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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PSTPacific Standard Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links:  Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube

START NOTHING: 2:35 pm to 7:31 pm Sun., 6:45 pm to 11:12 pm Tues., 12:16 pm to 11:49 pm Thurs., and after 7:11 pm Sat.


ALL SIGNS: Don’t start any new, significant projects before January 18, as Mercury is retrograde between Dec. 29 to Jan. 18. (Though Dec. 29 is almost 2 weeks away, things will start slowing soon.)


ALL SIGNS: Not an easy week. Little obstacles rise up everywhere. So be nimble, listen to your inner voice/suspicions.


Whenever I write “casual sex” I mean “non-meaningful” sex.





aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19


Midweek (Wed.) you slowly and subtly switch from a month of wool-gathering, ponderation on big subjects, and dealing with the philosophical side of life: law, internationalism, culture and social rituals. To: ambition, prestige relations, worldly standing, and hard work. (Much of your efforts or “hard work” these days is in the communications, travel and paperwork zones. In these, you remain hesitant, undecided until mid-January. That’s okay, even good.) Bosses have already been observing, discussing you, and are ready to show you favour, if you seek it. This week signals another cycle: from Tuesday (technically) onward to next May, your luck will soar to new highs,  esp. in the “things of last month” (described in first sentence above). Many Aries will traverse a foreign country before next summer.

Sunday begins with relationships (be as nice as you can, for your own sake) — but by suppertime (all times are PST) you enter the world behind the curtain, where major financial decisions are made, surgeries performed, pregnancies inculcated, where lust needs honestly, can “blind” morality. These things are semi-successful, so think about the long term effect before you sign or commit to anything. Friendships don’t work, background alliances do. Wednesday/Thursday change the focus, back to the wool-gathering (etc.) described above.  Luck is up and down Wednesday, could rocket you upward, or simply tell you “no.” A strong casual sexual attraction both days, but some deception or confusion Thurs. Charge after career/ambition goals Fri./Sat. — you’re effective, fortunate!


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20


Recent weeks have accented the secret side of life, Taurus — sex, investments/debt, medical issues, assets, power plays… Wednesday starts a new month, of higher mind, ponderous subjects, far travel, law, culture, social rituals, beliefs, stats, science and insurance. So “set up” your financial projects (best time, 9 am to 11 pm PST Tuesday) so you don’t have to check them every day. Your social life has improved somewhat since late October, but now it quietly retreats again, this Tuesday to next May. Then, your 2023 birthday will start a year of tremendous good luck, in sex, lifestyle change and money, best luck in over 12 years.

Sunday starts with chores (or a sore throat or digestive stuff) but this evening through Tuesday brings exciting meetings, heart-lifting opportunities (at a distance?) and possible relocation themes — also, potential love, and potential enmity. Be diplomatic! A bit of a rough road, but Tuesday ends with happy surprise. Wednesday/Thursday bring a “retouch” of that secret side (re-read first sentence above). Volatile Wednesday, and deceptive/indecisive Thursday, but somehow in all this love survives and thrives. Friday/Saturday are for thinking, wider vision, higher education, far travel, legal, ethical matters, and belief systems. Attending a cultural venue Saturday will be very satisfying.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

“Big wigs” have favoured you for the last 50 days, Gemini, but that ends Tuesday, when a huge new wave of luck, running to mid-May, bypasses your career and ambitions, to boost your social life — and marriage prospects if you’re single. You’ll regain some popularity. If you know who you want, wait. Wait until January 12 onward, then woo this person whole-heartedly late Jan. to mid-May — if you do, you probably be a twosome soon. (This person wants you, but is also angry and determined to be “on top.” But if you’re sincere, that anger will melt.) Financially and sexually, you’re in a powerful spot. Read “ALL SIGNS” in the PREAMBLE before starting a major project.

Sunday starts with love, romance, beauty — but this eve through Tuesday shunts you into chores and health awareness. (Careful with electricity, computers Monday night.) That chore slavery ends Wednesday/Thursday, when relationships arise. Be diplomatic yet eager to join. You could be dealing with a future mate or associate. Some difficulty, some “macho” posing, and some deception/indecision during this interval, but also a “beautiful temptation” (In your dreams, on the west coast of N.A.). Temptation is a powerful force, as Friday/Saturday open the doors to a whole month of deeply sexual, power-hungry, financially significant actions and circumstances, Gemini. A successful month, but it will demand a change in goals or approaches.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Midweek, you switch from a series of chores and mild health complaints, to an exciting 4 weeks of relationships, opportunities and fresh horizons. (Be diplomatic, realize others have the essential power/advantage now. Start no fights.) Additionally, Tuesday starts 5 months of favour from bosses and VIPs, making these months ahead one of the best in a decade for career or status advancement. Continue, to March/23, to avoid dark alleys and belligerent people. (If you’re Cancer rising, this could be a stand-out period for athletic “wins.”)

