Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

  ALL SIGNS: THE 2014-2015 LUCK FORECAST IS NOW IN “PLATFORMS” (click on “PLATFORMS” under the big blue picture above).


ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PT (Pacific Time Zone, 8 hours before Greenwich. You can look at the “World Clock” in the right margin to get some comparison to your own time zone. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)


START NOTHING: 4:46 pm Mon. to 2:56 am Tues., 4:19 am to 9:09 am Thurs., and 3:55 am to 5:08 pm Sat.




Many mortgages in Russia are denominated in U.S. dollars. Since July, when I warned of economic and market declines, the rouble has collapsed by half, to equal about one and a half U.S. pennies. (64 to the $). That means all those mortgage payments just doubled, since home owners’ incomes are in roubles. It’s even worse for new buyers or those who have to renew their mortgage. On Dec. 15, the Russian Central Bank raised interest rates (the “fed rate”) from 10 % to 17 %. In addition, the price of oil (Russia’s economic driver) has plummeted from $ 110 to $ 55 per barrel, basically ruining the economy. Remember when I said that whoever continues to be aggressive in the Ukraine crisis would suffer bad karma? Well, Russia continued its aggression.
Putin is protected until mid-November 2015, but by 2016, he will likely also suffer. He has a lunar south node in Leo, so guess who brought the bad karma to him? Leo Obama and his sanctions. (The new Russia – post Gorbachev – is a Leo country, so Putin will be among its worst disappointments, historically.) If Putin remains Russia’s head, the country could have a final economic collapse in 2016.


VIRGO, 2015 will be like emerging from a cave, into the sunlight. Until August, your inner world and private life are blessed, but your luck in the outside, bustling world is a bit dim. Your dealings will expand with charities, institutions and civil servants. This is a perfect time to dig up and throw out old ghosts and fears, as a cheerful light shines into every dark corner. Seek therapy, or lead your family to higher emotional ground – even if this only means a few extra loving hugs. The government will aid you if you apply.
By August onward, your worldly luck and personal energy begin to climb. You’re entering one of the luckiest 13 months in over a decade. Your domestic scene, real estate, and restaurants are blessed, yet begin to grow sober and realistic. Plunge into these areas with your time – but be wary of monetary investment until late November. (December’s great if you want to buy a home. If you must invest, lean toward cash cows rather than long-term holds.) You might change jobs, particularly in October.
Your romantic prowess is strong this entire decade – so is your growing fascination with a new kind of elusive, evasive yet loving person. You will present your romantic case with powerful utterances. But be careful in sexual zones until mid-November. Avoid lust, STDs.
March thrills in love, not because you’re lucky but because you glimpse a new vision of love. In May a social contact might trigger profound thoughts, or you meet someone cute at an intellectual venue (school?). In September/October your sexual magnetism rises – good, but don’t let it lead you to a relationship you don’t really want.


LIBRA, your popularity and your “party side” soars for the first eight months of 2015. After this, you get four months to consider what you’ve done. All year, excepting December, make no unbreakable commitments, sign nothing, promise little, be essentially independent. This is a poor time to form business or love partnerships. Still, you’ll be excited, happy, social, flirtatious January to August – and romance will thrive! (But again, don’t marry.)
Mid-August ushers in a 13-month period of quietude. Retreat softly, contemplate, plan, meditate, open yourself to spirit, be charitable and interface with civil servants.
Communications and short travel will be a bit more tedious and slow than usual in 2015 (to 2017). This is a great time to take elocution classes, if you’re in sales, acting, teaching, etc. Your domestic situation continues to slowly transform – and will, until 2024. This can put a strain on marriage and other partnerships, especially in January, April, July and October. If your mate’s in a slump, be cheerful and encouraging – but don’t blindly follow his/her plans.
You will meet many new and unusual people all year (and until late 2018). One arriving in January is a door to bad karma. But February’s sweetly romantic. The Spring brings a stunning meeting – and a powerful lust. In June, someone turns you on mentally. Play the field in August: you’ll celebrate! Your charisma and energy in October might draw you into a difficult situation, perhaps a triangle. Your sexual magnetism glows November/December. An old flame might appear around February, June or (especially) October.



