ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PST (Pacific Standard Time Zone). PST is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). For example, when it is noon PST, it is 8 pm in England. The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)
START NOTHING: Before 3:57 am Sun., 1:46 am to 3:44 pm Tues., 3:52 pm Thurs. to 0:01 am Fri., and after 11:25 am Sat.
Remember when about a year ago I said there would be strong inflation or deflation in 2015/16, and that December/January (2014/15) would give us the clue? (And that either would eventually wreck the stock markets?) Well, perhaps the plunge in oil prices ($ 107 to $ 48 per barrel, WTI) is our clue…JUST IN: EUROPE is now officially in deflation — a 0.2 % drop in prices — or, as they like to call it, a -0.2 % inflation.
Anne, Emily and Charlotte Bronte were sisters in the early 1800’s. Happy sisters, I’d guess, since their names mean Aries (Anne) and Gemini (Emily and Charlotte). Of the three, the two Gemini names each wrote a famous Gothic novel: Wuthering Heights by Emily, and the weird one with the ex-wife locked in the attic, by Charlotte.
High tech ages faster than slang. People still say “bummer,” “yeah, right,” “gotcha,” etc. – slang from the 1970’s and ‘80’s, when personal computers, or desk-tops, were limited to 64,000 bytes, or “64 K” – a pinhead to present capacity. The slang lives on, while the tech of those days lies twenty feet down in the landfill.
There’s not much genius in the second joint.
You know the sunlight you get on an airliner while it’s in the jet stream? It’s a bright, natural, powerful and calm light – for me, as a teenager and twenty-something, life was sometimes filled with that jet stream sun, bright and pure. That was hope.
CAPRICORN, you can increase your worldly wealth this year. Until late August, your financial and investment luck sits at a decade high. Remember the phrase, “opportunity in crisis” – especially in January, May and July. Research, look beneath surfaces, for gems lie hidden. Physical gratification is also abundant these first eight months – but be honest, ethical; avoid extra-marital temptations. Pregnancy can bless young couples; but births are luckier after November and in 2016. (Do the math.) Do NOT invest in real estate, nor start living with anyone new, before mid-November. Your career is blessed all year: make decisions, start projects, even change careers, if you like.
From 2009 to 2024, life’s wheel slowly turns, transforming you, your social circle, and your life goals – welcome this in January, early May, August and November – don’t flee it! The three years ahead shelter you from bad luck.
From August onward, you emerge from the depths of life, into light, air, knowing. A mellow, philosophical mood overtakes you. Understanding comes. You might travel afar, enter a degree-granting school, wed, luckily grab an intellectual position, or win a lawsuit. (Avoid a lawsuit late September to early November, though, especially over real estate or children: you would inexplicably lose it.)
Love is very sexual, lustful through August, especially in May and July/August. You exude a deep, subtle magnetism this whole decade; this brings responsibilities, too. September brings a powerful mental and sexual attraction – make sure everyone’s free to commit, or you could marry into a disloyal situation. November’s flirty and friendly – and a sweet, ambitious person could capture your heart. Don’t let job demands impose on you in May/June.
AQUARIUS, other people are your doorway to success this year. Until August, you’ll deal with people openly and eagerly, and they’ll return the favour. All year, make your dealings profound rather than casual. Wed, rather than be friends. Get a signed contract, reject casual verbal promises. Travel a long distance, internationally, rather than running around town. Attend college or join a philosophy study group rather than burying yourself in daily news and chit-chat. Opportunities will parade by you: grab one or two! A wand of luck blesses relocation, negotiations, and dealings with the public. Almost any kind of agreement will make your wishes come true. If you’re single, you could meet your life mate before September. If happily married, seek adventure, whisk hour mate away on a special holiday. If you’re unhappily married, you have the courage and optimism to break free now.
After August, your luck soars in intimate, sexual, financial and research zones. You could greet a pregnancy. You could also make one of the best investments of your life – watch the economy. As it sinks, your “entry price” declines. If you’ve already begun a love affair or wed, your love deepens. Avoid extra-marital temptations. If you’re contemplating a major lifestyle change, enact it for quality of life, not for financial gain.
