Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

Note: this is next weeks forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “Dec. 11 – 17, 2016.”

Note: I am no longer using the email address timstephens@shaw.ca.  Please use my new email: suningem@gmail.com (stands for sun in Gemini, my sun sign).


All times/Dates are PST–Pacific STANDARD Time zone. PST is eight hours before Greenwich England. For example when it is noon PST it is 8 PM in England–and 4 AM the next day in China. The world clock in the right margin gives you some clues. You can also Google “time zone converter.”

If English is not your first language, you should be able to translate this blog into your own language by using Google’s translation app. Hopefully I will soon have this translation feature back on this blog.


START NOTHING: 8:55 AM to 9:52 AM Sunday; 5:56 PM to 6:40 PM Tuesday; 11:31 AM Thursday to 6:32 AM Friday; and after 11:22 PM Saturday.


I have a condition called genetic tremours. It affects micro tasking: for example I can drive a car, but cannot lift a glass of water. When I’m at the computer, often my trembling hands hit the wrong key. That’s why I dictate this column now in a program called “Pages.”  It’s a great program – it only creates four or five typos per line. (That’s sarcasm, but true.)

Yesterday, as I was three quarters through this week’s column, a visitor knocked on the door.     I turned to yell them in, but when I turned back to the column everything was wiped out, Preamble and Weekly forecasts — the file was completely blank. I guess I touched something.
For this reason, this week’s column is shorter, and every forecast begins with the same advice (but ends differently).

The wiped-out preamble contained a prediction on the stock market (be cautious Dec. 18 to Jan. 8, when it might hiccup, stall and spew points like smoke) and another which I can’t remember. Putin and all that, I think.

I also advised every sign to start no new projects nor relationships before January 8.
By the way, the YEAR AHEAD forecasts will be here in early January.



Aries.svg    ARIES: March 21 – April 19

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your career and reputation zone. In fact, Wednesday begins an entire month of focus on your ambitions, relations with important people and the authorities, and your worldly standing. Take care not to get roped into a management role or confidential meetings which are not entirely honest. Dive into work and health concerns Sunday morning to Tuesday supper time. Best time: Monday daytime. Relationships fill Tuesday eve to predawn Friday. Again, your luck is mixed, but it is best Thursday. Secrets, lifestyle changes, research, sexual desires and financial urges sale Friday/Saturday. Your luck is great here so charge ahead.

taurus weekly forecast    TAURUS: April 20 – May 20

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your legal, international, intellectual, educational, media, religious, cultural, travel, and the love zones. Wednesday begins an entire month of these interests. An old flame might appear in the next three weeks, or you might travel to a place you’ve seen before, etc. Sunday to Tuesday supper time the features romance, creativity, adventure, pleasure, beauty, sports and speculation. It’s not an easy interval, but Monday daytime works pretty well. Dive into chores and protect your health/nutrition Tuesday eve to predawn Friday. Again, your luck is mixed – Thursday morning is best. Relationships enter Friday/Saturday, and good fortune abounds. If single, you could meet a former flame and a major affair could re-ignite. However, think hard: does this relationship really honour you and your interests and life? For all Taureans, these two days can bring great opportunities – but they will only succeed if they have somehow emerged from the past.

Gemini.svg    GEMINI: May 21 –June 20

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your sector of mysteries, occultism, sexual desires, and large financial options. The weeks ahead would be the worst time to chase a new sexy person or to purchase a new investment; but they can be a splendid time to trace an old sexy flame or purchase an investment you have coveted in the past.  Be cautious and keep your sense of humour with parents, authorities, and your bosses — they are impatient and temperamental now to January 27.  Bend your focus toward home and family Sunday to suppertime Tuesday. Obstacles mix with solutions here, so be flexible. Best interval: Monday day time.  Romance, creative and risk-taking urges, beauty, immediate pleasure and charming kids lift your heart Tuesday eve to predawn Friday. Again your luck is mixed — Thursday morning yields the best results. Dive into work Friday/Saturday – you’ll accomplish a great deal. But remember start no new jobs.


