Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

Note: this is NEXT WEEK’S forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “Dec. 20-26, 2015.”


ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PST (Pacific Standard Time Zone). PST is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). (As long as Britain is also on Standard time.) For example, when it is noon PST, it is 8 pm in England. The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)


START NOTHING: Before 2:31 am Sun., 9:38 am to 10:58 Tues., 9:38 pm to 10:41 pm Thurs., and after 8:23 am Sat.



Mercury turns retrograde January 5 to 25 – a period during which we should avoid starting major or significant project. During this time, new starts tend to go in circles and eventually die from lack of interest. During the present week, we’d be wise not to start anything – instead, try to complete projects, or limit yourself to tasks you can complete in a few days.

Commentators might soon be seeing the troubles in the U.S. as an emotional failing. This problem has been developing since at least 2001, was deepened by the credit/realty collapse of 2006-08, and is showing its biggest efflorescence in Trump’s run for President. The disease isn’t the terror threat, nor even the hollowing out of the manufacturing middle class. The disease is apathy. I first saw it blatantly in G. Bush’s uncaring response to the Katrina disaster victims. That uncaring response, I now think, came from emotional exhaustion. Beyond Bush, right to the present, the civil service is bloated, uncaring, angry toward the public it serves (witness police forces) – and, ironically, exhausted from years of self-indulgence and lack of effort. Bush, in his way, was an apt representative of his constituency. Had he been a greater man, he might have used his energy and charisma to light a fire under the civil service rather than merely represent their flaccidity. This laziness permits the police to murder hundreds of blacks. It fails to foresee the California drought. It can’t solve ISIS. It follows and regulates, without creating.

This apathy doesn’t only affect the civil service, but the entire population. 600 people in the US are billionaires. They are so few, 1 in 500,000,  that even were there a benevolent wish to give all people the same access to opportunity, the mere physical crush of humanity in its ordinary daily movement, will prevent 99.999 per cent of people from even brushing shoulders with a billionaire. Because riches tend to pass through osmosis, fortunes are seldom made (though they are) without proximity to wealthy people. Because father teaches son, poverty most quickly and reliably causes poverty.  It’s the height of blindness to believe that poor people have the same opportunities as the middle class, or to believe that the middle meets the same opportunity as the wealthy, or the wealthy the rich.




Aries.svg ARIES   March 21-April 19

The main emphasis lies on your career and worldly status, Aries. Though this is the holidays, it’s a good time to press forward with your ambitions while a lot of others are relaxing. You’ve felt the bite of sweet lust for the last few weeks, but Wed. onward will bring a lighter, more mental view of love and relationships, and lift you from the clutches of any obsession. Romance calls Sunday to Tues. morning – slow and reliable Sun., exciting Mon., and – is that a tiff Tues. morning? (A wee fight or something else “breaks” the spell of attraction to someone, and frees you to chase someone else, or to put that attraction on a more mellow, gentle level.) Instead of romance, this interval could bring a creative surge or a gambling urge – mostly lucky. Tackle chores and protect your health midday Tues. (PST) to Thurs. night. Eat and dress sensibly. Your job could expand, perhaps in a big meaningful way. Relationships blossom Fri./Sat. – but realize you and another have many problems to solve if love is to win, problems that involve status, career, home, and sex/intimacy or a handicap/illness.


taurus weekly forecast TAURUS   April 20-May 20

This is a gentle, intellectual, loving and compassionate time, Taurus. Seek far horizons, in space or in learning, reading. If you’re going to apply for school admission, do it immediately (Wed./Thurs.) – or after January 24. An affectionate, loving relationship might veer, Tues. onward, into deeper, closer waters: shared intimacy, shared mortgage, pregnancy – these are possibilities. Sunday to Tues. morning emphasizes home, family, landscaping, security, nutrition and retirement. Maintain a restful stance. You can share a big secret Sun./Mon., one that wipes away a source of stress. Romance, creativity, self-expression and beauty/pleasure blossom midday Tues. (PST) to Thurs. night – I’d wait until mid-morn Wed. onward to chase someone or something. Tackle chores and protect your health Fri./Sat. Dress and eat sensibly. Be careful Sat. morning, when alienation or disruption could occur, as could chemical rashes or electric shocks. The hard work of the last two months will ease next week onward.


