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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PSTPacific Standard Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links:  Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube

START NOTHING:   Before 3:38 am Sun., 11:02 am to 12:49 pm Tues., and 10:13 pm to 11:49 pm Thurs.




You might see me mention “public dealings” from time to time (esp. when your sign is dealing with relationships). But public dealings are not necessarily huge — they include a writer or rock band “facing” millions of readers or hundreds of concert goers, but they also include the shoe salesperson at your local store, or grocery cashiers, dentists, etc.


ALL SIGNS: An easy but not hugely fortunate week. Nor a bad week. Aim for productivity rather than depending on good luck.


As far as America goes, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

(Apologies to Desiderata.)





aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Your mellow, understanding mood continues, Aries. Far travel, higher learning, publishing, law, cultural and social rituals, insurance, science and life philosophy — and gentle love — occupy your thoughts and deeds. Management types, civil servants, health workers and advisors continue to favour you. (But take advantage quickly, as this favour disappears Dec. 20.

Sunday to Tuesday noon emphasizes spending, collecting $, casual sex, and rote learning. Not the easiest interval, although things end well Tues. Tuesday noon through Thursday brings calls, texts, errands, visits, paperwork — quick stuff. All good, smooth, but be wary around Thursday dawn (noon EST) when deception or misguided thinking can confuse, delay. Steer toward home, hug the kids, enhance security, walk in nature, garden, etc. Fri./Sat. A mildly uninspiring but benevolent two days.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Life’s deep currents pull you along, perhaps into a lifestyle change, or surgery, or to an investment, or into someone’s hot arms. You’ll succeed if honest, create problems (for yourself) if not. E.g., make sure that alluring person isn’t married. Your popularity and friendly interfaces with groups blesses you until Dec. 20 — before that, join a group or two — the benefits will flow for years. Remain wary of spending, debt, all month. Have a budget; anything extra throw in a drawer for later.

From pre-dawn Sunday to midday Tuesday, your energy and charisma shine — get out, see and be seen, nudge good projects along — difficult Sun./Mon., but do-able Tuesday morn. If you learn a secret Monday, it’s false; Tuesday, it’s true. Chase $, spend, embrace casual intimacy, Tuesday afternoon through Thursday. Look for an investment bargain Wed. Reject confused thinking Thursday morning. Errands, visits, calls, paperwork, casual friends fill Fri./Sat. — in a workable way.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Relationships take centre stage, Gemini. These are usually tied to opportunities, sometimes to relocation or public dealings. Because Mars is in your sign (late August past to late next March) you can sometimes attract or spark an aggressive, hostile reaction. But sometimes you’ll be surprised at how friendly and affectionately others treat you. To ensure good reactions, be diplomatic and friendly yourself. And remember this: your “best advance” depends on others — they hold the keys right now. In sex, marriage, future plans, you remain indecisive until Jan. 12. So don’t strain things by offering something too soon, then wishing you hadn’t. Bosses still favour you, so ask for a promotion.

You’ll probably wake up tired Sunday, and remain so to midday Tues. Deal with management, civil servants, institutions, spiritual and charity orgs. Sunday/Monday hold mild difficulties, but Wednesday morn offers success. This afternoon through Thursday, your charisma, energy and effectiveness soar. See others, create bonds — some single Geminis will fall in love this December, others later. Wednesday is good if you can avoid any controversies or conflicts. Thursday might throw you off your goal with misguided thoughts — or send you “upstairs.” Chase $ Fri./Sat., buy stuff, issue and pay bills, and hug someone who wants to be intimate.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21- July 22

The weeks ahead highlight work, employment/employees, tools/machines, and “daily health.” Eat, sleep and dress sensibly. This week isn’t tremendous fort advancement, but it has some good spots. For some reason your work might focus on far travel, import/export, law, education or media. (Any connection between these and your work is decidedly good.) Continue to beware dark alleys and belligerent people.