Cancer.svg    CANCER: June 21 –July 22

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your sector of relationships, partnerships, relocation, public dealings, and general opportunities as well as opposition from others.  This whole sector will be highlighted for four weeks ahead, beginning this Wednesday. If you’re single or divorced, an “ex” could reappear from the past. This relationship, if rekindled, will go very well until the very end. Errands, travel, paperwork and casual acquaintances fill Sunday through Tuesday suppertime. You will accomplish the most Monday daytime. Double-check addresses, meeting times, etc. Turn toward home Tuesday eve to predawn Friday.  Again, your luck is mixed but Thursday morning is the best. Avoid thoughts about ending a relationship – now is not the time. Romance looms large Friday/Saturday – so does beauty (buy flowers, but not clothes or anything else important), pleasure, children’s interests, creativity (don’t bother) and risk taking (try it!) — every thing here is lucky, but will only have a future if it is rooted in the past. From now to January 27, strictly avoid lawsuits.


Leo icon, Luck Forecast    LEO: July 23 – August 22
Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your zones of work and daily health, repairs, machinery, service personnel, and the needs of your dependants.  A former job, employment, or nagging health concern could return. Wednesday begins four weeks of focus on this exact area. You will do well, and your health will be fine — but don’t start a new job unless it is very routine for you. Now till January 27 you will be on fire with a sexual attraction or financial scheme – but chase nothing new here before January 8. Chase money, pay and pursue outstanding debts, have a garage sale (in which you will discover all sorts of items you forgot you owned) — but do not make any purchases other than routine items. (Things you buy now will either be lemons, or not needed in future.) Errands, casual friends, short trips, communications and paperwork fill Tuesday eve to predawn Friday. Luck Is mixed here: Thursday morning is best. Your home and family welcome you and provide a blissful respite Friday/Saturday.


Virgo.svg    VIRGO: August 23 – September 22

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your romantic, creative, pleasure and risk-taking sector. An old flame is almost certain to appear. He/she could be a real keeper, but a strong disruption down the road will prove whether this is lifelong or not. Now to January 27 your relationships intensify powerfully – you’ll make love or war, And of course the former is preferable. Now to mid-May (and including the past year) is not the best time to form a permanent relationship such as marriage or a business partnership. So put December/January’s romantic events in perspective – have fun, sign nothing. Your charisma and energy surge upward midmorning Sunday  (PST) to Tuesday suppertime – use this extra clout to solve problems Monday night and Tuesday. Monday day time is best for action. From Tuesday eve to predawn Friday money and possessions will occupy your thoughts. Collect on old bills and pay old bills. Buy ONLY routine items. Thursday morning is best for success. You will be busy and happy Friday/Saturday – tons of communications (holiday cards?) Many errands, and casual but good friends.


Libra.svg    LIBRA: September 23 – October 22

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your domestic sphere… you might have much to catch up on, a long lost relative night return, so might a long neglected repair job. This is a good time to review your plans for your children’s education, or for your own retirement, but it is not a good time to enact these plans. A feeling of nostalgia will please you right into the new year.  Now to January 27, your work will become intense, so much so that a love relationship might have to be put on hold temporarily. Retreat, relax, contemplate and plan Sunday morning to Tuesday suppertime (PST) – your luck is not high during this interval, so take a cautious approach. Best time: Monday daytime. Your energy and charisma soar upward Tuesday eve to predawn Friday. Again, your luck is mixed, so use your extra energy to solve problems, especially those involving your home or family. Best time: Thursday morning. Chase money, sell items, hold a garage sale, etc. — all Friday/Saturday.  A very lucky interval. However, do not purchase anything unless it is essential or routine (e.g., groceries).


Scorpio.svg    SCORPIO: October 23 – November 21

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your zone of mailing, errands, busy daily tasks, casual relationships, travel and paperwork. This zone can be highly affected by the current slowdown, so double-check all addresses, figures, appointment times, etc.  Sunday morning to Tuesday suppertime brings happiness, optimism, popularity and social delights — and, possibly, sweet flirtation. Good fortune and bad intermingle, so be cautious when approaching anything practical. Retreat, rest, meditate, deal with civil servants and institutional workers (or head office).  Examine how you got here and then envision where you want to go – but do not make any plans, for they will change. Best time: Thursday morning. Your energy and charisma surge upward Friday/Saturday. This two days are packed with good fortune except in marriage/partnerships. (In these, all is okay but you might be promised more than will be delivered.) So tackle anything with confidence– but remember, start nothing brand-new.


