Astrology forecast: this is the 2018 Annual Forecast.
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My email: suningem@gmail.com
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START NOTHING: Before 4:14 am Sunday, 8:12 am to 12:05 pm Tuesday, and 6:53 am to 11:04 pm Thursday.
I’ll be giving a talk Jan. 9 in Vancouver, partly about my Pluto theories, and partly as a Q & A session. It’s at 7 pm at the Maritime Museum in Kitsilano. Not a big thing, I’m just mentioning it here in case you want to see me. The room holds about 50-75 people. For info, you can phone Gordi of the Questor’s organization at 604-773-7706. I think they’re charging $10.
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This week, instead of the weekly forecasts, I’m giving a Yearly Forecast for 2018, for each sign.
Seven years ago the Arab Spring changed Middle East politics, brought ISIS, Libya, the Egyptian revolt. That Spring just ended; now we enter 7 years of “Crypto-Currency Spring” — banks worldwide will face upheaval. In another, more subtle inflection, the last 3 years have brought a crumbling of hierarchies — e.g., Brexit, or Trump’s shock-waves hitting the swamp of Washington. The next 3 years will rebuild and strengthen hierarchies. Governments will stabilize.
Crypto-currencies will cause a major adjustment for national economies and central banks. Beware bank stocks. The stock markets look fine, but don’t expect a lot of upside from recent peaks.
In 2018, research, technology and medical pursuits will take a giant step forward. (As usual — but more so.) Medicine and deep space progress most. New revelations from the ocean depths.
Kim Jong Un keeps inching toward his ambitious goal, but in ways calculated not to push the U.S. over the edge. Nothing in the “stars” indicates a U.S. war. However, at least two “mass-death” events occur in 2018, and one might be nuclear. (Though smaller events are likely.) If there is a larger peninsular war, Russia, rather than China, will fight the U.S.
Trump will be volatile and martial in Jan./Feb. He might also be tempted into war from May to November — but he should not. Bad consequences.
Justin Trudeau will enjoy an upbeat, popular year.
Catalonia will engage in 7+ years of resistance. It will centre in Barcelona.
Fashion will revisit Goth and blatantly sexual themes. The new magic realism — Fargo, Bloodlines, Good Behaviour — will become the ruling style in tv.
All of us should avoid starting new projects and/or relationships from March 22 to April 15, July 25 to August 18, and November 16 to December 6.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
2018 holds major changes, Aries. It ends 3 years of mental dullness and restrictions in travel, intellectual and cultural areas, and begins 3 years of steady, determined career climbing. In May, a 7-year-long, unpredictable, electric influence enters your earnings and money sign. In 2018, this paradigm will be unlucky if you chase earnings, but superbly fortunate in investments, research and sex. You could make an investment in 2018 that ensures your financial security for decades. You can make great strides in debt reduction, partnership or family finances, and retirement plans. To succeed, act before November in psychological and emotional areas, in research, occultism, medical matters, or life style changes.
Young couples can become pregnant. Singles feel deep sexual attractions — a “monied partner” might be involved. Make sure any prospective lover isn’t already attached. Deep romance good; playing the field, bad results. Aries of any age might receive an inheritance. You can access information that is not widely available. This might bring you big bucks, or entrance to the corridors of power.
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
This is a huge year, Taurus. You might marry someone who owns a treasure or partner in business with Mr./Ms. Moneybags. Your good fortune will come from relating, co-operating, grabbing opportunities, negotiating, possibly relocating, and meeting the public (whether you’re a sales clerk or a rock star). Go out from yourself to the “other.”
May begins 7 years of strong career focus — but it isn’t a lucky focus before November. Don’t push higher-ups nor change careers. Garden, hike, practice yoga, etc. to reduce stress. A sabbatical could prove very fortunate.
Work hard in school, travel, law, cultural venues and media. What you learn this year might open the doors to a windfall in 2019.
Love blossoms with joyous physical and emotional trysts. Unhappy couples might split. Relationships are intense January through March. Avoid legal problems this spring. Bosses are impatient May to October, so do your best and keep your sense of humour. Love is sweet in July. September through December brings an important love decision, involving a suave, sweet person possessing hidden depths.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
Expect tons of work this year, Gemini — and the money rewards that follow. A co-worker romance is possible, especially September to December. You have just ended three years of sluggishness in relationships. If single, you might have already formed a love bond with someone of another generation. Now through 2020, you will explore new depths in sexual, investment, research and medical zones. Choose slow, stable investments. Health-wise, protect your knees, bones, teeth, gums, genitals and skin now to 2020.
