~ Desiderata

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START NOTHING: 2:53 pm to 5:23 pm Sun., 2:26 pm Tues. to 0:58 am Wed., and 9:41 am to 10:55 am Fri.



ALL SIGNS: Last week, this week and the next two emphasize the very thing that is karmically difficult through the 17 months ahead — but especially this month and this week (Jan. 4 to 6).

This difficult area will draw you; it tempts, perhaps mightily, yet it also holds unexpected, and  seemingly inexplicable results. Three possibilities: 1) your actions yield quick, welcome results; 2) delays occur — if so, delay is your friend, trying to save you from a big mistake; 3) you ignore or overcome these delays or small obstacles and  push until you get what you want — in which case, sooner or later, you’ll wish you never had. For more information, read your “Karmic Forecast” in PLATFORMS.
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See how far the NASDAQ has fallen? Technology, hence tech stocks, have been damaged by Uranus’ retrograde motion the past couple of months. Uranus goes direct January 6, so the NASDAQ will tend to find its direction after that. But very soon, early March, this planet will enter the sign Taurus. Hard to tell, but I suspect many tech stocks might stumble for the 7 years that start this March. Not all. But I’d include Apple. If you want, look up your favourite tech company’s incorporation date: if it lay between March 20 and April 19, it might have poor revenues until 2026. This “change-over” of Uranus’ sign mightl be a shock to banks, as I’ve mentioned a few times.
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Remember, all the time/day divisions for your sign’s Weekly Forecast are Pacific Standard. For Europe, add 8 to 10 hours. For India, 13; for China, 16 hours, etc. (For eastern Asia, you could almost add a day, roughly, to all the dates denoted below.)
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   ARIES:  March 21-April 19

This week: The accent remains on your prestige goals — career advancement, raising your worldly status, etc. Don’t strive too mightily here, nor be tempted to “cut corners”.  Your best default if you’re unsure:  withdraw. This is a good, relatively smooth week. Monday brings Mars to your sign for six weeks — you’ll notice a return of assertiveness, confidence and determination — and you’ll glow with sex appeal.

Sun. morning/day:  You might meet someone who doesn’t believe who you are — or have become. You are about to, or feel pushed to, make a short-term agreement with someone who raises your hopes about life, could be a friend. Don’t think you’ll lose here.

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  You’re going deeper with someone. Or something, like a financial undertaking, a research/detective project, a medical or lifestyle commitment or the embrace of power. Lots of good chances to succeed/win here.

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  You awaken to bigger ideas, themes of world-wide understanding, intellect, education, culture — and love. (Many single Aries will find love, weddings in 2019.) Love is like springtime freshness, and yet it’s old. You might make a new friend.

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Don’t let temper or impatience cause problems or mis-timed action Fri. afternoon. Be ambitious but proceed with some caution.

taurus weekly forecastTAURUS:  April 20-May 20

This week:  Mental harmony, gentle love, and pondering the big questions — these call you during this easy week and the next two. Buy travel tickets, know your legal rights, contact scholars, foreigners. But realize this whole zone is unreliable, and will tend to spark your least honourable motives, so proceed cautiously, with an eye on yourself. (Read “ALL SIGNS” above.) Recent (sensual) intensity around a friendship or a friendly love attraction, dies down now to mid-February. At the same time, this intensity shifts to your inner and private worlds, which will aid your financial and intimate goals.

Sun. morning/day:  Tackle chores. Eat, dress sensibly. Careful around electricity.

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  Relationships face you – in loving ways. Jump on opportunities, deal with the public, make friends, show affection. All’s well!  (Except: someone you meet Tues. night might disappoint you eventually.)

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  Secrets, mysteries. Now you plunge to the heart of your mate, or persuade business associates to reveal their finances. It’s time for investment, commitment, embrace, lifestyle changes and medical procedures. Keep secrets, but learn others’ — you can discuss almost anything now. A high-tech investment looks good. Careful pre-dawn Thurs. — mild deception.

