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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PSTPacific Standard Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING (ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC STANDARD):   5:27 am to 11:08 am Sun., 2:44 am Tues. to 0:06 am Wed., and 6:24 am to 11:46 am Fri.




I suspect there might be more accidents than usual with new RAM pick ups.


Again, the Mercury retrograde ended a week ago, so we can all launch new projects, find new friends, etc.


I don’t mention Christmas in your messages this week. (Nor Hanukah, nor Kwanzaa.) So let me wish you all a warm, happy holiday.


Next week, I’ll look at each sign’s year ahead for 2025.


I just realized: if many gays of every stripe are democrats, (*) that’s partly why they lost the election. When an entire party genuflects to 3 % of the population, how does it expect to win?

(*) Remember the huge failure of the Kamala Harris campaign’s macho man ads?




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Be ambitious during the weeks ahead, Aries. Higher-ups will note your performance (or lack thereof). Your social life continues strong, while your romantic desires remain powerful, but somehow muffled now, or turned inward —? (Or caught in the jaws of delay.) Your thoughts remain elevated, fair, even profound. Yep, the gov’t has been somewhat negative or skeptical toward you for two years — this ends, mostly, by late May/25. Get chores done Sunday morning (PST) then head out to new, fresh horizons, situations this afternoon through Tuesday. Monday’s best, promotes love and agreement. Mixed messages, though: Monday says yes to (day, bring speaking about) “partnering,” but Tuesday brings disapproval of your words, or your vehicle, from the gov’t, or your office. Dive deep for information and rewards, Wednesday to noon Friday. Wednesday morning and Thursday night get in your way; otherwise, this is a good interval for decisions/actions around investing, surgery, lifestyle and sexual relations. Friday afternoon, Saturday bring profound thoughts, tolerance, far travel, legal, media or higher learning situations — good until 6 pm (PST) Friday, then not so good. Be mellow, loving — and detached.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

A month of enlightenment lies ahead, Taurus. Profound ideas, far travel, higher learning, law, publishing/media, expanded consciousness and gentle love are on the agenda for a few weeks. Countering this will be friction (or withdrawal) at home until Jan. 6. Bosses and authorities (e.g., court judges) still favour you — two more weeks. You are receiving or digging up valuable information about: investments/debt, a medical procedure, sex and intimacy, and other deep, private, consequential matters. Early December brought confusion, deception in this area, but going forward you will receive the truth. Sunday morning’s romantic, creative (playing with the kids, etc.) but from midday (PST) Sunday through Tuesday you’ll be occupied with chores, machines and health. Small, even medium size things go well here, but the big picture might not be so rosy. E.g., you might make a good move career-wise and money-wise, but the overall economy is trending down, or a big legal matter could eliminate those gains. My advice: be cautious, don;’t over-commit yourself, but do take advantage of small openings. Relationships, exciting meetings, opposition or agreement, fresh horizons, opportunities and possible public appearances — all these come Wednesday to noon Friday. There’s a rough ride here, with opportunities fighting closed doors. Advance cautiously. Wed. eve, Fri. morning best. Secrets, finances, lust, surgery, research — these fill Friday pm and Sat. Good luck, success Friday before supper (PST) — then exercise caution.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The weeks ahead feature sex, lust, major finances, lifestyle changes, medical procedures, secrets and research, Gemini. You are still rushing around dealing with hectic (and in some cases unfair — e.g., tax man) paperwork, errands, communications. This frustration will last to about Jan. 6. Short, casual conversations will go nowhere or irk you. But long, profound convos, say about the fate of the world, will bless and enlighten you — and might bring love. Relationship opportunities swirl around you until about Jan. 8. You might have to choose — if so, pick the one who somehow reflects you, or is most like you. Yes, you ARE in line for some tremendous good luck, but it’s treading water right now, and won’t “engage” until February. Sunday morning’s for home, sleeping in. Midday Sunday (PST) through Tuesday brings romantic notions, creative urges and beauty/pleasure. The small things go well, but there’s a large problematic backdrop. E.g. you might make some good small stock market buys, but in a declining market. Monday best, esp. late. Tackle chores Wednesday to midday Friday — a difficult interval, but you can make headway Wednesday pm and Friday morning. Exciting meetings, relationships, a fight, opportunities, far and fresh horizons enter Friday pm (good) and Saturday (fairly bad all day).


