Disclaimer: Tim is not a lawyer, medical doctor nor financial advisor. Though astrology addresses all these fields, you are advised to discuss Tim’s advice with the appropriate expert before acting (though, of course, the experts are often wrong).

All times/dates are PDT (Pacific Daylight). To reference your own time, see “WORLD CLOCK” on the right of this page, or go to www.worldtimezones.com.

START NOTHING: Before 1:33 am Sun., 0:42 am to 9:20 am Tues., 0:09 am to 2:44 pm Thurs., and 6:17 pm to 6:28 pm Sat.


Hey, what would it cost them merely to fly along the 135 E longitude, especially at the 19 N and 19 S intersections? (Re my comment last week.) Maybe 1/10,000th of what they’ve spent so far searching for the missing Malaysian jet? Ah, well….


Some readers have written: “What about the grand cross (means ‘super conflict’) between Jupiter, Uranus, Sun, Pluto, Mars, Mercury and the Moon in April?” (Basically, the squares of the cross occur from April 13 to 23.) Will countries fall, economies collapse, wars begin? My answer: I haven’t looked yet. But these “super-aspects” often take years to effect their changes. For example, the Ukraine situation bears watching. April’s grand cross might or might not indicate a cataclysmic war, but in either case it might create something that will evolve over the long term – for example, Ukraine might be only the first nation in Putin’s ambitious course – and if the west is weak or cowardly (as they initially were toward Hitler) a decade from now could see a far different Europe. The Ukraine situation might be a precursor of the West’s decline….

Ukraine is a Cancer nation (July 16, 1990) and one of the world’s great bread baskets, after the North American prairies. Russia is a Leo country. Ukraine’s lunar south node (bad karmic payback) is in Leo, showing any contact with Russia is bad news. Unfortunately for Ukraine, their south node is at 7 degrees Leo, a spot of huge competency and power – in other words, Ukraine’s enemies will always be very powerful. (Especially if they are, like Russia, Leo born. Obama is also a Leo, so he will hurt, not help, Ukraine.) But Ukraine won’t fold easily. Its Taurus moon gives it tremendous stamina and strength. It also makes Canada a firm ally. That Moon is with Mars, so a military fight is almost inevitable – though not necessarily this year. Maybe more on this later….


Some readers have written asking me to write my usual “Karmic Forecast” for the February 2014 to November 2015 period. I might do this, but I don’t have much time. Instead, I’ve warned every sign about this period in the last few weeks, in the sun sign messages below.

One very important qualification: my warnings about what not to do during this period fade strongly once the lunar south node passes your individual horizon. For example, a Libran born September 22 or 23 will have to wait until November 2015 onward until marriage or other partnerships become “safe,” whereas a Libran born October 22 will be “released” from this warning almost as soon as I make it. (They’re already released as I write this – this isn’t unfair, for such late-born Librans have already faced a “complicated” marriage karma for about 17 months immediately prior to the bad karma node entering their marriage sign last February.) A Libra born October 14 will be released from the warning, the “karmic kick-back” by September 2014. In other words, such a Libran would be safe to marry by or after this September. Librans born Oct. 4 will be “released” about mid-March 2015. Whether these releases are total, I don’t know; I suspect not. But they are noticeable, and without proof I think they are 75 % effective, perhaps more. The time of release, by the way, will also be the time when the karmic presence is strongest.

Unfortunately, the movement of the lunar nodes (the karmic indicator) is not regular, so I can’t just give you a formula. You’ll have to contact an astrologer to find when your individual karmic scenario changes. (Unfortunately, many astrologers are unaware of the lunar nodes’ karmic role.)…. Maybe I can explain this more clearly later….


It might sound obvious, but the best thing you can do for love this year, Aries, is to approach others, to come out of yourself. A karmic axis lies across your sign and your partnership sign until November 2015; it urges you to substitute interdependence for independence. Even if you ask a member of the opposite sex for a date, and are turned down, you will feel better after ward than if you had not asked. Just the asking will make you feel more confident. If you approach others you’ll attract allies, and your life will grow more diverse and interesting. You’ll trigger opportunities, new horizons, lucrative contracts, useful contacts, enhance your reputation, etc.