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Gentle love, travel, intellectual pursuits. Re-read the first 3 sentences of “This week” above. Careful Fri. afternoon — argument possible, and you are a bit vulnerable this time. Saturday’s fine — seek love, knowledge, peace.

GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

This week:  Until January 19, sex/lust, intimacy, financial actions, medical decisions, research and detective work, commitment and consequence fill the weeks. This area will draw you, perhaps mightily; yet it also holds unexpected, and often seemingly inexplicable results. Three possibilities: 1) your actions yield quick, welcome results. 2) delays occur — if so, delay is your friend, trying to save you from a big mistake. 3) you ignore or overcome these delays or small obstacles and  push until you get what you want — in which case, sooner or later, you’ll wish you never had. This holds especially true with finances and sex. Though the few weeks ahead emphasize this tri-part possibility, the entire 17 months ahead offer the same warning. (BTW, the open, honest side of relationships remains very favourable.)

Sun. morning/day:  You feel in love. The world shines with beauty. A relationship either sparks with sudden attraction, or surprises in the other direction.

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  To work, chores await. Take care of your health. You’ll make great progress, all flows well. Your Monday efforts could yield praise, even promotion vibes. Tuesday’s loving, affectionate —and sexy. But remember what I said above, for “This week.”  Monday begins 6 weeks of hope, optimism and good friends.

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  Relationships, relocation themes, fresh horizons (even mentally — accept different ideas), opportunities and dealings with the public fill this interval. You could fall in love! This is admiration of someone; if only lust speaks, be cautious. The other person might be more than ready. Only one possible glitch, early Thurs. — career duties might pull you away from a love or an opportunity. But a superb few days!

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Re-read my warnings in “This week” above. Avoid an argument Fri. (And DO NOT invest impulsively.) Saturday flows smoothly. Do some research or detective work.

CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This week:  Relationships, fresh horizons, opportunities, relocation themes, and dealings with the public are emphasized this week and the next few. (“Dealing with the public” = anything from being a store clerk to a rock star.) For the next 17 months, be cautious with all these themes — but especially this January and particularly Jan. 4, 5, 6. (Read “ALL SIGNS” above for the 3 “possibilities” — in your case this applies to relationships, opportunities, etc. — especially a marital possibility.) For 6 weeks ahead, higher-ups grow impatient, yet might promote you.

Sun. morning/day:  Domesticity reigns. Hug the kids, bake, repair, relax, sink into nature, garden and other beauties. A career demand might draw you away — be calm.

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  Passion, romance, self-expression, creative and risk-taking actions, beauty and pleasure fill this interval, and fill it fortunately. Your heart could soar. Enjoy! Someone met Mon. is probably a good link or influence: he/she could teach or enlighten you. But someone met Tues., although a sweet, attractive person, is probably — only probably — “unconsciously dangerous”.  He/she holds the seeds of relationship destruction within. (Read ALL SIGNS above in the PREAMBLE for the 3 possibilities.)

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  To work — and improve your health (vitamins, exercise, etc.) You’ll succeed, can significantly reduce your pile of chores. (You’ll do extra well with computer work.) Only one “odd note” — a travel, legal, love or intellectual project should be avoided pre-dawn Thurs.

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Relationships! Re-read “This week” above — now these themes come to a head. Usually, this would be a good time to start a new link, but consider carefully before you commit.

Leo icon, Luck ForecastLEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

This week:  Is filled with chores, as are the next two. Read “ALL SIGNS” above regarding “difficult karma”. Protect yourself and your time— don’t be run ragged by the demands of bosses or children. (Especially Fri./Sat.) Do what is necessary, no more. For example, don’t turn a home repair into a renovation. This is a smooth, easy week. Just plod ahead and get it done. Monday starts 6 weeks of impulses to travel afar, attend school, wed/fall in love, or engage with media, advertise, seek fame. Fine impulses!

Sun. morning/day:  Errands, trips, visits, calls, paperwork. One of these might bring you to a love, or a mentally-stimulating friend.

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  Be home, hug the kids (and spouse!), garden, repair, relax, ponder and nurture. Not a cloud in the sky — all’s well. But be wary Tues. night, when someone might try to dump a very large chore on you. It’s far larger (or harder to handle) than it appears. Don’t let repairs become renovations.