Gemini.svg GEMINI   May 21-June 20

The few weeks ahead offer secrets, valuable investments or financial action as well as sexual urges. These weeks might also offer temptations: extra-marital attractions, slick moves to fool another, investment in unsavory items. Research is favoured; spying is wrong. If you’re honest and good-hearted, you can make big strides, especially in money and “entrepreneurship.” You’ve been romantic, brave and magnetic since mid-November. This will subside January 3 onward, so if you want to win someone over or steer them into deeper embrace, you’d better act fast. In fact, in everything, especially money and sex, strive to complete matters this week. January 5 will commence a 3-week slowdown. Errands, friends, communications, paperwork and details fill Sunday to Tuesday morning – all goes well, except Tues. morning, when a wee spat might occur. Head for home Tues. noon to Thurs. night. Rest, relax, embrace family, tackle repairs, yard work, parent-kid issues, and cast an eye on security and retirement. Later Wed. and early Thurs. are a splendid time to buy (or find and later buy) a new home, or real estate in general. Romance strikes Fri./Sat. If you want to approach someone, do it Fri.

Cancer.svg CANCER   June 21-July 22

Relationships are front and center for the few weeks ahead, Cancer. You feel sweet affection for someone, but this tends to slowly dissolve after Tues. On the plus side, that friction at home will also dissolve, by January 3. When it does, you’ll enter nine weeks of romantic courage and sexual magnetism. (This magnetism occurs again, June/July 2016.) That this occurs during your strongest relationship month of the year – January – well, you can add it up. Chase money Sun. to Tues. morning. Buy/sell, ask for a pay raise, chase new clients, etc. Your luck is good, so charge ahead. (Don’t argue at home Tues. morning.) Errands, trips, paperwork, calls and mail, casual friends and siblings fill midday Tues. to Thurs. night. You’’ meet obstacles, both subtle and obvious, until Wed. morning (PST) so act after this for success. Turn your attention homeward Fri./Sat. – Friday’s successful overall, in home, parent-kid relations, landscaping, repairs, etc. But DO NOT start any major projects, renovations, etc., as a period of confusion and slow-downs begins next week.


 Leo icon, Luck ForecastLEO   July 23-Aug. 22

Tackle chores and protect your health, Leo. Deal with machines, repair your car, etc. Don’t start big projects – take up only what you can finish this week, as a period of confusion and delay begins soon. An atmosphere of heart warmth slowly leaves your domestic sphere, as a streak of romantic affection starts to grow. Your energy and charisma rise Sunday to Tues. noon – take advantage, be the leader, approach formerly unapproachable people, tackle chores that intimidated you. You’ll succeed, especially in chores demanding mental concentration. But, as suggested, don’t start big projects. Chase money Tues. noon to Thurs. night – buy/sell, cultivate new clients, pay bills – and collect. Shy away from big purchases. This sphere – earnings – is hugely lucky for you this year, but exercise caution before Wed. noon. A new money/work project might begin, but how long will it last? Errands, calls, messages, travel, siblings and casual friends, paperwork and details – these end the week, Fri./Sat. (Friday’s better for action.)