Aries.svgARIES March 21-April 19
Be ambitious, Aries. Display your skills, meet with bosses, parents and VIPs. You’ll be tested, and you’ll come through with flying colours. From 2009 to 2024, Pluto in your career sector can break you down and/or build you up. Much depends on your attitude: if hopeful, hard working and determined, up you go. If resentful, angry, feeling unjustly dealt with, down you go. This might become obvious late this week, when you might change jobs (that’s an extreme) or receive new orders, or merely sense that destiny’s afoot in your career zone – it is. A clue: Pluto wants you to invest in your own success, to be more entrepreneurial. That can mean starting your own company, but it can also mean tweaking the boss to a new way of delivering the product or saving money, etc. – such “helpfulness” could one day earn you your own department or title. Your energy and charisma soar Sunday/Monday. Pay attention to subtle clues Sunday, don’t alienate someone. Monday’s great, romance shines. Chase money, new clients, a pay raise, etc., Tues. (great, productive) and Wed. (mostly good, contain temper, exuberance). Thursday, errands and communications confuse and dishearten – go Friday instead. But watch: Thurs. through Saturday rings a note of change, tempts you to rebel. Just don’t “put it in writing,” and you’ll be fine.

taurus weekly forecastTAURUS April 20-May 20
The accent remains on intellect, travel, law, education, culture and love. Continue to be diplomatic with bosses and authorities. For the next two years, a slowness and stability in relationships dissolves somewhat: the slowness is transferred to your sexual, financial and research activities. Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan Sun./Mon. Your energy and charisma soar Tues. (lucky; love, travel and your intellect succeed) and Wed. (luck’s jumbled, avoid gossip, government, and “secret transactions”). Chase money Thursday to Saturday. Thursday’s difficult and confusing; act Friday. Be cautious shopping all three days. DO NOT buy electronics, computers, etc. You might receive a call, note – or simply a glance – that whispers of love, foreign lands, and destiny. Continue to humour cranky bosses, parents. You and a loved one might take “the next step.”

Gemini.svgGEMINI May 21-June 20
Sex, finances, mysteries, research, the courage to explore, heightened intuition – these fill the weeks ahead. Strictly avoid extra-marital temptations. A lucky, profitable discussion could take place this week. Two years of hard-slogging in work and health ends now – both will be easier, less “consequential.” For the next three years, relationships might be a bit harder, especially in your own age group. On the other hand, you might bond with someone considerably older or younger than yourself. This has sexual and financial implications. (The sexual ones will please.) You’re optimistic, a bit more popular, and life seems fresh Sunday/Monday. But don’t let this lure you into ignoring present realities and practical demands. A new friend Monday? Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan Wed./Thurs. Deal with head office or civil servants Tues., not Wed. Your energy and charisma soar Thursday to Saturday, but not a lot gets done – you’re too busy with surprises.

Cancer.svgCANCER June 21-July 22
Relationships reach a crucial stage: you’re in or out. (Probably in, as sweet Venus sits in your partnership sector, nudging others to treat you with affection.) Either way, your deepest links change; this change advances a little bit every year around this time, from 2009 to 2024. (This change is near a peak if you were born in early July.) Be flexible, understanding, but don’t be a floor mat. Take care with investments and debt (and lust) until mid-January: you’re tempted to act on impulse. Sunday/Monday emphasize career, your worldly standing, and prestige relations. Make your move around noon Monday (PT). Your popularity rises, optimism and social joys fill Tues./Wed. – Tues. best. A wish could come true. A flirtation could lead to something much deeper. But retreat, rest, contemplate and plan Thursday to Saturday. Usually this is a good time to interact with civil servants, but only Friday is (possibly) safe to do so. Don’t purchase anything on the internet before Saturday. A restrictive, sobering influence has dampened romance for 2 years – now this “wet blanket” is gone.

