Astrology forecast: To view the 2018 Yearly forecast, click on Jan. 7, 2018.
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My email: suningem@gmail.com
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START NOTHING: 0:48 am to 11:42 am Sunday, 10:30 pm Tuesday to 0:32 am Wednesday, and 3:52 am to 12:26 pm Friday.
Astrologer Diane Warwick is giving astrology and Tarot lessons. To sign up, call her at 1-604-440-2317. She charges $ 200 for 24 hours instruction.
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I don’t hold great hope for Prince Harry’s marriage to Meghan Markle. (Of course, I might be wrong.) Meghan’s a Leo. Leos love flattery, and demand attention. Harry’s a Virgo. Virgos are generally inwardly-focused, and are the least capable at flattery. (They hate to lie.) Leo/Virgo are adjacent signs. This usually causes an initial friendliness and an ease in becoming intimate. But as time goes on, this coupling grows soft and boring; it lacks passion and the tender depths that save other couples from ennui. The Queen and her consort, Prince Phillip, are also adjacent signs. They have survived as a couple — an unhappy couple — for two reasons: 1) they are from a “no divorce” generation and 2) the Queen, a Taurus, is in control — he’s a Gemini, a sign that is burdened and restricted by Taurus. Taureans love to stay in one groove for life — i.e., a queen, and married. Philip, being Gemini, has been overruled by her strength. (In his nineties, he has finally refused to attend state occasions any more.)
Initially, Ms. Markle will be (is) enamoured of Harry’s royalty. Leo loves glamour, royalty and opulence. Leo is the sign of kings and queens. Meghan is fascinated by the prospect of becoming a member of one of the premier royal families on earth. For a long time this will satisfy her. But there will come a day, perhaps only a year or two away, when Markle will become bored and angry with Harry, and… I’m not saying she’ll cheat, but I am certain she will dream of it, and will be vulnerable to men who know what Leos want. On the other hand, Leos (Meghan) are as stubborn as Taurus (Queen). And Virgos (Harry) are as flexible and willing to be overruled as Gemini (Philip). Just as the queen “controlled” Philip, so Markle will (does) control Harry. But queens don’t divorce. Princesses can.
Some modifiers: Harry’s Moon (his emotions) is in Taurus, square Markle’s Sun. Their union will be marked (Markled?) by friction and struggles for dominance. Meghan’s Moon (emotions) is in Libra, a compromising sign that will sacrifice almost anything to keep a marriage. But Libra is also susceptible to flirtations when it feels neglected. I think Harry and Meghan are already, each in private, beginning to question their bond.
Family dynamics: Often, astrological patterns run through families. Prince William, a Cancer Sun, married his natural “marriage sign” — a Capricorn Sun, Kate. Harry is Capricorn rising, and Markle is Cancer rising. (This makes me suspect Harry was subconsciously trying to emulate/compete with William.)
Queen Elizabeth is a Taurus Sun (fights Markle, sympathizes with Harry) with a Leo Moon (sympathy with Markle). Like Harry, the Queen is Capricorn rising, so she will be attached to and argue with, or oppose, Markle. Philip will love her.
Overall, Markle will be the outsider.
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Bureaucracy is evil’s face, because evil finds it easy to hide in bureaucracy. Witness the 29 Syrian gassed children, released by the Syrian government in late December to go to better hospitals outside Syria — but only after months of negotiations. Those months were Syria’s evil, expressed in bureaucracy as solidly as the evil expressed in their barrel bombs and gas attacks.
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ARIES: March 21-April 19
This is your last week of pressure, Aries. Friday begins a month of hope, social delights, popularity, flirtations and happiness. Your heart will be light! But work hard until Fri. You receive some “new instructions,” and might have to report to higher-ups. (Who continue to favour you, at least through Wed.) Your strong urges remain — to dive into financial commitments, or into someone’s intimate arms. Strong, okay — impulsive, a bit dangerous. Sunday to Tues. focuses directly on your career, your standing and reputation. Sunday knocks you off stride with a stressful morning, but Mon./Tues. flow well. That month of fun and happiness technically starts Fri., but you’ll feel the joy juice as early as Wed. and Thursday, when your heart rises and wishes could come true. (Not good days to invest.) Retreat Fri./Saturday — all’s smooth, a great time to relax, be quiet and alone, think and plan. You can successfully interface with civil servants, admin. workers. Be sensible with your health.