You will become more sober and serious about your life’s goals now through 2017. Your best or most easily-achieved goals will involve governmental or institutional help, or will take you to a management position. (This area – management, civil service, warehousing, nursing – offers career advancement for ten years ahead.) You might befriend a significantly older or younger person. Your popularity ebbs temporarily, but you need “quiet time” to handle all the financial, sexual and other commitments you’ve embraced. Tackle hard chores in July.
You could meet the love of your life before September, especially in February, when your charisma’s high; June when sweet, innocent romance swells; and August. An old flame can appear in February and June – and September/October. In November lust turns to love – or to reprobation. Chase ambitions this month; avoid lawsuits.
ARIES March 21-April 19
The accent remains on ambition, status, interfacing with higher-ups. This week is normal, a mixture of good and bad. Relationships bless you Sunday and Monday, but problems arise between 2:30 and 7:30 am (PST) – be co-operative, diplomatic. A mutual interest could boost you forward with someone suave, apparently slow but somehow quickly effective. Tuesday eve brings mysteries, detective work, financial and sexual openings (all before 3 am PT Wed.) – and challenges (Wed. dawn to midnight). Thursday’s smooth, productive in the same zones. Friday/Sat. bring a mellow, wise mood, international affairs, travel, higher learning, legal and cultural matters. You might be confused about these, about where to go, what do, Fri. morning, but after this you soar on the wings of luck and intelligence! Midweek, run a “conscience check” just as you’d run a point inspection for a car – are you on the right track?
TAURUS April 20-May 20
Wisdom, higher learning, law, culture, international issues, far travel, gentle love – these fill your week. A Capricorn could play a key role. The stress and impatience you’ve felt from higher-ups for the last 8 weeks dissolves now. It’s a new, more gentle year in prestige relations. Tackle chores Sunday/Monday – you’ll make great progress, except pre-dawn Monday, when stomach upsets or electrical, machinery glitches irk you. (If you’re awake!) Keep working, but only on routine chores, Tues. Tuesday afternoon, night bring relationships, and exciting meetings. But Wed. eve/night interferes: someone is hiding anger. Smooth, workable relationships Thursday. Fri./Sat. bring mysteries, secrets, health diagnoses, financial urges and sexual yearnings – all are confused, misleading information exists, Fri. morning – after this, it’s clear sailing to your goal. Now you can create the baby you’ve wanted, or buy the condo/house you want – both are great investments Saturday.
GEMINI May 21-June 20
The focus remains on investments, debt, sexual intimacy, commitment and consequence, research and diagnosis (especially of a health problem). This is not a great investment year, nor a big change year for you, so keep any commitments light. Sunday to Tuesday brings a warm romantic breeze, but it hits a cold wall Monday morning, so act later this day. Monday also begins six weeks of impatience from bosses and parents, so don’t push your weight around – adhere to deadlines. Tackle chores Tues. eve through Thursday – you’ll make great progress. Careful Wed. night: you might need to choose between career and family, between social friends and chasing private sex. Whatever your choice, it might cause muffled resentment in others. (Family, sex better choices.) Friday/Saturday bring exciting meetings. Now through 2017, your relationships will incline heavily toward financial and/or sexual urges. This is almost unconscious now, will grow. Other than Fri. morning, this is an excellent interval for meeting, greeting, chasing opportunities, negotiations, relocation and/or dealings with the public. A friend could become a mate, later.
CANCER June 21-July 22
Investments are mildly lucky for the week ahead. Strictly avoid lawsuits until February 20. Try to wrap up projects, negotiations, relocation plans, partnership or investment projects this week, as a slowdown begins soon. The general emphasis lies on relationships, partnerships, and opportunities. Be flexible, diplomatic, other-oriented. Your domestic situation glides smoothly Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday , except for some disruption or barrier pre-dawn Mon. Romance , creativity, pleasure, beauty and risk-taking fill Tues. afternoon through Thurs. Wednesday daytime, culminating in an irritated, blunt night, needs caution. That said, it’s possible you could fall in love. Tackle chores Friday/Saturday – though Fri. morning’s a bit cloudy with misdirection, the rest of this interval is successful – and lucky. You might earn a bonus, or pluck a money tree.