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  Ah, romance! This, or the fine fury of creativity, speculation, self-expression, loving/teaching kids, visit you. If single, you could meet a future mate, even though you’re in a general work phase. A friendship leads to laughter, wit — value this person! One glitch: don’t confuse romance with sex/lust pre-dawn Thurs.

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  The work intensifies. As warned above, don’t opt to fill your life with work; and don’t commit to future efforts, bonds. Do what’s necessary, no more. Sidestep a conflict Fri. Saturday’s smooth.

VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This week:  And the next two emphasize creativity, risk, winning, happy, charming kids, beauty, pleasure, and deep romance. Some of this will be good, but much will subtly sabotage your progress. Read “ALL SIGNS” above regarding the 3 possibilities. In love (or its potential) if you’re unsure, default to light, friendly romance. In pleasure, default to social pleasure or group activities. Monday starts 6 weeks of intense sexual desire — and magnetism. Avoid extra-marital involvements.

Sun. morning/day:  Seek money and bargains. Pay bills and send invoices. You might experience a mild “shock” involving intimacy, a sexual attraction.

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  This is a light, busy, upbeat time. Perform errands, visits, travel, communications, media or paperwork. Be curious, ask questions, read, note details. Relationships lean toward harmony, affection, esp. Mon. But Tuesday night’s “friend” could be a deep romance (in disguise?) — and carries the warnings (and possible triumphs)  denoted in “ALL SIGNS” above.

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  Home, kids, garden, nature, nutrition, repairs and “building a base” are slated. This is your area of great good luck in 2019. “Building a base” — this can refer to sales territory, building a business’s foundations; or simply making your kids feel more secure, improving their education fund, investing in your own retirement — or merely relaxing to enhance your future work efforts. You might buy a property — splendid results! One thing: don’t expect co-operation, and don’t seek partners.

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Romance calls. So do beauty, immediate pleasure, creative and speculative urges, sports and games. A new love might begin. But read “ALL SIGNS” regarding the 3 possibilities. Mostly smooth, but avoid a conflict over sex or finances Friday.

LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This week: The accent lies on domesticity this week and the next two, Libra. Please read “ALL SIGNS” above regarding this area. A rather good money period ends next week, so do what you can now in purchasing, collecting, seeking a raise or new clients, etc.

Monday begins 6 weeks of intense relationship vibes. If single, you might meet your mate (much better, for most Libras, after Jan. 20). If married, your bond either sparkles and re-ignites, or constant fighting begins. Be sweet! All of you need to exercise diplomacy, especially with “angry strangers”. The present week is fairly smooth.

Sun. morning/day:  Your energy and attractiveness remain high. You’ll meet someone sparkling, lively, unpredictable.

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  Chase money. Buy/sell, seek bargains, build your clientele or seek overtime/pay raise, send bills and pay ‘em. (DON’T buy real estate, unless it conforms to the #1 possibility in the “ALL SIGNS” above.) All is well — good luck rides with you. Your work and health benefit Mon. Tuesday night might tempt you to opt for security over ambition — I wouldn’t.

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  Errands, communications, travel, casual contacts, paperwork, media, curiosity — dive into these. They’re your source of luck all 2019. (How? An extreme example: someone with whom you exchange emails could become a mate, or alert you to a good job opening, etc. Your communications style, BTW, is admired by more than one person now.) You could begin a love affair, almost without expecting it — or make or cement a great friendship. Only one false note, pre-dawn Thurs., perhaps an upset stomach or fuzzy thinking about a task. It’s minor.

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Careful!  Argument possible Fri., perhaps with spouse. But bigger danger is that you’ll sidle into a (domestic?) situation that promises much, but will likely pull you into disappointment.

SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

This week:  The accent lies on easy chores, errands, travel, casual friends, chatting and all daily (i.e., not deep) communications — this week and the next two. Mostly, beware wasting time with these surface efforts — read “ALL SIGNS” above for more clues. Your real luck in 2019 lies in money and profundities. (Soon, this money luck will swell, Jan. 7 to early Feb.) Monday begins 6 weeks of hard work. Do it, forget chatting, twiddling —especially Tues. night and Fri./Sat.