It’s a good year for communications, memorizing, and sensual events, but a poor time for lawsuits, international travel, and cultural pursuits.
Your career and prestige continue to grow stronger, despite your doubts. More normal types filter into your social life, replacing the odd, unusual people of the last seven years. You’re ready to settle down or buy a home, but wait until 2019.
Relationships intensify February/March, in love and practical areas. Your sexual drives heat up mid-March to mid-May. Sweet romance could arrive in August. Be brave, honest in love all year.
CANCER: June 21-July 22
Expect superb luck in love, creative projects, risky speculations, raising/teaching children, and the pursuit of pleasure. You’re riding a winning streak! Romance moves into intimate zones mid-January into February. From March to May relationships grow intense, could end in love or war. From May to November, a series of events propels you into commitment, sexual intimacy, and perhaps financial intertwining. You might break a bond, or fall into disputes, August/ September.
You have endured 3 years of hard work and possible health complaints. These end now, as you start 3 years of serious, sober relationships. This is “marriage time” for singles. You might find love with someone much older or younger.
Your mental world continues to flow with health and inspiration. Your intuition is climbing. Until May, career and prestige relations will benefit from research and investments, and might be affected by sexual lures. Be honest, impervious to temptation. May ends 7 years of tension and stress in your career, and begins 7 years of unpredictable, sometimes madcap social delights. You will be accepted by “heavy” types.
LEO: July 23-August 22
Your home and family burst with 2018 luck! All Leos will benefit from real estate transactions, family reunions and family therapy (if needed). Pregnancy, gardening, landscaping, renovations, finding a better home, upgrading security, revising diets, ensuring your kids’ futures — all meet fortunate results.
You are blessed, until November, with calmness, good morals, and wisdom. However, you might attract people who are unwise, immoral, or temporarily “jinxed.” Until November, avoid diving into new associations, contracts, dealings with the public, or relocation. To succeed, trust your own ideas and decisions.
May begins 7 years of excitement in your career, prestige relations and worldly standing. For these 7 years, your advancement will be linked to partnerships, contracts, relocation, etc. — the very things you should avoid before November. So wait, plan ahead. You have just begun a 3-year phase of hard work — and solid results. Protect your bones, teeth, gum and knees all year. This is an excellent investment year.
Love is strong in February, March (sexy) and December. Relations grow very intense May to November. Make love, not war!
VIRGO: August 23-September 22
You’ll be busy in 2018, Virgo. You’ll jump into calls, emails, paperwork, visits, short trips and discussion groups. Keep a running “To Do” list. Work will swirl with vigorous speed May through November. Make sure you get proper rest and nutrition. You like to perform tasks yourself. But this year, your skills in management, administration and government zones are high — and progress lies in this direction.
After 3 years of dullness and false starts, you now enter 3 solid years of romantic progress. Singles could meet their true love, most likely this year or 2020. A dreamy, illogical person (not at all like you) could be your true mate. Passion is most likely in January, March (challenging but lively) late spring, and deep summer, when your romantic courage is high. These times could propel romance into sex very quickly and strongly. Attraction and anger mingle November/ December.
May begins seven years of mental alertness. Your employment might increasingly involve mental work and/or international travel/contacts. Your understanding of computers will soar. Stress-related illnesses tend to disappear.
LIBRA: September 23-October 22
Your income soars in 2018, Libra. You might purchase an important item (car, house, diamond, etc.). Your money luck will be tied to communications, travel (e.g., distribution) and light, swift contacts/meetings.
Your popularity grows smoothly until November. Friendly flirtations will satisfy you more than a heavy infatuation. This might not seem true when a powerful attraction arrives May to November. It looks like true love, and contains strong hints of marriage. But step slowly here, Libra. If you encounter unsettling volatility, delays or unexpected obstacles, turn away from this potential bond.
May ends 7 years of unpredictable, exciting but stressful relationships, in love and business. Now this unpredictability enters your realm of investments, assets, investigations and lust. Financial disruption might occur this spring/summer: be steady. In work and health matters, exercise your intuition.
Your home has been a quiet problem for almost a decade. This continues to 2024. But now through 2020, you have a chance to sculpt a solid, restful home, and to solve those problems. (Anything from mice to mayhem, garden, children, etc.)
SCORPIO: October 23-November 21
This is your year, Scorpio! You’ll be cheerful, popular, energetic, effective — and lucky! Seek new vistas and faces. Start big projects. Look for monetary opportunities — these pay off now, but even more in 2019.
