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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PSTPacific Standard Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING (ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC STANDARD):  5:49 am to 9:01 am Mon., 11:12 am to 5:07 pm Wed., and 0:36 am to 3:45 am Sat.



It’s funny, the older I get and the less time I have left, the more patient I become.


On Feb. 13, Thursday at 7:30 pm, I’ll give another “talk” for the Fraser Valley Astrology Guild, by Zoom. It costs $ 15 if you aren’t a member. For more information, please check the Guild’s website: www.astrologyguild.com, or email Rebecca Garcia, at rebecca.garcia@shaw.ca.

What I’ll be talking about:

Many major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) will change signs this year. Pluto finally entered Aquarius for a 2-decade residence two months ago (Nov. 24) although it first “approached” this sign in March/23. These changes place these planets in new signs with new meanings, where they will stay from 1 to 20 years. For example, Uranus will be in Gemini for the next 7 years. This will delight Aquarians romantically and Librans mentally and in love, but can make Gemini more nervous, and renders Scorpio’s finances unpredictable. It nudges Taureans to go high tech if they want to improve their incomes. So I’ll talk about all this stuff, looking at the effects of each planet on each of the 12 signs. So this is not your year ahead — if anything, it’s your decade ahead.

IF there’s enough time, I’ll also read some personal charts — if you want to do this, please contact Rebecca at rebecca.garcia@shaw.ca





aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Nine more days of celebration and social joys, Aries. Enjoy yourself, because next week starts a month of quietude and solitude, rest and recuperation. Remain “consciously gentle” on the home front. Others are attracted to you all this month; someone might want a partnership/marriage. Contact a good friend who might be at a bit of a distance. Sunday finds you at home. it’s a good day, a workable day. If you are working on the home, you’ll succeed with plumbing and fail with electric. Monday morning (PST) to early suppertime Wed. Promotes romance, creativity, invention and risk-taking. Aim for beauty, love, pleasure. But give caution a voice, too, esp. where money’s involved (all 3 days). Tackle chores Wednesday eve to Friday midnight. Your luck’s a bit mixed, but thinking first will bring progress. Eat, dress sensibly. Saturday’s for exciting meetings, relationships, opportunities and public appearances. Charge ahead!

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The general accent remains on ambition, dealings with authorities, prestige relations, and worldly status, Taurus. Be careful with your words through April. A huge money tap has just opened for you; it will remain accessible until early June, so don’t hesitate, don’t waste this time. Your dealings with management or gov’t are pleasant, aid you. Sunday’s for errands, trips, paperwork, communications — they succeed well enough, esp. if your message is social rather than practical. Head for home (at least in your heart) about 9 am (PST) Monday to early suppertime Wed. Hug the kids and spouse, and stick to routine tasks. (Not the best time to renovate or construct — but if you do, watch wiring.) Romance lures Wednesday eve through Friday. Your luck us mixed, but might be very good Fri. afternoon (PST). Tackle chores Sat. — eat, dress sensibly.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The emphasis remains on gentle love, intellectual expansion, publishing/media, law, social rituals, far travel, and your “world view,” Gemini. Now to early June, you are the luckiest sign in the zodiac. So set your sights on a goal, and charge ahead w/o hesitation, stinting or stinginess. Good goals: wedding, publishing your tome, international travel, partnering, public appearances/fame. You’re feeling optimistic, friendly, cheerful — and people responds in kind. This can lead to opportunities: stay alert! Money is rushing to you, through you and from you now to late April. But February slows or holds back this trend, though it’ still noticeable. Wishes, friends, flirts spice up your week! Sunday’s for money, shopping, collecting, sex with a  casual lover. Good for buying fashions/clothes, bad for buying electronics/computers. Errands, calls, paperwork and travel fill Monday morning (past dawn, PST) to early suppertime Wed. Head for home, family, security and mother nature Wednesday eve through Fri. Your luck is mixed, so proceed cautiously. Friday’s best. Saturday is for true love. If not, then settle for creativity, charming kids, beauty, sports, pleasure, games, arts. All’s well.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