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
A month of profound thinking, of widened views, travel, learning and tolerance will end Friday, leading to a month of ambition’s ladder and dealings with authorities. Your romantic planet stays in a gentle love zone all month, enabling you to build on present love, to discuss the future with a lover, even to propose marriage (or a trip far away). (Still, others are a bit “intense” until Jan. 26, so act only where there’s harmony — don’t push anyone.) Sunday to Tues. doubly emphasizes this mellow, wise and loving mental zone. Monday’s best, as both Sun. and Tues. hold some daytime disruption or stress. (Not a big thing, so march forth anyway — Tues. ends with love.) Ambition comes in early, Wed. to Fri. morning. Be upstanding, dutiful, but realize other key figures won’t ultimately agree with your plan/proposal. So proceed lightly, don’t commit yourself to a firm path. A subtle trap can await you in prestige, ambition, career — this Thurs., during the month ahead (mostly before Feb. 4) and during this year (to early Nov.). The “trap” will wear a disguise of hope, temptation, and ease, and you only have to do one little “bad” thing to succeed. If your career seems “delayed” in the month ahead, accept it: delay is your friend, preventing you from making a career-affecting mistake. Friday “doubles down” — starts your career phase off with extra energy. Noon Friday through Thurs. brings happiness, popularity, and wish fulfillment — and, perhaps, romance.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
Plunge into assets, investment, debt programs, physical intimacy, medical actions, research and investigations, lifestyle changes, and commitment — this week, but especially Sun. pm through Tues., when these matters are doubly emphasized. Look beneath the surface, be prepared to take firm action, give a firm answer. You can take some very effective action, and set yourself up for rewards later. But don’t bring friends or lawyers into the brew — they run counter to your luck these 3 days. Wednesday to Fri. noon brings stuff you love: travel, foreign born people, intellectual pursuits, profound thinking, media — and love. These areas will bless you, especially after Fri., when a whole month of this stuff enters. You could fall in love, or agree to wed, now to late Feb. (Overall, 2019 will be better, so you don’t have to rush/chase love now. In fact, adamantly pursuing any of these — far travel, wedding, intellectual stuff — could lead to a subtle, quiet delay, a mild lowering of your prospects. So proceed alertly and with self-awareness.) Be ambitious Fri. pm, Sat. — you’ll succeed!
CANCER: June 21-July 22
Relationships and opportunities, competitors and challenges, continue to fill your days, especially Sun. noon through Tuesday. Be neither shy nor pushy — do co-operate, and realize that others are necessary for your success. Others treat you affectionately until Wed., and they’re also curious, want to talk about what you’re up to. Meetings and negotiations go well, but steer clear of disruptive influences (or stress) around midday (PST) Sun. and Tues. Life’s mysteries rise to the surface Wed. to Friday noon. Dig deep. discover, seek financial or medical knowledge, contemplate an intimate temptation. These flow easily these few days, and call to you during the month ahead and the whole of 2018. However, they don’t promise success — in fact, the opposite, if you pursue them too doggedly. If you can put off a big investment or a sexy extra-marital lure until late November, Cancer, do so. (Sexual lures, in 2018, are tied to hunger for power, and will NOT lead to pleasurable romantic love.) Meanwhile, reject suspicion; believe honest people. A sweet, mellow, understanding mood steals over you Fri. pm and Saturday — welcome this; dive into intellectual, learning, travel and philosophical pursuits — and into love. (Talk about the last.)
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
Keep working, Leo — for five more days. Co-workers remain pleasant. Much more talk and messaging enters your work sphere. Sunday noon through Tues. doubly emphasizes your chores — and health. (Eat, dress sensibly.) You’ll get a good whack done! But watch permissions, ethics, and “unpredictable machines” midday Sun. and midday Tues. An exciting meeting is slated — could come Wed./Thurs.; or in the month that starts Friday; or anytime in 2018 — and in all cases you’d be wise to let happen what happens, without chasing it. “It” could be a relocation, an attractive person, a contract, an opportunity a prospective business partnership. In all these, any delays are protecting you. Make your own decisions, act independently. If you watch carefully, you’ll notice that every “opportunity” requires you to “damp down” your ethical sense. Life grows mysterious and sexy Fri. noon, Saturday – go ahead, plunge into research, mysteries, medical findings, lifestyle changes, investments and sexy interludes. A good week.