Leo icon, Luck ForecastLEO July 23-Aug. 22
Your work continues to pile up. Might as well step in and start your engines. Eat, dress sensibly; protect your health. Work mates are affectionate, humorous. Other relationships remain intense until mid-January. Someone might be aggressively pushing you to deepen your bond. (“Marry me or else!”) A new, cautious note has entered your romantic zone until the end of 2017; you might fall in love with a co-worker during these three years. In any case, no one will flatter or push you into a love affair you don’t really want. (For example, at the end of this week – Fri./Sat. – you might decide you don’t want to wed someone.) Still, through August 2015 you will probably meet one of the loves of your life. So, be hard-headed and big hearted. Sunday/Monday bring compassion, wisdom, far travel, higher education, cultural or intellectual involvements. (Monday’s better.) Be ambitious Tues./Wed. – display your skills, meet with authorities, propose projects to bosses, parents and VIPs. Success looms! Your popularity rises Thursday to Saturday – optimism, flirtation, wish fulfilment and happiness visit you – but you might realize true happiness, in relationships, is with “someone else.” Don’t buy electronics, software.

Virgo.svgVIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
The emphasis remains on creativity, risk/reward, adventure, romance, charming kids and self-expression. If you feel love, tell him/her. “Speaking up” this week is more important than usual, because two “helping planets” leave the romance sector at week’s end. Since the autumn of 2012 you’ve felt restricted in communications, short travel, writing, speaking: this lifts now: in the three years ahead you’ll be restricted in home and real estate, but you’ll speak with a silver tongue. (And a bonus: that “domestic restriction” will for some reason cause love to grow.) Life’s mysteries arise Sunday/Monday – so do lust, your intuition, and your desire to make a change by commitment – to an investment, a debt, a lifestyle. My advice: don’t do it. A glitch lurks, unseen. Wait until Dec. 2015 onward. A mellow, wise mood flows over you Tues./Wed. – chase intellectual goals or travel, but also chase love. If you’re in an affair, sit down with him/her Tuesday and talk about love, future. Be ambitious Thursday to Saturday – but don’t raise anyone’s hackles. Be “compliant” with cops, judges, other authorities. DON’T invest nor buy electronics.

Libra.svgLIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22
The emphasis remains on your domestic situation, security, real estate, eventual retirement, your children’s future, gardening, food, stomach and soul. These zones remain mildly lucky, so dive into them. Romance is intense if you’re single. (But remember, don’t marry or co-habit before late November 2015.) Be gentle with children if you’re married – you might push them too hard, enthusiastically, which can make them feel incapable. Sunday/Monday bring relationships, relocation themes, dealings with the public. Be courteous, co-operative, but not committed. (Monday – around noon, PT – is better for action, meetings.) Life’s deeper side – including your subconscious, your lusts and greeds, your intuition – rises to the surface Tues./Wed. Tuesday’s productive and lucky – seek intimacy, investments, or re-negotiate debt. A wise, gentle mood flows through you Thursday to Saturday – but events are the opposite, jarring, especially Thursday and around midnight Friday. You must choose between security and a relationship or an “opportunity.” Pick security.

Scorpio.svgSCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Errands, calls, visits, paperwork and details fill your days. Casual acquaintances will treat you with pleasant affection: you might contemplate getting more intimate with one of them – no harm, but make sure he/she’s not a co-worker. You might meet someone you’ll communicate with for years to come. A two-year sober influence on your personality lifts now: you’ll feel more buoyant, cheerful, playful in future. (However, the restriction shifts to your earnings and money zone, so be fiscally conservative now through 2017.) Tackle chores Sunday/Monday – Mon.’s best. Don’t volunteer for extra work, the entire 11 months ahead. Relationships fill Tues./Wed. – and you’re pleased! Dive in, chat someone up, enjoy people – but be cautious Wed. daytime, especially with co-workers. This little interval might end with intimacy – in any case, Thursday to Saturday bring new levels of lust, intimacy, financial commitment – all UNADVISED. A surprise lurks – it might bring a sudden “merging of souls” but the overarching trend is toward break-ups, so even a sudden new electrifying attraction might not last. Watch, think, delve under surface appearances. Find a good book.

