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My email: suningem@gmail.com
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START NOTHING: 5:13 pm to 10:27 pm Sunday, 8:16 pm Tuesday to 5:39 am Wednesday, and 7:17 pm Thursday to 9:40 am Friday.
(It’s a long one — the Weekly Forecasts are below.)
ALL SIGNS: The Sun entered Aquarius last Friday. Until February 18, our lives will tend to veer toward Aquarian things (or toward what Aquarius represents for us — e.g., ambition for Taurus, travel and profound thoughts for Gemini, romance for Libra, domesticity for Scorpio, etc.). But these are the very things that hold subtle traps for us this year. So in your Weekly Forecasts below, I list both the “interests” of the weeks ahead, and (hopefully, unless I missed your sign) I also caution you to go slow in the same zones. I think the best approach is to handle these things but without delving deeply into them, or committing a lot of time, money or effort. In other words, don’t tie your wagon to this star, this year.
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NATIONS whose names begin with “B” or “I” will suffer upheavals from 2018 to 2025. To a lesser degree, so will nations whose names begin with “Q,” “K,” or a hard “C” (with a “k” sound — e.g., Cathy, Carmel, Canada).
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“A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero but one,” says Shakespeare… But a contemplator lives a thousand lives.
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Mathematics — Numbers in general, even in algebra and quantum physics — are too crude and clumsy. Math simply cannot match Nature’s subtlety or precision. Pi is an example of math’s failure. In the future — though I don’t know when — measuring a person’s worth, and all transactions, will involve, I think, colour or light waves. (If not colour, it will be some other subtle, non-math measure.) We will not get to the stars based on mathematics.
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Back in December or November, can’t remember, I advised holding or selling stocks, but not buying. However, I added that if Trump’s tax plan went through, the Dow would add another 1,000 points or so. The tax plan was made law, and that higher level has been achieved. Now I don’t know what to say. If I stick to the prediction, we should sell or hold now. But I’m not sure. Logic says sell/hold. But my feelings are optimistic. So you’ll have to steer your own way: I can’t be sure right now.
Economic outlook for next 28 years: Sorry, too much here, so I’ll tackle it next column.
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BODY LANGUAGE: Rachel Maddow, the MSNBC anchor, blinks about 3 times per second — an extremely rapid rate. What does it mean? Watch her, then you decide.
Trump, when he was with Norway’s Prime Minister and began talking about his (possible/ probable) interrogation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, crossed his arms over his chest, a sign of defence, or self-protection. Does that mean he’s guilty? Maybe. But Mueller, rightly or wrongly, has been accused of leading people into harmless lies, then charging them with perjury. I’d be afraid, even if I was innocent. Mueller, as I said before, is tainted by bad associates (e.g., Hillary, Strzok, Comey, Ohr, etc.) or is slightly dirty with unsavoury motives — until May/18, when he “recovers” his moral equilibrium. Perhaps the investigation will wrap up at that time?
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Steve Bannon, who stabbed Trump in the back, is a Sagittarian. Trump’s lunar south node (bad karma) is in Sagittarius. He should never link seriously to anyone from this sign.
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NEXT WEEK: Predictions for the 2,000 years ahead.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
A stretch of happiness awaits you, Aries, now to late Feb. Wishes might come true, your popularity rises, and your future looks bright. But proceed carefully, as a wish might promise more than it delivers. Or you might act on optimism, and pursue a mirage, or a project too big for you. Realize you’re in a phase that brings big rewards for deep commitment, deep investigation and action. Wishful thinking could interfere with this deeper stuff. That said, why reject happiness? So my advice is, enjoy the affection others (especially females) will shower on you; laugh, have fun, issue and accept invitations — but don’t push hard in this direction: let come what comes. (E.g., a swim party, great, everyone in the pool! But to think, “I’ll go to Moneybag’s party because I might make some good contacts there“ — that won’t work. Don’t attach ambition’s goals to your socializing, or traps begin to form. (This advice lasts to Nov., but is stronger now and Feb.)
Lie low, relax Sunday. A fine, easy day — you might find a good investment (or be tempted by a potential tryst). Your energy soars Mon. to pre-dawn Tuesday (PST). Do chase your ambitions until noon Tues., but don’t try to push others around: they hold the cards right now. Tuesday pm is packed with fun — friends, even new ones, gather ‘round. Chase money, buy/sell Wed. dawn to Fri. morning. Thursday’s lucky! Friday too, in the pm. Friday starts 7 weeks of understanding, love, far travel — but avoid legal matters if possible. Errands, contacts, travel Fri./Sat. Saturday’s disruptive — drive carefully.