A happy, optimistic, flirtatious and celebratory mood lifts you and your heart Sunday to midday Tues. Enjoy, but make no promises, sign nothing, Sun./Mon. — Tuesday morning’s okay, even good — but not in Europe, where conflict seeds into agreements, nor at night in China. Retreat, rest and contemplate midday Tues. through Thurs. Plan future moves, seek advice, liaise with gov’t, big co’s and institutions. Wednesday best. (But remember my warning about dark alleys.) Your energy and charisma soar Fri./Sat. — these two days also trigger a few weeks of affectionate responses from others (all others). But don’t go whole hog — aim for productivity rather than spectacular results.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Sex, finances, lifestyle changes — and perhaps an important surgery — meet lady luck’s favour  this week and next. Find your goal, and make for it. The wider, general accent lies on romance, creative or speculative projects, sports/games, beauty, pleasure, and teaching kids. This will be a month of pleasure, Leo! Your hopes will come true around a legal, foreign, far travel, publishing or marriage/wedding (or any social rite, eg., bar mitzvahs) — some of it AFTER December 20, even more so after January 12. Use the “waiting” until then to re-align your priorities, see more clearly into what/who is fascinating you, and adjust your approach.

Be ambitious Sunday to midday Tues. Sunday’s okay, and Tuesday morning “supports” your actions, but take care Monday, when others oppose your aims, and romance is stymied by gossip or non-transparency. Wishes can come true Tuesday pm through Thursday — you could fall madly in love! Still, take care not to “push” someone, and around “sexual politics” Thurs. Retreat from the madding crowd Fri./Sat. — ponder, plan, forgive, seek spirit, truth, and insight. Above all, rest.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your home, family and domicile are highlighted this month, Virgo. This is an excellent time, until December 20, to form a partnership (love or business) relocate, or launch an “appealing to the public” project. After Dec. 20, you move into a more romantic influence, yet your “rewards” will come (late Dec. to mid-May) from the deeper side of life — finances, research, treasure hunts, sex/lust, pregnancy. If you’re sitting on the sidelines with a pocket full of cash, wait until late Dec. onward, then jump into the profit game. Bosses remain severe, impatient — yet indecisive, until mid-January. Keep your head down, and avoid discussions of future actions, programs — a waste of time until January, as plans formulated now by higher-ups will either change markedly, or fail.

Sunday to midday Tuesday brings a mellow, wise mood, far travel, international, legal, media and educational concerns. Avoid commitment, signing anything, Sun./Mon. Tuesday’s okay. Midday Tuesday through Thursday puts your work in the spotlight. Have you performed up to the boss’ expectations? (Very probably!) Make any ambitious moves Tues. eve through Wed. Thursday needs care, or more correctly, “true sight.” Wish manifestation, popularity and group attendances, optimism, flirtatious moments — these fill Fri./Sat., to launch a great, enjoyable weekend.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Errands, visits, calls, texts, paperwork, swift but easy chores fill December, Libra. Your legal situation is still “up in the air,” until January ends indecision and delays here — meanwhile, don’t be rushed by their possible urgency. All will turn out well — in fact, January through May (23) will probably solve a whole whack of domestic and other problems that have been frustrating love’s course, and could end with you permanently partnered. For two weeks ahead, lots of work.

Sunday to midday Tuesday is ultra-sexy, your lust button is pushed. But so is your monetary (greed) button, and the power one, too. Be honest, cautious Sun./Mon. You can succeed in these things Tuesday morning. A wiser, mellow mood overtakes you Tuesday pm through Thursday. Love, travel, foreign affairs, legal and cultural venues, media, all highlighted. Success most likely Wed. Be ambitious, hard-working Fri./Sat. — expect accomplishment, not huge breakthroughs.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The focus lies on your possessions, memory, casual intimacy, and buying/selling, Scorpio. The picture here is mixed this week, much better next week. So be nimble, and don’t be afraid to turn down an “iffy” opportunity (nor to grab a good one). (“Good ones” tend to appear Tues. morning, Wed. [don’t overpay — used is good] and Sat. morning.) If single, yes, welcome someone to your arms, or dive in romantically, but realize this is practical stuff, likely not true love. Work remains intense (to late March) but at present delayed or frustrated (to mid-January). So, do what you can, but don’t push on weak walls. (I.e., accept boundaries that reduce your work load.)