Sun. morning/day:  Lie low, contemplate, watch and listen, rest. Perhaps a surprise about work/health (or home repairs) mid-afternoon in North and South Americas

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  Your energy and personal appeal soar! Get out, see and be seen, start significant projects, be a leader, ask favours, be with someone you want to impress. (Good time for a date, esp. a spontaneous one.) Monday eve favours romance. If married, your kids lift your heart. Tuesday could “offer up” a sweet, affectionate link. Don’t, this night, waste or diminish what could be love or an important practical contact/opportunity by feeling/acting too casually.

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  Pursue the $. Find bargains, seek clients, ask for more pay, etc. Your memory functions at top level now — good time to learn, memorize. All’s well — but avoid romance. (Yes, sex/lust can move you, can succeed, but if this is a “new  conquest” it will likely never become love.) A late, great lucky stroke could solve money-domestic-repair-work problems or lead to a great opportunity in the same zone. Or, you could make a new friend!

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Errands, communications, trips, paperwork — do these, but don’t expand them — only what’s necessary. Avoid a work conflict — and follow safety rules on Fri.

SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This week: Money, income sources, buying bargains, selling, sensual attractions and rote learning (e.g. night school or grade school) are highlighted this week to Jan. 19. Before you plunge in, though, read “ALL SIGNS” above (in the PREAMBLE). Monday starts 6 weeks of intense romance (creative, inventive, gambling, pleasure pursuits for the non-romantic).

Sun. morning/day:  Optimism, social joys, popularity! You might meet a new friend, or suddenly (not painfully) end a “friendship.”

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  Retreat, lie low, contemplate and concoct plans. Interface with civil servants, admin. workers, agents and/or advisors. Good time to visit a doctor, psychic, or such, esp. Monday. This day also aids your progress in domestic zones. Avoid money, buying, Tues.

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  Your personality sparkles! Clout, effectiveness, charisma, energy — all high! Start significant projects, see and be seen, be a leader. All’s well, all’s fortunate. A casual comment or brief trip could introduce you to new love, even a marital opportunity. (Or, ongoing links surprise with happiness.)

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Money, possessions, “friendly lust” — these fill this interval. Be careful what you wish for. Re-read “ALL SIGNS” above. Lover’s spat possible Fri. — sail around it?

CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

This week: You’re in power. Your energy, clout, effectiveness, charisma, all are at a yearly high. BUT — what are you doing with it? This is not a time for independence — try to use your heightened charisma to attract others, and then to hop on THEIR bandwagon. (For more clues, read “ALL SIGNS” in the PREAMBLE above.)

In your case, it refers to your desire to advance yourself, to be in charge, and to be independent. Monday begins 6 weeks of intensity, determination and action on your home front. You might renovate, or such — I wouldn’t buy real estate, tho.

Sun. morning/day:  Be ambitious. You might need to decide (swiftly!) between home and career. Not a major thing.

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  Wishes can come true, especially during this lucky interval! Optimism, popularity, social joys, entertainment, flirtations — all buoy your spirits. A friend will get in touch Mon. Don’t insist on your own way Tues. — you’ll get it, but in time you’ll probably wish you hadn’t. Happiness exists!

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  Retreat, regather your strength, recharge your emotional and mental batteries. No big problems. The gov’t, or a large company, or an institution, or charity, will respond to your request for aid with surprising quickness and favour.

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Your energy, charisma, et al, return powerfully! Re-read “This week” above. Use your energy and charisma, high now, to join others rather than separate. Going your own way will be like conquering an empty city, as the I Ching says. Potential argument Fri. — but more likely your domestic situation provides a snag.

AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

This week: And the next two steer you toward rest, contemplation, planning, and dealings with institutions, corporate administrations, gov’t, as well as health workers, psychics/astrologers, advisors and agents. Okay — but don’t overdo this, for this area holds little benefit, and can cause possible disappointments if you withdraw too much, now and for 17 months ahead. (Read “ALL SIGNS” in the PREAMBLE above for more clues.) Monday starts 6 weeks of hectic activity — mail, calls, visits, paperwork, etc.