Until late July, expect intense emotional sparks. You could meet the love of your life, or be pulled into a true war. You might enter a love-hate bond. If you’re married, your mate is displaying a new assertiveness, impatience, even temperament – you might even think “Hey, that’s my role!” For these few months, you have to give over to others, or face a fight. That said, love certainly won’t be stale or boring! In April, your high energy and charisma draw others. May offers sensual delights – it also brings a chatty person, and someone who’s serious about partnering. (They are probably not the same person.) Late May also ends months of indecision about a partnership – and, if you’ve been affected, re-ignites previously flagging sexual desire. June brings a sensual attraction, and re-intensifies those “love or war” sparks mentioned above. July is mixed – a good time to rest, recuperate and prepare for a massive year of romantic possibilities – which August begins.

August to December (to August, 2015, actually) can bring one of the great amours of your life. Many single Aries will fall in love and marry. August explodes with romantic energy – and sexual desire. (Watch “wandering attention” if you’re married.) DON’T marry July 26 to September 13 – future extramarital affairs could result. Much discussion about a “soul merger” or marriage could take place in September. Wedding urges enter mid-month through October. Propose, or agree to one! November is sexy, intimate, can entwine two bank accounts. (Be careful with authorities, bosses, parents.) November and December could bring a bright, sparky, idealistic yet sultry/sexy person – a wish could come true. So could a wedding.

All 2014, sex might be a little slow to develop – except from December 23 onward, when this trend dissolves, not to return for 28 years. (Meanwhile, if you need a boost in  this area, especially before mid-May, think ambitiously. E.g., if you chase the boss’s son or daughter, you’ll feel sexier in bed than if you chase someone “without promise” in ambitious areas.)


Aries.svgARIES   March 21-April 19

This week starts with relationships. One in particular is likely to climax by Monday or Tuesday – and not in the easiest way. You could face disagreement over your ambitions/career, or feel that things are changing in deep and unstoppable ways. The mysteries of life emerge Tuesday morning to Thursday – now things are easier, smoother, luckier: love becomes intimate, funding arrives, financial and sexual doorways open. Government agencies are on your side, your intuition is high. This is a superb time to seek gov’t programs to help you buy a house, or invest elsewhere. Research, be a detective. (Any good paths here can lead further and grow better right into Saturday.) A gentle, wise, compassionate mood steals over you Thursday eve to Saturday. Legal, far travel, publishing, love, education, cultural and educational pursuits are favoured – and in some cases, this is your last chance, so give everything a hopeful push!


taurus weekly forecastTAURUS   April 20-May 20

Continue to take it easy physically and socially. You might hear a few secrets – don’t spread them (especially Monday) . Your hopes, boosted last week, remain high. Tackle chores Sunday to Tuesday dawn – cautiously. Follow safety rules, make sure the chore needs doing, and don’t step on any toes (especially legal ones) to get them done. Relationships fill Tuesday to Thursday afternoon, almost entirely good ones. Others bring opportunities, affection and support to you. Someone might have an argument in mind, pre-dawn (PDT) Wednesday. Life’s mysteries float to the surface Thursday eve to Saturday – so does your subconscious, which heightens your intuition. Research, dig deep, seek financial opportunities. Seek health answers too, and/or steer an attractive relationship into more intimate waters (and a business relationship into funding). An email or call cements a social link through “instant affection.”


Gemini.svgGEMINI   May 21-June 20

This is your last week of socializing, flirting, laughter and celebration for awhile, Gemini, so enjoy it! Sunday/Monday offer romance, deep feelings, beauty, creative and speculative urges. However, be cautious Monday, when friendship or flirtation does not spell intimacy or sex, at least with this person. Money gambles and investments are also best avoided. Dive into work midweek – you’ll make great progress. (Careful with tools, driving pre-dawn [PDT] Wednesday.) It’s a good time to change health habits, to start a nutrition regimen or exercise program. Work yields money. Your career is favoured Tuesday and Thursday: bosses, VIPs are affectionate, willing. Relationships fill Thursday eve to Saturday – flirtation’s likely, love’s possible. (But don’t confuse ambition with love.)