Relationships spice up Sunday to midday Tuesday. However, there’s as much contention as harmony Sun./Mon., so act Tuesday morning. Midday Tuesday through Thursday stirs deeper waters: lust, desire for power, financial urges. Act on your intuition — it’s very strong midweek. But realize delays and indecision also affect this area, so exercise patience. You might grow “hot” over an opportunity, esp. if it involves somebody’s boudoir. Real, gentle love might enter Fri./Sat. — so might far travel, higher ed., laws, cultural venues and social rites. All slow and mild but good.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

It’s all on your side, Sage — your energy, charisma, sense of timing and effectiveness are at an annual peak. This is the time to launch projects, make new contacts and friends, iron out disagreements, and generally raise your profile. Your romance planet (Mars) sits in your marriage sector (Aug./22-March/23) — a recipe for intense attraction. BUT Mars is retrograde until Jan. 12. This can cause an attraction to ebb temporarily, or to, as a sort of fight against delay, blow into a full-fledged love-hate scenario. My advice: let it ebb a little — it, or another better one, will assume prominence in your life now to May/23.

Tackle chores Sunday to midday Tuesday. Best progress: Sunday daytime and Tuesday morning. Relationships fill Tuesday pm through Thursday. This can bring an exhilarating, exciting “chase” Wednesday (it’s that “intense relationship” I mentioned above). Be diplomatic, make no enemies, for they would be strong enemies (who would probably strike back after mid-January). You, or another, could fall in love. Tackle chores Fri./Sat. — eat, dress sensibly. Buy machinery (if you need it) Friday night, early morn Sat.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Continue to lay low, observe and plan, Cap. Get plenty of rest, keep a healthy varied diet. Liaise with advisors, civil servants, admin workers, and institutions. Be spiritual, charitable, forgive the past, yours and others. Work is still fairly overwhelming, but delays and glitches slow the pace for you until mid-January. Despite your weariness and privacy urges, lots of people want to interface with you, esp. at the end of this week and through next, partly because your charms and gentle acceptance attract them.

Romantic and creative urges propel you Sunday to midday Tuesday. Almost nothing is going to go superbly well for anyone this week. That said, Sunday all day and Tuesday morning, offer success. (But this will be appreciably later for Europe [+ 8 – 10 hours, and Asia, + 15-17 hours].)   Tuesday pm through Thursday brings duties and chores to a head: do chores, let “duties” slide a bit. (Or, be hands-on, not merely “managing” others.) Be calming with excitable people. Relations burst onto the scene Fri./Sat. Again, nothing is super-lucky, but you can make progress these 2 days, grasp an opportunity, re-examine a relocation, or even talk someone romantic into a shared $ project.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You remain in a “luck zone,” Aquarius. Two wishes can come true. You’re feeling intensely romantic, creative, but can’t seem to get a big love “off the ground.” Instead of rejecting the entire thing, take a patient stance — by mid-December, you’ll start to speak more openly (and intelligently) about your desires and wishes. Just this can bring one wish true. And by mid-January, one you’re hot about will “escape” the indecision he/she has been swimming in, and likely invite, even hunger for, your advances. Your money/income fortunes still good until Dec. 20.

Steer yourself toward home, kids, the ‘hood Sunday to midday Tuesday. Shore up your security, hug the kids, etc. Sunday and Tuesday best. Tuesday pm through Thursday can excite you almost unbearably. Romantic feelings surge, and could lead, at least, to a revealing discussion (or Hallmark cards) — but they could also ignite old hurts and resentments. (You will not advance or mature until you let these go.) Be wise, forgiving and gentle. (Your gentleness and enquiring curiosity are what draw men/women to you in the first place.) Tackle chores Fri./Sat. — you’ll get them done.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Career, worldly status, prestige relations and the need for others approval — these grow large this month, Pisces. You are still favoured here, esp. Dec. 20 to mid-May — though by January the emphasis turns from pure ambition, being promoted, to the amount you earn for your work. Those earnings are very ;likely to take 2 steps up — one was likely within the last 18 months, and another awaits “the brave” January to May. Home still suffers from “too much energy,” which, when bottled up as it is now, can lead to outbursts, arguments, etc. Find a home project that demands muscles and effort (esp. outside) to”soak up” that extra energy. (But, before mid-January, don’t start a domestic project that involves a lot of time and/or money. You might never finish it.)

Sunday to midday Tuesday brings visits, trips, calls, texts, reports, paperwork — mostly easy stuff, but watch details. Sunday, Tuesday best. Monday “fights your wishes.” Be home or nearby Tuesday pm through Thursday —an “okay” interval, with one large unknown: how you’re going to handle the “too much energy” friction mentioned above. Emotions surge Wed. Passion visits you, even if only briefly, Fri./Sat. If sniffler romance appeals. If married, play with the kids, build a drama stage, or whatever.





