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Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING (ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC STANDARD):   8:34 pm Mon. to 8:20 am Tues., and 4:03 pm to 8:29 pm Thurs.




ALL SIGNS: In case you missed it, you can find your full year ahead (2025) forecast in “PLATFORMS” (click on the button below the big blue picture) or visit the Dec. 29 astral column.


On Feb. 13, Thursday at 7:30 pm, I’ll give another “talk” for the Fraser Valley Astrology Guild, by Zoom. It costs $ 15 if you aren’t a member. For more information, please check the Guild’s website: www.astrologyguild.com, or email Rebecca Garcia, at rebecca.garcia@shaw.ca.

What I’ll be talking about:

Many major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are changing signs this year. Pluto finally entered Aquarius for a 2-decade residence two months ago (Nov. 24) although it first “approached” this sign in March/23. These changes place these planets in new signs with new meanings, where they will stay from 1 to 20 years. For example, Uranus will be in Gemini for the next 7 years. This will delight Aquarians romantically and Librans mentally and in love, but can make Gemini more nervous, and renders Scorpio’s finances unpredictable. It nudges Taureans to go high tech if they want to improve their incomes. So I’ll talk about all this stuff, looking at the effects of each planet on each of the 12 signs. So this is not your year ahead — if anything, it’s your decade ahead.

IF there’s enough time, I’ll also read some personal charts — if you want to do this, contact Rebecca at rebecca.garcia@shaw.ca




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

This week signals the end of pressure, Aries, and the start of a month of celebration, light, friendly romance, optimism and wish fulfillment, entertainment, increasing popularity and social joys. Lighten up on the domestic front, until mid-late April — be gentle with kids. The gov’t still favours you (to Feb. 3) so submit those applications or tax appeals, etc. Though career pressures ease now, there remains some “clean up,” or conversations regarding a project. Sunday (very nicely, fortunately) and Monday (nothing works!) bring relationships, opportunities and fresh horizons. Life dives deeper, into sexual intimacy, major finances and medical/lifestyle concerns, Tuesday breakfast (PST) to Thursday night. Be cautious Tuesday, eager/ready to commit Wednesday, and mixed/disruptive but finally successful, Thursday. A mellow, gently loving mood arrives Fri./Sat. — themes of far travel, higher learning, social rituals, law and philosophy enter. Bright promise Friday hides an eventual problem. Act Saturday afternoon.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

A month of wool-gathering ends, Taurus, as Sunday starts a month of career pressures and opportunities, prestige relations, and a desire to improve your worldly standing. Now to 2044, your climb will depend on your ability to make and keep relationships. (You might have to assume a subordinate role in a partnership.) Be patient, not temperamental, in communications, now to April. Your social life is pleasant, rewarding until Feb. Tackle chores Sunday (successful) and Monday (careful, avoid angry words). Eat, dress sensibly. Relationships fill Tuesday breakfast time (PST) to Thursday night. So do opportunities and relocation themes. Be cautious Tuesday, proceed with gentle confidence Wed., and be nimble Thursday, when great opportunities and love’s luck mingle with disruption and challenging words. Friday/Saturday are for sexual, financial and medical secrecy/researches, climaxes, commitment, and consequences. A bright Friday might lead to Saturday’s early “denial” and later (afternoon) romantic bliss!


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

You emerge from the darkness (and slowly roiling, upheaving events) into the light. Recent revelation and discovery leads now to wisdom and understanding. Sunday starts a month of love, and of viewing the world in a wide lens. You’ll be tolerant, interested in law, philosophy, far travel and international affairs, higher education and media/publishing. Money rushes to you. Don’t overspend! Bosses favour you until Feb. 3 — ask for a promotion? Despite your dawning light, a few secrets still exist — and research can reward. Start planning a (very fortunate) personal “breakout.” Sunday/Monday are romantic, creative, filled with beauty and pleasure. Sunday’s good, loving, but Monday gives negative signals, frustration. (So stick with admiring beauty, rather than pursuing it.) Tackle chores Tuesday morning to Thursday night. Eat, dress sensibly. Tuesday’s tough, Wednesday works okay, and Thursday is a mixture of success and challenge, ending with success, esp. in career zones. Relationships dominate Fri./Sat. , and again the picture is mixed. Happy, opportunistic relations Friday afternoon (PST) then bad Fri. night, but good Sat. afternoon (you could land a pay raise?).