Virgo.svg VIRGO   Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Don’t start any significant projects, Virgo – nothing that you can’t finish this week. Instead, wrap up, tidy up, and protect things – files, say, or all those receipts on the kitchen table – from mix-ups and loss over the weeks ahead. Fix, repair, so you won’t have to tackle “break downs” in January. A spell of fast money – to you and from you – will end soon. That’s actually a good thing. Your home life will grow more affectionate now to late January. The general accent, for several weeks, lies on romance, creative and speculative ventures, and beautgy/pleasure.  Retreat, lie low and rest, contemplate and make plans Sunday to midday Tues. You’ll succeed with investments, research, family affections, but not with earnings, romance, nor any bids for attention. Your energy soars midday Tues. to Thurs. night, so does your charisma. Use this to win someone’s heart, to improve ventures, to take the lead – but don’t start anything big and brand new. You’ll have more success after Wed. morning than before. Chase money Fri./Sat. Shop (no big items) sell, ask for a pay raise (it will be temporary, though, at best) seek new clients, etc. Friday’s better; stick to routine Sat.


Libra.svg LIBRA   Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Work to complete rather than start things, Libra. Next week begins a period of delay, mistakes and false starts (mostly, for you, in domestic and property spheres). This is your last week of heightened sexual magnetism, so take advantage while you can. Tuesday starts a month-long thread of affectionate friends, pleasurable travel, and easy communications. The general emphasis for this week and the next couple lies on home, security, garden, etc. Changes are slated for this zone, good changes, occurring (very approximately) around January 5. Happiness comes Sunday to late morning Tues. You could meet love, a new friend, or a co-operative, lively “associate” in business. However, a Gemini or Virgo might (unwittingly) show you why you should not be with him/her. A wish might come true. Retreat Tues. noon to Thurs. night – rest, contemplate, grow closer to your soul, be charitable, deal with government and “head office.” (Don’t bother creating future plans – they’d go awry.) You’ll meet problems until 9 am Wed. (PST) then success through Thurs. Your energy and charisma surge upward Thurs. night through Sat. Don’t start new projects, but do use this to finish tasks with one big last heave, and to attract co-operation, to impress higher-ups or that good-looking person.  Stick to routine Sat.


Scorpio.svg SCORPIO   Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Use this week to complete ventures rather than start new ones. Three weeks of delay, mistakes and false starts begins soon (technically, Jan. 5). The general emphasis lies on errands, short trips, messaging, paperwork, casual friends and siblings. This is an area you are dealing well with, and in which your skills are improving all this decade. Tuesday starts a month-long boost in your money luck – you can make more, can buy a luxury item. Next week, for two months, an odd thing happens: the burden of work is lifted from your shoulders, yet you will work more intensely than ever. Be ambitious Sunday to late morning Tues. – luck accompanies you, higher-ups will favour you. But DON’T propose nor start any new projects. Be careful with harsh words. Happiness, social delights, heightened popularity, entertainment and light romance arrive Tues. pm to Thurs. night. This will go better after Wed. morning than before. (Light romance is much more favoured, beneficial, than deep infatuation, until mid-May 2017.) Retreat late Thurs. night. Rest, contemplate, be spiritual and charitable. Deal with neglected chores and government or management situations. Make no future plans. Friday’s easy. Saturday needs caution with driving, tools, electricity.


 Sagittarius.svgSAGITTARIUS   Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Use this week to wrap up chores and projects rather than start anything new. A period of delay and mistakes begins next week. The general emphasis lies on money now to late January. Pay bills, collect what’s owed you, cultivate clients, buy/sell, etc. You can be sensually attracted to a person who would later prove burdensome. Make sure you’re honest in love. Tuesday begins a few weeks of “good hair days” – you’ll be more charming, gracious, and subtly magnetic. Right now (it’s your last week of this) romance resides in groups – the more you mingle, the more likely you’ll stumble upon the right one. Sunday to late morning Tues. brings a mellow mood, wisdom and far-sightedness, far travel, higher education, publishing, religion, big ideas, and love. It’s a superb interval to tackle these things. Money and romance don’t mix, though. Tuesday noon to Thurs. night features your career, worldly status, neighbourhood reputation, prestige relations, and dealings with bosses and authorities. These hamper, irk and block you to about 9 am (PST) Wed., then aid, expand and benefit you after that. Happiness arrives in the form of social delights, popularity, optimism, entertainment and friendly flirting, Friday/Sat. Friday’s best – stick to routine Sat. (You’ll still be happy!)