Sun. morning/day:  Sweet pondering! Daydream, or engage in philosophical discussions. Someone says something that “alerts” you — perhaps you pick up a hint of someone’s attraction — to you or to a friend/loved one. You might get a request to travel.

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  Be ambitious. Your career is very favoured, higher-ups are receptive. Charge ahead! Monday, try inserting money factors — e.g., ask for a raise, or increase your prices. Avoid seeking employment or a career boost in management or administrative areas Tues. — and for 17 months.

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  Wish fulfillment, popularity, social delights, flirtations, entertainment and optimism — these won’t be really strong because you’re in a “quiet period” until Jan. 20. But do pursue them! Only worry: don’t overspend, nor mix $ and friends. You’ll be happy.

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Quietude, solitude float down on you like a soft cloud. Relax, rest, ponder, plan — but as stated above, don’t overdo this. Institutions do not favour you, despite appearances. Avoid conflict or angry words Fri. Saturday’s smooth, easy….

PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

This week: You’re in an optimistic, social, friendly, flirtatious, happy place. A wish could come true. However, oddly, this place and these things – though emphasized this January – are likely to lead to a certain temptation to make bad decisions. You know the right choice, deep down, but might choose wrongly so as not to upset others, or because something more delicious tempts you.

Realize the right choice will boost you in future, even if it might deny you a “plum”. Whereas the wrong one, though offering present rewards, will likely disappoint, even trap, over time. This applies until May 2020. (Read “ALL SIGNS” in the PREAMBLE above, for more clues.) Monday starts 6 weeks of intense money flow — to you, and from you if you’re not aware, careful.

Sun. morning/day:  Sex, lust, desire for power, financial actions, research, medical needs — these arise. A $ surprise.

6 pm Sun. through Tues.:  Love, understanding soar — gently! Pursue intellectual, far travel, legal, publishing and cultural goals — they’re very favoured. Careful Tues. night — you might want to establish a new friend or join a group, but this/these ones might weigh you down rather than lift you up in future. All’s well!

Wed. to 10 am Fri.:  Your career, worldly standing, reputation, prestige relations, all are accented, and luckily so. Charge ahead! This is your area of great success in 2019!

11 am Fri. through Sat.:  Re-read “This week” above — all these social (etc.) themes are doubly emphasized now. You’ll be happy — just don’t push your popularity.



Most popular astrology columnists, Susan Miller, the late Johnathan Cainer, etc., have/had a public persona.  I’m happy, content, compassionate, loving and spiritual. I’m always smiling and encouraging. That sort of thing. I used to write like that, cheerful and upbeat, I think, 40 and 30, even 20 years ago. But then life hits: divorce, single parenting 3 kids, business pressures (I owned a distribution company) — all this adds up, and takes some of the shine off. But you know, life is beautiful, and even more so when you’re in love with it. I’m happy, no regrets (or just minor ones, like:  Why didn’t I buy that stock!?)

I used to curse God sometimes when everything went bad. Trouble is, I know there is no human-type God. It’s more like Karma: “God” is karma. But I feel a little foolish cursing my karma since I created it.
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People complain in cycles. At present, it’s fashionable to avoid “chemicals” in our food, our drink, clothing, even our bottles and utensils. This is a nostalgic movement. (t might be other things too.) The global warming threat has sent us like crying children back to Mommy Nature; and with new fervour and newly-polished loyalty we reject or war against, all reductions of Nature.

Chemical engineers are the ultimate enemy, because they create chemicals that pollute our environment. (Let’s say anything not in a natural state is a chemical.) Chemicals that will not break down into natural particles, and/or that upset the environment through choking fish or birds, turning water, sea and fresh, into poisons that kill or deform the creatures who drink them, etc. — these are called pollutants. I basically agree with all this. But chemicals are not in themselves bad.

In some ways, Nature is a magnificent chemical construct.
