Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

My new email is:  suningem@gmail.com (stands for sun in Gemini, my sun sign).


All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. The world clock in the right margin gives you some clues. You can also Google “time zone converter.”

If English is not your first language, you should be able to translate this blog into your own language by using Google’s translation app. Hopefully I will soon have this translation feature back on this blog.

START NOTHING: 7:43 am to 11:27 am Sun.,1:45 pm to 3:13 pm Tues., and 5:16 pm to 9:20 pm Thurs.


All Signs: DON’T begin a new love nor chase anyone new this week, as love and reality go separate directions.

All signs: Finish rather than begin ventures/projects now. April 9 will bring 3 weeks of slowdown, indecision, misunderstanding — a bad atmosphere in which to launch anything important.

Remember how I’ve kept saying since 2008 that police states will grow, in North America and elsewhere? Now I’m afraid there will be “round-ups” of Muslims or suspected radicals (without due process).

I’ve stated for years that Quebec is a police state. Last year, the province’s police were caught wire-tapping journalists. Last week, they were caught manufacturing evidence. Do they deserve to exist?

I said here that Trump could not get anything launched mid-March through April. He should not start his tax reform push now — it will go the same way as the Health Care replacements — or, instead of dying, it might turn round and round for months, maybe succeeding in the end, probably not. He’d be far wiser to mark time until May, even until June, and then proceed. But will anyone tell him that? Doubtful…

(More in AFTERAMBLE, below the Weekly Forecasts.)


Aries.svg     ARIES:  March 21 – April 19

Your energy and charisma remain at a yearly peak, Aries. But your clout and  effectiveness might be lacking. Use this week to finish projects rather than start them. You have faced some delays during March, but even deeper ones await you (and everyone) next week into early May. In some ways, delay is your friend. That said, you could receive a money/career boost  this week. A former management role or interaction with head office or the government, might return and need attention this week and next. A former love could return, but this person might have restricted you before, and might again. If not, why not start again?  Money rushes to you for the next three weeks — bank it, don’t spend. Your home/family can be “difficult” Sun./Mon., but Tues. (to 2 pm PDT) offers solutions and affectionate results. This comfort makes you ready for love, romance, happy kids, pleasure and adventure-seeking, which will fill Tues. night to Thurs. night. This interval coincides with strong (though pent-up) marriage possibilities. DO NOT start a new love attraction this week; grow closer to someone familiar, or just wait for a week. Plunge into chores Thurs. night through Saturday. Careful with instructions and water Friday. Success Sat. morn, be cautious this pm.

taurus weekly forecast      TAURUS:  April 20 – May 20

Rest, lie low, contemplate this week and next — but don’t plan in the ordinary sense, dates and actions, etc. Instead, examine your whole life. How did you get here? Where, generally, do you want to go in life? You can look at your old actions now and next week, and judge whether they were good or bad. Someone might return to bring you a revelation, or you could spend an afternoon with old photos. Indecision can bug you until early May. For 17 months, your wishes have tended to fall flat. After May, your wishes will once again prove “fertile.” Errands, paperwork, communications, short trips and visits fill Sunday noon (PDT) to Tues. afternoon. Drive/speak carefully. Success comes Tues. afternoon. Be home, embrace your family (or call) Tues. eve to Thurs. night — all’s well, minor irritations are far outweighed by good luck and ease. Romantic notions tease you Thurs. night through Sat. — better they remain notions. You could meet the perfect femme fatale or Don Juan, and regret it for a long time. Just be happy with the earth’s poetry/beauty, enjoy the mood, but stay safe, independent. Play with the kids, etc., but remain watchful, protect them from accidents.