LEO July 23-Aug. 22
The emphasis remains, for 9 more days, on work, supporting dependents, and health. Eat, dress sensibly. In the past month, even though drudgery prevailed, lots of excitement bubbled up with an assertive member of the opposite sex (same sex for gays). This “raw excitement” turns to sweet affection this week and next – and that “raw intensity” veers into private zones: intimacy, whispered agreements, sex. In business, a “hurried attraction” might now veer into signing, commitment and funding. Trouble is, the funding might not appear. In sex or business, links formed since Dec. 5/14 promise more than they deliver; from this Monday (Jan. 12) onward, links formed will live up to their potential. Act accordingly! Errands, missives, travel, friends and siblings fill Sunday to Tuesday afternoon – all’s good, except pre-dawn Monday, when disruptions are rife. The accent’s on home, security, property, family, nutrition Tues. eve through Thursday – again, all’s good except Wed. night, when you face a funding problem, or a new restriction in romance. Your romantic self squelches lustful urges: a good thing? Ah, well – romance blows in with powerful luck Friday/Saturday – chase, approach!
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Romance builds to a climax of sorts next Sunday/Monday (Jan. 18/19, which will be the end for awhile). Ditto creativity, pleasure pursuits/vacation, adventure and speculation. The intense pace at work ends – in its place comes intensity in relationships, lasting to late February. For the 9 days ahead, these overlap – romantic feelings and mature partnership intensity. You could end up helplessly in love, or married – or simply knowing you’ve entered a new stage of relationships, a new decade of them. But Mercury retrogrades soon, so many changes of mind and heart will occur into mid-February. At work, pleasantries prevail. Don’t start new projects now, especially in the workplace, unless you can finish them by Jan. 20. Sunday to Tuesday afternoon is for shopping, chasing money. Errands, communications, travel, paperwork and casual acquaintances fill Tues. afternoon through Thursday. Take care Wed. eve/night, especially with spouse: muffled anger can occur, and grow over time: cure this quickly, be open, ask compassionate questions. Home sweet home Fri./Sat. Act after Fri. noon, not before. Buy tools Fri., real estate Sat.
LIBRA Sept.23-Oct. 22
This is your last week of “down home” influences, Libra. Protect your home and those in it. Your romantic feelings have been heightened over the last few weeks, but toward someone who might not be the best mate. Now, romance becomes affectionate and talk-filled. Your work place will be a bit “heated” now to late February. Complete projects, or get them to a stable stage, as next week begins a period of confusion and delay. Your energy and charisma soar Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Ask favours, see and be seen, attempt new or intimidating challenges. Take care Monday predawn: someone reacts unexpectedly. Chase money, shop, seek to increase your pay or client base Tues. afternoon through Thursday . Be cautious, especially in travel and/or relationships Wed. night, as muffled anger could exist. Errands, friends, trips, missives and paperwork fill Fri./Sat. – be curious, seek variety: you could strike a mother lode of information Saturday morning.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Rest, lie low Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Your energy’s depleted, and you need quiet time to gather your thoughts, find a calm balance – from this perspective, examine where you’ve been, where you are going, then start to plan your future actions. (The best plans, especially involving money and career, will come Monday – 8 am to 9 pm PST.) Caution flags fly pre-dawn Monday. Your energy and charisma soar Tues. eve through Thursday. Usually I’d advise using this energy to start big new projects, but a phase of slowdowns, confusion and false starts begins next week – so use your heightened clout to push ongoing projects to a conclusion – or at least get them to a stable position. (E.g., say your venture depends on a VIP responding favourably: then do not phone now: wait until Feb. 11onward.) You might face a money conflict Wed. night: this is just a hint that for three years you’ll have to keep deciding between making more, or loving more. (The six weeks ahead will heat up your romantic side – use your “new courage” to chase that alluring person.) Chase money Fri./Sat. – luck rides with you! A pay raise/promotion not impossible!