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Sunday starts a month of mystery, secrets, research, major finances, lifestyle changes, medical concerns, and sexual embrace. You will be helped in that last (sexual) as Mars in your sign makes you assertive, magnetic, and courageous —this energy might also nudge you to attack the ladder of success, but be patient — realize what’s delayed or unapproved Jan./Feb., will charge forward March/April. You’re favoured in foreign travel, legal, publishing and educational areas until Feb. 3. Conversations with others, esp. a partner, yield “okay” results. Head for home, family Sun./Mon. Hug the kids, etc. Great Sunday, but anger Monday. Romance soars Tuesday morning to Thursday night. Tuesday’s difficult, Wed.’s productive, loving as midnight approaches, and Thursday is mixed with very good luck and disruptive challenges — be nimble! Tackle chores Fri./Sat. Eat, dress sensibly. Best times to act: pre-suppertime Fri., and afternoon Sat.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

A very significant month begins, Leo. The weeks ahead bring a “new world” in relationships, opportunities, relocation, and your public profile. This new world will last until 2044. It will definitely bring drama into your life. Too much to go into here. until April, continue to avoid belligerent people and dark places. Right now you are favoured in investment, financial and sexual areas. your work will entail a bit of travel and communication. Spend the next two weeks planning either to attend or give a social event. (Soon, a major wish will come true.) Errands, communications and paperwork fill Sun./Mon. Sunday’s fortunate and successful. Monday is the opposite. Be home, hug the kids, Tuesday breakfast (PST) to Thursday night. Tuesday is hard, Wednesday is productive, and Thursday is all over the map — dramatic success with dramatic challenges, but it ends well. romance, creative urges, pleasure and beauty fill Friday/Saturday. Friday is fortunate and opportunistic until suppertime. Saturday starts poorly but ends with reassurance, perhaps an intimate success.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

A month of work and minor health concerns starts now, Virgo. Just keep your head down and do the job. A powerful sexual trend might sweep you into someone’s arms — if married, reject temptation. You might sense that there is a new kind of communication in the workplace. (In future, more travel and communication will be required at work.) Someone is trying to tell you something. Chase $, buy/sell, embrace a casual friend intimately, or learn by rote, during a fortunate Sunday. Same motives/actions Monday, but bad luck and obstacles. Errands, communications and paperwork arrive Tuesday breakfast (PST) to Thursday night. Tuesday’s difficult, Wednesday’s productive, and Thursday’s wild — a dramatic combo of fortunate love and emotions and sexual urges and “partnership benevolence” with challenges and disruptions. It ends on a good note! Be home Fri./Sat. Friday’s good to suppertime (PST) then bad to Sat. morning, then romance might prevail!


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

A month of romance, pleasure, beauty, risk, creative and speculative urges begins now, Libra. This also helps usher in two decades of different romance (et al). Bosses are temperamental, impatient until late April. Just duck, smile, do your job. (A higher-up might offer a partnership deal — don’t accept before Feb. 24.) A child has something to tell you. Work and co-workers are pleasant. Your energy and charisma soar Sun./Mon. Start major projects Sunday before 7 PM PST. Then through Monday faces you with difficulties, so maintain a light touch. Collect money, buy/sell, embrace a friend intimately or dig into some rote learning, Tuesday breakfast to Thursday night. Tuesday is hard, Wednesday is productive, and Thursday is wild, packed with great aspects and bad aspects — best afternoon (PST). Errands, friends, communications and errands/travel fill Fri./Sat. Friday’s lucky, opportunistic, but Sat.’s both bad (early) and good (afternoon). You could detect affection coming from that impatient, temperamental boss.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

A month of domestic duties and pleasures begins now, Scorpio. In usually subtle ways, your home is going to change over the next two decades, mainly because you are going to become much more focussed on your home, on children, on security and food and mother nature. That could be a good thing! (Note Biden’s a Scorpio, and he’s “retiring” this month.) You might run into contentious situations if you express your opinion too loudly — avoid law suits like the plague. Applies until late April. Until February 4, romance is sweet, children charming. Retreat, lie low and rest, contemplate and plan future actions, obtain valuable advice, Sunday. Good results. Same area Monday, but with bad results. Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness jump upward Tuesday breakfast to Thursday night. Get out, see and be seen, and start significant projects. Tuesday is a struggle, but you can still succeed. Wednesday is productive. Thursday is a dramatic rush of good luck and bad. Be nimble! You will succeed at the end, especially in Romance and partnership. Collect money, buy/sell, seek casual sex, or learn something in a book Friday/Saturday. Friday is good till suppertime PST. Saturday afternoon is very fortunate for love and romance. If you’re single, find a date!