Gemini.svg           GEMINI:  May 21- June 20

Wishes can come true during the three weeks ahead, Gemini. These could be connected to an institution, government, head office, agent, charity or spiritual organization. Something or someone from your past might appear anytime now to May, but it’s likely that these will NOT bring any wishes true, UNLESS it/he/she appears after April 19. Before the 19th, look to the present and the future to make wishes come true — and to social contacts, friendly romance, entertainment, and club activity (anything from a club to a political org.). Your popularity is buoyant now. Deal with money Sun. noon (PDT) to Tues. afternoon. Be cautious — act Tues. dawn to noon hour, for success. Errands, paperwork, casual friends, short trips and mailings fill Tues. eve to Thurs. night. You’ll get it all done, especially Thurs. (Wed. offers a “secret love/sex” — if for a day, fine; but NO new love should start this week — it would end in heartbreak or heartburn.) Be home, at least in your thoughts, Thurs. night through Sat. This is a dicey few days: you might witness a power play, and cringe as the “wrong person” wins. DON’T invest, nor start a love attraction, and be careful with plumbing, water, drugs and alcohol. Do grab an opportunity you missed first time around, but DON’T grab a person!

Cancer.svg      CANCER:  June 21 – July 22

The three weeks ahead emphasize ambition, career, prestige relations, worldly status and neighbourhood reputation. Your role as a parent (and child!) becomes important. You might have to deal with authorities or judges, especially if you’ve misbehaved. Generally, this is a time of advancement and practical growth. However, the past can return in the form of friends and social groups. A former international, intellectual or legal matter might also return — so could a former love. However, any new love begun (or old re-started) this week will almost certainly fail, so stick with ongoing relationships. Your energy and charisma soar Sun. noon (PDT) to mid-afternoon Tues. Use this energy and the fact that “things go your way” to solve problems and dissolve obstacles. Tuesday daytime until 2 pm is best. Chase money, buy/sell, cultivate clients, etc. Tues. eve to Thurs. night. Good luck’s stronger than bad now, so march ahead. Thursday daytime brings success with career, income, and assets. Casual friends, communications, mail, details, visits, travel and errands fill Thurs. night through Sat. Most things go well until Sat. noon, but take care with love and intoxicants Fri. night.  Saturday pm needs caution, especially in spousal or partnership disagreements.

Leo icon, Luck Forecast         LEO:  July 23 – Aug. 22

Your world widens this month; so does your understanding. If you’re single and in love, you have one small window to wed: May 3 to 9. Don’t wed this week, nor start a new love attraction, as one of you would turn out to be cold, critical and love-denying. That said, love in general surrounds you and informs your thoughts and actions this month. Mostly this is a compassionate, understanding love — but it can still be pretty hot for ongoing couples. An old flame might appear from April 20 to early May. Until April 20, be diplomatic with temperamental, impatient bosses/authorities. Overall, this is a mellow, wise, happy month for you. Lie low, rest and recuperate Sunday noon (PDT) to mid-afternoon Tues. Good luck and bad mingle — Tues. morning/noon offers the best success, especially in secret communications, finances and dealing with civil servants. Your energy and charisma soar Tues. pm to Thurs. night. You could pull off a major career/work project, perhaps Wed. — but realize a work-legal/ethical problem (or illness preventing travel) might also confront you, more toward week’s end. Thursday brings friends, allies, and genius ideas. Chase money — carefully — Thurs. night through Saturday. Be wary in purchasing anything.

Virgo.svg        VIRGO:  Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

Four things above all else, Virgo: 1) finish rather than start any projects; 2) strictly avoid lawsuits; 3) your sexual urge is high now, even to the point where you’re willing to marry for sex (not usually a good idea); and 4) any NEW love formed this week will wither and choke your heart or his/hers. Don’t leap in with anyone new! That said, an old flame or ex-spouse could appear during the two weeks ahead, even the next three. I can’t tell whether this is good or not. One thing: early May will “release” you from the last 18 month’s advice to be independent — all relationships after May 10 will be “untainted” and ready to grow. If your link to a former flame or “ex” existed before November 2015, this  could be a successful re-match. In any case, April and May will be one of the most complicated relationship times of your life. (Unless you’re one of those healthy, calm, happy married Virgos.) You might work Sunday morning, but leave this afternoon — to Tues. afternoon — for fun, social delights, popularity, optimism and wishing (and a possible strong sexual draw). Good luck mingles with bad, so step carefully, remain alert to all clues, body language, etc. Tuesday morning/noon best. Retreat, lie low and rest Tues. mid-afternoon to Thurs. night. Do contact civil servants, charities and spiritualists/therapists/ psychics, counsellors and agents (e.g., literary agents). Your luck is good despite your weariness, so plod ahead. Your energy and charisma soar Thurs. night through Sat. Thursday morning might hold a brilliant investment idea or a sexy friend. Friday, opportunity mingles with deception. Your actions are precise and right Sat. morning, but aim for short, small results.