Sagittarius.svgSAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Chase money, Sage – luck fills this area, but only for the present week. Buy/sell, cultivate new clients, ask for more pay, etc. Shopping for tools or machines is good Tuesday, but back away as the week matures. Don’t buy computers, electronics, etc., especially after Tues. Reject the lure of time-wasting errands, conversations and wild goose chases, to mid-January. Sunday/Monday are romantic, adventurous, creative, and you feel like taking a risk – if you do the last, make sure you exit the risk within a few days. Best time: late morning to early afternoon Monday (PT). Tackle chores and protect your health Tues./Wed. Relationships fill – and might “rock” the Thursday to Saturday interval. You might change romantic partners, or send/receive an upsetting missive. My advice: co-operate, be diplomatic, keep relationships on a peer or partner basis rather than trying to steer them into passionate, romantic areas. You grow more serious, sober, aware of “age” – but also more determined (and able) to make money – for the next three years.

Capricorn.svgCAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Your energy, charisma and effectiveness remain beautifully high, Cap – except Sun./Mon., when your energy briefly sinks, recharges. (Lie low, rest, contemplate and plan these two days. Deal with charities, head office, government midday Monday.) This isn’t the easiest of weeks, as a bunch of niggling little glitches run through it like knots in a string, ending with a “break-through crisis” late week. Romance, creative surges, risk-taking, sports/games, lively, talented kids, beauty and pleasure fill Tues./Wed. Both days could bring love to unattached Caps – and peace and pleasure to marrieds. Tackle chores Thursday to Saturday. Avoid stress. You might have to choose between short money (e.g., earnings) and long (e.g., investments) Thurs. (Trouble is, your thinking’s fuzzy this day, and good advice can’t be found: doing nothing is a safe approach.) You might grow frustrated with your home and family Fri./Sat., or you might want to invest in property – both are based on impatience, so again, waiting’s best…

Aquarius.svgAQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Continue to lie low, rest, recharge your emotional and physical batteries. Reconnect to your spiritual centre, be charitable (and seek charity if you need it) – this is a time for planning, closed-door discussions, health matters, meditation. Solitude is still sweet. If you’re in a relationship, expect to be comforted, hugged, assured – your magnetism glows, despite the weariness you feel. Perform errands, paperwork, visits, trips, calls and emails Sun./Mon. – but don’t expand here – e.g., don’t buy communications devices, nor start a mail-out project – not before November 2015. Be home (at least in your thoughts) Tues./Wed. Embrace family; garden, repair, buy furniture, especially during a splendid Tues. At work, focus on foundations, sales territories. Your romantic, passionate, poetic, creative side opens Thursday to Saturday. But don’t expect a lot, as you’re still in a low energy phase. If you can’t decide whether to call/visit someone or to remain quietly alone, choose the latter. Your relationship luck is “sky high” this year (to August) so you hardly need to chase someone when you’re not in top “love form.”

Pisces.svgPISCES Feb. 19-March 20
A wish can come true this week or the next two – but this week is luckiest. Your social circle expands, your popularity remains buoyant, you could begin a light, friendly romance. Chase money, buy/sell Sun./Mon. – but don’t risk anything these two days. (Best time to collect a debt or buy tools: late morning to early afternoon Monday, PT.) Don’t buy big things, hoping to make a profit (e.g., an excavator or factory). Errands, conversations, emails, trips and visits, paperwork and details fill Tues./Wed. – Tuesday best, but both days are fine (watch spending Wed. afternoon). Head home Thursday to Saturday. This small interval won’t be smooth nor easy, but you’ll do fine! Garden, plan meals, embrace kids, do small repairs. A conflict arises between your goals and social aspirations, and your income or financial level. The goals, the social, seem to win – more accurately, a goal dies or disappears, and a new, deep, meaningful one is born. You might not even sense/recognize this new goal for a few days, even months, but you will work hard, successfully to realize it over the next three years – your career, status involved.
The End.