Astrology forecast: this horoscope is for next week.  To read the present week’s column, scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on February 4, 2018.

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My email:  suningem@gmail.com

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START NOTHING:  9:43 pm Monday to 7:11 am Tuesday, 1:05 pm to 6:42 pm Thursday, and after 2:13 pm Saturday.


IN BATTLE, to lose your sight is to welcome death. Works in our daily lives, too.
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ALL SIGNS: this week, impulse will trigger deception or “shaky ground,” while cheerfulness and optimism (with a level head) spark good luck.
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GEMINI:  For the last 2 weeks, and until mid-March, members of the opposite sex (same if you’re gay) are more forward. You could find “approaches” coming from all directions! Those who flirt during this interval are serious about you. If single, they’re seeking a major affair; if married, they’re seeking with lust, not sense. Here’s the wrinkle: any who approach or draw you flirtatiously before Feb. 18th will not be able to tie the knot in a socially approved way. Perhaps your families will disagree. Or your ethics or worldview is wrong, or a misunderstanding curls between you, hiding until it unfurls later, when you’ll think: “What? Why did I ever —?” Those who approach or lure you from Feb. 18 to March 17 will tend to become your “boss,” and this can lead to conflicts of will power and/or outbursts of temper (or silently hurt feelings). On the other hand, these post-Feb. 18 links, if formed, do promise a rise in status, perhaps in power, money. Most unattached Geminis would be wise to wait until Dec. 2018, or all 2019, to find love — your “perfect” mate is likely to appear then!
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TRYING TO UNDERSTAND Hillary Clinton and her treatment of abused women. She’s a Scorpio. Now, every sign has a good side and a bad side. Scorpio’s bad side is vengeful. Everything, even justice, is subordinated to the goals that obsess the bad Scorpio. Collusion, solidarity in crime. Keeps secrets forever. If a Scorpio woman found her husband lying with another woman, she’d shoot the woman, not the husband. Scorpio is the sign of sex, and loves sex. From this vantage point, it could be hard to empathize with other women, for the bad Scorpio will think: “What’s wrong with sex? Why blame the man? It’s always the woman’s choice. These women are so weak.” That’s bad Scorpio! Bad Scorpio’s motto is, “I’ll do what’s necessary.”

Good Scorpio is sympathetic, sentimental, strong, filled with stamina, a great manager, especially in financial areas, extremely loyal, a great psychologist, psychiatrist, doctor, medical researcher, stock broker, detective, investigator, (physical) lover, accountant, executioner, and saviour of “lost souls.” Good Scorpio will sacrifice everything for loved ones. Scorpios are especially good at “reading” others — these people will often decide whether they like or dislike someone within the first half-second of meeting them. They are human lie detectors. They’re extremely determined. Only get involved with a Scorpio if you’re prepared to go all-in.


    ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Sunday/Mon. nudge you toward ambition, business, prestige relations, and might, possibly, bring you face-to-face with the authorities. Everything goes quite well, although if you attend a Monday night prestige function you might act unpredictably or appear to be a Maverick. This week’s main emphasis – happiness and socializing – is doubly emphasized midweek, from Tuesday dawn to Thursday supper time. Enjoy yourself — there is hardly a cloud in the sky. However, this is not the best time to start or join a new group, club or political party. Retreat, rest and recuperate Thursday night through Saturday. Meditate, think and plan. Be charitable and spiritual. Deal with civil servants, advisers, institutions and finances. Impulse accompanies deception; clarity and good luck (financially and in “sexy embraces”) accompanies cheerfulness.  These few days are really a foretaste of the four week period that begins Feb. 18.