Libra.svg       LIBRA:  Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

An exciting, hopeful, frustrating, promising and complicated April, Libra. First, you will be meeting many people, old and new, and will be asked to commit, perhaps to pick sides. This is your partnership month, yet no partnerships which start in April will survive, especially if they begin this week. One exception: next week through early May might bring back an old flame: judge it by what happened to it long ago. Of them all, this one can go forward. (Or, opt to wait until late May onward, when love again thrives.) Until April 20, you can feel a powerful sexual tug, and might be willing to marry for sex. Be ambitious Sunday noon to mid-afternoon Tues. Show your skills, impress the boss — but finish rather than start projects this week. Prepare for next week’s slowdown (to early May) by ordering supplies and equipment now, lining up helpers, re-confirming dates, meetings, instructions, etc. Best time to act, to ask: Tues. before 1:45 pm (PDT). Wishes can come true Tues. eve to Thurs. night. Your mood lifts, friends call (actually, you should call them) flirtations flutter (remember, NO ONE NEW will “work out”) and optimism fills the air. Retreat to rest, contemplate and “settle things down” Thurs. night through Sat. Take care — an opportunity and illusion go hand in hand. Get small things done Sat. morning (or tickle your lover/spouse) — the pm is “hands-off” time. Retreat and avoid; stay safe. You will see, perhaps clearly now, why/how your domicile is turning away romance.

Scorpio.svg     SCORPIO:  Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

Lots of work to do, Scorpio. Might as well just plunge in — rather, step in, as this month is complicated. One, finish rather than start any project. Two, prepare: make sure you have enough supplies and/or that you understand what your bosses want for the month ahead, work-wise. Next week to early May, a former job might return. DO NOT buy any machinery or equipment after Wed. (through May 2). You might be intensely attracted to a co-worker or another this month, but during this present week, DO NOT try to start a romantic relationship: it would leave you hurt. A mellow, understanding mood flows through you Sun. noon to mid-afternoon Tuesday. Stumbles and alienation mingle with acceptance and affection — you’ll end up, Tues. (about 2 pm PDT) with a satisfied glow. Be ambitious during a productive, lucky phase Tues. eve to Thurs. night. A promotion is possible. (Remember, all April, at work and elsewhere, to be diplomatic: others hold the power, and they’re impatient to exercise it.) Wish fulfillment, social joys, optimism, popularity, flirtations and entertainment visit you Thurs. night through Sat.  Be astute Friday: one opportunity is valid, but will take months to actually “arrive” or evolve; the second opportunity might involve love or creativity, but it is deceptive. You’re still happy Sat., but must decide between chores and friendships. Pick the latter.

Sagittarius.svg     SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Ah, sweet romance! (And for you non-romantics, fine creative surges, risk-taking “wins,” pleasure and beauty — and charming kids.) You’re going to love April, but you’re also going to be confused by the plethora of entrants and exits, by missed meetings and indecision, and the new desires that blossom. An old flame might appear after the 19th — he/she might be a viable life-mate. All month, a domestic matter might return, needing attention. This could be anything from repairing the stairs to the return of a child or sibling. April 20 begins six weeks of intense relating — you could fall madly in love, or start a war (which you’d lose — the other person is more ready to fight than you suspect). Sunday noon to mid-afternoon Tues. lures you toward sex, intimacy, investigation or spying, financial actions and commitments. As your luck is very unreliable here, wait until Tues. morning/lunchtime to take action — you’ll be pleased if you do. A mellow, wise mood flows over you Tues. eve to Thurs. night. Now your luck is steadier, so proceed with intellectual, foreign, legal, media, educational, cultural pursuits. This is usually a loving interval, but AVOID new love this entire week. Work and money (or machinery and a repair) go very well together, esp. Wed. A new or nice friend Thurs. morn. Be ambitious Thurs. night through Sat. Avoid tackling a “premises” issue (leases, sales territory, etc.) at work. You might “hear” an echo of an old opportunity — it will return June onward, and be even better. Saturday tells you romance and money don’t agree. Perhaps one person has more than the other.

