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Email: suningem@gmail.com

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YOUR 2020 YEAR-AHEAD FORECAST BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE as an e-book for Kindle and as a Paperback print book on Amazon




If you have had trouble purchasing the 2020 Astrology Forecast book from Amazon, you can order it directly from us. Click the ‘LINK TO PDF’ directly above.


It covers General, Love, Luck, Career, Home/Family, Finances, and Health for every sign. You get all 12 signs, so you can read your Sun sign, but also your Rising sign and/or Moon sign if you want.

If you buy the book, Thank You! Please let us know what you think. You can help us is you leave a Customer Review on Amazon, and share with your friends.






If you have had trouble purchasing the 2020 Astrology Forecast book from Amazon, you can order it directly from us. Click the ‘LINK TO PDF’ directly above.


ALMOST FORGOT! — I’ll be giving a talk for the Astrologer’s Den Friday, Feb. 7, at 7:30-9 pm in New Westminster, B.C. It’s about love, compatibility, etc. 

The address:  Unit 201 – 317 Columbia Street 
New Westminster

There’s a $ 15 drop-in fee,


I’ll be giving another talk for the Questors Society in Vancouver, Feb. 11, Tuesday, at 7 pm at the Maritime Museum (at Kits Point in English Bay).


And a talk to the Astrological Guild March 12, Thursday, at 7 pm. Address and topic to follow.


There is an AFTERAMBLE below.

START NOTHING: 3:28 am to 3:29 am Mon. (Yes, only 1 minute!) 6:20 am to 11:03 am Wed., and 7:43 am to 2:45 pm Fri.


aries iconARIES: March 21-April 19

Hopeful, wishful times continue, Aries. Popularity, social delights, flirtations buoy your heart. Your relations with gov’t or head office remain productive, gracious, and communications begin in earnest here — try to get something done, or passed, quickly. Continue to avoid lawsuits if you can.

Chase money Sunday — buy, sell, seek bargains. (Good time for garage sales, used tools.) Calls, texts, mail, errands, media, easy chores, travel, paperwork and casual acquaintances arrive Mon. to Wed. forenoon (PST). Most things work here, but avoid civil servants, admin. workers, and delving into “secret” zones. Friendships can grow, new ones can come. Wednesday pm to Fri. afternoon highlights your home, family, garden, nutrition, security and “sales territory.” Good progress here, although you likely face a dilemma of choice: do you lean toward ambitions/status, or toward security, family love? Choose the latter, for now. Romance calls, Fri. afternoon through Sat. Love goes well Fri., but computers don’t.

taurus icon  TAURUS: April 20-May 20

Remain eager and ambitious, Taurus. If starting projects, remember that in two weeks a month long period of slowdowns and delays, mistakes and confusion arrives. Friends are still welcoming; in fact, your social Joys increase now to March. You might meet someone from a group who becomes an important romantic contact. An old flame might be waiting on the horizon.

Your energy and charisma remain high Sunday into the wee hours of Monday. Almost everything cooperates, and you can make headway with legal. educational or far travel concerns. Pursue money interest from pre-dawn Monday to midday Wednesday. Collect money owed you, pay bills, angle for a pay raise, schmooze with clients, and seek bargains. Best time: Tues. morning. Short trips and errands, paperwork and communications fill Wednesday noon to Friday supper time. Love and loving friends appear Wednesday night and Thursday night: good! But this interval might end with a kind of standoff between people you know. Heading for home and family Friday p.m. through Saturday. Love and affection might mix with stress Friday night. Saturday’s “okay” — hug the kids, garden, shuffle around the ‘hood.

gemini icon  GEMINI: May 21-June 20

A sweet, mellow mood remains, Gemini. You are more than usually interested in international travel, international affairs, the goodness of humanity, love, and legal, cultural, intellectual, and philosophical matters. Bosses and higher-ups have favoured you for the last few weeks and that continues now — but only till Friday. Before then, discussions will begin with higher ups — perhaps about whether you will stay or go. The choice is largely your own. You may also want to begin an ambition oriented project. However, a period of mistakes and delays begin in both these things — ambitious discussions and projects — by mid February. Look ahead to this and act accordingly in forming your schedules. Someone is attracted to you now whether you believe it or not. Relationships remain intense, mostly for the good!