In 1984 in this column I predicted the decline of the Catholic Church…have you noticed this occurring in the last 38 years? In Canada, they have been turning churches into upscale condos and townhouses for at least 2 decades. The same kind of decline will come to the Iran regime, 2023 – 2043. In both cases, Catholic and Muslim, Pluto’s the culprit — or saviour.


We know from a year or so ago, that the United States military has the capability to disarm drones while they’re still in the sky through electronic pulse or some other means. The US Navy easily disabled Iranian drones aimed at their ship in the Middle East. So why can’t the US give Ukraine some of that drone defeating technology? Instead, they let Iranian drones plaster Ukraine with their explosives.

I wonder what the result would be if Ukraine began bombing runs and missile attacks on Russian towns, say those within 200 miles of the Ukraine border? Or if Ukraine trained say 1000 men as recon and infiltration experts, loaded them up with explosives, and sent them covertly into Russia. Moscow is about 700 km from Ukraine. A fast bike or car could drive to Moscow in 5 or 6 hours… men stealthily advancing on foot could get there in, say, 35 to 45 days.

These men should be fluent in Russian to help them hide. Once in Moscow, start blowing up every elite target — opera, restaurants, crowded subways, prestige office buildings, etc. The message is obvious: turn-about is fair play. Definitely a suicide mission.


June 6, 1944, the D-Day invasion that spelled Hitler’s end. June 6, 1967, Israel began a super successful war defeating — wiping out — the larger armies and airplanes of Syria Jordan and Egypt — in six days.  June 6, 1968, RFK assassinated. I was born June 6. As a boy and teen I loved to fight; as a young man playing squash, I accidentally smashed my friend’s teeth in with the racket. Playing golf with one of my workers (I have only played 4 or 5 times) I immediately hit a heron with the ball and killed it. Recently, I’ve lost my taste (actually, my patience) for intellectual fights. Ultimately, peace wins.


The 74 (my age) diary – now that my sex drive is declining, my appreciation of women’s beauty is growing more intense.


You know those semi documentaries about people who have died and come back to life, and what they saw in-between. Most of these, whether true or not, can be easily explained away as last second shorts in the brain’s electronics, or synapses firing wildly. But a recent article on the very same subject — I think it was Breitbart news — surprised me, because it was totally unlike all the other image-filled accounts. Here, a majority of those who died did not see a demon or Jesus or anything like that; instead, they found themselves floating in an infinity, I assume a gray or black Infiniti. It was totally empty and they did not like it.

This  struck me as very similar to my own experience in one all-important way. During the New Age phase, while meditating, I several times believed I was being transported to heaven, where I spent some time. I called it heaven for several reasons : One, I sensed no motives from anyone except a general quiet piece; Two, that quiet piece cannot be underestimated: it underlies this world like a carpet, a carpet that is composed of White noise and anxiety here, and has its counterpart on the other side; the difference is on the other side this carpet is woven of goodwill and peace and working on a mutual goal. I had no sensation or thought of being alone, even though I was a visitor to this land. But I digress. Number three, almost all emotions had fled from me more swiftly than a shower soaks the ground. I was myself, but I had no physical sensation of myself.

What really struck me was the uniformity of the documentary participants’ descriptions of a seemingly neutral but infinite stretch of nothingness. I saw this too, in my last visit. This time, I was floating amongst many points of light; the number meant nothing to me… Perhaps if I looked to the horizon I might have seen lights receding for as far as I could see, but I didn’t bother. I had the feeling I could swoop for many miles instantly, but again I was too entranced to bother. More than once, I can’t really say how many times, maybe only twice, one of these points of light would enter me. To put it  physically, it would be like a point of light entering the back of my head. When one of these points went through me, I saw a beautiful mountainside declining into a green, active valley, basking in beautiful days, and I think maybe once it was as though I was viewing an entire world, and I wonder now whether this point of life was sharing its own backgrounds, a former physical life, for whatever reasons. I do remember this: in the centre of all these points of light, a very large, I would say taller than a man, crystal slowly revolved. To my eye, it looked rough and not particularly sculpted in any place, maybe not even sculpted at all. ( I have since learned that the perfections of nature are far more complex than our concepts I’ve natural law. This may have been the most perfect Crystal in all existence, but my untutored and schismatic eye could not see the perfection.