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The four weeks ahead, Cancer, feature exciting meetings, opportunities, agreement and opposition, fresh horizons, relocation themes and possible public appearances. Your major finances, your intimate life, look good for two more weeks. You have a couple of important chores to perform (hang-overs from Nov., early Dec.). (Realize unfinished chores can be an unconscious drag on relationships.) Money continues to flow your way, but do not spend it. (The flow might dry up soon.) Sunday morning’s for errands, phone calls, cards. Midday Sunday (PST) through Tuesday nudges you toward home, family — all is well here, but don’t make any major purchases, nor do anything that might be questionable legally. Romance strikes Wednesday to midday Friday — so do a creative surge, pleasure desires, and beauty. However, many glitches hobble your efforts. Best Wed. pm and after dawn Fri. Friday pm through Saturday brings work. Tackle it Friday, as Saturday doesn’t help much. Eat, dress sensibly.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The weeks ahead deal with work, machines/tools, duties to dependents (pets, kids) and daily health concerns, Leo. But it won’t be all work, now into the first week of 2025. Your relationships are heavy with affection and attraction, conversations revolve around romance and pleasure/beauty, and you remain “horny.” Possible pitfalls: avoid potential lovers/dates who are critical of you, or of all men; and realize your strong sexual magnetism now and next week might disguise a weariness with the whole love game, and consequently lead to a flagging “performance.” Your wishes will come true, but not until February onward. Sunday morning’s for shopping. Sunday midday (PST) through Tuesday brings errands, paperwork and communications — lots of good moments here, but with one “no go” hovering over it all, esp. if the theme is sex or investing. Head for home, hug the family, Wednesday to midday Friday. This is a tough period Wed. morning and Thurs. night, but good Wed. pm to Thurs. afternoon. Romance and creative urges fill Friday pm and Saturday, but go slow — Saturday’s tough.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The four weeks ahead emphasize romance, creative and speculative urges, good luck, beauty, pleasure, and charming kids, Virgo. This happens while your romance planet (Saturn) sits in your sector of marriage — ‘nuff said for singles. If you’re on the precipice of a commitment, a life mating, don’t be too slow about it, as by late May the magic’s gone. (Hint: if seeking relationships before June/25, you’ll have better success with people 10 years or so older or younger than you.) Continue to avoid belligerent individuals until Jan. 6. Work mates are pleasant and helpful, to early January. Your home, family are newly communicative and “ripe for new projects” until about Jan. 8. (Yet, the biggest of these projects has a hard time starting until February 3. Accept this, don’t push. (It would waste your time and energy.) You’re full of energy Sunday morning, but by midday (PST) through Tuesday, your focus turns to money, possessions and casual sex. Small, immediate things work very well, but a large glitch exists, perhaps hidden. It highlights a difference, a conflict between your partnership urges and your career demands. Errands, paperwork and communications fill Wednesday to midday Friday — be careful when driving, speaking, writing. Wednesday pm and pre-dawn Friday are best for action. Head for home, family, Mother Nature, Friday pm (good) and Saturday (difficult).


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The spotlight will be on your home, family, on Mother Nature and security, Libra, for four weeks ahead. Focus on nutrition, children’s future (e.g., start an education fund). Get plenty of rest, and contemplate your and the family’s future.  You remain hopeful, if single, about a partnership prospect; if married, about a practical partnership or association. You might abandon this hope; that’s okay, it will return April to June next year, with a great chance of coming true. Your luck in romance is subtle and strong until January. And someone keeps conversing with you — a Gemini? So lots of “happy distractions” while you’re lounging around this holiday. Sleep in Sunday — you’re tired, need rest. But by midday (PST) your energy returns, your confidence and charisma shine, right through Tuesday. Tackle things, but don’t launch a big new project: health would kibosh it later. Still, love is lucky and sweet , esp. Monday night. Collect money, buy/sell, embrace a “friend with benefits,” and/or read to learn, Wednesday to midday Friday. Maintain some caution. Wednesday pm to Thursday afternoon promotes success. Friday pm and Saturday bring errands, paperwork and communications — good Friday, warped Sat.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The weeks ahead highlight mobility, Scorpio. Errands, quick trips, messaging, paperwork, reports, anecdotes, details. You will handle these well, with aplomb. But watch the reactions of temperamental higher-ups. They might be critical, so don’t give them anything to criticize. (They’re “hiding” their reactions now.) Your home remains sweet, embracing until January 4. You have a couple of good money/income ideas (or they’re already in action) — these should work out well until about Jan. 8. Sunday morning’s hopeful, friendly, happy. But by midday Sunday (PST) through Tuesday, retreat to a quiet place, rest, contemplate and plan. Liaise w/gov’t or head office. Be charitable. Your energy and charisma surge back Wednesday to midday Friday. This would usually be a good time to gather allies or launch new projects — do so, but realize you’ll be “fighting upward” early Wednesday morning and Thursday eve through pre-dawn Fri. Chase money, buy/sell, learn by rote, or hug a “friend with benefits” Friday afternoon through Saturday. Friday’s good, workable, but Saturday’s tough.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The emphasis will be on money, possessions, casual sex and rote learning for the several weeks ahead, Sage. This isn’t a hugely important time for ideas, and actually you’re starting to become disinterested in ideas that just weeks ago flared like flames. Oh well. Casual friends are affectionate, and your missives are gracious, until early Jan. Your interest in, and ability to communicate with someone, are both high and fortunate until about Jan. 8 — but this, or other relationship opportunities, won’t truly blossom until February onward (to June/25). You might feel ambitious Sunday morning, but by noon the focus shifts to social joys, popularity, optimism and flirting, through Tuesday. Small or immediate relationship things go well, but in a larger picture, this person’s ambition/status, and your home/security, fight against and try to squelch love’s course. You need to solve this problem. Retreat, find quietude, rest and contemplate, plan and be charitable, Wednesday to midday Fri. Lots of glitches here, so don’t try risky things Wed. morning or Thursday suppertime to Friday pre-dawn. Your energy and pizzazz return handsomely Friday pm through Saturday. Get out, see and be seen, tackle problems — you can solve them, mostly. Friday’s better through suppertime (PST). Saturday, be alert, especially for domestic problems.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