You are still swimming through one of life’s murkier pools, Cancer. (For ten more days.) The fish that swim in this pool are: investments, debts, surgery or illness,

lifestyles, pregnancy, lust and its temptations, and revelations. This is not the best week for these things, but you can make some progress Monday just before suppertime (PST) or Friday or Sat. (Overall, this week is very mixed, so combine caution with alertness and optimism. Optimism because gloom attracts gloom.) Your intuition will be very high. Rein in your more assertive instincts now to late April, but especially this February — career, and/or sex, could be on the line. Your energy and charisma are tops Sunday – a good day to get things done, especially in educational, legal, international, love and media zones. Collect $, buy/sell, read to learn and hug a “friend” Monday morning to early suppertime Wed. (PST). Be aware of your own unpredictability, and let “accidents” happen without drama. Errands, casual friends, travel, paperwork and communications fill Wed. eve through Fri. Best time to act: Friday morn, afternoon (PST). Saturday’s for your favourite place: home.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

The accent lies on relationships, Leo — and on relocation, opportunities, public appearances, and agreement or opposition, contracts or laws broken. (So use diplomacy, too.) someone might answer your call in all this — might be a Gemini. Continue, until late April, to avoid dark places and belligerent people. Legal, media and international areas favour you over others. You might have been wishing, over the past 4 months, for — well, for anything, but romance, artistic success, sports/gaming wins stand out. Last week, the dam that was holding all these great things back, burst — and now to early June you can pursue those wishes and dreams and make at least two of them come true! To help this along, be social, attend parties, flirt, entertain others, and keep your optimism — it’s not only beneficial emotionally, it’s accurate! Sunday’s for rest, contemplation, planning, seeking advice. A pretty good day — in planning or action, your financial and sexual sector is “on board” — just follow your intuition. Your energy, charisma and clout soar Monday to suppertime Wednesday (PST) — use these to overcome obstacles — not a good time to launch projects, especially relationship ones. (Tho’ Mon. afternoon isn’t bad for love.) Collect money, buy/sell, chase casual sex or learn by rote, Wed. eve through Friday. Best time: Friday morning/early afternoon, PST. Saturday’s for trips, friends, convos — light fun.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The emphasis continues on work and service, Virgo – for 9 more days. Your hopes still lie with finances, research, a lifestyle change, and sexual intimacy. (This secondary trend is “suffocated” a bit in Feb., but still rewarding,  then rockets ahead in March/April, yet with indecision and wondering: is this love? It’s complicated!) Last week began 4 months of great good luck in ambitions, career, prestige relations, and worldly status. Work hard toward an ambitious goal this week, but don’t expect a lot of luck. Sunday’s social, you’re popular and optimistic. A special relationship succeeds. But lie low, rest, contemplate and plan Monday to early suppertime Wednesday (PST). Watch for disruptions, particularly in romantic situations. Your energy and charisma leap upward Wednesday eve through Friday. (Friday’s best.) Tackle obstacles, problems — you have a solution. Saturday’s for money, income, purchases, casual sex. Looks okay to good. More under the surface than anyone admits in sex/love areas.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Nine more days of a broad, general romantic trend, Libra. (It happens every February.) But something else is brewing: partnerships, prospective and otherwise, respond generously and sweetly to you advances. In March, this same “sweet relations” influence retrogrades, stalls, delays with indecision — things might get so confused, screwed up, that you don’t hit your love stride until May. That’s okay. My advice: just charge ahead in every love scene: the unworkables will fall off, the true and deep will stay. If you’re single, now to June offers splendid luck in the kind of love that is sealed with a wedding. For others, these 4 months ahead bless far travel, import/export, law, higher education, publishing and philosophy/religion. Sunday highlights career, worldly standing. Fine this day, but remember, bosses will be cranky until late April. Hopes, wishes, popularity, social delights, flirting — these fill Monday to early suppertime Wed. A love wish could come true, but it might happen that you can only have romance w/o sex, or sex w/o romance. Still, enjoy yourself! Retreat from the fray Wednesday eve through Fri. Plan, meditate, seek advice, but stay away from gov’t, management. Possible great investment Friday daytime. Saturday, you’re the star — your energy, charisma, launch you on a meaningful weekend. (If someone proposes next Sunday, Feb. 16, say no.)