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
The four weeks ahead emphasize ambition, mingling with VIPs, career, and worldly standing, community reputation. Go slow in this area, Taurus. Before you act, ask yourself: “Is this realistic? Am I being TOTALLY honest and ethical? Am I seeking too much?” If your answers are good, proceed. This advice holds to Nov., but is strongest now to Feb. 18. In ambitions, now is the time to receive and otherwise cool your jets, rather than push. DO NOT change careers or employers. Sunday is for fun, sports and flirting. To bed early, though, and remain restful until Wed. dawn. (If you can — you seem to grow restless, “antsy,” Tues. pm. — don’t chase the wrong goal!) Your energy and pizzazz returns Wed. dawn (PST) to Fri. morn — get out, start things, see and be seen.
Thursday’s great — you could meet a special person, make a lucky contact, start a love bond, have a fortunate relocation idea, or grab a (lucrative) opportunity. Chase money, shop, Fri./Sat. Friday’s better — sensual interludes or affectionate dealings in the pm. Saturday’s disruptive — ethics fight ambitions. Drive carefully. Friday begins 7 weeks of strong impulse — to invest, to research, and/or to enjoy sex. These areas need cool thought, but can be a natural extension of this super-lucky relationship year (2018).
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
The month ahead features mental expansion, higher learning, far travel, international news/affairs, social/cultural, legal and media involvement. You love this stuff, and if you’re a student, scholar, lawyer, writer, etc., this becomes a productive, pleasant time. BUT — don’t expect any big rewards, and don’t carry an ambitious agenda involving these influences. Neither cause nor join lawsuits. This advice holds to Nov., but is strongest now to Feb. 18th. What keeps you safe? Morals, ethics and humility. You could fall in love or wed in the weeks ahead, but your main good luck, all 2018, exists in work, health improvements (get that cataract surgery!) and machinery. Love will be best Nov. 2018 to Dec. 2019.
Sunday’s for ambition, neighbourhood status — you’ll be pleased with your rep! Late this night to pre-dawn Wed. (PST) your popularity rises, flirtation makes your heart soar, and your future looks bright! Take care Tues. morn (alienation) — but this eve could bring a new friend, love attraction or computer purchase. Before committing, look at the long-range picture. Retreat, rest and contemplate Wed. morn to Fri. morn. Wednesday’s a bit trying, but Thurs.’s filled with “quiet luck” — great time to contact gov’t, seek charity or spirit, approach an advisor, or hire an agent. Your energy and charisma leap upward Fri./Sat. You might attract an admirer Friday eve/night. Saturday’s slightly disruptive — DO NOT buy computers, other machinery. Friday begins 7 weeks of intense relations — make love, not war.
CANCER: June 21-July 22
The four weeks ahead emphasize the deeper and more private things of life. If you have a partner, you both will “get into” family finances, mutual investments, lifestyle changes, possible health exigencies. You might have a wee sexual renaissance. (If you’re the right age, pregnancy is possible now.) If you’re unattached, the same themes arise, but the investments will be your own, and sexual attraction could start an affair. In all the foregoing, Cancer, three things are essential: caution/slowness to commit, high ethical/moral standards, and research. After telling you all this, I have to add that traps might lurk in all this; you could make a great-looking investment that doesn’t prove out, or join yourself to a lustful affair with a married person (which always ends badly). So be an angel, be innocent! (2018 is your super year for romance — diving into a lustful affair will prevent that great romance.)
Sunday brings profound thoughts, understanding, perhaps gentle love. Ambition and prestige relations fill Mon./Tues. It’s hard to agree, get along, Tues. morning. Tuesday pm — those temptations indicated above. Happiness, optimism, popularity — these arrive Wed./Thurs. Thursday’s splendid — you could meet a new love, or shine up an ongoing one. In all matters, propose and agree. Retreat for a wee rest Fri./Sat. Contact the gov’t, agents or advisors, Friday. Good results. But handle Saturday with caution — words could dent your good reputation, or alienate a boss. Friday begins 7 weeks of hard work, and career rewards. (But remember, career is not your strong suit this year, so don’t sacrifice romance, adventure, creativity, sports or fun — these ARE your luck source to Nov.)
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
Relationships and their offshoots — relocation, negotiations and agreements, litigation, fame, opportunities and challenges, friends and enemies — fill the four weeks ahead, Leo. Don’t bend over backwards to relate. All year to Nov., you are better off acting independently, and ignoring unsolicited advice from others. So examine the opportunities and options that arise until late Feb. before acting on them. Remember, your great luck this year resides in home, family, real estate, nature, rest and humility. If you’re single, a prospect that arrives (before Nov. 8/18) is likely to disappoint you after a bond has formed. (There is a rare exception to this: if another person falls into your lap, scoops you up and “marries” you before you know it, then all is well. This person is destined. But any unforeseen delays, or challenges that must be overcome, are a warning signal.)