Remain restful and quiet Sunday to pre-dawn Monday. Ponder and plan, contact social and charitable and spiritual organizations. You will end this small interval feeling more secure. Your energy and charisma come roaring back Monday daytime till mid day Wednesday. Get out, see and be seen, be a leader, and start significant projects. But remember that delay period that starts mid February, when timing projects. Pursue money interests midday Wednesday to Friday afternoon. Your job or career looks like a good source of dollars Wed. night and Thursday. But you might have to choose between short term money and earnings versus long-term asset-building Thurs. night into Friday. Errands, short trips, paperwork and communications, and casual friends fill Friday eve through Saturday. Nothing really exciting here, though Friday eve starts off with affection but ends with stress, so drive carefully etc.

 Cancer icon CANCER: June 21-July 22

Slightly over two weeks of lust (for sex or power), major financial action, medical decisions and lifestyle choices face you, Cancer. A streak of “mental romance” threads its way through these weeks. This Friday starts a month of favour from higher ups (but work is intense). A Mercury retrograde looms in mid February, so don’t start any projects which you cannot wrap up within the next 10 days or so. Your relationship chances look good, even excellent, in 2020, but before May, complications exist.

Sunday is for celebration — gather your friends or family around and have a dinner or garden party, or get out and join someone else’s party. Optimism and flirtations fill the air. Retreat to your own quiet place Mon. morning till midday Wednesday. Sleep, ponder and plan, and Interface with government, charitable and spiritual organizations. Your luck is mixed during this whole interval, so go forward when your hunches say so, and hesitate when they warn you. Your ethical hat might be slightly askew Tuesday.

Energy and charisma return to invigorate you and make you the centre of attention Wednesday midday to Friday afternoon. Good! Get out, contact others, and be a leader. Usually this would be a good time to start new projects, but before you do reread the part about mercury retrograde in the first paragraph above. A great little interval, but you’ll have to make some relationship choices by Friday. Handle money Friday night and Saturday. Look for bargains, but avoid buying anything related to computers or electricity Friday night.

Leo icon  LEO: July 23-Aug. 22

The main accent remains on relationships, Leo. You may have been secretly attracted to someone in the last couple of weeks. But this is a period in which you should be openly displaying any attractions. Still, I think secret discussions will occur between you and a lover or a business associate. These discussions can carry on all the way to mid-April before reaching any tangible conclusion. These couple of months may also include a secret attraction, or deep pondering over your investments and assets.

Be ambitious Sunday; higher-ups like you. Steady work wins. Social delights, flirtations, optimism and entertainment come like a breeze Monday morning to mid day Wednesday. Your luck is mixed, so don’t try anything really big, but do have fun! Retreat from the bustling crowd Wednesday noon till Friday eve. Rest, contemplate, visit your spiritual center, act charitably. Deal with civil servants and admin workers. Wednesday and Thursday go well, but prepare for some work or health related glitches Friday. Your energy and charisma bounce back Friday eve through Saturday. Despite this, you might be rebuffed if you chase someone Friday night… So be patient; Saturday night and Sunday could fulfill your relationship desires.

virgo icon  VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Slightly over two weeks of work and drudgery still face you, Virgo. This will be pretty easy to endure as a streak of “challenging attraction” threads its way through these weeks. So do your job, but realize a rather significant relationship “wave” might be building. This wave won’t reach its crest, though, as mid-Feb. starts 3 weeks of delay and indecision in relationships and toward general opportunities. Means relationship questions won’t be fully answered until late March/April. (In the meantime, an old flame could return.) Home, family, still need patience, calm.