You’re immersed in domestic things Sunday, but this eve (7:30 pm PST) through Tuesday brings romantic notions, beauty and pleasure, and the courage to taker a risk. Your luck is not sky-high here, so proceed cautiously — make your move (if any) Tuesday, from mid-morn (PST) onward. A bit of a cosmic echo Wed./Thurs., as chores return to be completed, or health/nutrition factors need attention. Just muddle on through. Friday and Saturday “solidify” the relationship/opportunity themes that fill the weeks ahead. Friday night onward, expect exciting meetings and harmonious co-operation. Everyone’s happy! (Oh yeah, forgot it’s Christmas.)


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Your romantic, creative or playful dallying ends Wednesday, Leo, when a month of hard work, minor health issues and, perhaps, some boredom, enter. This week has another “change” — your good luck in investments, research, sex, medicine and life “changes” ebbs now, while your luck in legal, social rituals (weddings, bat mitzvahs) and cultural venues, in love, far travel, higher learning, statistics, insurance and science, all benefit from a 5-month run this Tuesday to May, of huge good fortune. If you’re writer, submit that mss. Lawyers, scholars gain. However you might fare better if you wait until late January, February, to take action. (And even better again if you wait until late March to charge forward. Meantime, get chores done and plan your approach.) (After March, another will “drop” his/her skepticism toward you.)

Sunday starts with communications, trips, but grows deeply domestic from Sunday eve through Tuesday. Nota particularly lucky interval, so proceed cautiously. Best time: Tuesday mid-morn onward (noon onward, EST). Romance tickles your heart Wed./Thurs. — and beauty, pleasure, creative projects and risk-taking appeal to you. Best: deep midnight Wed. To pre-dawn Thurs. Friday/Saturday return you to the theme affecting the weeks ahead: chores, machinery, tools, employment procedures, daily health, etc. At last, you can charge ahead — plunge into this zone all weekend — good results.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Hopefully, you got plenty of rest in the last 4 weeks, as Wednesday starts a whole month of adventure, creative urges, gambling and risk-taking, beauty, charming children, and romance — but little rest! Relationships returned this autumn to confer a sparkle of love, riches or “new lifestyle” openings, late October to Dec. 20. This day, fortune’s wheel, for you, moves to your sector of assets, sex/lust/pregnancy, investment/debt, research, medical and lifestyle concerns — where it will stay until mid-May. So, keep your cards close to your chest the next 5 months, don’t reveal too much, but do enquire and, if it looks good, commit. You could take a solid step upward in affluence, could count your reward from investments, etc. HOWEVER, all these will work out more powerfully and simply AFTER January 12. Waiting is fine, even recommended, but don’t delay romance, as it is already favoured and can bless you now to late Jan.

Sunday starts with shopping or other money adventures. This eve (7:30 pom PST onward) through Tuesday, highlights errands, communications, writing, paperwork, short trips and curiosity. Best time: Tuesday, deeply after dawn. Life nudges you into your domestic scene Wednesday/Thursday. Hug the kids, upgrade nutrition, tend the garden, and hug a tree. Wednesday’s a bit cranky to suppertime (PST) then sweet, even suddenly uplifting, into Thursday morning. Friday/Saturday (and the following Sunday) bring romance, beauty, pleasure, a winning streak, creative success. It’s a beautiful interval, so jump in!


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

A fairly superficial time (last few weeks) is transformed into a very meaningful 4 weeks ahead, Libra. On Wednesday, you ebb from trips, calls, paperwork, etc., to settle in at home for a month, to hug the kids and feed the animals, replenish the garden, start education funds for the kids, buy property, etc. These weeks focus on security. A good time for garden parties, etc., as your home will be a social hub for awhile. Let a legal, travel or scholastic/media issue lie dormant for awhile (to January 12) as nothing will be solved before then, and you could waste $ and energy chasing a solution. Patience! The last 2 months have brought a new surge in work and chores, but this week ends that, and starts a beautiful 5 month run of luck and ease in partnerships, relocation, associations, opportunities and new horizons. (This might wait until Jan. 12 onward to truly blossom — acting before then MIGHT introduce a sexual/potency problem. (Your prospective mate/lover, has wounded self-confidence before then.) Realize that a sexual liaison, if either partner is already attached, can ruin your chances for true marriage, true mating, late January onward.

