early morning. Tackle chores this afternoon to Tues. afternoon. Eat, dress sensibly. You’ll accomplish a lot, esp. in computer areas late Sun., in career zones Mon. and early Tues., but avoid friction (and sharp tools) around mid-morning (PST) Tues. Relationships loom Tues. afternoon to early suppertime Thurs. Luck here is very mixed — love exists, but so do some major obstacles (career or status related?). Go slow, show loyalty. Life’s secrets, hidden forces, major finances, sexual yearnings, and consequences fill Thurs. afternoon to Sat. night. Expect smooth progress, esp. in business and gov’t zones, but don’t be too “romantic” Fri. night.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The general accent remains on ambition, status, career and prestige relations this week and a bit of next. Don’t start new projects before March 10. Former friends are waiting in the wings, they’ll “appear” next week into March. Remain calm in the face of financial or sexual impulses — walk slowly here. Someone you know might be offering intimacy, but at what social cost? Your inner world and dealings with gov’t or management circles become gracious, mildly fortunate now to early March also. This late winter/spring could fulfill a love (or friendship) wish.

Sunday’s for home, kids, relaxation, puttering. Late afternoon Sun. to afternoon Tues. sparks romance, beauty, creative and risk-taking urges. Charge forth, most aspects are green-lighted. The only snag occurs Tues., when sexual or financial friction might cause a tiff. Tackle chores Tues. eve to Thurs. eve. Protect your health with daily habits. Proceed with caution, follow safety rules. Might be ethical obstacles. Thursday eve to late Saturday night brains relationships above all; this includes relocation, fresh horizons, opportunities, negotiations and agreements — and possible arguments, challenges and competition. Proceed with confidence, as pretty good luck rides with you, especially in romantic, friendship zones Friday.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Your expansive, compassionate, wide-seeing and wise mood continues, Gemini — for 9 more days. Your mind has been on career and your obligations the past week — many discussions can occur in your career area now to mid-April. But shy away from starting any new career projects, or any kind of project, before March 10. If bosses push you to start something big in this interval, try to dissuade them to delay or even drop the project. Relationships remain intense — should you jump, or not? To answer that question, first ask yourself how mellow (versus assertive, or hot-tempered) this person is. It looks likely that he/she “expects” you to act. Friends are more affectionate to early March, your popularity rises softly.

Keep busy Sun. morning — errands, communications, paperwork and travel occupy you. But slow down around mid-afternoon (PST) all the way to Tues. afternoon — this domestic interval brings sweet rest, happy kids, good headway in the garden or with repairs, security upgrades. Sunday night’s great for computers, electricity. Good intimacy, research, financial actions Mon. into Tues. morning.

Romance, beauty lure you Tues. pm to Thursday suppertime. Don’t expect to make much headway here, as the luck is mostly bad, situations difficult. If you want to express attraction or love, do it at 10 am PST, or    2-4:30 pm PST, Thursday. Other times dicey. Thursday eve to late Saturday night brings work and health concerns. Your luck’s good, esp. Friday (good day to buy equipment, machinery, and to finish up work with a satisfied flourish). Saturday’s for chores, not romance.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is your last week of mysteries, lust, power plays, financial actions, medical/surgery concerns, and lifestyle decisions. Don’t start any new ventures, as next week starts 3 weeks of indecision, mistakes and delays. Work continues to be intense. Guard against rashes, heart burn, knocks on the head, and sudden temperature changes. Higher-ups favour you now to early March. An intellectual, publishing, travel or similar pursuit occupies your thoughts now, but don’t march ahead with it — many changes of mind and situation will occur before this “mental” trend ends in mid-April.

Sunday favours you with money, purchases. This night to mid-afternoon Tuesday brings errands, calls/texts, trips, paperwork and swift ’n’ easy chores. Love, or good computer stuff, Sun. night. Romance and “home beautifying” projects succeed Mon. Avoid arguments, accidents Tues. Tackle chores Tues. afternoon to late afternoon Thurs. Eat, dress sensibly. Proceed carefully, read instructions twice, follow safety rules. Obstacles exist, esp. Thurs. (They involve relationships, spouse, etc.) Thursday eve to late Sat. night brings love, beauty, self-expression and creativity. Take a chance, esp. Friday — you’re a winner!

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Relationships fill the nine days ahead, Leo. For relationships you can substitute fresh horizons, opportunities, negotiations and agreements, and opposition and challenges. This is not a good time to start new relationships or negotiations because a storm of indecision, delays and mistakes enters next week, lasting to March 9. You have just gone through a time of sweet temptation. Now, the very one who tempted you might become a party to discussion about your desires and urges. These discussions, which may also be about investments, debt, medical procedures or lifestyle changes, will continue into mid-April. Be patient, as there are many complications to go through before April. Romance remains intense — if you have not acted yet, now might be the time, before the time flees. (Sunday morning — before 8 am PST — might be the best time this week to approach someone, though you’ll have other chances — including Sun. night.)