Sunday is for international affairs, intellectual or legal or cultural pursuits, and for love. A lovely day! Align your view with that of higher ups Monday morning to mid day Wednesday. Be ambitious. Your luck is mixed, so it might be better to work alone. Best time: Tuesday morning. Popularity, social delights, entertainment, flirtation and optimism flow Wednesday p.m. to Friday Eve. You’ll be happy! Friends might argue Fri. morning. Withdraw this night through Saturday. Rest, contemplate, plan your future, and deal with government or charitable organizations, as well as hospitals and other institutions. Friday pm starts with affection but ends with tension. Saturday’s fine — stay out of the limelight, work happily, quietly.

libra icon  LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Romantic notions continue for 2 more weeks, Libra. Talk, travel involved (and hint that you might be connecting to a potential life mate). You might send a message that makes your heart pound. Lots of communication and travel in your work, also, Monday to mid-April. Look ahead if planning new projects: mid-Feb. to early March brings a slowdown, filled with indecision and mistakes, so finish before, or start after.

Sunday’s tempting, esp. sexually. Good day to advance investments, domestic affairs, and to plan a healthier lifestyle. Love of an elevated type, as well as intellectual, cultural, legal, international and philosophical interests, enter Mon. morning to midday Wed. This whole area will become important and beneficial from April to August. Look ahead with calm anticipation. (Protect health Tues. pm.) Be ambitious Wed. afternoon to Fri. pm. Work goes very well Thurs. Rub shoulders with higher-ups. A choice Fri., between home/family and career/prestige. (Choose career.) Friday eve through Sat. brings popularity, social joys — and a love wish might come true! Still, avoid relationship tension Fri. night.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The general accent remains on your domestic situation and your basic security and nourishment, both physically and in the heart. Money continues to flow toward you; make sure you bank it rather than overspend. The past few weeks have embroidered your life with a sweet thread of romance. This thread continues now but it’s about to be replaced by a different thread of romance — this one involves discussion, travel and probably sex. In fact, discussions about love can go on and on through a jungle of indecision that begins to grow in mid February, almost until mid April. You’ll be intrigued and pleased.

Sunday is for relationships — you can reach agreement on many things, but don’t pursue sex or finances late or into Mon. morn. Both those, however (sex and finances) are deeply on your mind Monday morn to midday Wed. Your luck is mixed here, so proceed with reason and caution. Tuesday morning best. Don’t gamble. A wise, mellow mood steals over you Wed. till Friday afternoon. Far travel, international affairs, intellectual, legal, and cultural pursuits fill this midweek interval. You will succeed quite easily Wednesday and Thursday, but Friday morning presents you with travel or communications obstacles. Romance can be great Thursday evening. Dust off your best suit Friday p.m. through Saturday — your status and prestige will be under observation. Be ambitious, but don’t take life too seriously. Drive carefully and relate carefully Friday night.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Two more weeks of errands, communications, paperwork and travel. Usually this would not be an important time. However, this February (to the 16th) your romantic planet (Mars) is in your sign, so some of the messages and visits you undertake can unearth hidden treasure: love! Your family has been affectionate for several weeks. This continues now for one more week, but it yields to an atmosphere of quick discussion — about domestic matters. You and all your family may not be able to reach a conclusion to these discussions until almost mid April. This is not a good time to begin renovations.

Tackle chores Sunday — you’ll get them done! Eat, dress sensibly. Don’t seek cooperation late this night nor Monday morning. Relationships confront you Monday morning to mid day Wednesday. Good luck and bad mingle here, so step with caution but don’t hold yourself back. Tuesday morning is best. Grab opportunities Wednesday night and Thursday — but back away Friday, when money issues are uncertain. A mellow, wise mood comes over you Fri. eve and Sat. Far travel, cultural, intellectual and legal concerns arise. Be careful driving and with electricity, computers Fri. night. Late Sat., an affection might reach a climax.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The general focus, this week and next, is on earnings, possessions, casual sex, and rote learning/memorizing. You will have several opportunities this week to pursue goals in these areas. This week also begins a long, drawn out process — until April — involving travel or discussions and paperwork. I am not advising starting a project here, because mid-February starts several weeks of delays and mistakes. And, as usual, the deep inner wheel of your life keeps turning — it will bring you to “goals fulfilled” within 5 years.