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

A month of errands, communications, paperwork, short trips, curiosity, and new acquaintances starts now, Sage. You might notice (now to 2044) that your communications and paperwork are pointed toward or somehow involve the gov’t, your own head office, or institutions. This is neutral, neither good nor bad. But one warning: do’t libel or slander anyone for 19 more years! You will notice another phenomena, either now or as the years pass: that you’ll become a little more close mouthed and secretive, less willing to share what you know with others. Now to late April, your sexual side will almost pulse with life. Same period, you might “gamble” impulsively on various investments. Go slow, think first. Better March/April than Jan./Feb. Home is sweet until Feb. 4. Spend the next two weeks envisioning/planning for a huge wave of relationship, relocation, and public or general opportunities — these are already “in the cards,” but are on hold until February 4, the same day a streak of love luck begins! After Feb. 4, these zones will burst with good luck until early June. Sunday’s good, Monday’s bad, for social joys. Lie low, meditate, contemplate and plan, Tuesday (difficult) Wednesday (productive) and Thursday (wild, lucky, “left field” stuff.) Your energy and charisma soar Fri./Sat. Be practical, overcome obstacles.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Income, buying/selling, rote learning, perhaps intimacy with a BFF — these fill the weeks ahead, Cap. Others will be fiery, impatient, even aggressive, now through late April, so be diplomatic, de-escalate quarrels. The same vibe could bring you a fiery, exciting lover/partner, but maybe too exciting. Friends are affectionate. You still have the gift of gab, so use it! (A huge workload is coming, Feb. to June, so get ready.) Sun./Mon. are for ambition, career, prestige relations and worldly status. Sunday’s great — show off your talents. But Monday’s a swamp of errors or opposition: go slow. Happiness, flirting, popularity and social delights, entertainment and optimism fill Tuesday breakfast to Thursday night. Tuesday might be a little awkward, but Wed. flows nicely. Thursday is wild, much good luck, and a couple of strong obstacles — but it ends with love, success, friendship. Retreat to quietude Fri./Sat. Rest, contemplate and plan. You might spy a “perfect partner” Sat.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

This is your time, Aquarius! Now to late February you will be at a yearly high in energy, charisma, and effectiveness. It’s a good time to start new projects, gain allies, to state your case and to seek favors. Depending on your age, you will become very ambitious over the next two decades. If you’re old enough, you went through a similar ambition influence in 1983-95, except now (to 2044) you’re in charge (unlike the 80’s-90’s). Closer in time, your money picture looks good until Feb. 4. Work and health will be hectic, need energy and attention now to late April. Cure heartburn, if applicable. Secrets, or gov’t communications, continue, but only to Jan. 27. Soon, February will open the doors (through June) to a major romance, creative project, invention or pleasure experience. Perhaps biggest in a decade, maybe two. Plan ahead. Fix your wardrobe, etc. Sunday/Monday are for intellectual expansion, law, learning, far travel, and gentle love. Sunday’s great, Monday’s frustrating. Be ambitious Tuesday breakfast (PST) to Thursday night. Tuesday’s tough — climb thru obstacles — and Wednesday’s productive. Thursday is filled with good and bad aspects — it looks like you succeed in the end, especially if it’s a money issue. Wishes can come true Fri./Sat., but this interval of hope, social joys and flirtation needs some care Fri. night to Sat. morning.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

A month of quietude, rest, contemplation, charity, planning, and liaising with gov’t and “head office” greets you, Pisces. You often like being alone, time to recover from the social or business race. Your solitude might be broken by a “suitor,” as you remain physically attractive until February. 4, and your romance sector is “on fire” until late April. (A planned or suggested “union” might not occur before March, tho. That’s okay, even better than earlier.) While you’re planning, keep an eye on real estate and your “home ambitions” — February to June will offer the best real estate luck in over a decade. Someone might bring good news. Sunday/Monday are for secrets, revelations, sexual lust, power lust, medical decisions, lifestyle options, and major finances. Sunday’s great for these, Monday’s awful. Your intellectual side blossoms Tuesday breakfast (PST) to Thursday night — far travel, foreign born people, law, higher learning, stats, science, social rituals and gentle love hover around you. Pick one and pursue it. Caution Tues., when man-woman friction might exist. Wednesday, march ahead. Thursday, a dramatic climax of love, travel, opinion, challenge, argument — and a happy ending! Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — that’s the only way you’ll find a winning path.





I have a feeling the (U.S.) Democrats will lose the next (2028) presidential election.


About a year ago, a female Scorpio client told me that she was hanging onto bitcoin because it would hit $100,000 some day.  She was sure of that. I wasn’t sure at all. Well now it’s kudos to her as bitcoin hits that six figures! Scorpios are one of the best financial/investment signs.


Mars is retrograde in Cancer until late February. Men will need cuddling and reassuring; their self confidence will be low.


This might be kind of Gormly of me, but I was just thinking about my prediction in 1984 that Vancouver would burn in 2023, 24 or 25. So far, nothing. But perhaps my eyes were crossed at the time, and the city was Los Angeles, not Vancouver! Well, that’s my best effort at trying to claim something from a kiboshed forecast.


Last week or the week before I discussed how the belief that love is the engine of  life is actually true, as our earthly existence and the objects around us are “solid” (or liquid or gas) because the atoms/molecules cling so tightly to each other. In other words, these tiny elements are attracted to each other. Attraction IS love. (These particles cling more loosely in liquids, and even more loosely in gases, but the process is the same.)

So we all live in a sort of ecstasy of attraction. Trees, plants, Sun, Moon, animals, humans, we all live in a slow, slow, gradual ecstasy. Just look at the trees: their branches are lifted toward heaven in a slow dance of delight. Of course there are breaks and splits, crises, explosions, hatred, war —  but even in hatred there’s a kind of love. (Hatred often arises from rejection — the opposite of love/attraction.) Additionally, there must be disruptions, because without dynamism nothing would exist.


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