Friday begins 7 weeks of romantic intensity, courage and magnetism. This could be good or bad, depending on my foregoing words. Sunday’s sexy and fruitful in financial zones. Charge ahead! A more thoughtful, profound mood steals over you Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. (PST). Far travel, legal and cultural affairs, intellectual pursuits, love and publishing — all meet obstacles until Tues. morning, could succeed after that. Ambition calls Wed. morn to Friday morn. Charge ahead here, whether in career, community involvements, etc. — especially during a bountiful, splendid Thurs. Happiness, social joys, flirtations and optimism fill Fri./Sat. Friday night’s good, but Sat.’s disruptive. Drive (or dive) carefully.
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Now to late Feb., Virgo, much work will flow your way. Maintain good health — eat, dress sensibly. Your busyness will be relieved somewhat by friendly contacts, conversations, short trips, etc. But listen, Virgo: though you “love” work, especially hands-on work, this entire year will tend to reduce your rewards for this. (So don’t become a slave to your kids, boss, etc. In addition, avoid over-use of OTC medications.) On the other hand, delegating tasks, dipping deeper into management — and/or dealing with the gov’t — can inexplicably boost you forward and upward. So do the tasks you have to, without volunteering for more — this month ahead, and all year.
Sunday brings splendid relationships and investment opportunities. Monday/Tues. also focus on investments, big finances, debt — and sexual desires — but these are problematical to Tues. morn. Monday daytime and Tues. pm bring smoother progress. Intellectual, international, cultural, legal and travel pursuits arise Wed./Thurs. Wednesday might hold a glitch or two, but Thurs. blossoms with bountiful luck — charge ahead! Career, ambition, prestige relations head for success Fri., but meet disruption Sat. Friday begins 7 weeks of intensity on the home front. You might argue, but you also might have way more sex than usual, and/or buy real estate. If the latter, DON’T move into a new residence before March 18.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Sweet romantic notions will come to you for the next few weeks, Libra. Realize that: 1) romance might promise more than it delivers; or 2) romance might lead you into unprofitable places or dead-ends. Ditto for pleasure, self-indulgence, beauty, children’s upbringing, creative and gambling urges — accept what comes without intently chasing anything. Usually, at this time of year, risk will yield reward; but this time, risk is simply risk. This applies to early Nov., but is most significant now through Feb. On the plus side, you will feel pleasure, see beauty, and feel creative or romantic, anyway. A hugely enjoyable few weeks! Just don’t obsess.
Tackle chores Sun. — you’ll succeed. (And someone might help.) Relationships fill Mon./Tues. Interactions are dicey Thurs. morning, but turn pleasant, even exciting, Tues. pm. Wednesday dawn to Fri. morning brings deeper things: secrets, mysteries, sexual intimacy, health exigencies, financial openings, investments, debt, lifestyle changes and research. These might encounter a couple of obstacles Wed., but succeed beautifully Thurs. — march forth this day, commit to something worthwhile, with profitable prospects. Friday’s great for far travel, intellectual pursuits, gentle love, social rituals and cultural explorations, media and law — and Sat. is not (too disruptive, unpredictable). Friday begins 7 weeks of intense and hectic communications, contacts, errands and short trips, media and details. Be curious, ask questions. Someone you meet/communicate with in these 7 weeks might become a “partner” later. Even more, this is a good 7 weeks to talk to and/or travel with your partner or spouse.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
The month ahead accents security, foundations, real estate, your home, family, Mother Nature, garden, landscaping, repairs, renovations, your stomach, soul, and relaxation. This is a time to see where you are, where you’ve come from, and where you want to go. It’s also a time to prune your social tree — cut out people and situations that have grown stale; welcome new beginnings. Embrace the family, hold an informal reunion, start getting the garden ready, etc. In business, pay attention to sales territory. BUT, Scorpio, give all these matters their due, and no more. I.e., don’t buy real estate, and don’t focus on home as much as career or your outside life — crucially this month ahead, but to a significant degree all year to November.
Sunday is for romance, beauty, pleasure and a bit of a gamble. Tackle chores Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. (PST). Eat and dress sensibly. Monday’s fairly productive, but a small, hidden glitch exists. Tuesday holds surprises, but is good for working on the home. (If you encounter odd obstacles, quit quickly.) Relationships, relocation, fame, opportunities, agreements and disagreements — these fill Wed. morn to Fri. morn. Thursday stands out — your luck soars, so seek some agreement, seek a mate, etc. Co-operate, be eager to join. Mysteries and sex, finances and research, commitment and consequence (and perhaps medical procedures) face you Fri./Sat. Act on these Fri., avoid them (and commitment) Sat. Friday begins 7 weeks of “money flow” — much more will come in, but everyone will say, “Give me some!” Bank what you can.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
On Friday, Mars will enter your sign for 7 weeks. You will be determined, impatient, quick to lose your temper — and sexually magnetic, ultra-romantic, and courageous. Be gentle, especially with kids. If single, you are almost certain to chase someone — and land ‘em. But it won’t get you precisely where you want to be. Best approach: enjoy, without building a life on it. Remember, you’re in a quiet, relatively secluded year — with this brief romantic break. If you’re married, be faithful — channel this energy into sports, creative projects or children’s affairs.