Your energy and charisma remain high Sun., but not a lot gets accomplished (unless you live in Europe or Asia — in which case this is a very productive day.) Pursue money, collect and pay bills, seek bargains, butter up clients, etc., Sunday afternoon to Tues. afternoon. You’ll pocket a plum or two! Don’t chase romance Tues. afternoon. Midweek is for errands, communications, short travel and visits, and paperwork. Proceed cautiously here, as some major obstacles exist, especially in the work area. Head for home Thursday eve to late night Saturday. Your family welcomes you, and good things get done. Friday favours decoration, painting, gardening and working on any water problems. You’ll succeed!

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

One last week of drudgery, health issues, and caring for dependents, Virgo. Your sexual desires (and results) swell now to March 5. Same interval: good financial, investment results. You can dig deep and find just the right “item” to support your view. Your home/family need one more week of forbearance — down on aggression, up on gentleness. Present discussions foreshadow a month of relationships starting next week. An old flame could return from the past, knocking your present plans sideways. However, both relationships and opportunities cause you much thinking until mid-April. Don’t choose too quickly. Do not start new projects before March 10. Use the present week to wrap up ventures.

Remain quiet and in the background Sunday daytime. Your energy and charisma leap sky-high late Sunday afternoon to late Tuesday afternoon (PST). Get out and about, be a leader, and enjoy some attention. Love, romance, co-operation exist! But start nothing big. Turn your focus to money and possessions late Tues. to Thursday afternoon (PST) — seek bargains, collect and pay bills, schmooze with clients, etc. This interval holds some obstacles, so proceed with care. Thursday pm to late Sat. night sends you off on errands, short trips and visits, and fills your hours with conversations and paperwork. You can accomplish a good deal, esp. on a flirty Friday. All’s well!

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Last week of strong romantic vibes, Libra. Venus creates affection and fortune in relationships, esp. with an Aries. A discussion of marriage might happen. Lots of discussion at your work place, now to mid-April. Wrap things up (esp. in work) rather than start anything — a 3-week period of delays, mistakes and indecision starts soon, lasts until March 9.

Sunday’s hopeful and fun — but if you want results, esp. in love/partnership, better act before 8 am PST. (Before 4/5 pm in Europe, 11 pm in Asia.) This eve through Tues. afternoon tires you — sleep, rest, ponder and plan, deal with civil servants and management types. Most things go well — solutions arise to (some of?) those domestic problems. Your energy and charisma surge upward Tues. afternoon to Thurs. afternoon. Luck is mixed, so time your efforts, be realistic. Use that energy to tackle domestic obstacles. Pursue money goals Thurs. eve to late Sat. night. Collect and pay, shop for bargains, etc. A casual intimate interlude possible. Your luck is mild but good here.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

One last week of a “down home” general influence, Scorpio. Pay your family the honour they deserve. Hug the kids, initiate educational funding programs, garden, repair and decorate. But DON’T start any major projects in any area before March 10 — so extensive renovations are out. Wrap up rather than start things this week. Money continues to flow to you — bank it, reject an unconscious need to spend. (It’s the last week of this.) Recently, romance was sweet, affectionate. Now to mid-April, it becomes voluble, conversation-prone — perhaps because your mind will be firmly on sex. (E.g., when you want more, he/she says, “Let’s talk about this.”)  A former intimate partner might appear, next week into March.

Be ambitious Sunday — be early, too, as results “fade” after 8 am PST (after 4 pm in Europe, 11 pm in Asia). Happiness, popularity, flirtations, entertainment, optimism and social delights fill Sunday eve to Tues. afternoon. A sudden, unexpected attraction perhaps, Sun. night. Avoid a money-related or jealousy argument Tues. daytime. Retreat Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs.  Find quietude, rest and ponder, and “plan” in the sense of contemplating long-existing obstacles and imagining solutions. (Firm plans will change later.) Thursday says “no” to most goals. Your energy soars Thursday eve to late Sat. night, charisma hits 80%, and romance, intimate discussions, succeed Fri. Saturday’s okay, but not a good afternoon for love.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The general accent remains on swift, easy chores, errands, communications, casual contacts, short travel, paperwork, media, and, most important: curiosity. Ask questions. You are still “hot” about a romantic attraction, though this will fade next week… only to give way to a sweeter, more fortunate romantic influence, lasting now to early March. Don’t worry that you have to grab this quickly — April to December will present a constant, strong attraction. (And “life mate” material doesn’t show until April onward.) Your career/standing is helped by work efforts this week — but wrap up rather than begin projects, as next week brings a phase of delays, mistakes and second thoughts, to March 10.