taurus weekly forecast    TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Hi, Taurus. Your ambitious streak continues, but as I warned before, don’t dive too deeply here, and especially don’t lean toward shortcuts or underhanded methods. This ambition, and this advice, peak midweek (Tues. dawn to suppertime Thurs., PST). Be honest and clear, and you’ll do fine. Think before you speak or write, Tuesday afternoon. If someone proposes a legal matter, contract or mutual project at this time, it will probably fail in future. Earlier, Sun./Mon. bring a sweet, mild, wise mood. Travel, intellectual pursuits, foreign-born people, legal and cultural venues — and love — are favoured. But your ambition or a bit of stress might throw your plans awry Monday night. Week’s end (Thurs. night through Sat.) brings a bright, hopeful and happy feeling — and is actually a precursor of the whole month ahead. You will experience popularity, optimism, and you might meet, even flirt with, a person who is interested in you and lucky for you. But if you seek sex, or feel greedy, you could blow it.

    GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

It’s your last week of intellectual pondering, Gemini. The first two days, Sun./Mon., promote (and aid) your search for deeper answers, for sexual intimacy, for commitment, lifestyle changes, medical answers, and financial alterations. It’s a good year to deal with machinery, and Sun./Mon. are good days to invest — combine the two. Sunday’s best. Monday pm causes disruption, computer glitches, sexual coolness and bad investments. The next five days transition you from the present (profound thinking, far travel, intellectual, legal and cultural pursuits, Tues. morn to Thurs. suppertime PST) to the whole month ahead (ambition, career, prestige relations and dealings with authorities, Thurs. night through Saturday). The midweek goes smoothly, you feel mellow and loving — but agreement will be hard to reach Tuesday afternoon. The late week transition to ambition goes well also, and could ultimately lead to a great pay raise or other work-related benefit. BUT — don’t be aggressive or push too hard Friday, and realize that your attraction toward someone either: 1) will interfere with your career progress; or 2) could entangle you in deception or clouded thinking.

     CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Sunday/Mon. brings relationships, opportunities and fresh horizons, challenges and opposition, “love and war.” You could meet your destined (or already found) life mate, perhaps Sunday. You could also split off with someone, almost unexpectedly. Underlying cause: ambitions, career, status, or parental interference. This is your last week (until next year) of an accent on secrets mysteries, financial assets (or debt) and major physical “events” (e.g., sex with someone new, illness, an exercise regime). Don’t delve too deep into these areas. For example, don’t make an important investment. (Applies until Nov.) Midweek “doubles down” on these themes, but flows rather smoothly. Still, Tuesday can prevent an agreement or cause a conflict between love and sex. Don’t start new projects. Late week (Thurs. suppertime [PST] through Sat.) brings a mellow, far-seeing mood, and aids love, far travel, legal and cultural involvements, publishing, and all intellectual and/or profound thinking. You could receive splendid romantic luck (Sat. daytime) but any unethical work actions or fantasy-based amorous urges, could lead to deception.

Leo icon, Luck Forecast    LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

This is your last week of face-to-face relationships, opportunities, and challenges, Leo. These matters come to a peak midweek (Tues. dawn to Thurs. suppertime, PST). My advice is to avoid commitment, partnerships, relocation, negotiation, litigation, and unsolicited advice. Avoid fighting, too. This advice applies to early Nov., but is especially intended for mid-week. (An interval that passes quite pleasantly, even happily — but Tuesday’s daytime agreement won’t be reached, or if reached, won’t be honoured.) Early week (Sun./Mon.) dive into chores — especially Sunday, when you have an intuitive sense guiding you to just the right effort or job. Be careful with electricity, computers, wacky people Mon. eve. Late week (Thurs. night onward) grows very interesting — and a bit dangerous, if you mix romance or a gambling urge with baser instincts (lust, greed). Be realistic, realize a sudden “overwhelming” attraction is shaky, a brief flare. It would have trouble existing through the future’s obstacles, partly because it’s 90% mirage. Applies to people, and to finances, investments. Also, don’t let this lead to argument or too much aggression Friday. Otherwise, this is a splendid little interval, which could lead you (Sat. especially) to a great real estate (or home) investment. The entire month ahead will expand on Thurs.-to-Sat’s themes.

    VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept 22

This week’s general accent — work, machinery, daily health, dependents — is doubly emphasized midweek (Tues. dawn to Thurs. supper, PST). As advised last week, don’t sink deeply into these — and become no one’s slave. Instead, aim for management, admin., civil service, background and “policy” decisions. This advice applies to Nov. 8th, but today might be the last time I mention it. Other than a wee disagreement or a “dropped opportunity” Tuesday (it involves home, property or a parent/child, and travel or communications, paperwork) all goes smoothly. Earlier, Sun./Mon. bring romance, adventure, pleasure and beauty. Sunday’s great — Mon. might have a deeper surprise, perhaps involving work, sex, and/or assets. (Avoid an extra-marital attraction.) Week’s end (Thurs. suppertime onward) features relationships. It’s very simple, Virgo: if you’re seeking “deep money” (e.g., someone else’s assets) or verboten sex, you’ll end disappointed, complaining that someone fooled you, someone is devious and acts in ways you can’t understand. If you’re open and honest, you’ll receive heartening news, perhaps about home, family.

    LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This is your last week of special emphasis on romantic infatuation, pleasure, beauty, creativity, gambling urges and charming children. As noted before, don’t plunge wholeheartedly into any of these. You’ll fare much better if you pursue casual contacts, friendly romance, social connections, go on arranged dates with friends, etc. Light wins, heavy sinks! This advice applies to Nov., but especially this week, and peaking midweek (Tues. dawn to Thurs. suppertime, PST). Enjoy this sweet interval, just don’t go overboard! Tuesday might erect a barrier — perhaps a “notice” that your romance (or creative project, gamble, etc.) and your money go in different directions. Early week (Sun./Mon.) emphasizes your home, family, security, nature, garden, nutrition and stomach. Sunday’s best — tackle chores, repairs, decoration, children’s future educational/financial needs. Don’t phone Mon. night to ask for a date — a sudden split might occur. Tackle chores late week (Thurs. suppertime onward). Eat, dress and drink sensibly — your health’s a wee bit vulnerable. This late week, especially Sat., can tie your work to a good money source. But “danger” lies in communications and travel (driving?) so be safe, particularly Friday eve into early Saturday. Someone intriguing might make you forget a deadline.

    SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Sunday/Mon., missives, communications, contacts, trips, visits and easy, rapid chores tumble toward you. Sunday’s good — Monday night could hold a disruption, so be careful speaking and driving. This is your last week of down-home influences, Scorpio. A small thread of romance begins to grow, like ivy climbing a cedar. While those domestic trends are beginning to fade, they assert themselves strongly midweek (Tues. dawn to Thurs. suppertime, PST). Remember, be light, don’t sink too deeply into this area. For instance, buying a home, or even furniture, re-doing the garden, landscaping or renovations — bad ideas, all. Still, these few days pass easily, comfortably — though you might meet a bit of a money or domestic argument Tuesday. By late week (Thurs. night through Sat.) that thread of romance — only a tickle earlier — begins to grow, whether in action or merely in your thoughts — and could expand hugely in the month ahead. However, if you let money, greed, emotional possessiveness or other not-good motives prevail, romance can lie broken on the rocks of disagreement or wild but busted fantasy. Caution about this Fri. eve, night. Call someone special Saturday before 2 pm (PST).

    SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Chase money, buy/sell, butter up the boss Sun./Mon. — Sunday’s best, as Mon. night brings disruption, unpredictable surprises and reactions. This is your last week of easy but unimportant chores, errands, paperwork, travel and communications. (“Unimportant” is general — it’s still important to meet some deadlines, of course.) This “ramble” through easy-job land intensifies midweek (Tues. dawn to Thurs. suppertime, PST). All is easy, smooth, except for Tuesday (afternoon, mostly) when a disagreement with someone could drive a wedge into a valued link. Occurs because there’s a conflict between what you say, and your real thoughts, secrets or “limits.” Don’t expand this area of easy chores — don’t start a mail campaign, plan many short trips, buy a new phone, etc. (Applies to Nov. 8th, but this might be the last time I’ll mention it.) Late week (Thurs. eve through Sat.) whispers in your ear: “Go home.” Re-connect with family, hit the garden, repair, renovate, decorate, upgrade security systems, revise meal plans, etc. These few days are a preview of the whole four weeks ahead, which will feature the same domestic areas. So this late week, but even more so in the weeks ahead, plunge into family, renovations, garden, etc. However, especially Friday pm and very early Saturday, don’t be rebellious, or feisty — or romantic. These can cause a huge flare-up, but little result, except an “afterwash” of anxiety.

    CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your energy and charisma, clout and effectiveness soar Sun./Mon., Cap. Insist on your way, be a leader, propose and start projects. You’ll prevail! However, some disruption or argument looms Monday night, probably about money (and home). Midweek brings February’s main theme to a peak (Tues. dawn to Thurs. suppertime) — money, earnings, client income, buying and selling, seeking a pay raise, possessions, sensual sexual attractions, and rote learning. Treat these lightly, as they can tempt you into over-commitment. Think big money rather than small, delayed rewards rather than instant gratification. This advice applies until early November. Late week, Thurs. eve through Sat., nudges you into errands, visits, trips, paperwork, tickets, casual contacts and conversations, and daily media. All goes very smoothly (and luckily Sat. afternoon, when you could make a new friend, or grab the wish truck as it lumbers by). But beware belligerent people, a sudden, flaring romantic attraction, or drinking late on the club scene, especially Fri. night into pre-dawn Saturday. Don’t drink and drive.

    AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Lie low Sun./Monday, Aquarius. Retreat, rest, think and plan. Most importantly, contemplate your self, your spiritual and ethical selves. Be charitable. Overall, your energy and charisma remain high— in fact, they rise to a peak midweek (Tues. dawn to Thurs. suppertime). However, use this boost in attractiveness and confidence to make new friends, to approach others and explore new horizons. A legal, travel or romance glitch, or a disagreement “among friends” can occur Tuesday. But if you’re ambitious, you could make a good career/business move instead. Remember, until Nov., you gain when making links, seeking advice; you lose when you’re being ultra-independent. Late week (Thurs. eve through Sat.) good luck accompanies you in buying and selling, seeking a pay raise or more clients, etc. This influence will actually grow for the four weeks ahead. Get ready to handle money! However, this end of the week (mostly Fri. eve to early Saturday) could tempt you to “get social” or to mix money and friends, or to get into an argument or a sudden, flaring love attraction. All will leave you with confused disappointment. Though you’ll be tired, slightly withdrawn during the month ahead, new friends will come!

    PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Sunday and Mon. adjust your mood/view to happy/optimistic! Sunday’s a bit better, as men and women “get along.” Monday night could disrupt money plans, but only briefly. Don’t mix money with friends. This is your last week of weariness, but its essence grows midweek (Tues. dawn to Thurs. supper, PST). Rest, but don’t sink into deep withdrawal (a trap until Nov. this year). Most things flow smoothly, but Tuesday (afternoon, PST) might spark a disagreement, revolving around politics, your relationship(s), secrets and legal/ethical matters, and your reputation. Best approach: wait. Late week (Thurs. eve through Sat.) brings a significant injection of energy, confidence, charisma, timing and good luck! You might attract admirers, or succeed in a legal, travel, intellectual, media and cultural process. However, there’s a problem, too: as you have probably learned, bosses, parents and judges are impatient, temperamental this month (and half of next). If you defy or “play” with these types, especially Friday pm into early Saturday, you could feel their wrath, or throw your emotional peace into chaos. (An unwise, suddenly flaring romantic attraction will have a similar result.) Still, the four weeks ahead will be like sunshine compared to recent “shade.”

The End