Sunday starts energetically, others notice you. This eve through Tuesday brings $, shopping, perhaps a pay raise, etc. Casual sex possible. Mostly difficult until mid-morn Tuesday onward, then fine, even fortunate. Errands, visits, calls, paperwork fill Wed./Thurs. Best time to act: Wednesday eve to Thursday morning (PST). Your restlessness ends Friday/Sat., as a domestic feeling takes over (and starts a whole month of such) — involves kids, garden, nutrition, security, etc. Charge ahead here — successful results.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Past weeks have featured money and worth, shopping, memory, learning, with a possibility of casual (I.e., non-meaningful) sex. But Wednesday starts a month of lighter duties, swift, easy chores, trips, communications and paperwork. (This trend has already started, as two planets are already “operating” in your errand/communication sector.) You might have been impatient for awhile regarding a possible intimate embrace, or an investment, surgery or a lifestyle change. But maintain patience, until January 12. Before this date, impulse can steer you into the wrong decision, wrong situation. Connected but separate, your workplace luck soars upward from this Tuesday to mid-May. — keep your eye open for opportunities to ask for a pay raise, to land a cushy job, or otherwise improve your employment situation.

You feel weary, tired Sunday, but this suppertime through Tuesday “wakes up” your body and mind, brings energy and charisma. Go forth, use your energy to dissolve obstacles or tackle difficulties. Best time: after 9 am Tuesday, to dusk. Chase $, buy/sell, exercise your curiosity Wed./Thurs. Wednesday night, Thursday morning best. Friday/Saturday bring errands, paperwork, trips and visits, communications — successfully, harmoniously.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Your energy and charisma stay high, Sage, but the emphasis changes slightly, Wednesday, from four weeks of personal clout, action, to “object-action” — pursuing a goal that involves memory/learning, casual intimacy, or non-appreciating assets (e.g., car, clothes) or money (until late January). Relationships remain crucially important, exciting, and filled with huge (even life-changing) possibility. But the person you face is indecisive, hot but uncertain. Don’t push this — the hesitation only lasts to Jan. 12, then offers an open field for action. (And could result in one of the hottest relationships you’ve ever felt.) If you act too early, you could upset a legal, social, enemy-prone nest of complications, like (mildly drugged) hornets. Related, this Tuesday starts 5 months of gigantically lucky romantic, creative, child-teaching, speculative, sports/games and pleasure/beauty pursuits. (So until mid-January, have fun, be romantic, but steer clear of seeking an agreement or commitment.)

Sunday, your heart is bursting with hope and friendly cheer. But this eve through Tuesday shunts you into a money-making, buying, possessive attitude. (Best Tuesday after 9 am.) Wednesday/Thursday highlight YOU — your energy, charm and clout briefly return, and make it somewhat easier to get things done. (I say “somewhat” because this is a difficult week for all signs.) Best time: Wednesday night to mid-morn Thursday. Friday/Saturday bring in the main theme of the month ahead: buying/selling, possessions, casual sexual embraces, and rote learning. Late Friday through Saturday offers success through effort — a productive, harmonious 2 days.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Recent weeks have found you tired, quiet, oriented toward solitude and an ocean of private thoughts. Wednesday turns that around, 180 degrees. This day starts 4 weeks of increased energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness. Usually, this would be the perfect time to launch new projects, gather new allies or co-operators together, etc. However, Mercury turns retrograde next week (Dec. 29) so don’t start anything but short, short things you can complete quickly before the delays start…OR, take up a project or situation (or lover!) that/who returns from the past. (Though you probably won’t see him/her/it before late Jan.) Most important: Tuesday, to mid-May ’23 offers you splendid results if you sell or buy real estate, or otherwise improve your home, buy new furniture, start a new garden, etc. Couples who yearn for a baby might see their wishes answered.

Sunday’s for ambition and meeting prestige people. This eve through Tuesday brings merriment, optimism, popularity, flirting and social joys — however, aspects are difficult, so stick with the social, avoid practical pursuits. Best for action: Tuesday, mid-morn onward. Retreat briefly Wed./Thurs. — you need to rest, for coming days will demand a lot of energy. Seek advice, plan, liaise with gov’t, spiritual and charity orgs, cure health problems. Best: after supper Wednesday to Thursday morning. Your energy, charisma, and “personal prestige” return in abundance Fri./Sat. — there’s promise here, of “workmanlike success.” Show off a little bit!