Sunday’s for intellectual, travel, legal, cultural and love pursuits — but with little result, unless you live in Europe or Asia. Be ambitious Sunday afternoon (PST) to Tues. afternoon. Career and earnings reward, esp. Mon. (A more stable, quiet earnings advance possible Tues. morning.) Wish fulfillment, popularity, joy of living, social delights, flirtation, optimism and entertainment are slated mid-week (Tues.-Thurs.). You’ll be happy! But realize practical matters face tall obstacles. Retreat, find solitude, contemplate and rest, late Thurs. afternoon to late night Sat. Liaison with civil servants, management types, institutions, agents and advisors. The planets are on your side, esp. Friday.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 18

It’s the last week of emphasis on money, earnings, purchases, casual sex, and rote learning. Wrap up projects now rather than starting new ones, as 3 weeks of delay, mistakes, and indecision starts soon, lasts through March 9. Continue to avoid belligerent people and dark alleys. (Last week for this warning.) Your home will be sweet and rejuvenating now to early March. Much communication might occur now, paperwork, trips here and there… don’t get too tangled up in this, as it truly will be entangling (and a waste of time) into March. (A “second version” of this paperwork/talk “flurry” might arise mid-March to mid-April — this time, successful.)

Sunday’s for mystery, lifestyle decisions, finances and sex — but with little result (in North America — good daytime results in Europe and Asia). A mellow, understanding mood steals over you Sunday afternoon (PST) to Tues. afternoon. Go ahead with travel, legal, love or intellectual plans. Be ambitious Tues. afternoon to Thurs. afternoon — be yourself, be principled, and interact with prestige people. Wish fulfillment, popularity and social joys, flirtations, optimism and entertainment fill Thurs. eve to late Sat. night. Your luck’s good, esp. Friday — happiness exists!

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 19-Feb. 18

Your energy, charisma, effectiveness, and sense of timing remain high and handsome, Aquarius. This is your time — get out, see and be seen, be a leader. But wrap up affairs rather than starting new projects. Slowdowns, mistakes, and indecision begin soon, and last through March 9. Lots of talk about money and possessions — this “talk” (texts, emails, too) will last to mid-April. but will fall into non-conclusion confusion before March 10. An old flame, a former sexual partner, and a person you just can’t make yourself love (all might be one) — might return in the weeks ahead. But sliding into this relationship would reduce the beneficial impact of a  future romance, April-to-August. (More on this later.) Right now, and to early March, your affections are light and “restless,” and centre on a casual friend.

Sunday’s for relationships, new horizons and opportunities — but you will have to act before 8 am – 11 am to obtain any results in North America (before 4 – 5 pm in Europe, before midnight Sunday in Asia). Sunday afternoon to Tues. afternoon shunts you into the depths underneath relationships: sex, desire, commitment and consequence, financial circumstances/goals. Dig deep — a treasure is available! Love and worldly wisdom flow into you Tues. afternoon to Thurs. eve. Seek intellectual, travel, or cultural goals. But carefully — big obstacles exist (maybe gov’t ones) esp. Thurs. Chase career goals, schmooze with big-wigs, Thurs. eve to late Sat. night. — good luck accompanies you, esp. Friday.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Remain quiet and thoughtful, Pisces. This is your last week of tiredness and low charisma. Bosses continue to be impatient and temperamental — but this is the last week of that also. Your money fortunes rise now to early March. You have become quite talkative lately, especially with a spouse or toward one you wish was your partner. This atmosphere of discussion will last into mid-April, but will wind in many confusing circles until March 10. Use this week to wrap up projects, rather than starting new ones. Over three weeks of delay, indecision and mistakes begin soon, and last through March 9.

Tackle routine chores Sunday, nothing adventurous nor innovative. This eve to Tues. afternoon features relationships, opportunities and new horizons. Your luck’s great here, esp,. Mon. Love, or a wish, could come true. (Realize your partner(s) will not understand you soon, so use these couple of days to state your case clearly.) A former spouse or live-in lover might re-appear soon. Mid-week (Tues. pm to Thurs. pm) heightens your desires and intuition, and offers financial, lifestyle, medical and research progress, but be careful — big obstacles exist. Intellectual, legal, cultural, international and religious themes — and love —arrive Thurs. eve to late Sat. night. Your luck is strong, esp. Friday — march forth!