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21
From this month to the end of 2017, Sage, you will grow more serious and sober about life. You’ll begin to examine and reduce expenses; you’ll work quietly and astutely to increase your income. Take care of your teeth, gums, knees and skin, the whole 3 years. This week starts six of possible friction in your home: be gentle with spouse and kids. (You know your temper!) A tattered romantic connection will probably fall away. DON’T begin co-habiting with anyone now to February 19. Use the present week to wrap up projects, or get them to a stable state, as next week begins a period of slow downs, confusion and mistakes. A wish could come true Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. You’ll be popular, optimistic, flirty and happy! But retreat Tues. afternoon through Thursday – rest, recharge, contemplate, plan. Deal with civil servants, institutions or management at your work place. Be gentle, understanding Wednesday eve/night, when a family member might be upset. (It’s a “muffled anger.”) Your energy, charisma and clout soar Friday/Saturday – wait until noon Friday (PST) then charge ahead, especially in zones of friendship, far travel, religion, love, wedding plans, education and law. You’ll win!
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Your energy, charisma and clout remain at a yearly high, Cap. But don’t start a big new project, especially in money areas – instead, wrap things up, put ongoing projects on stable footing, so they will still be good, viable, after February 11. Next week begins a period (to Feb. 11) of false starts, confusion, delays and mistakes. You’re going to be very busy now to late February, running errands, travelling, communicating, answering others, doing paperwork. Be ambitious Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. All goes smoothly except pre-dawn Monday, when a wee tug-o-war might develop between ambition and security, career and home. Your popularity rises, you feel optimistic, happy, flirty Tues. afternoon through Thursday. Someone’s impressed with you! Take care Wed. eve/night – strictly avoid gossip, or doing anything to cause it – and watch your speech/driving. Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan Friday/Saturday – better after Fri. morning, which holds confusion. You can make a good investment, or uncover “treasure” of some sort, either day.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Continue to lie low, rest, contemplate and plan. Remain in the background. Delegate tasks. Deal with civil servants, institutions. Get your tax records up to date. Wrap up projects rather than starting new ones, as a period of confusion, delay and false starts arrives next week. You’ve been on fire since early December. Now “peace” returns. Until late February, money will rush toward you – bank it or pay down debt – DON’T spend! Sink deeply into rest, even attend at a spa – your “love charisma,” your ability to attract people, will soar next week, so get your beauty rest now (applies to males also). An old flame (likely a Gemini, or a sexy but unmarriageable Virgo) might be planning to return. Remember, you’re in a powerful “mating potential” year until August, and the month ahead can be a highlight. Wisdom, a gentle loving mood, flow over you Sunday to Tues. afternoon. Avoid disagreements pre-dawn (PST) Monday. Interactions with bosses, VIPs, authorities and/or parents occur Tues. afternoon through Thursday. All’s well, except Wed. night, when your hopes and your money don’t agree. End your isolation Friday/Saturday, as your popularity, optimism and happiness rise. Say yes Sat. morning!
PISCES Feb. 19-March 20
Now to early April you might be obsessed with making extra money (and you will, late February to April) – but make sure you’re also being ethical, moral. If you sense even a hint of temptation, pie-in-sky, or “inexplicable delay,” turn around and go another route. You’re growing more assertive, too – which helps you this week, as your popularity and social life are at a yearly high. (Yet solitude is beginning to appeal, also.) Complete projects now – only start things you can finish by January 20, when a period of delay, mistakes and confusion begins. Seep into life’s mysteries Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. All’s smooth in health diagnoses, financial actions, intimacy and research – except pre-dawn (PST) Monday. A wise, understanding mood flows through you Tues. afternoon through Thursday. You might be in love, gently so. If you want love, or any relationship to work, leave it alone Wed. night – your enthusiasm will be squelched by someone’s skeptical outlook. Be ambitious Friday/Saturday – charge ahead, show bosses your talents, etc. – great luck accompanies you. Background areas Friday (e.g., closed-door meeting or policy work) and “pure ambition” Saturday morning.
The End