Sunday’s romantic, pleasure-and-beauty filled. Tackle chores Monday morning to mid day Wednesday. Most things go well, especially Monday p.m. to Tuesday noon PST. Eat, dress sensibly. Be careful with chemicals Tuesday daytime. Relationships face you Wednesday noon to Friday afternoon. So do opportunities, relocation themes, and dealings with the public. Much goes well here, adults are generally cooperative and some real treasures await the adventurous. Wednesday/Thursday are best. Although Friday evening starts with affection it can end with tension, even an accident. Take care. This night and Saturday feature mysteries, secrets, sexual learning, and financial actions. Lifestyle decisions and medical procedures might arise. However, Friday and Saturday are not good times to launch new projects.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your high energy and magnetism continue. Make your mark, impress others. As warned before, not the best time to start new projects, unless you can finish them before mid-February. You have been fortunate in money for the last two weeks. This beneficial influence lasts until Friday, when your luck will tend to flow in relationships rather than money. Monday begins much discussion and travel around money; this will turn to indecision and delay mid-February to early March, but the discussion begins in earnest again March through early April. Something odd with money this late winter — an old source returns, perhaps.

Be home or in the neighbourhood Sunday. You can get a lot done in a quiet way, but don’t seek romance this night. Sweet romance arrives Monday morning till midday Wednesday — so do beauty, pleasure, and creative and gambling urges. Your luck is up and down here, so don’t take big chances. Best time: Tues. morning. Roll up your sleeves Wednesday p.m. to Friday afternoon. There’s lots of work to do, and you will do it well Wednesday night through Thursday evening. Take care Friday morning, when others might disagree with what they actually want you to do. Friday evening and Saturday feature relationships, surprises and opportunities. This small interval begins on a loving note Friday, but veers into tension Friday night. Saturday is a little picky and filled with very small frustrations, but this could be leading to a major confession of attraction.

Pisces icon  PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20

The general accent lies on rest, quietude, contemplation, planning and interfacing with large companies, government, or institutions. If you are an artist, writer or actor, this week and next are a good time to find an agent. Also a good time to visit psychics or other counsellors. Bosses and higher-ups remain temperamental until mid-February — be gracious and long-suffering. Your physical charms are showing, but only until Friday.

Sunday is for errands, trips and visits, paperwork and communications — all flows fortunately, but don’t seek cooperation late this night or Monday morning. Turn your attention to home and family Mon. morning till Wed. noon. Improve nutrition, spade the garden, hug the kids, make repairs and all that stuff. Tuesday morning is best. Passion, beauty and pleasure, creativity and risk-taking are emphasized Wednesday p.m. to Friday afternoon. Wednesday and Thursday hold some beautiful luck, so jump in! (Into romance, art, etc.) But juggle some delicate feelings (of others) Friday morning. Friday afternoon through Saturday bring chores and possible minor health issues. Friday is not so good — late night is tense, and could cause accidents or relationship misunderstandings. Saturday is merely so-so, but right behind it (that is, Sunday Feb. 9) hovers a huge chore, perhaps even new employment.




The sun came through the windshield and pressed like a hand on the leather, the seats, on her face, waking her. She became aware. Who’s car is this? she thought.
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Did it ever strike anybody that there are probably as many empty homes/houses in America as there are homeless people? I’ll bet the numbers are similar. For decades, some midwest towns have offered free land, free house, some towns have even offered to pay people to move there. The homeless tend to congregate in coastal lands, whereas the free real estate is in interior lands. There’s also the mental health problem. But if some way could be found to “marry” these two mirroring situations.
*** ***

2020 holds two“mass death” events. The Coronavirus outbreak is the first. (Drat! Wish I’d mentioned that in my 2020 Forecast.)