Cancer.svgCANCER   June 21-July 22

Be ambitious, but not too much so. Now to July, life might be slowing down your career progress to nudge you into contemplating your direction: reconsider, examine foundations, make sure your family is “on board” with your plans. A confidential discussion about your goals, your position, could play a key role this week (especially Monday – don’t rear up in protest if someone says something you don’t like). Foundations are the very thing Sunday to Tuesday morning: foundations such as home, family, security, your retirement nest egg. You have various important decisions to make here. Tuesday morning to Thursday afternoon brings a deep inner joy, peace and beauty, a romantic, inventive, creative or speculative/gambling streak – a winning one! Affection might come to you from afar, from a foreign nation, or from a lawyer, scholar or intellectual type. Tackle chores Thursday eve to Saturday – you’ll accomplish a lot. Love (or intellectual bonding) continues.


Leo icon, Luck ForecastLEO   July 23-Aug. 22

The accent remains on intellectual pursuits, love and travel. These appear in their best or “safest” form Sunday/Monday, yet even here you can meet problems, irksome barriers or irksome people, especially Monday. (By safest I mean – until November 2015 – their shortest, most casual or verbal forms.) Be patient, let others spout off. Someone will hang themselves with their own words – not you, if you’re silent! Home, family, security, property, retirement, Mother Nature – these draw you, and reward you, midweek. You’ll intuitively understand finances, investments Tuesday to Thursday. Contact or use government programs to enhance your gains. Love is cozy, quiet. Snuggle with family. Nap, recuperate. Your romantic, creative, gambling side flares into prominence Thursday eve to Saturday. Take a risk, show off, express yourself.


Virgo.svgVIRGO   Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Now to November 2015, you’ll face a choice between quick, small money, and slow, large finances. In the first camp belong earnings, spending; in the second, investments, major debt. Choose the quick, small camp, Virgo. If you have extra money, simply save it to await the right opportunity. (To some degree, this warning about investment and large finance fades quickly for mid-late September births, and fades about midway for Virgos born early-mid September, etc., but this column is too short to show all this.) In all this, you can add “casual sex” and “accepting surface appearances” to the first, quick, safe camp – and add deep, binding sex, and life altering sex – such as extramarital affairs, pregnancy – and suspicion, research, crime and detection – to the slow, large, dangerous camp. Sunday/Monday emphasize the quick, small, safe camp – but thoughts, talk, emails from the “large camp” call you, tempt you, and almost immediately raise problems. Ignore temptation, and the problems fade. Midweek’s for errands, travel, talk, casual friends – all’s good. You could meet “more than a friend.” Home, family, security bless you Thursday eve to Saturday. Love is possible – perhaps with that “more than a friend.”


Libra.svgLIBRA   Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Relationships remain front and center, Libra. Which doesn’t mean you should pursue them – be diplomatically independent, neither embracing nor harshly rejecting, neither contracting nor litigating. The problems and barriers that arise Sunday/Monday come from another, from a potential partner – unfortunately, that characterizes any partnership you might form now to November 2015. (Read the Preamble above to see how my warning here “fades” according to your birth date.)  Chase money midweek – almost everything goes your way. Seek new clients, sell unwanted items, ask the boss for a raise or more work, find and purchase bargains (tools, timepieces, engines are favored). Errands, casual acquaintances, short trips, visits, communications, paperwork and details run successfully Thursday eve to Saturday – somehow, these bless your work situation.


Scorpio.svgSCORPIO   Oct. 23-Nov. 21

This is your last week of work and drudgery, Scorpio, so just get it done. DON’T volunteer for more. The 20 months ahead hold a subtle but growing opportunity to step up the management ladder – don’t cut off your chances by burying yourself in “hands on” tasks. Sunday/Monday bring duties, management or closed door discussions, interactions with civil servants or administrative workers. Monday, especially, brings irksome people and barriers – most of them from the “work side” of the coin, not the management/admin side. Say little. A job situation might be peaking. All week, your workload (or health concerns) are lightened by a streak of romance or pleasure – as you’ll see if you chase someone or assert yourself Tuesday to Thursday. (Or even into Saturday.) Money – earning, buying/selling, dealing with clients – arrives Thursday eve to Saturday – success seems imminent!