Capricorn.svg   CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

Part of you feels tied down, and restful, and home-oriented, while another part of you feels restless, adventurous and romantic. April is going to be a very complicated month. Until the 15th, an old friend might reappear. From the 9th to May 2nd, and old lover might appear. And any time now through late May, a new romantic interest might appear. But DON’T begin a new attraction this week — it would eventually break your heart. If in doubt, default to home, security, family, food and similar issues. You can’t be harmed by withdrawing now. After morning chores, Sun. brings relationships, to mid-afternoon Tuesday. These flow best Sun. pm, early Mon. morning, and daytime Tues. (all PDT). Be diplomatic and eager to join. Love might occur: but “new love” will fail. Secrets, research, sexual yearnings, financial actions, lifestyle choices, medical needs, commitment and consequence fill Tues. eve to Thurs. night. Dive in — good luck prevails, mostly. Your intuition’s high — use it. A mellow, understanding mood fills you Thurs. night through Saturday. Although little things go well, major things won’t. Friday brings a career/ambition opportunity, but also tempts you to waste it by communicating too much, or being too restless. That opportunity wouldn’t work in its present form anyway, and will return in some guise June to October, so don’t worry, you’ll get there later! All week, complete rather than start projects, as a slowdown looms — immediately.

Aquarius.svg     AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

April is a busy but non-important month, Aquarius. Which is good, as it’s also very complicated. Best advice: get everything completed, done, mailed, this week, as April 9 begins three weeks of slowdowns, indecisions and dead-ends. So the things you should be doing now — errands, travelling, mailing and communications and paperwork — can run into several glitches. Just keep at it, and stay alert: double-check addresses, bank transfers, etc. Your home’s a bit fractious and feisty until the 20th, so be gentle. (This is NOT a good time to buy or rent a residence.)  An old flame might appear close by, “in your back yard.”  But listen: any new love or attraction that springs up this week will be a “slow killer” — of love. So don’t bite at any lures. Dive into chores Sun. noon to mid-afternoon Tuesday. Read directions carefully, practice safety. Don’t buy new machinery — but if you absolutely have to, do so from dawn to 1:45 pm (PDT) Tues. Avoid working with dangerous tools or chemicals Mon. eve to Tues. dawn. Relationships, exciting meetings, challenges, friends and enemies pop up Tues. eve to Thurs. night. You can gain deep insights from a family counsellor or confidant. You can make a new, bright friend Wed., and/or Thurs. morning. Life’s mysteries ooze to the surface Thurs. night through Saturday. Friday offers both an intellectual or travel opportunity (which might disappear, to re-appear in June-August), and a money illusion. Small things go well Sat. morn, but big stuff — investments, loans, sexual intimacy, commitments, lifestyle changes, medical procedures, dealings with government or head office — hit a barrier.

Pisces.svg     PISCES:  Feb. 19 – March 20

The main accent lies on money and possessions, memory and sexual attractions, Pisces. April is a very complicated month with many distractions – you will do best if you keep yourself focused on earning money, period. Any sexual relationship begun now will almost certainly fail and could hurt your heart on the way down. This is also not a particularly good time to purchase anything important. You will remain indecisive about yourself and your direction the first half of April, and about money and possessions the second half.  Old friends night reappear in your life, but not old flames. If single, one of your greatest chances for love will come from this September to November 2018 rather than now. Sunday noon (PDT) to mid-afternoon Tuesday brings passion, romance, creative and risk-taking urges, beauty and pleasure — but realize that any new love formed this week will fail. So enjoy, but be self protective. Best time: dawn to late lunchtime Tues. Settle into your chores and protect your daily health Tuesday eve to Thursday night. (Eat, dress sensibly, etc.) You will accomplish a lot, especially Wednesday and Thursday daytimes. Relationships loom in importance Thursday night through Saturday. Small interactions with people you already know go fairly well, but new relationships formed now will fail. (They might not seem to at first, but will “pull away” when you most need/want them.) You might spy a great investment opportunity, but let this marinate: it will return, June onward, in “graspable” form. All week, finish projects rather than start new ones – a three week slowdown starts soon.