At last — your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness soar to an annual peak now through late January, Cap! You’re at the top of your game. Get out, see and be seen, gather allies, state your case, seek favours (from above or below) and launch significant projects. Some secondary trends: you’re still attracted to investments or sexual embrace, but be cautious in these: results could “turn” on you. Your money picture looks good, fortunate until early Jan. You might have communications with gov’t, management or institutions, or might be dealing with secrets. Sunday morning is mellow, thoughtful. But Sunday noon through Tuesday brings ambitions, career and worldly status efforts — small things go well here, but the big picture has flaws involving communications and work. Wishes could come true Wednesday to midday Friday — your popularity, optimism and social joys buoy your heart. In practical terms, this interval could disappoint, so stick to the social, romantic, human side. Retreat to rest and contemplate Friday pm through Sat. Plan, liaise with gov’t or head office, perform a charitable act.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

It’s time for a rest and a retreat, Aquarius — hopefully to some place quiet, soothing, even spa-like. Your life is on the cusp of major change, which will “roll out” over the next 19 years. Take time now to “sense” this, and to plan future steps, responses, lifestyle. (Hint: you will become more ambitious for two decades.) Be charitable, as your good karma can grow if you are. Be in touch with gov’t, health providers, institutions and management. Sunday morning’s foggy and mysterious. But midday (through Tuesday) dispels the clouds: enlightenment shines through: profound insights, international themes, law, learning and social rituals — and gentle love — gently flow into your mind. However, keep an eye on income/possessions and your loved one (ranging from a child to a spouse to a romantic object) — they conflict right now. E.g., your money isn’t enough to send your child on a world-wide pleasure trip. Be ambitious Wednesday to midday Friday. This is a situation of “opportunity in crisis.” Toughest times: Wed. morning, Thursday night (PST). Happiness touches your brow Friday pm and Saturday — your popularity rises mildly, as optimism and “potential flirts” buoy you. Better Friday — late this night and Saturday “disrupt what is.”


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Renewed popularity, a feeling that all will be great, openness to flirtations, entertainment and social joys — these fill the four weeks ahead, Pisces. You’ll be happy! This is the time of year when wishes tend to come true (and is a good time to form new wishes). But this time is more significant, as your “wish planet” (Saturn) is in your own sign…sober, realistic, and potentially life-affecting desires can manifest very solidly now. Work continues to be hard, intense, but somehow goes nowhere — so do your job, but relax about results. Your relations with gov’t, management, and advisors bring goodness. And your career, your relations with higher-ups, spark many talks, texts, maybe short trips. You might deal with someone Sunday morning. From Sunday noon through Tuesday, secrets, research, major finances, lust, medical and lifestyle situations arise. Think “real estate” or anything connected to the earth (e.g., agriculture, forestry, mining, etc.) — here’s where your good luck really “kicks in.” A mellow, gently loving mood comes Wednesday to midday Friday — and legal, learning, publishing and life philosophy concerns are top of mind. Lots of pitfalls here, so don’t sign or commit to anything, and steer clear of launching practical projects. Be ambitious Friday pm and Sat. Friday works, Saturday impedes.

The End.




Luigi M., the affluent young man who assassinated the CEO of United Health over their abuse of clients, has become a folk hero…this is one of the first concrete examples of Pluto in Aquarius (now to 2042) — social protest combined with unappeasable and unstoppable violence.


I see Planned Parenthood is running long ads asking the public to donate $ 19 a month to ensure we have enough murdered babies to supply organs to heal those already born. The ad is false, claiming that only through PP and abortions, can women stay healthy. The $ 19? It’s a direct rip-off of the Tunnels to Towers foundation that seeks $ 19 contributions to buy/build homes for severely wounded and disabled military men. Ironically (have I got that word right?) the same $ 19, one to murder helpless babies, the other to aid those whose lives were destroyed in war.


I just realized: most declared gays are democrats. (*) That’s partly why they lost the election; when an entire party genuflects to 3 % of the population, how does it expect to win?

(*) Remember the huge failure of the Kamala Harris campaign’s macho man ads?


2 thoughts on “WEEKLY FORECAST — DECEMBER 22 – 28, 2024

  1. andersd

    As always, great commentary in the preamble and after amble, Tim. You are so right; when a party genuflects to such a small contingent how can they expect to win? Just a mental disorder of the world we live in now, the cognitive dissonance of the masses is as robust as it’s ever been.

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