For some reason, maybe it’s just my logic interfering, in retrospect I wonder if there might have been an infinite number of such crystals surrounded by “camps” of slowly revolving and dancing  points of light.

One thing bothered me, for years after: that big central crystal was brown. It was a translucent, light brown, in the same way turquoise ; in fact it would be the brown equivalent of turquoise colon translucent And light in tone. It seemed lies translucent and “watery” in tone. I assumed brown was the least spiritual colour possible. To some degree this undermined my faith and gave me a smidgen of doubt that this really was the real heaven. Why not blue, or crustal-clear, or white like halos?

But only this week I realized that brown is actually the perfect colour, for it is the combination of all colours. (Try it out, mix yellow and blue and red on your pallet — brown’s the result. Get 48 paints and mix them — brown still results.)

By the way, after one visit (can’t remember which one) I asked my guide, Nima, why (when the meditation ended) I could not just stay in heaven. Her reply: “Because you don’t want to.” And that was true, I realized. (*) But it also gives, perhaps, an insight into those who felt “trapped” in the infinite, boring nothingness: if I could leave heaven just because I didn’t want to be there, then so can, I hope, all these “nothingness/limbo” souls — 1) you can leave the afterlife at any time; and 2) realize that, in this empty infinity, you are in the same state as God. What did God do? He/she/it created physical worlds, to fill the void. How did “he do it? By radiating love, Itself, its “isness,” into the void. And the void accepted all, and answered all. And we are its children. (It’s the same in our daily lives — if we project love/vision/desire into the world, it answers.)

(*) Once familiar with it, heaven or the afterlife, my body and heart wanted to return to the corporeal world, where there is still so much to discover and experience.


I’m not condoning nor criticizing it, but look for clues: Trump hosted Kanye West and Nick Fuentes (avowed white supremacist ) to lunch. Both are anti-semites. Jewish organizations have cried out with “shame on you” missives to Trump. But let’s ask: did any Jews vote for Trump, or did they stick blindly to their democratic overlords? Do they deserve to be shielded from all criticism because they’re a special group? Isn’t that reverse racism?

Biden’s purposeful rejection of Israel is one of the most stupid geopolitical moves I’ve ever seen. What’s Biden going to do when Israel could have bombed Iran’s nuclear reactors, but w/o encouragement or “we’ll get your back” from the haunted white house, do you think Israel’s going to do America any favours?

But this is from the perspective of world politics, in which all nations are armed against others. The Biden view might be: as long as we cling to this tiny nation in the Mideast, we will probably never achieve ubiquitous or widespread peace in the region and beyond. It’s a different P.O.V., which ultimately aims for the dissolution of nations and borders. Hence, too, the Biden laxity at the southern border. Joe’s actions and attitudes are sins if you’re a conservative, far-sighted if you’re liberal.


Here’s my very own conspiracy theory: you know that China had a one-child-per-family policy for decades. Because sons supported the family when they matured, and daughters could not, Chinese families aborted girls (or killed them after birth) and bore boys. This has caused, today, a massive shortage of women in China. (34 million more men than women, 2021.)

Now, American schools have been preaching Critical Race Theory for a decade or three. Scholars say CRT is a Marxist-Communist platform, meant to undermine and degrade democracy, partly by turning races against each other on slender pretexts, and by “educating” people (students) that micro-racism exists in a form of social pandemic. (Only the Democrats adopt this belief of micro-racism.) Then there are the adjuncts: CRT is often paired with pedophiliac teachers, drag queens and other cross-gender “displays” in classrooms, “grooming” campaigns to make children doubt their gender, hospital campaigns to change children’s genders by surgery, and a general cloak of silence toward enquiring parents….

My theory: all this CRT and perversion come from China. China, lacking women and planning to militarily conquer the U.S. in future, wants to increase the number of females in conquered America, even if 10 % of them have penises. So, natch, they started the CRT and the sexual Alphabet. In terms of conquest, China is  “marinating” its next meal.

Yeah, I know it’s not the best conspiracy theory, but give me a chance — it’s my first one!