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
You’ve seen beauty the last few weeks, Virgo. And even more comes midday Sun. through Tues. Soak it up, or create or invent, or take a gamble. You could fall in love. You’re on a winning streak! Careful midday Sun. and about noon Tues. — a sudden split, or machine snafu, could disturb you. Love and beauty begin to be replaced with work Wed. onward — for a whole month. Don’t dive too intently into chores. Ask for help, or direct others to do the tasks. Manage, delegate. This advice holds until November. Also to early Nov., avoid buying new machines, tools, car or computer. Wednesday to noon Fri. brings work, health concerns — all goes well, but a bit of illness (or spraining an ankle) might occur early Fri. Friday begins a whole month of work. Remember: manage. Friday/Sat. also bring relationships, opportunities, fresh horizons — be ready to seal a deal or seize an opening.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
A month of “rest” and domestic concerns ends this week. Midweek begins a month of romance, creativity, risk-taking, pleasure and winning. Money still flows to you — bank it, pay debts. Don’t spend. Your home remains affectionate until midweek, but discussions around what to do on the home front, continue all month. A legal matter might end — good. Sunday is disruptive through the lunch hour (PST) then your family-home focus intensifies through Tues. This is your last chance for a while to solve family problems, repair, enhance security, etc. Take the first step! Amour, creative and speculative urges, beauty and pleasure — these fill Wed./Thurs., and an entire month of the same starts, on a slightly different level, Friday. Happiness looms! But, two things: 1) realize any new love begun now won’t lead to a good marriage, and 2) until Nov., be wary of plunging deeply into romance, creative and gambling activities. They are likely to disappoint. Instead, aim for light, friendly romance, and be with the group rather than seeking one-on-one pleasure. Tackle chores or seek employment Fri. pm and Sat. — results look fine.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
The emphasis remains on easy, busy work — errands, short trips, paperwork, communications, etc. Your “busyness” will increase midday Sun. through Tues. Dive in, get it done. Be curious. But watch driving and machines Sun. midday, and Tues. midday (PST). Steer toward home and family Wed./Thurs. — relax, enjoy kids, but don’t start big renovation, landscaping or home-purchasing. Avoid these until November. Friday starts a whole month of such interests, so decide now to step lightly. If in doubt, aim away from home, toward career and the outside world. Romance, beauty and deep pleasure call you Fri. pm and Saturday — go ahead, dive in. Good will come even if you’re rejected! You’re still working hard — you’ll see extra money benefits within a month.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Your recent focus has been on money and assets. This focus intensifies Sunday noon through Tues., then slowly dies off. So charge ahead, make some, buy/sell, etc. (Don’t buy computers Sun. or Tues.) Errands, paperwork, visits and messaging, new contacts and curiosity, media — these fill Wed. to noon Friday. Again, your path is fairly smooth, so march ahead. One thing: don’t “insert” amour into those contacts, messages. Also, a bigger thing: until Nov., treat this area of errands and communications lightly: do what you must, but not more. Don’t start new projects here. Instead, default to your favourite stance: profound thinking, big ideas, and big travel (not around town). Head for home Friday pm and Sat. — all’s well, so enjoy family, play backyard games, putter around the ‘hood, etc. An easy week, Sage.
CAPRICORN: Dec 22-Jan. 19
You’ve been in charge, with lots of opportunity to start beneficial, significant projects — at least since Dec. 22. Now, you get one last, powerful chance to start something: Sunday noon through Tues. boosts your energy, charisma and leadership to an even higher level. Charge ahead! Others will “genuflect.” Be mildly careful around two noons: Sun. and Tues., when money factors or home/family conditions, might throw an unexpected monkey wrench into your plans. (That’s okay — just work around the wrench.) Wednesday to Fri. noon turns the focus to money, buying/selling, clients, wages, etc. This flows easily now, but this entire zone is not particularly lucky for you in 2018. (That’s important, for the entire month ahead “draws you” toward this area.) (The cure: deal with investments rather than earnings; and earn with others, join, rather than trying to earn alone.) Errands, short trips, calls and paperwork fill Fri. pm, Saturday. All’s well, march forth! An easy week, Cap.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
A long month of seclusion, low energy and diluted charisma ends this week. Partly Wednesday onward, and fully by Fri. onward, your energy and charisma will surge — to late Feb. Bosses and authorities remain cranky, so don’t fly in their face. (If you can last to late Jan. without a career fight, you’ll soar, career-wise, for the rest of 2018.) Sunday noon through Tues. brings the deepest depths of this month’s quietude and low energy. Float through it: meditate, plan, seek spirit, be charitable. Contact gov’t agencies for help. Find a counsellor, psychic or other advisor. (Monday — and Tues. eve — best for this.) Your energy and charisma roar back Wed. to Fri. noon. Though there won’t be much to be done, few concrete opportunities, your best “opening” is invisible: this Thurs./Fri., as well as the month ahead, and the whole of 2018, seek others. Put your own concerns aside. Seek partnership, bonding, co-operative projects. Use the great energy of the month ahead to attract others, help others, and join others. Good new people will come into your life soon. Chase money, buy/sell, attend garage sales, etc., Fri. pm and Saturday. Again, march forth — all is smooth, productive. A good week!