Sagittarius.svgSAGITTARIUS   Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The accent remains on pleasure, beauty, creativity, speculation, romance – but only for this week. In all these, try to aim for the light-hearted, the group-oriented rather than the deep, heavy, private (now to Nov. 2015, but read this week’s preamble). Sunday/Monday highlight group affairs, flirtation, entertainment, happiness, wish fulfillment, and light romance. Yet the cosmos virtually spits a spate of problems at you. Look carefully: all those irksome problems come from the “heavy romance” or creative, speculative side – or from someone who calls from these zones, who wants you to enter them. Best stance: refuse deep involvement, simply smile. Retreat, lie low, rest, contemplate and plan Tuesday to Thursday – luck walks with you, especially in planning, dealing with governments, institutions, charities, or corporate headquarters. Your hunch about your home, family or a bit of real estate is accurate Tuesday. You charisma and energy soar Thursday eve to Saturday – invest in property, furniture, lease premises, show family you love them, Thursday. You might meet a “true mate” pre-dawn Saturday.


Capricorn.svgCAPRICORN   Dec. 22-Jan. 19

This is your last week of “confinement,” Cap. Still, there can be lots of talk about real estate, home, children, pregnancy, food and shelter, business foundations, or other “confining” situations. Most of this talk (or thinking) occurs Sunday/Monday, and it can cause a gauntlet of problems and barriers Monday. If you aim for security, the problems arise. If you are determined to be ambitious, these irritating problems will roll away. Wishes can come true midweek, especially if they involve travel, agencies, government, romance, marriage or popularity. Retreat Thursday eve to Saturday, rest, recuperate, contemplate and plan. Contact or answer civil servants, institutions or charities, large corporations. Luck accompanies you – with affectionate relationships Thursday (even between business contacts) with changes Friday, and with privacy issues Saturday. All’s well!


Aquarius.svgAQUARIUS   Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Profound thoughts, legal and ethical/moral decisions/ponderings, far travel, intellectual pursuits, publishing, international affairs, foreign-born people, religion and cultural venues – these bless you Sunday/Monday. Yet a slew of glitches and difficulties could arise, especially Monday. Stay the course – realize all these difficulties arise from little people who want to keep you in the short, the superficial and casual. If you stop to chat, the problems start. If you bury yourself in a book about Russia, you won’t even notice the glitches. (I think.) Be ambitious midweek – important people are watching – and are ready to reward talent, a positive, eager attitude, and hard work. In fact, push yourself right into Saturday. Seek money Tuesday, agreement Wednesday, deep money, investment, financial arrangements, research or investigative results Thursday, social or group alliances Friday, and popularity Saturday. (Thursday eve to Saturday brings wish fulfilment, flirtation, popularity — and delight in living.)


Pisces.svgPISCES   Feb. 19-March 20

Now to November 2015, pick heavy money (investments, debt, financing) and heavy sex (pregnancy, commitment, soul-sex) and research over light money (earnings, daily spending, cars, clothes) and casual sex (enjoyment-only sex) and blind acceptance of surface appearances. (Special kind of blindness, that.) Sunday/Monday emphasize the good, “heavier” activities just listed. But those unfavoured “light” activities (earnings, etc.) call strongly Monday. If you listen, a whole series of problems and glitches can start. Or, put another way: everything that suffers a problem Monday belongs in the bad, “light” category. (My advice: don’t even try to solve the problems. Walk away from them.) Midweek brings gentle love, wide understanding, far travel, international affairs, intellectual pursuits. All’s good, so charge ahead. Higher-ups are watching Thursday eve to Saturday, so behave – better yet, perform, show your talents, propose courses of action, work hard – again, all’s good, lucky – you could grab a last-minute promotion! (To succeed in this, DON’T ask for higher earnings.)

The End