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Just over a week left of domestic influence, Scorpio. This might combine with a super-lucky financial trend (now to June) and help you buy a home (or other wealth creators) if you’re without one. (Also a good time to buy investment real estate — this new trend will continue for 18 more years, with ups and downs.)  Work progresses, workmates are pleasant, might even temporarily partner with you to get a project done. Strictly avoid lawsuits until late April. Law, education, media and far travel set the tone Sunday — all’s well, also with a steady, rather sober romance or creative project. Be ambitious Monday to early supper Wed. Various obstacles exist, especially where agreement/partnering in ambitious areas is concerned. Be flexible, but cautious. Wednesday eve through Friday brings social delights, flirtations, optimism, popularity, and entertainment. Practical matters might stymie your, so stick with fun, happiness. A beautiful agreement (or prospective co-operator on the home front) might occur Fri. Saturday starts a weekend of rest, contemplation, planning.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

There’s little more than a week remaining, of errands, trips, communications and paperwork, Sage. This isn’t an easy week, so be alert, careful, and get it done. Mars (your romance planet) is Cancer (your “deep sex” sign) until late April. This might trigger a new, mostly physical affair, but likely not one who will last as a partner. That said, your own planet, Jupiter, is now racing ahead until June in your partnership sign, which hints that a “marriage” (or co-habitation) might be slated in the next 4 months. Things are changing rapidly. Love and partnership for you for the next seven years will entail a whole bunch of moving, communicating, travel and light companionship — unpredictable, sometimes stressful, but friendly and happy. (You will meet people to whom freedom is the highest good.) February can be ultra-sweet in romantic, creative areas. Sunday’s  for that physical affair, or for changing your life, even in little ways. (Sages who change homes this day, will benefit.) Your intellect expands Monday to early suppertime Wednesday. far travel, law, higher learning, media and life philosophy meander through your thoughts. But don’t expect huge breakthroughs, as glitches are everywhere, especially in the work/health sector. Be ambitious Wednesday eve through Friday. Forget Thursday’s disagreement – Friday you can be a winner on the work scene. Saturday starts a weekend of optimism, popularity, social joys, entertainment and flirting.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The emphasis remains on income, buying/selling, possessions, casual sex, and rote learning — for 9 more days, Cap. This isn’t an easy week, so remain alert and mildly cautious. You thought you’d been working hard since last summer (with maybe a “lay off” in the last few months) — but now to June, you’ll work even harder. Don’t quit. Do accept more responsibility. It will pay off with a “management promotion” some day (2028/29 if not sooner). Relationships are still fractious, so maintain a diplomatic stance (until late April). Your home and family are sweet, affectionate all Feb. Good time to decorate, paint, new curtains, new garden (this week and next — not after Feb. 22). Sunday brings relationships, exciting meetings, opportunities — communication helps immensely. Monday to early suppertime Wednesday (PST) lifts the lid online’s depths. Your intuition grows, especially about sex/intimacy, finances, surgery and lifestyle changes. However, be wary of commitment — too much can go wrong. Big ideas arrive Wed. eve through Fri. International affairs, law, higher learning, religion and gentle love also claim your attention. All’s well, but act Thursday night or Friday daytime (better) for best results. Saturday starts a domestic weekend — head for home, Cap.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Your effectiveness energy, and pizzazz are at a yearly peak, Aquarius. So get out there and get things done! The biggest thing to do is to pursue a romantic, creative, speculative, sporting, or child teaching project. Your luck in these matters is the highest in a decade now to June. You have the gift of words all Feb., so use it. A sweet friend co-operates. Until late April, work is intense and perhaps physically hard — protect your health from rashes, cuts, chemicals. Sunday highlights this — work and health. You’ll make an extra penny! Monday to early suppertime Wednesday (PST) brings relationships, opportunities, relocation themes and public appearances. This is NOT an easy interval, so be diplomatic, alert and cautious. Someone might declare their love — but is it true? Your home/family seem to be disrupted. Life’s deeper, secret side opens up Wednesday eve through Friday. Your intuition increases, helping you handle significant sexual, financial, lifestyle and medical issues. In this, Thursday daytime is either lucky or not lucky — you won’t know until it is. Friday daytime opens a door or two to a stable home or security. Saturday starts a weekend of travel, big ideas, internationalism, law, higher learning — and gentle love. For single Aquarians, this can be a banner first half, can bring true love.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Only 9 more days of low energy, quiescent charisma and relative solitude, Pisces. This is a good time to look at your life thus far, and where you want to be in future. This can include your domestic foundation. Realize that you are in the most fortunate time in over a decade to buy or rent a new home, now to June. Romantically, times are “hot” until late April, but you might be in a subtle “trap” in that easy love/sex can steer you away from a true love pathway. This understated (hard to discern) dilemma appears Sunday. (You’ll be satisfied by day’s end.) Tackle chores Monday to early supper Wednesday. Eat, dress sensibly, and follow safety rules, esp. around electricity. Relationships, opportunities, public dealings and relocation themes arrive Wed. eve through Fri.   Things are jumbled until success beckons Thursday night, Friday daytime. Saturday starts a mysterious weekend, filled with financial investigations, investments, sex, temptations, commitment and consequence. All’s good Saturday.