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Social happiness has visited you several times over the past month, Aquarius. However, Wednesday starts 4 weeks of relative seclusion, rest and recuperation, meditation, pondering and planning. Be spiritual, ethical. Liaise with gov’t, head office, institutions. Seek advice. For some time, if single, you’ve been “open to” (or entranced by) someone you’ve set your loving eyes upon. But since October, this has slowed, the one you desire has grown indecisive. Do communicate, but don’t push for results before January 12, when this indecision will end. Meanwhile, Tuesday starts 5 months of social expansion (mostly after the few weeks ahead, which temporarily reduce your magnetism) and optimism. A major wish will come true! For singles, this might spell true love. For marrieds, the world is a flea market of possibilities. Be social, join groups for the biggest reward(s).

Sunday starts mellow, wise, gently loving (and you need to recognize that a “secret” or skeleton in your closet keeps you from “ascending” — e.g., higher status, moral understanding/growth. Sunday eve through Tuesday highlights your status, ambitions and career. Not an easy interval, so proceed cautiously. Wednesday/Thursday are uniquely mixed: the Moon says happiness, optimism, popularity; but the Sun says this interval starts your “rest period” in earnest. Well, nap with a smile. Friday/Saturday double down on the weary, quiet contemplative side — in a fortunate way.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Wednesday ends a month of pressure and hard work, Pisces — and starts a month of wish fulfillment, social delights, popularity and optimism. A good time to join a new group. Your home/domestic situation (possibly a potential purchase?) remains uncertain — you’ll make your mind up after mid-January (or life will decide for you). Patience best. Tuesday begins a 5-month streak of fortunate income luck. Through May/23, seek a pay raise, buy/sell, etc. Aim for a permanent raise, rather than overtime. A promotion would help, and is available.

Sunday begins as mystery, maybe groggy, but also you’ll feel private, sexy. This eve through Tuesday brings a mellow, wise mood, far travel, international, legal, cultural and media concerns to the fore. Difficulties, so step lightly. To succeed, act Tuesday daytime (9 am-11 pm PST). Your career and worldly status are emphasized Wed./Thurs. — again, not the luckiest of intervals, but you can still succeed. Best action: late Wednesday night to daytime Thurs. Your popularity rises, optimism lightens your days, flirtations and wishes coming true — these characterize Fri./Sat. — and the 4 weeks ahead!





PLUTO in Aquarius, 2023 – 2043:

An explosion of paramilitary groups and actions, even in North America.

Life and death by belief system, not by practical worth or humanness of the victim(s).

A blow for freedom stronger than anything since the 1770’s. (American Revolution: 1776. French Revolution: 1778-89.)

Fusion power.

Electric power — new sources, perhaps new “atomic engineering.”

New dictatorships around the world.

Building an undersea “habitat.”

Effect of gravity on medicine.

Large scale criminal mafias.

Exploration of Uranus (and perhaps, Pluto again)

Congo, Qatar, Canada, Kuwait (and most “K-“ sounding nations) — major “re-do” or modernization.

Economic upheaval, re-adjustment, 2023/4 (May ’23 onward).

Mass deaths — 2027 MAYBE (ALSO MAYBE U.S. at war, same year) — and 2032/33 —    beginning of 2 years of hardship for U.S.A.

Huge technical advances affecting/enhancing Canada’s oil sands,  but simultaneously, a push to eliminate the oil sands.


The 50s were pedantic and boring. The 60s were didactic and in art, boring. The 70s began to explore the soul of life through film, while the 80s brought new plot concepts. This was the beginning of the second flowering of film, which has culminated to some degree in our own decade and shifted the creative drive into television more than movie theatre films. The one-hour television slot has become almost a new art form, the novella of film.


Memory is enhanced not by repetition but by variety.


Huge scandal in the European Union: many MPs and bureaucrats were found to be acting corruptly. Some, when arrested, had literally, as a police report describes, a suitcase full of cash. All the corrupt actors were found to be socialist and leftists.


Well, I told you here that we would have fusion  reactors sometime between March 2023 and 2042. Just this week the news came that US scientists had achieved a fusion reaction that gave off energy. It’s starting, And we will be amazed at the progress and at the huge new discoveries that come out of it.


“I’m having a hard time coming up with conspiracy theories because they’re all coming true.”  — Dan Bongino, Fox News.