The immediate month ahead features errands, communications, short trips, paperwork, and friendly contacts. Don’t become tied up in these things — do what’s necessary, but not more. (E.g., don’t start a new mail-out or media project.) This advice holds until November. Be home or in nature Sun. — a splendid day. Romance, creative and speculative urges arise Mon./Tues. Best after noon Tues. Dive into chores and/or health concerns Wed,/Thurs. Wednesday holds a few very minor obstacles, but Thurs. is great — you’ll get loads done. Good day to buy machinery or tools or “working animals.” Relationships face you Fri./Sat. Friday’s fine, but Sat. might cause disruption or a sudden break-off with someone. Careful with tools, cars, and romance.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
The month ahead features money, earnings, buying and selling, possessions, rote learning, and sensual attractions/affairs. None of these will “pay off” over the long term, so do what’s necessary here, without expanding your involvement or committing to big things. Buy groceries but not a car. This advice lasts until early November — and has a “wrinkle”: buying investments is actually favoured, same period. So are pregnancy, starting/growing a business, and research, as opposed to rote learning. Don’t accept “facts” — dig down to find your own information. And remember, 2018 is your lucky social year. A major wish, perhaps a friendship or love wish, will come true. But it’s not a big money year, even in “good” money zones.
Sunday’s for contacts, calls, visits, errands and paperwork. A good day — all runs smoothly. Steer toward home and family Mon./Tues. You might be pressed into laying out money on the home front Tues. Sweet romance, beauty, pleasure, sports, speculation and creative urges fill Wed./Thurs. Minor but real obstacles Wed., great luck Thurs. — charge ahead! Tackle chores Fri./Sat. Success Fri., but take care Sat., when disruptions arise (from family/home?). Practice safety with tools, driving, etc. Now to March 17, avoid belligerent people and dangerous places.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
The few weeks ahead boost your energy, charisma and effectiveness. You’ll be the leader, the one people’s eyes go to when they wonder what to do. Get out, make contacts, seek favours — and offer favours! Use your elevated attractiveness and energy to seek and form bonds, pursue agreements, to relocate, seek valuable advice, or to handle/welcome public exposure. Don’t turn to independence, focus on yourself, or work alone — this advice lasts until early November.
Chase money Sunday, especially through career. Errands, paperwork, communications and short trips fill Mon./Tues. Be nimble, as glitches mix with progress. Steer your thoughts, yourself, toward home and family Wed./Thurs. Security, landscaping, family discussions or cures, nature, gardening, repairs, renovations, planning the kids’ futures — these run into mild obstacles Wed., but succeed superbly Thursday. Act/start accordingly. Romance, sweet pleasure, beauty, creative and speculative urges, sports, games and children — these awaken your heart Fri./Sat. Act Friday, as Sat. holds disruptions, refusals. Friday begins 7 weeks of popularity, social joys, optimism, entertainment and possible friendly romance. You could meet love on a bus, train, plane. A wish about travel or communications might come true. (E.g., you finally sell that short story.)
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
Retreat from the stage during the month ahead, Pisces. Seek quietude, practise meditation, contemplation, yoga. Visit an advisor, counsellor, psychic or astrologer. Make friends with civil servants. Be charitable. If broke, you can easily access charity. Rest, pamper your health. The rest and recuperation you get now will serve you well from late Feb. onward (well into 2019) as both love and ambition will encounter lucky, significant but demanding times. HOWEVER, don’t sink so far into rest, withdrawal, etc. that you harm your outside interests. If civil servants help you, good. If they put up subtle barriers, walk away. (This advice holds until Nov.)
Your energy and charisma remain high Sun. — good time to combine legalities or travel with money/earnings. (E.g., sign an employment contract.) Chase money Mon. (good after mid-morn, PST) and Tues. (only good after noon — and connected, perhaps, to gov’t aid, insurance, big companies or “head office”). Errands, trips, calls, messages and paperwork fill Wed. (iffy) and Thurs. (splendid, lucky). Your home and family call Fri./Sat. Friday’s fine, brings warmth and harmony, and garden delights (in you’re in warm climes). Good day to start renovations, repairs, landscaping, install security monitors, give the kids a pep talk, etc. But Sat. holds disruptions, possible family squalls, so proceed gently. Friday begins 7 weeks in which bosses and VIPs (including judges) will be impatient and temperamental, so step lightly and keep your sense of humour. On the plus side, these 7 weeks could steer you and/or our career) into “money channels.”