Maybe I’m confused, but I think Canada’s response to Trump’s imposition of 25% tariffs on Canada’s goods, is mistaken. Canada has opted to impose retaliatory tariffs on US goods. I think this is a mistake, especially when we’re worried about inflation.

Say Trump puts tariffs on Canada’s lumber, oil and gas, minerals and food stuffs. Americans pay this extra 25%, not Canadians. Yes that could hurt Canada a little by convincing Americans to purchase fewer of our products or in lower volumes. But think of it this way: yes Americans have forests, but in general their trees are puny and not very good for lumber. Yes, Americans have fossil fuels. But if they had enough, why are they buying billions of barrels of Canadian oil? Yes they have minerals, but not in the abundance we do. So basically, I think there is a floor here, because Americans need Canadian goods — so let them pay more, it’s no sweat off Canada’s back.

In reverse, if Canada now imposes tariffs on US goods, Canadians will end up paying more for those things that we have to import from the US: vegetables, fruit, machines, textiles — what else? So we will suffer an artificial inflation in prices caused solely by our own government. the money from those tariffs flows directly into government pockets… i.e., politicians’ pockets. Put it this way: is the government going to use every penny collected through tariffs to then give every Canadian a rebate every month equal to the collected tariffs? Sure, and ice is made of fire. the government of course will say that they have used the tariff incomes to improve Canadians’ lives. BS.

Is there something here I’m missing?


Surprised by Trump’s breakneck speed in issuing orders and changing the world politic? E.g., the U.S. to invade and occupy Gaza, take over the Panama Canal, buy Greenland, make Canada a 51st state, fire half the FBI and half the CIA and all the USAID scoundrels. This huge activity has 3 main causes: First, Jupiter is in Gemini, Trump’s sun sign, which supercharges him with confidence, optimism, big ideas and sweeping actions. Second, Pluto is now in Aquarius, Trump’s sign of internationalism, law and philosophy. Third, Mars is in Cancer, Trump’s sign of buying and ownership. Usually, Mars spends 6 weeks in one sign. This time, due to “stations,” Mars is in Cancer from Jan. 7 to April 18 — 15 weeks. Mars is Trump’s planet of wishing and hoping, and it’s spending a terrific amount of time in Trump’s “I wanna own that” sign. (We should remember that China’s premier is also a Gemini, feeling the same trends.)

Will Trump’s acquisition targets ever be captured? I think so. Trump does not always succeed, nor even stay on target, but he has a way of saying things that later eventuate. In other words, he’s a bit psychic. One day, perhaps, Greenland will be American. Edgar Casey, a famous American psychic and healer, once stated that Edmonton (Alberta) would be the capital of North America.




In case you missed the “2025 Year Ahead,” it’s in the Dec. 29, 2024 column. (You can look this up on the right hand side of the home page.)


In case you missed it last week, the planet Jupiter turned direct in motion. This means a lucky project or two that has been held up for a few months is now ready to rocket ahead. You have until mid-June to give this lucky project wings.

Very roughly, here is where your lucky project might exist:

ARIES — travel, paperwork, communications opening doors to bigger things.

TAURUS — money, income, casual sex, rote learning opening doors to sexual and financial “sharing.”

GEMINI — self, personality, ebullient mood opening doors to relationships, opportunities and relocation.

CANCER — management, gov’t, institutions and advice opening doors to work success.

LEO — hopes, wishes, social joys, light romance opening doors to deep romance, creativity.

VIRGO — career, prestige relations, worldly standing opening doors to home ownership, security, children.

LIBRA — higher mind, profound thoughts, far travel, law, love opening doors to frank discussions and “local luck.” (Weddings favoured.)

SCORPIO — secret knowledge, intuition, high finance, lust opening doors to better income, more possessions, “casual sex.”

SAGITTARIUS — relationships, relocation, renown, opportunities opening doors  to your own success. (You must “join.”)

CAPRICORN — chores, employment, nutrition, health opening door to success in management, gov’t.

AQUARIUS — romance, creativity, rest taking and pleasure opening doors to

two major wishes coming true.

PISCES — home, real estate, kids and security opening doors to enhanced prestige and affluence. (E.g., buy a home in an affluent neighbourhood.)