Your career follows a mellow, easy and fruitful path until November. (If you want to change careers or employers, this is a good time to leap.) For the same 11 months, avoid real estate buying/selling. Construction, renovations, repairs, family trips, etc. lure you but contain hidden flaws. Be gentle on the home front.
Romance, creative and speculative urges, and raising/teaching children will please you immensely in 2018. This year and next, you’ll be tempted to start a sensual affair. May triggers 7 years of unpredictable relationships, so it will be easy to slam a door on a budding love — perhaps too easy. Don’t be so friendly and cheerful that you breeze right by someone special!
Seven years of health-affecting stress end now. Communications and short travel will be a little slower in 2018: plan ahead; structure your words.
SAGITTARIUS: November 22-December 21
2018 is not the best time to chase applause, romance or attention. But it’s perfect for shucking off useless burdens, fears, childhood traumas, and other stale restrictions. Examine your whole life, then make plans; be spiritual, charitable. Best domestic approach? Sympathy. Government agencies, institutions, agents and advisors will treat you generously.
A sober, serious pall dampened your usually buoyant personality the last 3 years. That’s over. For the next 3 years, your cheerfulness will rise but your money will need care. Spend conservatively. (By 2020, money will pour in!) You can land a more solid, durable job or income situation.
A romantic February/March might lead to a physical affair this spring through late summer. Don’t mistake sexual ease for long-term lovability. For 7 years your love life has been casual, unpredictable and changeful. Now work, not love, will become unpredictable — but also busy, fun, and filled with people. From May 2018 to 2024, reduce stress with relaxation techniques, gardening, yoga, etc.
Don’t let constant short trips and waves of phone calls waste your time.
CAPRICORN: December 22-January 19
Your wishes come true in 2018, Cap. Your popularity rises, you feel more solid and assured in your direction. Social joys and flirtations could lead, May onward, to a powerful yet unpredictable love affair. To escape intense love, you might chase a sexy but boring person— but this leads nowhere. You attract others early in the year. Beware aggressive people February/March. Your sexual magnetism soars late spring and August/September.
Much money comes to you May to November, but expenses can also soar, so be alert, cautious. a trap or “consequence” could lurk. Much money will come to you during these periods, but save as much as you can — you could outspend even this increase. All year, focus on investments, your business, or “mutual assets” rather than on personal income. The last impedes, the others offer wisdom and success.
You’re halfway through a long change in your goals and social circle. People and groups who enter your sphere in 2018 can become life-long bonds. You feel solid, mature and capable.
May ends 7 years of domestic upheaval.
AQUARIUS: January 20-February 18
Your luck soars to a decade high in career, worldly standing and prestige relations this year, Aquarius. Bosses, parents and authorities favour you until November. You could marry the boss’ son or daughter!
All year, you’ll have a smooth path if you go out to others, form bonds, seek advice, relocate, and deal with the public. You’ll hobble yourself if you act independently or selfishly.
Love is not a major force in 2018, but “friendly romance” touches you February/March. Sweet feelings May/June, and a very good person in deep summer. You’ll be assertive and sexually magnetic May to November — be gentle, too. Beware belligerent people and read emails twice before sending March to May, and August/September. 2018 ends 3 years of social sluggishness, and begins 3 years of general good fortune — and increased dealings with gov’t or “head office.”
Your income rises from career efforts and/or legal awards. May begins 7 years of significant home-related events. Your domestic sphere will grow lively and unpredictable. Your home will fill with friends.
PISCES: February 19-March 20
You’re going places this year, Pisces — even to other continents. Success comes in education, publishing/media, advertising, video, and in legal, cultural and intellectual pursuits. What you learn in 2018 (from any source) will open the door to a lucky career boost in 2019.
Amour is beautifully favoured. Love isn’t really romantic now; it’s mature, gentle, accepting, and can lead to a wedding. Friends gather January to May, and again in deep summer. A flirtatious but seriously intimate person might pursue you aggressively, even using money as a “sweetener.” July’s passionate. The autumn raises many “sweet dilemmas” — questions, delays and yearnings.
Careful February/March, when bosses or authorities grow impatient. Avoid belligerent people May through November. This period helps you hatch a money plan that you’ll implement in 2019. All year, step lightly in management or with bureaucratic types. Take a hands-on approach to your job.
Your social life slows and stabilizes, allowing you to catch your breath and decide who you really want to be with. Other generations play an affectionate role. Health? No worries.