Capricorn.svg CAPRICORN   Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Use this week to complete projects and arrangements, Cap. It’s not a good time to start new ventures nor relationships, unless they are “small” enough to process and finish before January 5, when a period of delays, mistakes and false starts begins. (A “small” relationship could be a carpenter repairing your stairs. A “large” relationship would be love, friendship, a new employer, etc. Although the general accent now is on you, your personality, your growing charisma and energy, use these now to attract others, to complete jobs, to impress VIPs, etc. – NOT to start a new project. From Tuesday onward, you’ll crave moments of sweet solitude. Higher-ups remain impatient and temperamental, but next week will “deliver” you from this pressure. Sunday to late morning Tuesday brings secrets, depths, intimacy, finances. There is a lot of great luck here, so do invest, re-arrange debt, seek an intimate bond with someone. Just don’t work behind a boss’s back, or you could feel that impatience full force! Wisdom, gentle love, far travel, a wide view, religion, philosophy, intellectual pursuits and cultural involvements bless you Tues. noon to Thurs. night – AFTER 9 am Wed. (PST). Friday/Sat. are for ambition, interfacing with bosses and/or parents, judges, worldly status, etc. Act Friday – Sat’s a bit of a dud.


Aquarius.svg AQUARIUS   Jan 20-Feb. 18

You’re a bit weary, Aquarius, and will remain so until January 20. Take a break, enjoy solitude, rest and research, deal with civil servants and all bureaucracies, even corporate ones. Seek your soul, be charitable, see the world on the “second level.” (The “first” is simply living, ambition, etc.) Your better self is just waiting to join you! To now, bosses have favoured you. But Tuesday ends this: for the month ahead, friends will be affectionate, gracious, which will relieve your solitude. On this note, Sunday to late morning Tues. brings exciting meetings, relationships, opportunities, fresh horizons and dealings with the public. All goes well, but expect some friction or non-co-operation in illegal, semi-legal, collusive or government-related situations. Life’s depths, mysteries and usually-hidden forces swim over you Tues. noon to Thursday night. This goes poorly to 9 am Wed. (PST) and well, even magnificently, after. Invest, reduce debt, follow your intuition, seek intimacy, get a medical diagnosis, undergo surgery, change your life style, commit to something good and growing. Intellectual pursuits, higher education, far travel, international affairs, cultural events, advertising and media, profound ideas – and gentle love – fill Fri./Sat. Act Friday, stick to routine Sat. All week, despite anything I’ve said above, strive to complete projects and ventures rather than start new ones. (The new would tend to get bulldozed by events in January.) . Continue to avoid lawsuits and “angry opinions” for one more week.


Pisces.svg PISCES   Feb. 19-March 20

Start nothing big and significant this week, Pisces. Instead, wrap up ventures and firm up arrangements. January 5 will bring a three-week interval of hesitation, false starts, and delays, especially in social, love and similar zones. (I’ll write the good side of this next week.) Tuesday begins a month of favour and aid from higher-ups, parents and VIPs. Don’t invest this week – you’re too rushed, you’ll pick weak “performers.” Tackle chores and protect your daily health Sunday to late morning Tues. You’ll succeed, but don’t try to nudge a friendly romance into sexual zones or intimate commitment. Relationships of all stripes, from the guy on the street to your spouse, all confront you Tues. noon into Thurs. night. All you need to know is the timing: things go awry or frustrate you before 9 am (PST) Wed., bless and aid you after this. (9 am Wed. = 5 pm Britain, pre-dawn Thurs. in Asia.) Be diplomatic, eager to join. If you’re too pushy or growly, enemies can appear. Fresh, good horizons appear in intellectual, domestic, realty, and partnership zones. Life’s depths and mysteries embrace you Fri./Sat. Investments, debt, sexual desires, research, lifestyle changes and health diagnoses lure you, but this isn’t a great time for these. Friday’s better; stick to routine Sat.

The End.