The End.


I don’t see fate as guilty societies do, as a dark, menacing or horrible figure, or the “toil and trouble” of MacBeth’s witches, stirring their cauldron of nightmares. I think fate is a massive, kindly thing, a sort of huge, lumbering yet intricate Princess Fate, rather than a Queen of Doom.

In astrology Neptune rules the subconscious, and thus sleep, dreams, and the drugs or devices needed to get you there. It rules fantasy, deep lakes, oceans and seas, fish, gases, oil flow (some say oil itself) pornography, spiritualism and spirit itself, channelling,  psychics (but strangely not prophets; in their biblical role, prophets actually performed political and behavioural/instructive roles, with prediction a poor third cousin, only capable of a handful of utterances — and those usually couched in general terms) meditation, yoga, karma, institutions, and retreats, rest, etc..

But there is another level below Neptune’s subconscious. Pluto rules the unconscious (as well as Hell/Hades, atomic/nuclear power and bombs, deep space and dark matter, massacres and other widespread deaths, tropical diseases, swamps and wetlands, slaughter houses, the classic underworld and the modern underworld of crime, all mafia-type gangs, depth psychology, psychiatrists, editors, mortuaries and graveyards at day, death and rebirth, lizards and eagles, researchers, police, especially detectives, sex/semen and procreation, accountants, especially forensic, etc..

I suspect that destiny, or fate, comes from this Plutonic area, that our destiny comes from deep inside ourselves, in which case it cannot be an enemy, other than an enemy of our more conscious desires. I imagine that following the lead of this destiny (we could see it as a stream or current) might bring a person into a state of more rapid advancement. To see fate as an enemy to be overcome is to struggle needlessly against oneself — because it is you who is, even as you read this — creating your own fate.

In some instances, fate appears to operate whimsically — the infant who is dropped from a speeding train, or sexually abused before its first birthday and every week after that. Because I believe in reincarnation, I believe that even these “fates” have been self-chosen. Ie, I chose before birth, before conception, to be dropped from a train, or sexually abused at 12 months. If reincarnation does not exist, then life is purely coincidental in such cases.

But in other cases, what seems whimsical seldom is. In this group lies the sudden car accident. Your vehicle is hit from behind, you’ve done nothing wrong, but a bank-robber’s getaway driver got nervous and rear-ended you. Then your car was impounded for evidence. Was this simple “fate,” dropping from that blue blue sky? Probably not. Your unconscious mind steered you to that road and that place at that time, so the accident would occur. The next question, Why?, can be answered superficially, by an example: you were hit because “fate” (your deeper self) saw the future and wanted you to meet your future spouse, which you would not have done if you did not enter the hospital for a post-accident exam, and met him/her in the tiled hallways.

But the deeper Why? — I don’t have an answer for. I suspect that the unconscious does, as Jung envisioned, communicate with all other unconsciousnesses, though these awarenesses form a stream, like a stream of stars, but like a vine, too. The vine stem is large and winds itself around the tree of life, as the snake embraces the round trunk of knowledge in the garden of Eden, as a snake wound around a woman’s leg, she and the fruitful tree being the same goddess, the one that has left us here, with ourselves.

I also believe from certain experiences that you do not lose your individuality, your personality or sense of self in this great pool of unconsciousnesses. These don’t drown in some hot, unconscious soup. Your particular unconscious is like a flower on a stem, unique, and aware. Yet we never — well, seldom — hear from our unconscious. That is not because our unconscious is not aware of “us,” but that we, consciously, are unaware of it, of “us.” How that explains a Hitler, I don’t know; although the answer might lie in the first zone of fate touched on above: predetermination (which can mean chosen) at/before birth.