Sagittarius.svg    SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8 . Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your area of possessions, memory, sensual attraction, and earnings. Check your change, inventory your possessions or safeguard them – or sell them. This focus on earnings, possessions etc., will last for four weeks starting Wednesday. Now to January 27, you can experience some friction on the home front; a romance or child-related cultural project might also end — and they’re all connected. Be ambitious Sunday morning to Tuesday suppertime. Your luck is mixed, but your clout is high, so proceed cautiously but confidently. Best interval: Monday daytime. Hopes, wishes, optimism, social joys and flirtations — all rise smartly Tuesday eve to predawn Friday – you’ll be happy! Events won’t be as buoyant as your happiness, so avoid any serious commitment or action. Best interval: Thursday morning. Retreat Friday/Saturday. Rest, contemplate, meditate and embrace the benevolent life force of the world.  (Merely going out on the back porch and taking a deep breath constitutes such an embrace.)  A fine couple of days to quietly accomplish things. You might write a deep and significant letter to someone.


Capricorn.svg    CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 19

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your personal zone. The weird thing about astrology is that the most important sector of all 12 is the personal zone, and yet there’s almost nothing you can say about that zone for it concerns your personality, which I can’t possibly address in a general forecast. In your case, you will be energized and possess much more charisma and clout than usual until January 18. But until January 8, you will feel indecisive about almost everything important. Therefore, make no commitments or promises nor accept any. Sign nothing.  A wise, gentle mode flows over you Sunday morning to Tuesday suppertime. Your luck is quite mixed here, so proceed cautiously, especially in legal, foreign travel, cultural, media, and religious matters. Best period: Monday daytime. Be ambitious, but also cautious, Tuesday eve to predawn Friday.  Best time: Thursday morning. You will love Friday/Saturday: everyone’s friendly, your popularity and optimism soar, flirtations net results (except late Saturday night) and, most important, you could learn a valuable secret involving money, security or real estate, and possibly aid from the government or a large corporation.


Aquarius.svg    AQUARIUS: January 20 – February 18 

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your zone of rest, quietude and solitude, planning (avoid this, as present plans will change) and “background activities.”  Deal with civil servants, institutional workers or head office, agents, therapists, counsellors and guides — including the spiritual kind. It is a great time for a spa vacation. Wednesday begins an entire month of this quiet influence. Until January 27, money will flow to you very swiftly and easily – and you will be tempted to spend it just as swiftly and easily. If you want to gain, bank it. Sunday morning to Tuesday suppertime tempt you with an array of sexual, financial and lifestyle actions – but remember, don’t start anything new.  So phone a sexy old flame, but don’t chase a new one. Ditto for financial investments. Luck is not high here: Monday daytime is best. A mellow, wise mood lifts you into new levels of understanding Tuesday eve to predawn Friday. Best time: Thursday morning. Be ambitious Friday/Saturday: at last, you enter two days packed chock-full of good fortune. Show your talents, contact higher-ups or authorities – but again, deal with the ongoing or the past.


Pisces.svg    PISCES: February 19 – March 20

Start nothing new, project nor relationships, before January 8. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes, misunderstood directions, supply shortages and missed appointments. You might also reprise a project or relationship from the past. Most of this “backwardation” and mistake-prone influence will occur in your sector of hopes and wishes, optimism, light romance, social joys and popularity — an area you will be immersed in until January 18. So if you want to start a new romance or make a new friend, do it in the 10 days between January 8 and 18. Before the eighth, embrace Old Faithfuls. You are going to be intense, impulsive and determined, and sexually magnetic this Monday through January 27.  Sprinkle a little gentleness on all that intensity. Relationships fill your horizon Sunday morning to Tuesday suppertime (PST).  There will be as many squabbles as warm embraces – be diplomatic and cooperative. Realize others hold the aces now, and that you will gain far more from joining up than from independence. (This advice is good until mid-May/17.) Whatever lies beneath the surface occupies you Tuesday eve to predawn Friday – secrets, occult forces, research and investigation, heightened intuition, and heightened sex drive and financial interest. Again, good luck mixes with bad. Best time: Thursday morning. A mellow wise mode flows over you Friday/Saturday, two days that can bring you a bountiful basket of love, communication, profound thoughts — two days that will dissolve distances and barriers. A money or income wish could come true. So might a wish to own a coveted possession – but remember, buy nothing non-routine unless you “wanted it” long before this week.