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
Your revels soon will end. You’ve been upbeat, flirtatious, popular, and emotionally laid-back the last few weeks. This intensifies now, Sunday noon through Tues. Get out, contact others, make and accept invitations, envision your most optimistic future. Some of that future will come true! (Esp. in far travel, learning, and love.) Ten years ago you could not have experienced such happiness. You’re growing. But Wed. to Friday noon begins a month of quietude, relative solitude, and a lowering of energy and charisma. Usually, you love brief retreats, and the dreamy, spiritual or contemplative joys they bring. However, now to early Nov., this whole zone is best treated lightly: do NOT plunge in. Instead, just accept whatever seclusion is foisted upon you by life — or seek “working relationships” — or scholarly, travel, intellectual or love bonds. Friday pm and Sat. briefly boost your presence, energy and clout — start something, be a leader, seek favours. A fine week, Pisces!
The End.
Yesterday after a snowfall I noticed each kind of tree in my little orchard (14 trees) has a “signature.” The wet branches are thick enough that a green oval of un-snowed grass was left collaring every mature tree. I just realized today, after the rain dissolved the snow, that the autumn leaf drop described the same shape. These shapes, loops, collars were quite pronounced. For instance, the biggest cherry tree had a “green collar” that looped about 10 feet north and 20 feet south.
The apple trees, so eager to drink the morning sun, have grown into the shape of their chase. They grow eastward, and have the least efficient system or lowest leaf-to-direct sun ratio, because only one of four possible sun exposures (N,E,S,W) is emphasized. This makes the apple a bitter fruit, compared to the sweet cherry and the clean gush of luscious pear. It’s so in life: those who leap too early, often reap small rewards. “A,” as you probably know from old columns, stands for Aries. So “apple” is an Aries name/fruit. Aries is impatient, loves impulse and immediate action.
The cherry trees grow south, toward the sun — so much so that their north “umbrella” or leaf-drop is ten feet shorter than their south overhang. But pears grow east and west, almost like a bow tie with its two wings. This comes close to intelligence. It is certainly innovative. By spreading itself east-west, the pear exposes the maximum area of its leaves to constant, direct sunlight. In addition, a booster, it soaks up direct sunlight in the eastern morning and western sunset.
The cherry trees have the right idea. By pointing the bulk of their branches south, to go directly toward the energy source of the Sun. Doing so brings such a strong and immediately rewarding situation, that it would be difficult to leave. Any different road to success threatens to involve a risk too big for a small improvement to their present state of warmth and luxury. And its fruit is sweeter than the impulsive apple. “C” is Gemini, and cherry trees fit the sign, being full of small fruits.
But the pear takes a more “intelligent,” subtle approach, one that demonstrates the ability to think or respond to more than one layer at a time. The cherry thinks: “Go directly south.” The pear thinks: “What’s beyond that idea?” And it finds this answer: by spreading itself east-west, by indirection, it exposes the maximum possible amount of branches/leaves to direct sunlight. It found that opening oneself gathers more than pursuing. It actually did pursue, but by retreat, or, at least, with feigned indifference, growing sideways rather than south. These are Libran actions (indirect, compromise, pursuing by retreat, offering access rather than chasing it). And the pear is a “P” — the letter for Libra. And their fruit is the sweetest.
* Please Note: of course, other trees in other fields might not display these shapes. I’m just riffing on my trees.